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September 13
Location: Near Halfway Lake, Ontario
late September, I received a phone call from a Michigan
resident who reported that while he and his family were
coming back from a hockey game in Iroquois Falls, they had
a close encounter with an object of unknown origin. While
their young son was sleeping in the back seat, the couple
witnessed a UFO within 20 feet of their vehicle, and while
the man was anxious and curious as to what this was, his
wife was terrified and urged him not to stop and drive away
from the area as fast as they could. Because of the fear
of being ridiculed, they wish to remain anonymous. On October
11, I recorded the following:
September 29
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
September 9, I received the following message via Facebook
from the New Brunswick resident who is also responsible
for posting the photos below:
Michel. First, let me say good work you are doing. I came
across your name today, while going through the Moncton
Times & Tanscript's opinion page of Saturday, July 25,
2015, wherein you had a letter to the Editor. I just registered
with your site, noufors. I have seen UFO's probably more
than anyone else, going back to 1959. That one, I must admit,
is a bit nebulous, but later ones are not. In my case, I
am not talking about something miles away, but crafts as
close as 100 feet, 100 yards, being followed for up to 27
kms. There were witnesses in most cases. On one occasion,
I dared a woman to drive 50 miles with me, and I would show
her one, and it was there when we got there. In some ways,
that has disturbed me, as I do not understand certain things,
that being one of them, but the feeling was so strong. I
saw UFO's twice during daytime, though most were at night.
I was never afraid of what I saw, but it was fascinating,
especially the way a craft can travel on a level trajectory
at 50 mph and then change direction and be out of sight
overhead in a split second. I was in the Army and saw tracer
bullets and they are very slow in comparison. One sighting
alone can change you. I am a writer and poet. My last book
is titled "My life as an Alien," which is both
a play on words and also describes a number of things, as
they pertain to my reality. The first few pages of that
book can be accessed online. I include my website link,
so you can see who I am. www.spiritsinpeace.com
far as I know my last sightings were last winter, at which
time I saw two that were a few hundred yards away. My dog
was going crazy barking, something he never did before or
R. D.
on Tuesday, September 29, that same resident from St. Louis,
New Brunswick and his girlfriend posted the following three
photos on my Facebook, along with the brief descriptions
if anyone might have any idea what my girlfriend got in
this picture, taken today, in New Brunswick? I count 8 of
whatever they are. The picture was taken around 9 AM, facing
North-East, about 10 miles north of Richibuctou, N.B., on
old Highway 134. Chantal did not notice objects, only saw
this after the fact. She often gets things in her pictures.
In one shot, what appears looks like a rocket of some sort."
taken in St-Louis, New Brunswick. The photo on the left
was taken in late summer of 2014, but the exact date in
The photo on the right with the blue lights was taken on
November 16, 2014.
August 31 and September 10
Location: Fort Frances, Ontario

October 16, I received the following information from Brian
Godin, a resident of Fort Frances, about the two photographs
he took which are posted above:
31 roughly 5:45am. The one picture that was a metallic ball
flying towards us, flashing just like a plane, guessing
it was about 6 feet in diameter, flew above my neighbour's
garage about 40'-50' in the sky and when I snapped 4 pictures,
it vanished into thin air. The other picture was Sept. 10
at about 9:30 pm was an orb on the top and bottom and the
middle line was a solid black flying ball. Flashing like
a plane as well."
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Tuesday, September 22, I received the following e-mail from
an Ottawa resident:
live in Ottawa, Ontario near the Ottawa River and have a
clear view of the skies over Quebec - near the Gatineau
area and a little west. I have had 5 sightings in roughly
the same area of sky over Quebec, two being in the daytime
over the last 4 years.
ones that have really fascinated me are the cloud UFOs.
