August 8, 1993
Location: Dandenong foothills, Australia
August 1993, 27-year-old Kelly Cahill, her husband and
three children were driving home after a visit to a friend's
house. After midnight, the Cahills first noticed the lights
of a rounded craft with windows around it. It silently
hovered above the road. Different colored lights were
clearly visible on the bottom of the object.

Artistic reconstruction of event by Chris Jones (Credit:
Bill Chalker)

Kelly Cahill pointing to abductino location (Credit: UFO
Bill Chalker, International UFO Reporter, Sept/Oct 1994,
Vol 19, No 5
Bill Chalker, International UFO Reporter, Sept/Oct 1994,
Vol 19, No 5
a scientist, I am always aware of the maxim that extraordinary
claims require extraordinary evidence. To date, mainstream
UFO events have revealed some compelling evidence for
their physical reality. The challenge for researchers
has always been to determine if that evidence is consistent
with an alien reality. Comparable evidence to support
the reality of abduction events has been lacking or relatively
my two decades of research into Australian abduction claims,
it has been difficult not to hold the position that abduction
cases have perhaps told me more about the human condition
than they have about UFOs. What follows, however, is a
report on an affair which may amount to evidence for a
reality behind abduction reports.
Cahill, a 27-year-old housewife and mother of three children,
is a pivotal figure in a remarkable episode which may
have much to tell experiencers and researchers alike.
She contacted me on October 4, 1993, seeking assistance
in understanding a bizarre experience she underwent near
the outer Melbourne suburban housing estate of Narre Warren
North, in the foothills of the Dandenongs, Victoria, between
Belgrave and Fountain Gate, during the early hours of
August 8, 1993.
told me that apart from her husband with her in their
car, she was aware of another vehicle farther down the
hill from their own position. That car contained at least
two persons, a man and a woman. She paid little heed to
them at the time because she and her husband had their
attention riveted on a massive UFO which had landed in
the field opposite them.
Kelly lived in Victoria and I live in New South Wales,
I passed details of Kelly's experience on to John Auchettl
of Phenomena Research Australia (PRA) and urged Kelly
to contact him. PRA got on the case immediately.
November 17, PRA had located the man and woman Kelly had
seen that night. It turned out that the couple also had
a friend (a woman) with them. These witnesses took Auchettl
to the encounter site, to a spot consistent with Kelly's
description. The group's drawings of the UFO and entities
also closely coincide with Kelly's.
we have a striking situation. Two groups of persons, unknown
to each other, have witnessed the same UFO encounter and
entities. They also experienced missing time, and each
group has been available to competent investigators. Independent
witnesses have provided information which enable cross-checking
and correlations to reveal a remarkable amount of similar
information. The result is a compelling case for the reality
of the strange events described. The ontological status
of the events is further strengthened by a range of apparently
related physical traces, including ground traces, a magnetic
anomaly, and effects on some of the witnesses.
is perhaps even more extraordinary about this case is
that the second group described seeing yet another car
parked farther back down from them. In it was (it appeared)
one male who seemed to be gazing fixedly toward the encounter
site. So we have the situation of three cars present:
Kelly and her husband in one near the top of a hill, the
three-person group (Bill, Jan, and Glenda) another 150
meters down the hill, and the other car, with one visible
occupant, about 25 to 30 meters farther back.
first two cars were parked with their lights off. The
other had its lights on. This circumstance may explain
an apparent anomaly, in that Kelly was able to glance
down and spot the second car, with what to her seemed
only two persons (in fact three), but the group of three
could not see Kelly, her husband, or their car. It was
a dark and cloudy night. Evidently, Kelly could see the
second car only because it was backlit by the headlights
of the third car.
the trio's testimony, investigators could determine the
location of this third car. The male was looking at the
UFO's position through a break in the vegetation cover.
