M. Deschamps - Director
Physical Traces
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and Saucers
and UFOs
Who in
and Debunkers
of Terminology and Abbreviations
Sighting Reports
January 1
Location: Val Therese, Ontario
received a phone call from a cabbie who was all excited
about something he had seen while picking up a fare in Val
Therese on January 1, at around midnight or so.
described seeing five reddish-orange lights moving from
the N - N-W heading S - S-E, one after the other. He pulled
over and stopped, lowered his window and realized there
was no sound. When he was asked if these objects could have
been Chinese lanterns, he said that what he saw (the lights)
were about the size of a car and moving too slow to be an
he picked up his fare, he said that they too, had seen one
of the objects as it flew by in the night sky.
later called the airport and asked if there had been any
helicopters with orange lights in the area at the time,
and the person who answered the phone said that there is
no aircraft with amber lights, and that if helicopters had
been in the area, even during a frigid night, he would have
heard the sound of the blades.
cabbie was so excited about the whole thing that he didn't
waste any time in wanting to meet with me and discuss what
he had seen.
August 2013
Location: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
January 12, I received the following message on Facebook
from a Sudbury resident who reported that he had seen a
UFO while on a fishing outing with his friend:
I have been trying to find your contact as I have heard
about you. I would like to share something with you and
would like no media. I cannot exactly remember which month
it was last summer, but I'm guessing Aug. Me and one of
my close friends were fishing on Ramsey Lake at a common
spot known as CPR bay. It was around 7:30 p.m. when we were
casting right off the rocks. While my friends was casting
his line, I was, I believe, changing my hook. For some strange
reason, I had looked to the right facing the road up top
when I seen a bright object. I told my friend Blane: "dude,
wtf is that?" He briefly looked and said "a plane"
as he kept on with the fishing. I still kept eye contact
with the object. It was moving too slow to be a plane or
any other type of craft. No lights, just a bright light.
Soon enough, it vanished. I said to my friend: "dude,
it's gone; it just disappeared. He said: "what?".
We had both been looking for it at that point and all of
a sudden, it came out of nowhere and shorlty after, it drifted
over us and I swear on anything - that was the coolest,
scariest thing in my life. It was right above us and it
was just bright and white and as funny as it sounds, it
was just round like a disc. At this point, we were in shock.
Both in histeria, we kept looking at the object with disbelief.
Few seconds after, it move forward and disappeared out of
thin air. We then seen it a km or so away from its last
spot. We were waiting for a friend to meet us and I screamed
at him: "Randy, hurry up and look at this!". By
the time he got there, it was gone. I promise on my children
- true story. I was excited to share it with the news but
I'm sure it would have made both me and Blane look like
fools. Thanks for your time. A truly insane experience in
January 20
Location: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
January 23, I received the following message by e-mail
through a contact of mine from a young lady regarding
a strange and frightening encounters she had with "Shadow
Beings". What follows is what she wrote:
first encounter was when I was like 5-6 yrs old (1995-6).
I remember mom was going to Timmins and was coming back
home late (this was the time I used to have my bed in
her room). Summer time around 10 p.m. that's when I heard
the door open and I wake up and I just see these shadowy
creatures with red glowing eyes, a tall one and a shorter
one, steadily walking around mom's bed to reach mine.
As they arrive closer to my bed, I try to hide myself
in the hope that they couldn't see me. These creatures
were similar to human shapes but not as detailed. They
didn't make a sound; it was the most weirdest feeling
to have them near...like death was aproaching...I peak
out and they just stare at me and I call out "mom?"
a few times and no answer. And then shortly after, I hear
the house entrance open and I hear shopping bags and that's
when I realised mom was finaly home. But I still didn't
know what these shadowy creatures were, but they look
at the room's entrance and fade away... and I've never
seen them since...stilll freaks me the fuck out. I'm just
glad my mom arrived when she did cause who knows what
would of happened..."