About 2 months ago, I captured one of them obviously hiding
behind a cloud but obviously didn't realize the cloud had
moved and it was visible. It was made up of 5 bright small
white lights that obviously belonged to a solid object from
underneath and under that triangle of lights, there were
3 other white lights dancing around under the triangle -
like little orbs. I can still see how clearly it just sat
there for several minutes till someone/thing at the helm
realized the cloud had moved so it slowly went behind the
cloud again.
that one episode, I have never looked at clouds the same
way again. Today for instance, I was watching the clouds
in the sky and all of a sudden, one large one seemed to
be moving across the sky and the thing was...no other clouds
were moving. So couldn't have been the wind as all would
be moving. The cloud was shaped like a saucer and actually,
if you look at a sky full of clouds, many of them are -
some flatter than others but the general shape.
have seen, in a darker greyer sky full of darker clouds,
what seemed like headlights in two places - 2 bright white
lights positioned across from each other in two places amidst
the dark clouds. Very strange indeed.
am coming to think that there are UFOs behind clouds if
not often, then maybe even all the time and if you watch
the skies for long periods of times, you will notice something
odd here or there - follow that instinct because 9 times
out of 10, you will see something for sure.
area seems to be a real hotbed of activity over Quebec,
I wish someone would come out and study this area. I know
there was a famous UFO incident in Carp not far from where
I am, something seems to be attracting them to the area,
or so it looks to me.
have reported all my sightings to Mufon but saw your site
and thought I would share.
I have seen the same object in that same spot in Quebec
skies 3 times. It's flashing red white and blue almost like
landing lights but it is up in the sky for almost 2 hours
when it appears. It also appears about the same time at
night around 9:30 pm and stays in the same area for a long
time. It descends and goes way back up but slowly a few
times then it's just gone. I have tried to track it through
an airport over in Quebec but nothing so far. I saw it once
2 years ago and again about a week ago when a friend was
with me and saw it too.
you have seen one of these, you can't go back. What are
they doing up there and who are they? Fascinating stuff.
the best.
August 10 - September 3
Location: Fort Frances, Ontario
Friday, September 4, I interviewed a resident of Fort Frances,
Brian Godin, who reported to me that for the past 17 nights,
he has been witrness to several odd sightings in the sky,
sometimes in the company of a friend. He also reported power
outages that occurred in the town of Dryden and elsewhere.
August 8
Location: Lake Lauzon near Blind River, Ontario
Monday August 10, I was told by a co-worker that she and
her husband had seen a red ball of light hovering over Lake
Lauzon where their camp is located not far from Blind River.
On October 1, she wrote the following:
Saturday Aug. 8/15 around 10:00 p.m., my husband called
me outside onto our deck to look at a round large red ball
hovering just to the east of our site. As we watched, the
'ball' began to shrink in size but never moved positions.
After about a minute, it blinked out of sight."
August 10
Location: St Charles, Ontario
Monday August 10, I received the fdollowing e-mail from
a resident of St-Charles who reported that, along with a
friend of hers and her daughter, they saw a delta-shaped
object with red lights:
this rainy morning!
friend and her daughter are at our cottage in Musky Bay
(St Charles) with me. Last night, we spent a few hours in
our gazebo, sitting and visiting (a few beverages were consumed).
At around 00:00, the daughter and I came indoors and my
friend went and sat on the deck alone then quickly called
us to come out to our deck which is south facing. She motioned
to a very high rapidly moving object in the brightly starlit
sky. It was silent, delta-shaped and had numerous red lights
around it. I can't exactly say that the lights moved in
a zig-zag motion but it definitely seemed to not be moving
in a straight line. It was at approx. 100° to the horizon
in the south-west sky. Within very few seconds, it proceeded
in the north-east and was concealed behind the trees in
our backyard. The distance it covered in a very few seconds
was vast. I do not believe it was an aircraft that we originally
saw but shortly afterward, we did see an airplane in the
southern sky behaving in the way you'd expect an aircraft
to behave, flying in a straight linear line. We could hear
the slight droning sound of an airplane. I cannot even guess
at what we saw last night, but it did not seem ordinary
to me. I haven't yet spoken to my friend and daughter about
what we witnessed last night yet this morning because they're
still in bed. I wanted to get this note off to you while
my memories are intact and not clouded by anyone else's
November 28, 2013
Location: From Sudbury to Naughton, Ontario
Saturday August 8, I recorded an interview with a Sudbury
resident who, along with her sister and her nephew, noticed
a stange light on November 28th, 2013:
November 2013, I, along with my sister and nephew, experienced
a sighting that began in New Sudbury and continued all the
way in to Naughton. Around 5:30 that evening I was getting
gas at Pioneer and noticed (it was more of a pull, like
something was telling me to look in that direction) over
the roof of the little house across the road this really
large, bright, what I thought was a star. Except it was
really big; bigger and brighter than any star I have ever
seen. I made a note of it then left and went west on Lasalle,
heading toward the Lasalle extension. While waiting for
the lights at Frood, I saw directly in front of me, off
in the distance, what looked like the same exact thing I
just saw at the gas station and pointed it out to my sister.