The trio's evidence coupled with Kelly' s allowed for
triangulation of the encounter site with the UFO. The
location was consistent with the anomalies discovered
(to be discussed later). Unfortunately, this potential
additional witness has yet to be found.
witnesses to these sorts of events are known to each other,
and such relationships often beg the question of whether
the witnessed events have emerged from shared delusions
or even collusion. Through Auchettl, Kelly became aware
of the independent witnesses, but they knew nothing of
her existence until quite recently. Kelly tried hard to
persuade Auchettl to give her the other group' s names,
but he refused because he wanted to maintain the integrity
of the testimony. Only when the investigation was completed
did the three learn what Kelly had been saying. So far,
they have not attempted to contact her. PRA has uncovered
no evidence of a previous connection between the Cahills
and the other group.
the encounter, Kelly's recollection faded from conscious
memory, despite animated discussions about it with her
husband in the immediate wake of the incident. Her husband
remembered at least the UFO encounter but not the entities
and has not acknowledged the missing time. It was her
husband's reference to the August 8 event at a barbecue
on September 16, that led to Kelly's initial confused
attempts to reconcile this troubling situation. Kelly
found this temporary amnesia along, especially since she
has vivid memories going all the way back to age two.
events began to be seen in a different and bizarre perspective.
These included a "dream" she had immediately
after the encounter, upon getting home and going to sleep
on August 8, and two "dreamings" in September.
Each involved (apparently) the same entities as those
encountered on the road. The latter two "dreamings"
had a strange physical dimension. A further two "dreamings"
followed, one on October 23 and the last during January
Kelly sought help with little success from universities
and aviation authorities. The latter gave her two UFO
contact numbers, one in Victoria and mine in Sydney.
getting no satisfaction from the Victorian group, she
contacted me, and after our preliminary discussion of
her experience, the PRA investigation commenced.
follows is the transcript of an interview Kelly gave to
my associate Robb Tilley on March 21 of this year.
details are consistent with those recounted to me on October
4, 1993, in numerous conversations with me since then,
with the PRA investigation, and with a manuscript she
is writing about her experience.
husband and I were driving to my girl friend's place up
in the mountains. It was her daughter's . . . birthday.
was just after dark, and we were nearly there, about half
an hour from her place. It takes us about an hour and
a half from our place. It was just after 7.
area has] little bits of field . . . and then you run
right into a major shopping centre. . . .
husband drives really fast. . . . I'm just busy looking
out the window . It's turned dark, and I look over towards
this field as we are going past, and I see a ring of orange
lights. It was the first time I ever thought I had seen
something that wasn' t normal. . . . I was going to shut
my mouth. I thought, "No, he' s just going to have
a go at me." But a couple of minutes up the road,
I said, "I swear I saw a UFO." He said, "Don't
be stupid! It was probably a helicopter." I said,
"It wasn't making any noise. It was just sitting
on the ground. Anyway, after a few jibes at me, he forgot
all about it, and we arrived at [my girl friend's place].
we were there, my friends bring up this conversation,
about what I thought I had seen. Her father says, "You
think you've seen little green men or something, Kelly?"
and all this sort of stuff. It was turned into a joke,
and I just totally forgot about it.
went out and played bingo. We came back. We had a bit
of a problem about what time we left. As far as my husband's
concerned, because we got home at 2:30 in the morning,
it means we must have left at one o'clock.
that night, I think we left at a quarter to 12. We got
back from bingo at about 1, and we didn't stay for very
long because [my friend's] daughter' s boy friend had
just . . . split up with her and had gone home with the
new girl friend . . . and she was really upset and crying,
and we didn't want to stay. So we weren't there for that
long at all."
we were driving back down the road in the same stretch.
Both of us, just me and my husband . . . we both saw this
ring, mind you ... . in front of us, hovering above the
road. It was just something sitting there. . . . I couldn't
tell what it was. We were at first far away, but as you
got closer to it was sort of . . . well, it wasn't like
the orange light in the field. It was a round shape with
some sort of glass around, or what looked like windows
and lights around the bottom. Because it was dark, you
couldn't really tell at first. But as we got closer and
closer, there was no noise or anything.
my husband's going. "You're right! That's something.
That's very, very strange." And I swear we saw people
in there, and then just as I said to him, "I swear
there's people in there," it just shot off to the
left as fast as it could go. I mean it just disappeared.
Within a split second it had gone.
kept driving and about a kilometre ahead, all of a sudden,
there's this really, really bright light in front of us,
and I've got my hand up, up above my brow, to look out
the window, because it's that bright, but I can't see
said to [my husband], "What are you going to do?"