second encounter was a few years later, once again, in
summer but it was around noon. I was around 13-14 (2003-4).
I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. We have
a window on top of the sink and I always look outside,
but to my surprise, there it was again. Near my mom's
garden. I thought someone was in our guarden. But looking
closely, that's when I realised it was one of them. But
this time, there was only one. I was able to see it a
tiny bit more clear as I could see its arm crossed on
its chest. But, just like the other one, he was a tad
see-thru but as you look down to his legs, they begin
to be more transparent until you can't see his feet. That
made me wonder if that's the reason I didn't hear them
walk in my bedroom but only heard my bedroom door open.
It was looking at me intensly and then it was looking
at my dad's old horse carriage he recently got, and I
saw it started to catch fire. I got scared and told my
family the horse carriage caugh fire and we ran out to
put it out. I looked back at where it was and he looked
angry and faded away. Like...how the hell do you fight
off a freaking shadow creature? Like...you can't! Especially
when I thoguht light was the answer but that fucker decides
to fuck with my logic and go to broad daylight."
M-P G.
January 21
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
January 22, my friend Ken Klingbell posted some UFO photos
on my Facebook page. I replied by asking him to send me
the photos and anything else he might have captured recently,
and what follows is what I received from him:
21, 2014: Filmed at 2 a.m. from Humber Court. Spotted an
object up high in the north sky. It was flashing red and
green, sometimes brighter and some flashes not as bright
so I got the camera out and recorded this object. Well,
I was not sure of what it was, but the colour change was
interesting. I just kept recording for a few minutes. It
slowly faded away after an hour or so. It was very cold
(-28 out) and had to come in to warm up, but kept looking
out the window to see where it was. It had move east a bit
but faded away shortly after that.
21, 2014.mp4
though I'm posting some of the more interesting photos associated
with this video, Ken has been able to take photos and capture
additional footage of objects maneuvering around Frood Road
and Lasalle Extension for quite some time. UFO sightings
were scarce for a while, but seem to re-occur now that the
New Year is upon us.
February 15
Location: Timmins, Ontario
this date, I received a message from a friend of mine from
Timmins who reported via Facebook that she had a daytime
sighting. What follows is what she wrote:
sighting today down Pine street, heading south of Timmins
at 11:11 .....silver metallic disk, 2 witnesses (myself
and my friend). We spotted it; it was super shinny. We stopped
the truck, then it disappeared. Seen it for about 2 minutes
in wooded area (clear skies). Not a plane, not a helicopter.........
I know what I seen , first daytime sighting ....was really
excited. I was heading for my camp with my kids. Also forgot
to mention oval shape (sun was shining on it) so it caught
our attention right away."
November 26, 2011
Location: 30 miles west of Rochester, NY
Friday, March 7, while I was at work, I received a phone
call from a New York State resident who reported that he
had had a sighting of a bright round object over Lake Ontario,
back in November 2011. I returned his call on Saturday,
March 8, and we spoke for an hour or so. On Monday, March
10, I received the following details of the sighting in
an e-mail:
Saturday, November 26, 2011. Awaking around 4:45 am, I decided
to go outside and check out anything that might be happening
in the sky. I was looking directly north over the shoreline
of Lake Ontario, on the New York State side, approximately
30 miles west of Rochester NY.
At 5:15 am, a white filled circle appeared directly north
over the lake, 45 degree angle from where I was standing
through a very light cover of clouds. Quite large in size,
close to half the size of a full moon, it didn't move in
the sky at all, no noise, and no flashing lights. It was
displayed for 5 seconds or so, then the light disappeared.
It reappeared again to the right (east) of its last display,
the distance of two times its diameter, same size, same
distance from the water, still remained stationary. This
time I flashed a 1 million candle power light at it with
no response from it. The light reappeared again and disappeared
for 2 more times. Each time it showed itself, it moved to
the east the same distance as the last display. After the
fourth display, it disappeared.
I continued to quickly pan the sky in the same area and
to the east and west only to have it appear again, farther
to the east, approx. half mile around 5 minutes later (5:20
am). This time there was only one display of this white
filled circle. The shape still remained in a circle form
considering the distance down the shoreline that it appeared.
The position over the water was the same, and still remained
stationary in the sky until it disappeared. It was a timed
