Stan Fulham (1925 - 2010)
following is a direct quote from the book 'Light at the
End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species'
By Paul Hellyer:
Canadian World War II veteran also tracked me down to relate
his wartime and subsequent experience with UFOs. Flight
Lieutenant (Captain) Stan Fulham, of Winnipeg, Manitoba,
tells the stories of his wartime and post-war experiences.
I have condensed the former due to space restrictions.
July 1944, Fulham was in a German prisoner of war camp in
Poland. One hot afternoon, ne and his fellow prisoners observed
what appeared to be a German rocket flying at incredible
speed and great height over the prison camp. As they were
all well trained in aircraft recognition techniques, they
recognized at once that it was too large, too high and too
fast for any aircraft that they were aware of. For a moment,
they suspected it was a German rocket but then realized
that didn't make any sense because it was flying in the
wrong direction. It was only after the war that they concluded
that it had been a UFO."
as a fighter controller with the North American Air Defence
Command (NORAD), I had the opportunity of monitoring UFOs
on radar and then of scrambling fighter aircraft to investigate
the alien spacecraft. One night in the early 60s, two UFOs
hovered two miles off the runway at an altitude of one thousand
feet. The radar returns indicated craft three to four times
the size of our jet fighters. I called NORAD command and
informed them of the situation and suggested that I scramble
standby jets to identify the unknowns. This was agreed.
soon as our jets were airborne, the UFOs streaked away at
phenomenal speeds approaching three thousand miles per hour,
with our jets in slow pursuit. The discs reappeared and
hovered over the ocean near Vancouver, British Columbia,
until our fighters finally caught up to them. As our jets
closed in, they streaked away and disappeared over the Pacific.
of people had seen the UFOs and also our jets. They called
the control tower asking for information as to these strange
lights and aircraft in the sky. Several people suggested
that they could be UFOs since they were not helicopters
and yet hovered in the sky without sound. Some authorities
(not identified) stated that it was an illusion and suggested
that aircraft flying west to Japan would appear as if they
were standing still in the sky. This was a phenomenon, they
said, that very often confused people. The media were not
happy with this explanation because they knew that aircraft
flying from the west coast to Japan would fly the Great
Circle route which was actually in a north-west direction
toward Alaska and not directly west which would take them
to Hawaii.
the next morning, the media called the Base Commander for
confirmation and information about the UFO sightings. The
Commander called and advised me of the media interest. 'However,'
he cautioned, 'since nothing unusual took place last night,
I suggest that we have nothing to discuss with the media.'
I understood. 'This was the standard response to the public
and the media in NORAD under a secret United States-Canada
Communications Agreement signed in 1956 relating to the
control and reporting of UFO sightings."
Stan Fulham - UFOs and NORAD