He said, "l'm going to keep driving." From there,
that is the last we remembered until . . . I knew I was
going to see a UFO, you know, I just knew, because of
what we had seen, I'd seen it twice in one night and he
had seen it once . . . and the adrenalin is pumping, the
heart is thumping, I'm so excited. All of a sudden, I'm
sitting in the car, and I'm saying to my husband, "What
happened?" And he says to me, "I don't know.
We must have gone around a corner or something."
By the time we got home, he was definite of everything,
but at that time he didn't know what happened either.
I said to him, "I swear I've had a blackout,"
because adrenalin just doesn't disappear in a split second
like that. I mean your heart is going mad! And all of
a sudden. . . .
thing that really annoyed me was that I could smell vomit.
I couldn't figure out where the smell of vomit was coming
argue about this half the way home until it started getting
ridiculous, and I ended up just shutting up to stop all
the fighting that was going to come out of it, you know,
because we fight like cats and dogs. . . .
we were getting close to our home, about 20 minutes away
from where we live (there was no one on the road), I saw
a figure standing on the side of the road, a tall dark
figure. It was only for a couple of seconds, and I didn't
relate it to anything until much later on at all. But
it made me turn my head. I kept it in my mind, because
it reminded me of a story I was told when I was a little
girl about the headless horseman on the side of the road
. . .because it was on the side of the road. It wasn't
headless or anything, just this tall black figure. I saw
it for only a couple of seconds, and then I couldn't see
it anymore, but I thought I saw it."
get home. That night, I actually had a dream about UFOs
to top it all off, that something happened . . . but a
whole lot of it went out of my head."
and her husband argued about what happened for part of
the way home. They agree they saw a UFO but cannot agree
on the feeling Kelly had of experiencing a blackout or
missing time and seeing people. They also could both smell
vomit. Each experienced unexplained stomach pain. For
Kelly, it was like a pain from severe muscle fatigue which
radiated from her lower abdomen to the upper shoulders.
after they got home, Kelly experienced menstrual bleeding
and became quite ill. She had had her period only the
week before. Eventually she entered the hospital with
a womb infection. The doctors there said she must have
been pregnant; either that, or she had had some kind of
gynaecological operation. In fact, she had had neither
in recent times. A strange triangular mark was also found
on her abdomen along with a scar.
elaborated on these matters:
"But when I got home that night, that's when I found
the triangular mark below my navel, with what I thought
was a little laparoscopy cut, and I also started bleeding
that night. Three and a half weeks later, I ended up in
hospital... . . [The hospital] actually did a laparoscopy,
another laparoscopy. This was not when I first went in.
I went back in later, another six weeks after that, because
I had a lot of pains in my stomach and just wanted to
have it checked to see what it was. And I still had the
triangular mark there. . . .
just did a blooming laparoscopy cut right next to it.
[There was] no comment whatsoever. . . . I have a letter
from a friend saying that she saw it."
recollections did not come from any hypnosis. Indeed she
had only one session well after the main investigation
had been completed. It failed to reveal anything of significance.
Feeling that at best she had been only lightly under,
she felt the session had been of little value.
regard to the August 8 encounter, she recalls crossing
the road to the paddock, seeing at first one tall black
being with glowing red eyes, then many. These latter seemed
to be approaching rapidly, as if gliding. The large group
of tall black beings apparently were split into two groups,
one focused on Kelly and her husband, the other one on
the other people who had also crossed farther down the
road. The rest of her recollection is largely confusing
and fragmented. She experienced voices and blindness.
elaborated on how her memory came back: "We went
down to a girl friend's place a little bit later, a few
weeks later, and the subject of UFOs came up, and her
husband was saying, "Oh, I don't think they really
exist." It was my husband that said, "If you
had seen what Kelly and I saw, you might change your mind."
I said, "What are you talking about?" You know,
if I'd seen something, I'd have remembered it. I didn't
even remember that I had seen it hovering in the middle
of the road. It had been totally blanked out of my mind.
