M. Deschamps - Director
Physical Traces
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and Saucers
and UFOs
Who in
and Debunkers
of Terminology and Abbreviations
Sighting Reports
January 5
Location: North Bay, Ontario
Setchell, amateur UFOlogist from North Bay, sent me scans
of these two articles published in the North Bay Nugget
on January 3, regarding the sightings of red-orange balls
of light that were seen in that area on Christmas Eve.

is the photo taken from the online version of that same
article, dated December 29, 2012:

January 6
Location: North Bay, Ontario
received this detailed report from Matt, the resident and
amateur UFOlogist from North Bay who sent me the information
shown above:
Michel, I finally got this written up. If you see any grammatical
mistakes or wording that needs editing, please do feel free
to do so. Hope this helps your cause, people need to open
up away from a one-track way of thinking. Cheers!
- December 24, 2012
Location - Trout Lake, North Bay, Ontario
Time/duration - 8: 40 pm- 8 :47 pm
Est. altitude - 1,000 ft to max 5,000 ft
Shape/Figure - 5 red-orange opaque lights. Lights seem to
be pulsating.
Direction/Bearing - Observed first bearing West from the
Redbridge township side of Trout lake
approximately 8:40 pm, a series of red-orange lights were
observed coming from the East side of Trout Lake, bearing
west along the lakehead. The lights seemed to be traveling
in an almost V formation; however after a few minutes, the
lighted objects seem to "dance" around one another.
The objects were silent and moved in no way similar to conventional
aircraft, fireworks, meteors or other natural phenomenon.
Several people reported the lights to authorities, and CFB
22 Wing base was notified. One witness was able to take
a photograph at 8:45 pm, before the incident ended. The
photo was published Dec. 27, 2012 by The North Bay nugget.
The nugget also claims the following day of the incident,
Christmas Day, pillars of lights were spotted in the cranberry
peninsula of Lake Nippissing. There is no evidence of a
connection, but these sightings and phenomenon are rarely
reported in the area.
my opinion, what I witnessed was not an aircraft, celestial
body, fireworks, spotlights or any other simple explanation.
I feel obligated to make a detailed account of what was
seen. It was very strange.
January 1
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
response to my Letter to Editor which appeared in The Northern
Life on February 12, 2013, I received this first e-mail
of three:
I just read your letter in the Northern Life.
New Year's morning, say 00:05, we too saw five globes go
across the northern sky in Sudbury. We live in Moonglo.
Then once they were gone, a single same light went by on
the same trajectory. They travelled NW to SE . What alerted
me was my dog on the deck began barking. I got some very
poor video. There was no sound and it was not light from
a satellite, I've seen lots of those.
I did some research. No one mentioned these particular ones
on that night but others stated they thought they were Chinese
lanterns on other nights. The trajectories were exact from
the group to the single.
just checked and the wind direction that night from Env
Canada and it was 340deg or from the NW. Which means something
floating would have gone in that direction.
do you think?
T. P."
November 17, 2012
Location: Capreol, Ontario
response to my Letter to Editor which appeared in The Northern
Life on February 12, 2013, I received a few interesting
phone calls, as well as the following e-mail on Wednesday,
February 13:
day Michel,
for your article in the northern life, because of this article
I would like to share the following
November 17th, 2012 at approx 7pm we were playing in our
back yard in Capreol with the grandkids. Our dog started
barking looking up in the sky towards the south east. When
we looked towards what the dog was looking at we seen 7
red balls appearing one shortly after another in the sky
first appearing over the neighbors roof top arcing up into
the clear night sky at a high rate of speed until they could
no longer be seen. Their was no sound with these items.
After the first two I grabbed my camera and took the attached
pictures (note you will need to enlarge some to get a better
view of the red balls). We continued to watch theses things
appear one shortly after another seeming to keep the same
arc into the sky. Their was a person driving by with a van
who also stopped and watched. It took a wile to sink in
what we were watching, I was abit concerned on the last
two because of the way they appeared over the neighbors
roof top (they looked close to the roof top but I suspect
were a couple of thousand feet due to the angle and distance)
traveling at a high rate of speed with no sound and their
size. Note the pictures I have match the ones others took
in December on the noufors.com web site.
a licensed pilot and aircraft engineer I tried to make sense
of this, aircraft have a red light on the left wing, white
on the tail and green on the right wing with white strobes,
if it was a aircraft as it climbed in the sky I should have
seen the white tail light but their was none, also no strobes,
the red light was larger than normal which can happen if
there is some cloud to refract the light but the night was
clear and calm. The big one was no sound for something so
large, close and fast note the night was calm so no wind
to move or mask noise, shortly after I did hear Bearskin
coming over on approach to the airport.
few days after I contacted Sudbury Flight services at the
airport to ask about traffic around this time, I was told
their was a Bearskin flight which I hear, a Jazz flight
which approached from the south east which I would not of
hear and a military C130 turbo prop earlier than my 7PM
timeline. They confirmed the military aircraft was just
passing by and not dropping flares or jumpers. I did not
pursue it any further figuring it would show up in the media
if others had seen this. I am glad the Northern Life published
this article.
me know if there are any questions, note I am going to contact
the Northern Life and also thank them for running the article.
J. L."