display, 4 times on, 4 times off, each time it moved the
same distance to the east.
I continued to watch the sky until it happen again, 5:30
am, back where it originally showed itself. Again same size,
same display time and position over the water, no noise
or flashing lights but only one display and no more.
I continued watching for over an hour or so until the skies
started to show the beginnings of the sunrise."
March 27
Location: Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
was recently scanning through my e-mails when I came across
this UFO report from the States that had been made to me,
back in March. The following e-mail was accompanied by a
video that was taken the night before:
I live in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. My family and
I saw something last night, a few houses down from us, just
above the pine tree line. I reported this on ufoinfo already,
but I was wondering if you could tell me what you think.
Here's my report description, as well as the video.
mother, my girlfriend, and myself saw three glowing orange
lights sitting still just above the trees down my street,
around 50-65 yards. The trees are your average pines you
see in most housing developments. The lights were close
together. For perspective purposes, "ooo" best
represents the space between each glowing light. My girlfriend
and I quickly made our way down the street to get a closer
look. I ran ahead of my girlfriend out of excitement and
yelled for her to record this with her phone. The object
was sitting completely still, completely silent. It was
close enough now to notice the three lights formed a triangle
with a black body, each light occupying a point. At this
point, I'm ecstatic. The object's middle light suddenly
shrinks in size, similar to a car turning its brights off.
It began to slowly move over our heads, and given the object's
elevation, it couldn't have been moving faster than 10 mph.
When it was directly over our heads, we heard a sort of
soft humming sound. It was a deep pulsating hum, and we
only heard it when the object was crossing over. We watched
it as it left our field of vision. My girlfriend was about
to take a short video of the object with her iphone. The
video starts recording the object while it was stationery
up to when the middle light dimmed. The skies were clear
as can be. The next morning, our local news actually had
a segment on the clear visibility of the stars."
Pleasant, South Carolina UFO.mp4
March 29
Location: Lively, Ontario
April 22, a fellow co-work told me of a sighting her mother
had witnessed from her residence in Lively. It occurred
March 29th at 2 a.m. She said it was like a huge red Christmas
light in the sky. She watched it until it flew north towards
Chelmsford. The object was unusually bright and was stationary
in the sky. A few seconds later, the object suddenly shot
off in a northerly direction.
The week of April 6 - 12
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
April 21, a fellow co-worker reported that as she stood
outside of the Good Life gym around 12 midnight during the
week of April 6-12, she spotted an unusual object that looked
like a star. When she first saw it, the star-like object
was stationary in the sky, but then suddenly flared up to
a bright glow and took off at great speed to another point
in the night sky where it abrubtly came to a stand-still.
As quickly as it had stopped, the curious object flared
up again to a bright glow and took off at great speed, disappearing
from view. Her boyfriend, who was standing by her side facing
another direction, never saw a thing.
April 28
Location: Timmins, Ontario
April 28, I received the following e-mail from a Timmins
exited the 101 mall and headed south to my car. The sky
is clear, blue, not a cloud at all. The sun was just above
the mall so I was in the shadow. At no point did the sun
hit my eyes so I know it wasnt just my eyes. It was about
25 degrees from the horizon and not moving one bit. I paused
and put the telephone poll in the way to see if it was moving.
I first thought it was the moon but then I realised it was
too small. It looked like a shiny finger nail in the sky.
It was west of the sun and reflected the sun's light. I
got into my car, then decided I was going to look again
so I got back out and it blinked out and left no trail or
any type of trace. I only have a crappy blackberry and couldnt
get the camera app out fast enough. It truely was amazing!
is my Mufon report. It happened in Timmins, Ontario at approx.
10:15 am."
May 19
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
May 20, I found a phone message left on my answering machine
by a friend of mine who reported that he has seen the unusual
object depicted below. He said he watched a bright reddish-orange
triangle-shaped UFO on the evening of May 19 (Victoria Day),
at around 9:48 p.m., near Cambrian theater located on Eyre
street. He said that there were at least four other witnesses
who also saw it. He was understandably excited about it
since he had not witnessed anything unusual for the past
few years. What follows is the recording of his sighting
which was done on May 21:

May 19
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
May 29, I received a phone call from a Hamilton resident
who described having seen - and photographed - UFOs that
seems to streak down to the ground. The following e-mail
was received shortly thereafter, along with the accompanying
for the delay on sending these pictures. I had to download
them and you are welcome to the camera card I took them
on. First, I would like to say that I am not crazy and I
am not the only witness to this. On Sunday night (May 18),
my friend Steve and I left my house to go to his neighbours'
for a get-together. When we went outside, we seen a gold-coloured
object flying from south west toward the north east. I live
at K______ and B______, the front of my home faces east.
We thought maybe it was a new age fire cracker or one of
those chinese lanterns but we both agreed that it wasn't.
On our walk, we seen 4 more. When we got to Steve's neighbours,
while we were there, we seen 1 more. His neighbours also
witnessed this. On Monday morning, I went online to see
if anyone had seen anything similar. I went on YouTube and
the net. The only thing I found that looked the same was
recorded on YouTube in May of last year aound the same time;
it looked like a golden fire UFO and I heard fire crackers
in the background.
Monday night, my friend and I decided that we would have
a camera on-hand to see if we could see one again as there
would be fire crackers and obviously, if it happened the
night before and last year...it may happen again as people
would be lighting fire crackers. At 8:30 p.m., we started
to hear fire crackers. I said a few minutes later that I
was going to look outside to see what I could see. A couple
of minutes passed and I then saw a golden fire-like object
started to appear in the same direction as the night before,
followed by a second one. I ran to get my camera (my son
told me I was crazy the day before so I wanted proof of
what we saw). At 8:41 p.m. and 8:42 p.m., I took a picture
of the flying objects...what I recorded on camera compared
to what was visible made me feel very upset as you will
8:47 p.m., we went in the front of the house to see if we
could see another one. We did and took a picture from the
front steps of my house of the golden UFO - and as you can
see, much more was shown than a UFO, as in the other pictures.
Segmented beams...in the pictures from the backyard, you
can see segmented beams and the rectangular-shaped fire
wall at the bottom??? The UFOs in these pics are obscured
from the beams...and we could not see the beams; only the
I seen another in the farther distance at 9:07 p.m., looking
north. This is the only one that doesn't have the beams
coming down. In all of the pictures that were taken, it
shows the ship but it isn't golden fire-looking on the camera???
we saw one closer then all of them and really wanted a picture
of that one.....this is what the camera caught as it was
disappearing, not to the naked eye...all we saw was the
ship...a big circle that looked like a moon with different
red explosions on it: 9:32 p.m. and then a big yellow circle
with rings 9:33 p.m. When we looked at what the camera recorded,
we were all very upset and scared. My phone number is ______________
and my name is B____ P_______. We have witnesses to this
and I am willing to have the camera and picture card analyzed.
were not firecrackers!!!