And I search my head for days, because I knew he wouldn't
say something if he didn't mean it. He was telling me,
"Remember, on the way home from [your girl friend's],
remember, it wasn't making any noise?" And I was
just sitting there. I couldn't remember it.
a few days later, all of a sudden I remembered it! It
hit me! And .. . . then I remembered going into the light,
and then I couldn't remember anything else. A couple of
weeks after that, this started to really bug me, because
I remembered that light, and I remember arguing with him
all the wayhome, but it was all I did remember.
went up to [my girl friend's] house again in October,
this time for her other daughter's . . .birthday, and
again, we went to bingo. On the way home from bingo that
night, we went along the same road, and as we passed a
certain spot I just got this incredible feeling of terror
go through me, I mean absolute terror. All of a sudden,
I just started remembering, and by the next morning, I
had remembered just about everything that happened, except
there's still missing time that I can't.
we had actually done, we had driven . . . into the light,
but the road curved, and the light we had thought was
in front of us was actually to our right-hand side. It
was in the field, and it was massive. . . . [Estimates
put the possible diameter of the UFO at the "size
of a house" or perhaps close to 50 meters.] So it
was very big. Why I knew it was very big was because we
could have driven for five minutes. The road sort of wound
around this part.
could have driven for five minutes and not had it out
of your sight the whole time."
and her husband had a clear, uninterrupted view of a craft
of enormous size. It was much larger than the UFO seen
a few minutes earlier, and it was at ground level in the
field at the bottom of a gully area.
asked him to stop the car, and we both got out. I remembered
leaning back in, actually on the floor, to pick up my
handbag, because I didn't go anywhere without my handbag.
And that' s one of the sort of things that triggered off
a lot of these memories doing that. The other thing was
telling myself, "You are conscious. This is real!
This is happening! This is real!". . . .
a while, it was just absolutely terrifying, but you can't
help it because it sounds really wacky. I mean this is
not the way it's supposed to happen at all. . . .
crossed over the road. We jumped the gutter, and we walked
up. . . I looked down the road, and there was another
car - a light blue car - pulled up. Some people got out
and went across the road. I only thought it was two, but
it was actually three, but I didn' t pay much attention.
They must have been at least a hundred meters down the
road from us. When you've got something like that in front
of you, and you' we got people down the road . . . well,
I was more interested in what was in front of me than
them, so I didn't get any detail. . . .
standing there, and we are looking at this thing [for
about 30 seconds]. All of a sudden, there is a black figure
on the field. It's about seven foot tall. . . . I knew
it was really tall at the time."
Kelly, this was quite startling. She expected to see a
human being, but this was not human. Kelly tried to use
thought as a means of communication. She was immediately
overwhelmed with fear. Its eyes seemed to turn to a red
the distance of about 150 meters, they possessed an extraordinary
started coming towards us, only slowly, and it had big
red eyes. It sounds stupid, but it had great big round
red eyes, like huge flies' eyes and they were red like,
not like a reflection of red, but like burning red, like
. . . fluorescent stop lights, I suppose, that sort of
real burning red.
of a sudden, I started screaming out [to my husbands.
. . . Now this has really got me baffled because of the
fact that a human being doesn't know this, so I don't
even know how I came out with this, but I started saying,
"They've got no souls." And then I started screaming,
"THEY'VE GOT NO SOULS!" Then all of a sudden,
there were heaps of them in the field, not just one, a
whole heap of them, and they started coming towards us
. . . faster than a man could run, and they were gliding
off the ground. They got halfway across the field.
split up. Some of them went towards the other people [two
or three, Kelly thought]. and some of them [the rest]
came towards us. Kelly
found herself screaming to the other people down the road,
"They're evil! They're going to kill us!"
next thing I know, I felt this oomph! in my stomach, right
across here like I was winded, but I was thrown right
back, and I was on my back on the ground. I sat up, with
my head between my knees. Here, I'm trying to stay conscious.
I couldn't see. My eyes. . . . It was all black.
. . I'm screaming out to [my husband]. . . ."
speculated that her "winding" may have been
caused by an electric fence present at the site. That
may or may not be true. The fence may not even have been
on at the time. Even if it was, the power may not have
been strong enough to generate the effect she described.
Nonetheless, this possibly prosaic incident led her into
confusion over whether the forces she was confronting
were "good" or "evil."
the next thing I heard him saying, "Let go of me."
His voice was all sort of cracked up with fear, and I'd
never heard that from my husband. He's not frightened
or afraid of anything. . . .
this male voice said, "We [don't] mean you any harm."
And then he said, "Why did you hit Kelly then?"