Fall 2012
Location: Lively, Ontario
again, after the appearance of my Letter to Editor in the
Northern Life, I kept receiving additional e-mails:
you for contributing your letter to the editor in February
12th issue of the Northern Life. The anecdotes describing
peculiar lights in the sky validated a sighting of my own.
Were it not for this timely article, I would never have
disclosed the details of what I saw last autumn.
a Wednesday evening last autumn, just before dusk, as my
husband and I were returning from bible study in Lively,
Ontario, I was bemused at seeing three brilliant orange
globes hovering in a roughly triangular formation. We were
on highway 17 approaching the Long Lake off ramp into Sudbury,
they were on our left. The three orbs gradually widened
their formation, hovered once again, then shot sharply toward
north. They abruptly disappeared - they did not fade into
the far distance - they simply ceased to be visible.
to say, we were quite shaken. The entire event lasted perhaps
1 minute, but that moment is forever planted in our memory.
are very quiet and private persons so relating this event
is a first for us.
you for providing the arena in which to share such things.
W. N."
Fall 2012
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
February 14, I received this e-mail concerning another interesting
UFO report:
to begin I didn't know a site like yours existed till reading
the northern life on Tuesday. I wish I had a month ago.
I can't remember the date. All I know is it was either a
Monday or Friday between Christmas and new years, around
11:00 a.m. -12:00 Noon. I remember it was a very nice clear
sunny day. I know it was around that time cause I was on
my way to work and my schedule never changes, always worked
the same noon Mondays and Fridays. My girlfriend and I both
seen it. We were on highway 69 north, driving into Sudbury
from Val Caron. We noticed it around track and wheels, and
watched it just hover over the sky. It appeared to be roughly
over new Sudbury or at least in that direction. Wouldn't
be able to say for sure. It was just hovering there. We
could tell it was not a plane or helicopter, because it
was cigar shaped. It didn't move at least not while we were
watching it. Once we went down the hill into the corner
of Lasalle and Notre Damn we lost sight of it. As I said
I was on my way to work so I couldn't stop. I hope someone
else seen it, cause it scared the crap out of both of us.
July 8, 2012
Location: Copper Cliff, Ontario
February 19, I received this e-mail concerning another very
interesting UFO report from last summer:
Michel, I read your letter in Northern Life and it inspired
me to write about a similar sighting I had in 2012. I'll
try to keep this email as brief as possible about a sighting
a friend and I witnessed July 8 2012..... It was 8:30pm
(still some daylight); we were walking in Gatchell area
when I noticed a red ball of light in the sky. Trying to
figure out what this was, I found myself running towards
the object. As I was running, I also noticed other people
pointing towards the object in the sky. I reached the end
of the street and stopped to look at it. That is when I
noticed there were 6 balls. They were very bright, fiery
reddish- orange with a bluish green center, approx. 50'
in diameter and appeared to be perfectly round as well as
the center. These objects made no sound whatsoever. They
were traveling from Copper Cliff area towards me. At this
time, they appeared to be approx 400' from me and approx
300' feet in the sky. Then, the objects stopped as if they
realized that they were traveling towards a populated area.
Then, they changed direction. The objects started traveling
away from where I was standing and towards the sky on a
45 degree angle. As I continued to watch these objects,
one ball would move downwards; another ball opposite from
it would move upwards. Similar to wings on a plane when
it turns, one wing lowers while the other one raises. I
watched these balls until they faded into the cloud cover.
The entire sighting lasted approx. 20-25 minutes. I tried
to find a logical explanation for these, maybe Chinese lanterns
or a balloon but I wasn't able to.
February 23, 2013
Location: Azilda, Ontario
March 1, I received this UFO report via one of my friends:
time was between 10:15 and 10:30 p.m. On February 23, four
witnesses (a woman, her boyfriend, his nephew and his wife)
were travelling down Landry Street in Azilda, looking towards
the direction of Sudbury Downs. They noticed two round objects,
white in colour, that looked like fireworks in the sky because
they were giving off sparks. They continued to watch and
realized that they were not fireworks, so they proceeded
to get out of their vehicle and continue their observation.
a third object with a red light flew towards the first two,