Ontario - May 19, 2014
the similarity between these recent photos (above) and the
ones below, which were taken in Pine Bush, New York in the
early 1990s.

Bush, New York - Early 1990s
June 3
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
friend Ken Klingbell has been filming UFOs in the Sudbury
area for a while, now. As I'm trying to keep up with what
he's captured, he keeps sending me some amazing photos and
also posts them on my Facebook. This is what he has to say
about this next set of photos:
3, 2014 at 8:22 p.m. Orange pink-coloured object was flying
north. I was looking east. The object looked twice as big
as an airliner. Took 4 nikon 35mm photos and sent them to
you. Object went into cloud and didn't come out."

June 14
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
June 15 (Sunday), my friend Ken Klingbell posted a video
he took the evening before, and then made the following
comment about it:
night, I heard fire trucks so I got up and looked outside.
I seen a large red light in sky to the north east, hovering
over by where the tax center is. While it was there, I started
my sony handy cam that was on a tripod, got it centered
and then grab my Nikon 35mm camera and took a few shots.
The lens of the 35mm stayed open longer and I did not have
it on the tripod. The photos are a little shaky but the
red colour shows good. In the first photo, the flash went
off. I turned the flash off and the object had changed from
hovering to heading west, and made a left turn towards me.
Now the object is heading west-southwest. I went back to
my handy cam and got the rest of this red light. The object
then turned off its light and started to gain height. Now
a black orb-shaped thing went into the clouds. It was a
lot bigger then I thought it was. It almost looked like
a disk, but too dark to tell, plus I was watching the camera
I was recording with. It moved up after the light went out
and disappeared into a cloud. This was at 10:05 p.m. This
is the third time I wrote this report out. Twice, the explorer
shut down on me while I wrote this."
taken with 35mm camera at slow exposure

June 26-27
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
the night of June 26-27, Ken Klingbell witnessed a very
unusual sight. What follows is the brief description he
gave me of the event, along with a set of photographs which
includes close-ups. You will find the link to the video
below the sets of photographs:
photo was what I got when it was there before 12 midnight
on the 26th. This was when I spotted it going towards Frood
Mine using the 35mm camera. There was only a single white
light seen every few minutes. It would go down below the
trees when I frst saw it comming from the east. It only
popped up for a second every minute or so. I kept pausing
the camera and had to stop recording for long time - a minute
or two, sometimes."

and close-up of the single object taken on July 26, before
is when it came back after 12 midnight, on July 27. It was
hovering in the distance, right across from me, above the
trees and in between a couple of bigger trees. It kept going
down below the trees, then come back up for a couple of
seconds, then go back down. I felt like it knew I was recording
it. Then, it was making its way slowly moving east and doing
this up and down movement again. It never came back up.
I remember that it took me about 8 videos of just that light
going behind trees and not comming back up. And it wasn't
until the last video that I got a good recording of it,
along with the one photo of it going away slowly. At night,
if the object is moving, I dont get a picture like this;
only if they stop moving, do I get a good shot."

photos and close-ups of the "headlight"-looking
object, taken from video shot on July 27, just after midnight.
27, 2014.mp4
June 26
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Monday, June 30, I recorded an interview I had over the
phone with a female resident of Ottawa, who described to
me a sighting she had on June 26 of four separate objects
while walking. What follows is the recording I made of that
July 5
Location: Chatham, Ontario
Sunday, July 6, I received this following e-mail from a
female resident of Chatham, Ontario, who reported having
seen UFOs on several occasions in and around the area where
she lives:
came across your site as I was looking for, hoping for,
someone who may may have seen what I see in the night sky
last evening, on the outskirts of Chatham, Ontario.
was approximately 1:30 am and I looked out into my back
yard to see if our pool had been covered and through the
trees, I seen a very bright light in the sky. It was very
evident at first glance it was not a star, planet or even
a plane. It was hovering in the sky, swaying slightly from
left to right in an effortless motion. It began to move
in a quicker manner unlike the movement any man-made object
could do. If then stopped as I had called others in my home
to look at it. It was too dark outside (as I live on the
outskirts of the town) and the object was too bright to
determine the shape or actual size but it I'm certain it
must have been very large. There were lights on it, the
best colour to describe the lights flashing would be red,
but it was pulsating very quickly. We observed it for 10
minutes. As we continued to watch the bright light, it got
increasing larger and began to descend slowly downward.
The trees in the backward then obstructed any further viewing.
mother and I often see objects in the night sky over Chatham
and Wallaceburg, Ontario. We see them zip across the sky
very very quickly. No man-made object could ever fly as
quickly and precisely as the objects we see. They also change
direction without effort in sudden and abrupt movements.
They also will disappear without any warning, even when
the night sky is crystal clear. Last night's object was
the closet I have seen one, and it descending to the ground
was frightening. I tried to see where it had went but I
have too many trees in my back yard. The activity over this
area in the last three years has been alarming.
I will say, from my observations, as that it most definitely
is extraterrestrial in nature and the most alarming point
is it's clear they are not trying to hide. Their visitations
in the skies are becoming more frequent, and I've seen up
to 8 in one evening alone as my mother and I watched the
skies as we often do. I believe our planet is close to uncovering
the nature of these visitations. I believe disclosure is
close and imminent. One can only hope that whoever they
are, are here for a good reason.
a wonderful day"
from my iPhone
July 12
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
July 12, while chatting with Ken Klingbell on Facebook,
he took the following photograph from his balcony. Notice
the unusual vertical trail left behind by the object. Whatever
this is, it appears to be small in size ... especially when
you realize that it's located in front of the tree tops
in the background.