That's the last I heard of [my husband]. No one else talked
except me. I heard the male voice. Then I heard myself
saying, "Oh, God, I'm going to be sick." I've
got my head between my knees, and I just felt, like, violently
nauseous. Then I must have blacked out for a little while.
don't remember being sick. Then I remember hearing talk
about being a peaceful people, and I started screaming
out, I said, "Don't believe them! They're going to
steal your souls!" I know it sounds so ridiculous
now, but at the time I was hysterically terrified. . .
. I had never felt terror like that. Not even in my worst
nightmares had I experienced terror like that. . . .
there's one thing I remember that he said: "I wouldn't
harm her. She's my daughter." Now when I first saw
them on the way up to [my girl friend's] in the field,
the first thing I did was pray. And I took it as sarcasm
straight away. And it sounded like sarcasm. . . .
sounded like there was even a small laugh after that.
I don't know-it just wasn't good to me."
Kelly, a strong faith in God often involved an ability
to get answers to many of life's situations, albeit sometimes
in the most subtle and unlikely ways. For her, the brief
observation of a possible UFO on the way to her girl friend's
place on August 7 was perhaps a glimpse of one of life's
mysteries, perhaps even a lesson from God. So she made
a silent prayer which began with "Father."
She thought for a moment, "Wait for me. I'll be
back down this way in a few hours." To put this
in context, it should be pointed out that Kelly had long
been on a spiritual quest, anchored in a religious journey
and a desire to understand the great mysteries.
she had little time for organized religions, she had a
deep interest in the great religious works and had studied
them, particularly the Bible, in great detail. Therefore,
given her brief prayer for clarification of the nature
of the UFO event on the way up to her friend, as well
as the use of the word Father, she got a sense of "mockery"
when she heard the voice saying, "She is my daughter."
I started screaming and going on about demons trying to
steal people's souls. . . . I like not to admit that it
came from my mouth, but it did. . . . But I'm going to
tell it the way it is.
thing I hear him saying, "Would somebody do something
about her?" And I felt a hand . . . touch my shoulder.
It wasn't hard. It was quite gentle. That's when I absolutely
cracked! I'm still sitting on the ground, and I couldn't
see a thing, but I made sure that my eyes were just fierce.
. . . Something snapped in me. Before that, I was crying.
All of a sudden, something snapped in me, and I got so
angry . Then I started screaming out, "How dare you
do this to these innocent people?" Like it was my
fault. Because I was on a big spiritual search, and I
really got the impression that it was my fault. And I
thought, why involve other people?. . . I felt like, almost
like there was a fight for me. Like it was something I
had to do. . . .
I started screaming out stupid things, told them to go
back where they came from. Next thing I remember, I was
sitting in the car. I've still got missing time."
she found herself sitting in the car, her last memory
was of driving into the light.
she was home and asleep, the night brought a bizarre dream.
This dream is of interest in that it emerged within hours
of the encounter and it places Kelly back in the encounter.
The subsequent "dreamings" do not have
this quality about them. Nonetheless they were unusual
in their own way, for reasons that will shortly be apparent.
the August 8 dream, she is on the side of the road with
her head between her knees. She becomes aware that she
can see again. A being is leading her husband down the
slope onto the field. Throughout the dream she is unable
to see the beings above the level of their elbows. Their
limbs seem long and thin.
convinced that the being with her husband is female, she
tackles it and then blacks out. In the dream, she once
again regains consciousness to find herself on the extreme
right of the field with the UFO further down the field
to the left. Before her on the ground is a still body,
at first non-human, then changing to human. A middle-aged
woman standing further down the field is screaming at
her, "Murderess! Murderess!" She is overcome
with grief with no awareness of having killed anyone.
in the dream, a hand on her shoulder leads her, and she
follows obediently. Eventually, Kelly becomes aware that
she is in a small room, with only a small table and a
being standing before her. The being tells her she did
not kill anyone and they had to use her sense of morality
to overcome her fear. Kelly has a profound feeling that
she knows this being. On a table behind the being is a
Bible, one of hers, which had disappeared a few weeks
before. The being gives Kelly a strange choice which deepens
her suspicion of the beings' motives. She is told she
can come but must leave the Bible behind. In the dream,
the being gives her this Bible.
dream ends at that point. A few days after the encounter,
her husband found the Bible in the car.
"dreamings" mentioned earlier, first
interpreted as something like a ghostly episode, take
on a bizarre perspective when Kelly's recollections flooded
back. The first two preceded the point when more complete
recall of the events of August 8 returned.
first started with a presence which warns her to be calm.