but at a higher altitude. The three objects then moved off,
with the first two objects climbing higher until they faded
to nothing.
to Todd Fraser by C. T.
March 4, 2013
Location: Wahnapitae, Ontario
March 5, I was told by a co-worker that her younger sister,
who resides in Wahnapitae, witnessed some strange lights
that would hover and then blink off, only to blink on again,
then dart off in every direction. This sighting occurred
around 8 p.m. on March 4. The witness is reluctant to meet,
or even talk with me, but I'm hoping to get more details
as time goes by.
July 2011
Location: Cochrane, Ontario
January, I received this report from a Cochrane resident
via Facebook:
since I found your website, I went from having a slight
interest in the stars to spending most of my free time watching
them. One of the strangest things I've ever seen in my life
was with my parents about 80 km north of cochrane, camping
out in the woods around 2 p.m. It was cloudy and raining.
We looked out from our camper trailer and saw a J-shaped
object; it had arms on the top like a capital T but had
a bulbous part sticking up like a capital J. We watched
it float about 5 feet over the water. It traveled at least
100 meters. As it turned, it retained its shape, making
me believe it had to have actual structure. I estimate it
was 7 feet from side to side and at least 15-20 feet tall.
It made a couple of maneuvers before returning to its original
position, and then within two or three seconds, it was up
over the trees and gone. It had white looking edges and
appeared to be translucent. And I will be sure to come to
you with anything else interesting I spot. I'd like to thank
you in advance for the work you're doing to bring this subject
to the front line."
by Nikolas Porosky
Saturday, June 15
Location: Valley East, Ontario
June , a Valley East resident sent me the following e-mail
regarding UFO activity in the Sudbury area:
found your website while reading articles about the increase
in UFO sightings as posted in the Toronto Star. I would
like to share my own sightings and ask you whether this
is common or explained in any way.
been a regular observer of the night sky most of my life,
I can say that what I have been seeing, quite regularly
over the last three years or so, is unusual in my experience.
No fancy coloured lights or anything, but what looks just
like a star, like what a star looks like to any naked-eye
observer, but about 15 times larger, moving in the sky.
It sometimes just follows a straight trajectory and eventually
fades away in the distance, or sometimes, it stops, seems
to hover, and then shoots away quickly. Sometimes it stops
and changes the direction of its course completely. I've
seen it at Bell Park, Windy Lake, from my place in the Valley
which is near the airport - it is very different than a
plane, there is a distinct difference in the way and speed
they move. Planes have flashing lights, these do not appear
to. I just know they are not planes.
any case, would like to know if you can shed any light on
Saturday, June 15
Location: Hanmer, Ontario
also received this e-mail from another valley resident who
wanted to report the following sighting:
friend was leaving my house last night and when at the corner
of Michelle Drive and the highway in Hanmer, by the funeral
home, he saw something crazy. Facing southeast towards radar
road, he saw hovering light, seemingly spinning underneath
and changing colors. It changed into bright blue vertical
beams. His sighting lasted about 5 minutes. He pulled into
the funeral home parking lot and tried to take a video but
it was too dark. The moon was south in the sky at his 2
oclock, with the lights at 11 oclock, high in the night
sky. Stayed stationary blue vert. Lights went back to bottom
oval lights circling, and then disappeared."
Location: Near Markstay, Ontario
Sunday, June 16, I received a follow-up e-mail from a valley
resident (same as above) who related a sighting her ex-husband
had witnessed in the 1980s:
know of many many people who've seen things in the Sudbury
area. In the early 80's, my ex-hubby saw a definite craft
when he was flying a plane. They (him and his co-pilot)
saw bright lights over the Veuve River by Highway 17 in
the Markstay area. As they got closer, it came up off the
river and then sped away at unbelieveable speed. He said
the light was so bright, it illuminated a huge area. This
sighting caused him great fear and made him afraid of aliens.
They reported it to air traffic and also logged it in their
flight log books."
soon wrote me back in a second e-mail:
remember too that he said they were flying a small plane,
it was night. They were flying low towards Sudbury. As they
came around, they could see bright lights lighting up the
whole area and the river. At first, he thought it was a
car accident, gone into the river. Lights being search lights.