At first we thought it may be a light off one of the towers
so she watched while I drove. But no matter which direction
the car headed, around every turn (with the exception of
the under pass/on-ramp part as we could not see it), it
stayed exactly in front of us in the same position, as if
it was moving with us, trying to get our attention. When
we got to Copper Cliff, we pulled over behind the town houses
that burned down a few years ago and started to take a couple
of pictures. While we were doing that, it moved quickly
to the left, and then stopped dead. Then went up quickly,
stopped dead. It did that in a few directions, then stopped
moving altogether again. We continued towards Naughton and
the same thing started happening as before. It was directly
in front of us, no matter which way we turned. When we pulled
in to Naughton we couldn't see anything because of all the
trees, and when we got back out to the highway and continued
west toward Espanola, it was gone.
then I have been looking in to UFOs, other beings, etc.,
trying to find out as much information as I can and have
kind of reached a block (for lack of a better term) in my
path. I have all of this information but it is all sort
of blurring together and I could really use another person
who actually knows what they are talking about to help me
figure some things out, and possibly answer questions that
I have not been able to find credible answers to. I was
wondering, if you have time, if you would be willing to
help me try to make sense of all of this? Any help you could
give would be greatly appreciated."

left: Photo showing the Moon for comparison. Top right:
photo of the object that followed the witnesses.
Bottom left and right: photos of the object the witnesses
said they saw.
October - November 2000
Location: Woodstock, NB
Time: Roughly 1:00 am
a response to my Letter to the Editor which was printed
in the Moncton, New Brunswick Times & Transcript, I
received this following e-mail on August 4 from a member
of the Greater Moncton Paranormal Society:
have changed, and so has the town. Memories however, especially
the one I am about to tell you, has not. The year was 2000,
in late fall. I was the designated driver for a bunch of
college buddies one night (exact date unknown) when it was
my job to go check on the group. I did not own a car at
that time, but one of my friends did, and they had it with
them that night. The job was simple, go meet up with them
throughout the night to see if they wanted me to drive them
home. I had to walk from the next to the college in town
(where I lived at the time), down Main St, to two separate
bars where they said they would be throughout the night.
It was a cool autumn's night, but the sky was almost completely
clear, and the light of near full moon lighting the sky.
The first bar I went too, none of the guys were there, so
I continued to walk on to the next one, known as JR's (still
there today). I met up with the some of the guys, and they
said they were ok, and did not need a drive. My friend Eric,
who asked me to be the DD, wasn't feeling that good, so
he decided not to drink but still went out with friends.
We noticed one of the guys was not there, so I said I would
go check back at the first bar in case I missed him, and
would help him if needed. Other than the noise from the
fading bar in the background, the night was peaceful, beautiful.
Once I checked out the first bar and could not find our
missing friend (turns out he was sick in the other bars
bathroom most of the night), I decided to head home.
The first bar (known as The River Restaurant - https://www.facebook.com/theriverrestaurantinc),
was under construction, building a new patio on the left
hand side of their back deck, overseeing the Saint John
River, and the valley around it. Something drew me to go
take a look at the deck, as it was almost completed, and
not blocked off to the public. I saw a beautiful maple tree,
its empty branches lit up with the light of the moon. The
tree was huge, and the image of almost countless branches
zig-zagging all over the place with each branch and twig
lit by the soft blue-white reflection of the moon was mesmerizing.
I stood there for a moment or two, listening to the music
of the bar as people came and went, opening and closing
the door in the process. Other than that, an almost eerie
calm loomed over the town. I am staring at the tree, and
through it, looking at the incredible and vast stars that
were out that night. Then, out of nowhere, something to
my right, downriver, caught my eye.