Then a frightening "sucking" sensation
begins as if something is being taken from her. She comes
out of the dream terrified and is confronted by a tall
black figure in a floor length hooded cloak, about seven
feet tall, with glowing red eyes. She screams, and the
being disappears.
Kelly interpreted the being as like a "soul vampire"
or the Grim Reaper. At the time, she did not place this
incident in a UFO context, since the memories had yet
to resurface.
the second "dreaming", she experiences
her legs being lifted and drawn out of the bed. She wakes
and once again finds the same or similar being present,
but this time the cloak obscures the eyes.
after I did remember it, I had another dream, and these
dreams seemed very physical. I know I'm dreaming, and
I've got to wake up out of them. . . .
this particular one, I felt as if my legs were being pulled
off the bed, and it was like I was paralysed from my waist
down, and my legs were being pulled over to the side;
yet I could almost use the top of my body. Then I'm grabbing
a pillow, trying to hit my husband, to wake him up. .
. . I'm fighting this. I'm not going to let this thing
drag me off the bed by my legs. Then I woke up and saw
it standing there again! This time, the hood covered the
eyes, and it didn't scare me. . . . I was still terrified,
but it didn't scare me quite as much, because each time
it scared me, it was that same power like I felt out in
the field that night.
I was sitting on the ground, it was like something, almost
like a frequency or a sound vibration or something. And
it's getting right into my head! And I couldn't get it
together. Like I was trying to get my logical thoughts
together, not logical, almost conscious thoughts, and
I was fighting it the whole time, which is probably why
I seemed to remember more than my husband or even the
other people."
third "dreaming" occurred at a friend's
place on October 23 (see front cover). By then, Kelly
had experienced the flood of recollections. The two earlier
"dreamings" took on an added significance,
especially given the presence of the beings after Kelly
had awakened from her "dreamings." This
time, she wakes from a "dreaming" which
seems to take the form of a "peak experience"
(as psychologist Abraham Maslow calls it; Richard Maurice
Bucke defined it as the sense of "cosmic consciousness").
She sees apparently the same creature as before; but unlike
earlier manifestations, it is naked and leaning over her
as if about to kiss her navel area. It is tall, with a
head much larger than normal, long and thin arms, with
an abdomen out of proportion to its thin frame, like a
child's stomach suffering from malnutrition.
skin is like gray-black plasticine. Kelly's screams turn
into an "uninterrupted stream of hysteria"
and words.
the morning, she insisted that her husband check under
the car. She had heard a distinct voice during the night
urging such a check. He ignored her request, but their
car subsequently suffered such a problem.
other "psychic" events and "electrical
disturbances" followed. Frequently, their car
started up when no one was inside it. The vehicle had
a kill switch which rendered these events even more startling
and curious. Kelly thought she had developed enhanced
psychic powers. The electrical events apparently ended
in January 1994, as did many of the psychic incidents.
fourth "dreaming" occurred in January
of this year.
the dream, the bathroom light is blown. There is a sense
of presence. Something persistently tries to grab Kelly's
right hand. Eventually, she lets her hand be taken. Immediately,
she wakes up. Once again, the creature in the black robe
is standing by her bedside. It goes away. It turned out
that the light had indeed blown and that diamond and sapphire
rings she wore on her right hand had disappeared. To date
they have not been found.
earlier episodes, experiences, and issues of possible
significance: From July through September 1993, small
orange fireballs, about the size of tennis balls, frequently
hit the windows of the house. Kelly, her husband, and
her mother witnessed the phenomena.
About two and a half years earlier, at Lalor, Kelly had
a peculiar dream in which she moved through a flesh-like
hourglass apparatus. The same night, she experienced a
"vision" of opening their back door and
seeing a light for a few seconds. Then she blacked out.
Kelly experienced the same sense of power she felt in
the field in August 1993.
After the encounter and until July 1994, the Cahill house
(built in 1949) had been the scene of fleeting observations
of tall "shadows," seen by both Kelly
and her husband.