object photographed near Terry Fox Complex
July 17
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
following photograph was posted by Ken Klingbell on my NOUFORS
page off my Facebook on the morning of the 17th. He was
outside at 4:40 a.m. and he spotted a pink and yellow-coloured
orb fly across Sudbury, heading west. He said there was
only one. From what he could see, it looked as though the
object was near the Minnow Lake area.

July 19
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
Klingbell took this following photograph on July 19th, using
9-second shutter speed. The object was orange and moved
away quick so he couldn't get another shot of it. Obviously,
these objects are still hanging around.

taken using 35mm camera with 9-second shutter speed
1963 and 1973
Location: Skokie and Evanston, Illinois
Thursday, August 7, I interviewed a lady from North Carolina
who related to me a couple of UFO sightings she had had
when she was younger, along with a sighting made by one
of her friends. She is one of a very few witnesses who claim
to have been in close proximity to a UFO for an extended
period of time.
also went on to relate a couple of really interesting incidents
that involved having computer work done at two military
installations, including Area 51 and a secret military facility
in Virginia.
August 15
Location: Near Bowmanville, Ontario
Saturday, August 16, I received the following e-mail from
a resident of Courtice, Ontario, who reported a UFO sighting
he had near Bowmanville, Ontario:
Sighting near Bowmanville, ON, Friday August 15, 2014
was driving towards Bowmanville along Hwy 2 at 10:25 p.m.
to pick up my wife from work. I was talking on the phone
(speaker) with Tony when I told him I saw a strange light
hovering to the NE of me near Holt Rd. I told him I thought
it was a UFO and it looked like the top of a tower, even
though I knew there was no tower there. It was about 300
feet up. About 10 other cars would have seen this too. I
spotted it right after I passed Rundle Rd.
kept my eye on it and could tell I was getting closer and
closer to it. I could tell it was right over Holt Rd as
I was now just beside it. I knew if I turned north on Holt,
I could get out to see it as I was now basically right below
it. I was still talking to Tony and told him not to hang
up. I found a place to park just north of the group mail
boxes right across from Bob's towing, a junk yard and a
car dealership. From the time I turned at the traffic lights
to park there took approx. 10 seconds. I got out and immediately
looked up, but the object had just flown off in an easterly
direction towards Bowmanville (3 kms away). I could see
it moving away and then out of sight. To have moved that
fast from Holt Rd to over Bowmanville would require a speed
of 300 kms per hr, I am guessing. I have yet to do the math.
I had no time to use my phone to get a photo. I would have
if it had not taken off. If I had had a gun, I would have
shot it down just so I could prove what it was. I may never
first, I was hoping it was a Chinese lantern as it would
explain things. I had seen these lit and flown last year
at my sister's wedding. But of course, they don't sit stationary
in one spot and then dart off at unimaginable speeds. The
object was round and a firey orange colour that glowed and
I was close enough that I could actually see the glow shimmering.
Because it would have appeared as the light on top of a
tower, I am judging that it was 300 feet up, and that it
was from between 5-20 feet in diameter. There is no way
it was more than 600 feet up. There was no sound that I
could hear either. This is the typical type of sighting
that others have reported since the 1960s.
friend thought it might have been a drone. My questions
are: do drones hover? Do they look circular and firey orange
at night? And can they travel at phenomenal speeds?
am not a believer in paranormal events like ghosts or alien
abductions, but I know what I experienced and I will label
it as a UFO. My family and I also saw one back in around
1981 at Gravenhurst, but that one has already been reported.
also have another story you can add to your site from my
friend. He was driving at 6:00 a.m. in January 2010 and
he saw a huge light over top of a field of farm equipment
in Oxford County, Ontario. He stopped to get a picture but
as soon as he did. this thing flew off at incredible speeds
also... It was round and white and seemed to hang over the
equipment about a few hundred feet up. Very similar to what
I saw about the auto dealership and junk yard..."
Courtice, ON |
Early evening in June
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
October 10, I received the following e-mail from a Sudbury
resident who took the photographs posted below:
How are you?
past June 2014, I was taking photos of these beautiful clouds.
Never saw or heard anything out of the ordinary while taking
my photos. When I downloaded my photos, in one of them,
I notice this white dot with two grayish trails coming from
its sides.
the first 4 photos are my UFO. The last two, are from a
site called ThirdPhaseOfMoon. When I saw their photos and
video, I realized that theirs looked a lot like mine. I
sent mine to MUFON. It's still under investigation. My freelance
writer/media consultant Bob Mitchell sent me a video to
view, http://huff.to/1BpSEbH.
He seems to think it's this.
I would like a second opinion, hence I'm reporting this
to you. Please let me know of what you think."