But as they got to it, he saw that it was a metal craft;
cicular I think he said. But it came up off the water and
higher than the plane, and shot off very very quickly. The
only thing I've ever seen petrify him is aliens, and that
sighting was why."
Tuesday, June 25
Location: Chelmsford, Ontario
Wednesday, June 26, I received the following UFO report
from a Chelmsford resident:
I have a UFO sighting to report. I was out on my balcony
watching for any UFO's when I saw a fairly bright light
moving across the sky. I have been interested in UFOs for
many years, and have learned to watch for movement pattens.
This light was fairly consistent, but seemed to be moving
somewhat quickly. It faded away very suddenly, then approximately
2 seconds later, there was a bright flash on what would
have been its course. I began to read reports of sightings
on your website, and found one from June 14, 2012 in Chelmsford,
On. This sighting sounds identical to mine. It was an incredible
Friday, June 28
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
Saturday, June 29, I received the following e-mail from
a cab driver:
day sir,
drive cab for a living and last night about 11:15 p.m'ish,
I was sent to whitaker street to pic up @ 227 whitaker.
I got there early. I noticed up in the sky 2 glowing orange
objects about 1500 to 2000 feet up - maybe higher - coming
towards me, passing overhead. They were heading in a westerly
direction towards Copper Cliff. I got out of my cab to watch
them go by. They glowed orange and were moving at a good
steady pace with distance between them both, not wavering
from that as they passed overhead. They had rapid flashing
lights on them. I turned down my radio and cupped my ear
to my head and they didn't make a sound as they passed over.
Has anybody else reported this....?"
Friday, June 28
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
on Saturday, June 29, I received a second e-mail regarding
the same UFO incident:
Michel! I've witnessed 3 UFOS in the west end area last
night. They were orange and were floating very close to
each other. I thought it was immense exposure as they were
in the open. I guess somebody sought to find out what it
was and then it came onto the news via radio, stating chinese
lanterns? I know there's a lot of unpredictability when
determining a UFO, but that can't be right. How disingenuous
is that?"
Friday, June 28
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
July 9th, three of my neighbours told me about the sightings
that they had during the evening of Canada Day. It seems
that there was a lot more than just fireworks and Chinese
lanterns in the sky, that night.
round balls of light made three successive passes above
the city, traveling in a straight line, one behind the other,
with equal spacing in between them.
first sighting consisted of two objects, red in color with
a halo of haze around their edges...just like the mirage
effect you get off the pavement during a hot summer day.
second sighting was of three similar objects, but coming
back from the opposite direction. And finally, the third
sighting was, again, of three objects...described in a similar
fashion as the first two sightings.
the ground, the witnesses also spotted a small plane circling
around as if the pilot was scanning the skies for these
things. One of the witnesses said that the objects seemed
to be about twice the size of the small plane, possibly
because they were at a lower altitude than the plane was.
report was of a lighted object that sudenly flashed before
disappearing, giving the impression of a blinding flash
you get from a camera.
lanterns don't travel in a straight line as they are easily
affected by the wind's direction. Also, their dimensions
are nowhere near that of an airplane. Not do they produce
a blinding flash of light and suddenly disappear from view.
what is it that is flying around in our airspace?
Saturday, July 13
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
Monday, July 15, I received a series of e-mails from an
eyewitness who described seeing a triangular object in the
sky, near Minnow Lake, last Saturday evening:
watched a UFO fly over my neighbourhood Saturday night,
around 8 pm. It was amazing - triangle-shaped and had one
bright orange light in the middle of it. It didn't make
a sound and didn't look like anything I ever saw in my life.
It happened in the Minnow Lake area; my neighbour seen it
as well. Well, I looked at the ufo diagrams you have and
all the pics are as if you are looking at it eye level...all
I could see was the belly of the craft...which was triangle-shaped
and a bright orange light in the middle of it. It came from
the south heading north...perpendicular to Eaglestone crt
off of 3rd Ave. It looked like this, but no white lights
on the corners....just the orange light in the center of
the craft."