A bad smell occasionally permeated the house and seemed
to move around.
the August 8 encounter had revolved only around Kelly,
it could be argued that the experience may have been some
sort of psychological episode. But the presence of other
witnesses - a married couple and their friend, plus a
possible other observer in a third car - forcefully argues
for a real encounter. Indeed, the PRA contends that the
focus of the incident was not Kelly but the two other
in Kelly's situation, the females in the other group seemed
to play a dominant role. Bill, the male witness in the
trio, appears, like Kelly's husband, to have had only
limited involvement. The two women consciously recalled
onboard episodes. They remembered the UFO and the tall
black beings. Their description did not feature the red
eyes Kelly saw.
the trio, the experience apparently started when they
approached the site. All three could hear a strange noise
and suddenly felt ill. Bill thought he was going to faint.
He lost control of the car and ran off the road, striking
a pole. After checking for damage, they drove off. A few
minutes later, a speeding car with its high beams on,
shot past them. Then another passed. They came to a bridge
with a sharp turn following it almost immediately. Farther
along this section, the trio stopped. As all this was
going on, Bill's vision was impaired. Obviously, he had
some type of vision as he was driving, but he was unable
to remember seeing the UFO. The two women with him recall
the UFO clearly, and their descriptions closely match
some unexplained manner, Bill was isolated from the central
experience. He has conscious recall of smells and sounds
and remembers that a lot of activity was going on. He
does not recall seeing anything. He subsequently underwent
hypnosis, which expanded his apparent recollections to
seeming onboard components, but once again these were
through the senses of smell and hearing only.
two women did not think of theirs as an "abduction"
experience. They felt as if they had exercised free will
all through it. Yet, the principal element of their onboard
experience was a form of examination - not, however, visually
remembered. Other parts of their onboard experience exist
in visual images and conscious memory. Hypnosis in their
cases appears to have only reinforced what they recall
entities did not speak and provided very little information.
Neither woman saw the other or any of the others while
in the alien environment, presumably aboard the UFO. Curiously,
each was still aware of what was happening to her companion,
ostensibly through psychic means.
trio apparently did not have the complex background experiences
described by Kelly. Their experience seem limited only
to the August 8 encounter.
is also some physical evidence. PRA found a possible related
ground trace and low-level magnetic anomaly at the encounter
has gone on to write her own account of the experience
and its difficult aftermath. In October 1994, John Auchettl
and PRA, whose investigative thoroughness is to be commended,
released a comprehensive report on the affair. In this
emotionally explosive area, it is easy for people to get
caught up in less than satisfactory situations while they
attempt to understand extraordinary experiences. I hope
this event and the documentation that flows from it will
be of some help to others in similar situations.
victims of these experiences must not be unrealistically
encouraged by advocates of an alien presence; nor, at
the other extreme, should they be ridiculed by the sceptical
among us. They should be helped to deal with their experiences,
whether those experiences turn out to be prosaic or profound
in origin. The second part of this report will review
the PRA report and examine in detail the accounts of the
other group of witnesses. It will also consider the physical
evidence and provide reflections on the nature and meaning
of this event.
(12/6/02) The Cahill case, PRA & openness:
should be noted that the above "comment"
in the 1994 IUR report was prepared on the assumption
that the "PRA comprehensive report on the affair"
was about to be released. Despite nearly a decade passing,
John Auchettl and PRA have not released their report other
than a few fragments of information.
the researcher responsible for passing Kelly Cahill onto
PRA in the first place, principally because I am NSW based
and the incident occurred in Victoria, I have to say now
that that decision was, in hindsight, a mistake.
comment in my 1994 IUR report: "John Auchettl
and PRA, whose investigative thoroughness is to be commended",
was based entirely on conversations with Auchettl and
discussions with Kelly Cahill at the time (1993-1994),
and in retrospect should have been qualified more accurately.
While Auchettl and PRA may well have been thorough in
their investigation, in reality, there has been no way
to absolutely verify this, because of their unwillingness
to release their report and data on the case. PRA have
offered some seemingly unusual and convoluted explanations
for this lack of sharing.
have long encouraged openness and sharing in UFO research
(my web site is in part an expression of my position on
this matter). My attempts to encourage PRA in this direction,
from my perspective, have been very disappointing, and
have instead lead me to not to refer cases to John Auchettl
and PRA. Unless PRA changes their apparent lack of transparency
and openness, researchers and witnesses should carefully
consider the wisdom of cooperating with Phenomena Research
Australia (PRA).