a second e-mail I received from her, she relates a sighting
she had in the '70s:
also had a sighting in the 70's. We were living in Blezard
Valley on Martin Road South. The front of our house was
facing East. One night, my husband and I were in bed. All
of a sudden, I had this overwhelming sense that someone
was looking at us through the window. Which by the way,
our bedroom is on a second floor facing west!
told my husband that I needed to go and see out of the window
anyways! There, I spotted two hovering UFOs side by side.
They were small, the size of beach balls. No noise, just
hovering in place in the field in the back of our house.
I then called my dad because he's into UFO's. They stayed
there while I was talking to him. After I hung up the phone,
they shot at a ridiculous speed towards the south where
the Blezard Creek is. Stopped there, hovered for 3 seconds,
then at a supersonic speed, shot towards the West and disappeared
into the sky over the Sudbury Horse racing tracks."
October 10
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
October 11, I received two additional set of photos from
Ken Klingbell, a Sudbury resident who has been filming UFOs,
off and on from his balcony, for the past few years. The
sighting took place at around 6:20 p.m. on Friday, October
10. This first set was taken with a Nikon 35mm camera with
a 200mm lens. I later got this description of the event
from Ken:
was sitting on the couch and spotted a blue flash outside.
I looked and then took 4 photos with 35mm Nikon camera.
I called my son Shawn Ken and said: 'look outside...theyre
back! UFOs, that is.' Seen two UFOs, one blue and the other
was red and green in color. The blue one was zooming everywhere,
so I zoomed in on the green and red object. It was red on
the left side but looked as though it had 4 rings of green
in a tube shape. The red area then moved through the green
tube and came out on the right side. It did this back and
forth a few times while the red and blue object darted at
the red and green one. My younger son Jesse and his girlfriend
Vicky came in, both excited too. He asked if I got my chopper
that has a camera in it, and I said: 'no'. I said: 'There's
two UFOs outside.' He said he and Vicky saw a blue one zoom
from the north to above my apt. building, hovered for a
few seconds and then zoom back to where it came from, over
by the red and green object. I downloaded the first minute
and a half to my pc and turned the camera back on and left
it to upload to Facebook and you."