sound that's what initially gaave me the sense it was a
ufo and when it got right over me, I could see the shape
which was a triangle...slower than a plane would travel
and I'd say it was no more than 3000-5000 ft in the air.
There was a haze over the shape but could still make out
the dark triangle shape of the craft...and it moved north
to south.
Saturday, July 13
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
on Monday July 15, I received an e-mail from another witness
who reported seeing a UFO at 2 p.m., that same day:
don't have much of a story about what I saw but I do know
it qualifies as unknown.
July 13th 2013 while sitting on my cottage dock in Bancroft
at approximately 2:00pm I witnessed a silver/grey object
in the northern clouds following a very strange flight pattern.
It was only in my sights for about 15 seconds but it was
odd enough that it caused the skyline to hold my attention
for several hours after I lost sight of it. I was curious
to see if there were any other reports on that day, I did
some searching but have yet to find anything."
Tuesday, July 23
Location: Petawawa, Ontario
Tuesday, July 23, I received two e-mails from a Petawawa
resident wanting to report a UFO sighting above the base
at 2:30 a.m.:
sure what it was. It wasn't a helicopter or a plane. I saw
it above petawawa early this morning, 2:30 a.m. It went
across the sky (6 inches of my vision). It started very
bright white but as it traveled, it dimmed to nothing. It
reappeared behind its original position and carried on towards
the north. Dimmer on the reappearance. It didn't look right.
Hope this helps."
would also like to add that the light "came from"
the big dipper. And its original path was north to south,
then reappeared behind its original point and traveled south
to north (above the base by my guess) thanks."
November 2012 - September 2013
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
September 26, I visited with Ken Klingbell, a Sudbury resident
who has been filming - and taking photographs of UFOs -
from his balcony at his residence off Burton Avenue, giving
him a perfect view of the sky above the Frood Road-Lasalle
extension area. Since 2012, he has taken some pretty interesting
photos, some of which seem to show very strange aerial displays
which I cannot explain. In one case, the photo is very similar
to the streaks of coloured lights that Dorothy Izatt of
Vancouver, B.C. has filmed, which was featured on an episode
of Unsolved Mysteries, back in the late 1980s. Here are
some of the best photos in chronological order:
note that the bright green and blue dots on some of the
photos are pixels on the camera lens, and NOT UFOs!]

