August 7, 1969
Location: Buff Ledge Camp, Vermont, United States
and "Janet", two teenage employees at Buff Ledge
summer camp were sitting on a boat dock, when a UFO approached
them. Two occupants were visible inside the craft. When
it was directly over them, a beam of light shone from
the craft. The next thing they remembered was sitting
on the dock watching the now distant light. Ten years
later under hypnosis, Michael and Janet each recounted
a similar detailed story of abduction, a medical examination,
and being taken on board a "mother ship."

Michael's drawing of the UFO and entities as seen from
the dock. (credit: Ronald Story)

Michael's drawing of one of the alien beings. (credit:
Ronald Story)
Loy Lawhon,
Ledge (The Vermont Abduction)
August 7, 1969, an abduction event took place at Buff
Ledge summer camp for girls on the shores of Lake Champlain
north of Burlington in Vermont. The case was investigated
by Walter N. Webb, who spent 32 years at the Charles Hayden
Planetarium in Boston as senior lecturer, assistant director,
and manager of operations. Mr. Webb, who has had a lifelong
interest in UFOs and who worked with J. Allen Hynek, wrote
a book about his investigation called "Encounter
at Buff Ledge: A UFO Case History."
teenage camp employees, a sixteen year old boy called
"Michael", and a nineteen year old girl
called "Janet", were sitting on a boat
dock late in the afternoon. The camp was mostly deserted
because most everyone was gone into Burlington for a swim
meet. As the sun dropped and the sky darkened, a bright
light suddenly appeared. Michael said that he at first
thought it was Venus. (It couldn't have been Venus. Venus
was a morning star on that date, rising at about 2:00
am on the Eastern horizon, not visible in the late afternoon
over Lake Champlain. - Loy)
they watched, the light seemed to grow brighter and to
come closer. Then, to their surprise, three smaller lights
separated from the light and began to perform maneuvers
in the darkening sky over Lake Champlain. After a moment,
two of the lights receded, but one of them flew straight
up and then dove down into the lake itself.
few minutes later, the object surfaced and began coming
towards the two teenagers. Michael later said that he
could see two small beings inside. The craft came on,
until it was directly over them. Suddenly, a beam of light
show from the craft. Michael screamed "We don't
want to go!", and put his arms around Janet.
Michael later remembered a floating sensation and then
nothing for an indeterminate amount of time. Then, hearing
the sounds of the others returning from the swim meet,
they seemed to come to themselves. They found themselves
sitting on the dock, watching the now distant light, which
flashed an occasional beam until it vanished completely.
The UFO may have been seen as it left by three of the
people returning from the swim meet.
and Janet didn't discuss their experience that summer.
Later, Michael would find that Janet didn't remember anything
except seeing strange lights in the sky.
years later, plagued by bad dreams, and having read of
similar experiences by others, Michael contacted CUFOs
(Center for UFO studies). Walter Webb investigated the
case and suggested regression hypnosis. Under hypnosis,
Michael recounted a detailed story of abduction, a medical
examination, and being taken on board a "mother
ship." After Michael's story of what had occurred
came out during hypnosis, Janet was located and hypnotized
as well. Although she consciously recalled only seeing
some lights in the sky, under hypnosis she recounted a
similar story of abduction to that Michael had told, although
she had never heard his story.
full story can be found in Walter N. Webb's book, "Encounter
at Buff Ledge: A UFO Case History."
information regarding the abduction experience, recalled
during the regression hypnosis, from B. J. Booth, UFO
Michael's hypnosis, he vividly recalled his experiences
on that night in August 1969. He remembered how the beam
of light lifted him into the craft's interior; how he
entered a bigger craft, and how he saw Janet lying on
a table being examined. The small beings shined a light
into her eyes, scraped her skin, and took fluids from
her body. "The aliens all looked alike,"
Michael recalled, "and had those large eyes, a
mouth without lips, no ears, and two small openings for
a nose." Michael also described the beings as
having three pointed, web-like digits for fingers, and
their bodies felt "damp and clammy."
The aliens related to Michael that their mission was to
"make life like ours...other places."
also underwent the regression, and her descriptions only
went to verify Michael's. She recalled feeling "cold"
on the examining table, with something "pulling
her hair and pinching her neck." The abduction
of Michael Lapp and Janet Cornell certainly falls within
the general pattern of abductions reported by many others.
To confirm the facts of their fantastic story, Webb located
several other members of the camp who had witnessed the
strange lights over Lake Champlain, the very night of
the abduction! Two other employees reported a similar
experience which had occurred earlier that same summer,
when they observed unidentified flying objects hovering
over the lake for about twenty minutes. Although Michael
and Janet's experience was not reported for ten years
after the fact, it is still a well documented case of
alien abduction. -- B. J. Booth