photos are in sequence and were taken on October 10, at
around . Notice that the blue sphere actually turns red
as it climbs slightly to the upper left in front of the
cloud layers.
for the second set of photos that Ken sent me, they are
stills made from a video he took while he and his sons were
watching this sighting as it unfolded.

these stills, you can see the vivid green color on the stationary
object. Amazing yet is its ability to change colors, from
red to green, with a tinge of yellow and white.
the video below, you can see how the green object remains
stationary while a second object maneuvers around it at
a high rate of speed.
how hard it is to keep the object(s) in sight when so much
is going on. It is also difficult to keep the object in
view when zooming in or out with the camera...since you
are looking through a small viewfinder in an attempt to
locate an object that may be far away and then trying to
capture the best possible shot of it before it suddenly
darts away at a very high rate of speed. In most situations,
you do the best you can with the equipment that you have
at your disposal.
September 5
Location: Skead, Ontario
October 14, I received an e-mail from a Skead resident who
said that she and three other people had seen a UFO. I received
assitional information from her on October 15, and this
is what she related to me:
You may not remember me but you work with my sister at Walmart.
We used to talk about UFOs and stuff. Well, I moved to skead
and there was 4 of us outside. We seen something. I have
a video to send you. E-mail me back if you're interested,
was dark out, around 9:12 p.m. My husband and I were sitting
outside when he jumped up and said: "What's that?"
We were just standing there. First, we thought it was a
star ... then a plane. Soon, we realized it was just hovering
over our mountain. I ran to get my best friend next door.
By the time I grabbed my phone to take the video, I only
got a minute or so on it, but it just disappeared over our
mountain. It came from the left of my house. I am so bad
with directions. I live on Bonhomme road in Skead. If you
google it, you'll see it. There are only two houses on the
was a light that went on and off very fast and moved very
fast, side to side, up and down, no sound, then gone. If
it's not a UFO, then I'm at a loss. I'm telling you I have
never seen anything like this before; my husband and friends
were also amazed. From my house, it was over a pond and
way to the left of the airport. I'm way in the bush. Nothing
I have ever seen can move that fast! I'm right in the bush."

UFO near Skead.mp4
Location: Hanmer, Ontario
November 28, I recorded an account given by a Hanmer resident
who, along with his wife, had witnessed a series of V formations
of red lights flying across the sky, in a westerly direction.
Below are the three photographs they took of the objects.

December 8
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
December 10, I received the following e-mail from Ken Klingbell,
along with six photos he took of an unusual orange light
source moving low across the sky:
December the 8th, 2014, at 4:55 p.m., I spotted a ball-shaped
object flying slowly over the tree tops of the Terry Fox
Sports Center, looking north from Humber Court. I was using
a Nikon 3100 with a 200mm lens. I tried to video record
the object but had a hard time keeping it in focus and switched
to just photos instead. Because of the focus trouble, I
was unaware that the object was splitting in two, forming
two orbs. But in the photos, it is easy to see the objects
forming. These photos show an object starting to form and
grow bigger as it is flying along."

December 30
Location: North of Toronto, Ontario
Tuesday, December 30, I received the following message from
a contact on Facebook:
pm, near Toronto, Ontario, just before Wonderland; very
bright star at low altitude, no movement. Was airborne for
a minute and faded out. Been awhile since I seen a UFO.
Okay, there was definitely no aura around it and appeared
as a sphere/orb. It took a total of 5 seconds from its original
size to the point it disappeared, no movement, right before
the wonderland amusement park, on the left hand side as
your driving forward. Ordinary light bulb color, colourless."
No infringement intended. For educational
purposes only.