"football-shaped" object - November 2012

Black object around moon - December 25, 2012

2013 - Still photos of a brightly coloured object taken
from video showing what looks
like a battle or attack between one large object and a couple
of smaller UFOs.

series of photos were taken on September 13, 2013. The time
exposure was a bit longer than normal,
allowing the photographer to capture a plane in flight as
it passed the object. And in the last frame, he
captured a group of objects maneuvering within an exposure
time of 9 seconds!

four stills were taken from film footage that Dorothy Izatt
of Vancouver, British Columbia took with
her 8mm film camera. These streaks of light were created
within 1/18th of a second. She was featured
on Unsolved Mysteries and also in a documentary entitled
the Light. Note the similarity
with the last frame taken by Ken Klingbell (above).
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
Thursday, September 26, I was visiting with a young couple
that I know when I was told that while standing outside
on a July evening, the man had been looking at what he thought
were a couple of bright stars in the night sky. All of a
sudden, the "stars" both took off in the same
direction, one behind the other, as if they were in tandem,
while keeping the same distance between each other as they
moved at a rapid rate of speed. He is at a complete loss
to explain what he had seen during that July evening.
September 19
Location: Caribou, Nova Scotia
October 3, I received a long-distance phone call from a
Mr. Michael MacMaster of Caribou, Nova Scotia. He told me
about something he captured on camera that was unexplainable.
He sent me the following photographs, along with this accompanying
were taken September 19th, 2013 here in Caribou, NS, Just
outside of Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada - on family property.
I have them in named in the order they were taken and timed
stamped by my camera.
are original and untouched photos. There are others before
and after, general scenery shots of the area being taken
at the time. We did NOT notice the orb when the pictures
were taken. Only after, looking at them October 1st, looking
through photos, noticed the image on 7014 and then discovered
the second on 7016 and pieced the sequence of events together.
I saw these the other day, like I said looking through some
pictures we took, taking a second look at 7014....what IS
that. The moon's coming up and that isn't ....mars? The
thing is way to big. My camera lens isnt
that powerful! blew it up and noticed the reflection
of the moon on the left hand side of this perfectly round
ball. What?
a few minutes I check on the remaining photos in sequence,
and notice on photo 7016 there it is again, and gone in
the next shot 7017 taken a few seconds later. Not right
after, as we were not taking pictures of this object (had
no idea it was on the photo), we were taking pictures of
the pink sky in the case of 7016 and 7017. Again, if it
was something floating in the air like a cloud or a balloon
etc., shouldnt it still be there 24 seconds later?
Picture Titles with times as stamped by my Canon
EOS Rebel XS camera (in excellent repair)
NS Sept 19th 7:38:58 PM 7011 with moon
Caribou NS Sept 19th 7:39:09 PM 7012 with moon
Caribou NS Sept 19th 7:39:22 PM 7013 with moon
Caribou NS Sept 19th 7:39:33 PM 7014 with moon
Orb photographer facing East
Caribou NS Sept 19th 7:39:51 PM 7015 moving east
to south
Caribou NS Sept 19th 7:40:13 PM 7016 Pink Sky
Orb photographer facing South
Caribou NS Sept 19th 7:40:37 PM 7017 Pink Sky
numbers on the far right (7011 through 7017) are the picture
numbers assigned by my camera. The camera also records the
time of the pictures, dates, speed, and aperture.
note - the total time between the first and last picture
is 1 minute 35 seconds)
image 7014 and 7016 is only 40 seconds at that altitude,
must equate to quite a distance in 40 seconds. The distance
travelled between picture 7014 (facing East) and 7016 (facing
South) is quite large in a time of 40 seconds and results
in a complete directional change (photographers vantage)
from east to south.
had no chance of seeing this when we took pictures
of the beautiful moon and pink sky at
night. This thing was moving too fast obviously. Again,
we only noticed the (what I now call the orb)
round spot on the first picture 7014 a couple
of days ago and started questioning.
Have shared this with some family members here, they seem
to agree there is something in the photo. Of course, they
know me and it was interesting that my nephew said if
it was coming from someone he didnt know, didnt
recognize the property, knew I wouldnt have any interest
in putting themselves out there he would have
dismissed these images. I might possibly have said the same
thing. Makes you reflect on the other stories you hear.
first shot (7011 through 7014) we are looking East. Picture
7015 moving from east to west. Pictures 7016 and 7017 are
facing south. So a fairly large piece of sky for something
to move so quickly across. How many miles at that altitude
in 30 seconds!?
pictures have good enough resolution to blow them up fairly
large (you lose focus after a bit) but the shape is round.
No matter how big you blow it up, the edges don't distort.
It isn't a cloud or a wisp of smoke. The pink picture, 7016
shows the image quite clearly again.
had no idea these images were on here. Doesn't appear to
be an "airplane" or "swamp gas" to me.
And the distance it moved it that time....no wonder the
naked eye doesn't see this stuff.
isn't a joke...I have the original photos (date and time
stamped) unaltered and no skills, software, time nor interest
to play games.
Well.....what do you think?
you for taking a look and getting back to me with any feedback
you feel relates or explains or supports these images as
the Very Best.

NS Sept 19th 7:38:58 PM 7011

NS Sept 19th 7:39:09 PM 7012

NS Sept 19th 7:39:22 PM 7013

NS Sept 19th 7:39:33 PM 7014

NS Sept 19th 7:39:51 PM 7015

NS Sept 19th 7:40:13 PM 7016

NS Sept 19th 7:40:37 PM 7017
Friday, October 11
Location: Chelmsford, Ontario
October 11th, I received the following e-mail from a Chelmsford
resident concerning a UFO sighting accompanied by sounds:
my name is ________ . I live in Chelmsford and I am 25 years
old. Although I was hesitant to write you, I decided to
do it anyway; I mean, what do I have to lose. Just a few
minutes ago, I was outside having a smoke looking to the
west sky as I always do, and I heard a sound like a whistle
for a good 3 seconds then a snap and at the same time as
the snap, a light in the sky rushed up and disappeared and
the fog that was surrounding me had... I don't know..? been
affected by a "force" of some kind like it was
pushed away from me. My whole body was covered in goose
bumps and my hair was standing on end because I knew it
was real."
October 3, 2007
Location: Sault Ste Marie, Ontario
October 23, I received a message via Facebook from a resident
of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan who reported that in 2007,
while in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, he and another witness
had seen a large rectangular object in the sky. See 2007
for his report.
Location: Garson, Ontario
co-worker of mine [C. L.] told me of a sighting he had,
a couple of years ago, of a very large triangle that consisted
of three red lights. The red lights resembled those you
find on communication towers, except that they weren't flashing
or pulsating. After watching it for a few seconds or so,
the three red lights took off in different directions, one
after the other. He has no idea what it was that he saw,
but said that when he first saw this, the red lights were
moving in unison and the triangle they were forming was
extremely large.
November and , at around 5 p.m.
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
friend of mine, who works at the Taxation Center, told me
of an unusual sighting that was witnessed by some members
of the staff there, on two separate occasions. He said that
while looking south, in the direction of Pioneer Manor,
they saw an unusual light in the sky. It was described as
being about the size of a street light, and was visible
for almost fifteen minutes.
No infringement intended. For educational
purposes only.