Up in the sky, I would say no more than a couple thousand
feet up (but I am no expert here), were 5 very bright, neon
pink lights. They were lined up side by side, and vibrated
as if it was one solid object moving at the same time. I
was confused, but captivated by this strange object. I could
see through the spaces between the pink lights, as I could
see the distant stars behind them.
I could not believe what I was seeing. I turned my entire
body to face the object, still vibrating, gently, but noticeable.
Then, it was like it knew or saw that I had seen it, for
the vibrations stopped completely, the lights ceased to
move but for only a couple seconds. After that, the object
shot off in a half crescent, only never gaining or losing
any altitude. As it did this though, the lights merged into
one as it got further away, and as it came back close to
me, they separated again back into the 5 separate lights.
It then came even closer to me, almost overhead. The patio,
the ground, my clothes and everything turned a pale pink
in color, as the object lit up the surroundings with its
brilliance. I had enough time and remembered thinking "fight
or flight", should I have ran or should I have stayed?
The curiosity got the better of me, especially because I
have always been fascinated with the paranormal, so I did
not move, except to duck and cover my head, thinking the
object was going to hit me or something.
As soon as it got overhead, it stopped again, silent as
can be. No sound came from this object at all, I could not
see any shapes over than the 5 individual lights themselves.
It was now almost 50% larger than from when I first saw
it, and it wanted to make sure I knew it was there.
Suddenly, it shot across the sky, over my left shoulder,
northeasterly, over the river, the hills, and mountains
beyond. As it did this, the lights once again merged into
one, and shrunk in size as it was getting farther away,
until it was completely gone out of sight.
The entire event took roughly a minute.
I was shaken up needless to say and ran home after that.
My heart was racing and could not calm down or go to sleep,
so I ended up staying up until about 5 am that morning staring
at the stars, hoping it would return, or I would see something
else. I had no such luck.
I have studied and have read countless stories of ufo's
and the paranormal throughout all my life, and I remember
noticing that I experienced no loss of time, as I remembered
to keep an eye on my watch that night before hand and after,
I checked my entire body when I got home in the mirror,
showed no signs of marks, scratches, unexplained anomalies,
and I know for a fact I was stone cold sober when this happened.
I was not over tired beforehand and cannot to this day explain
what or why I saw what I saw that night.
I talked to a bunch of friends at college the next day,
no one seen or heard anything. Some of course thought I
was crazy and was drinking when I said I would be the driver.
A few friends believed me, one in particular, who convinced
me to right this story down all those years ago and send
it to world renowned UFO Researcher, Stanton Friedman. I
found out that he lived in Fredericton NB by looking him
up online, and sent him my story. I have never heard back
from him, but this moment has been burned into my mind ever
since that night. I have never before or since saw anything
like that in our skies."
Location: Kukagami Lake Road, near Highway 17, Ontario
July 28, I interviewed one of two area residents who, in
1973, witnessed a UFO as it was taking power from the high
tension wires on a pole line that intersects Kukagami Lake
Road, near Highway 17. He showed me a sketch he made of
the incident and a sketch of something his mother had seen,many
years ago.

Locations: Temagami, Ontario and Clearwater River
in Alberta
Wednesday, July 15, I received the following e-mail from
a Sudbury resident:
have several photos of UFOs that I took a few years ago
in the Temagami area and wonder if you'd be interested.
Also I've had other sightings, one in BC, another in Alberta
in addition to the one in Ontario. If interested, please
return email me. Thanks."
July 22, I received the following photos, accompanied by
the description of the events witnessed by Mr. W.

was driving from Alberta to southern Ontario via Highway
11 and wanted to photograph some of the white and red pine
stands in the Temagami area, so I had my digital camera
on the passenger seat, handy for when I saw something I
would photograph. I often stop and take photos of scenery
or animals.
was scanning the trees alongside the highway when I noticed
up to my left, just above the tree-line, two dark objects.
These were dark, sort of greyish in colour and moving slightly
faster than my own speed of about 90 kph. I sped up to about
100 kph but the objects were still travelling somewhat faster
than that.
reached over and grabbed the camera, hit the on button and
with one hand through the open driver's side window managed
to get about four photos in a distance of about 1.5 kilometers.
Then these objects crossed the highway ahead of me and went
out of view behind the trees.
were dark in colour and resembled sort of vertical jelly
clarity, I used Adobe Photoshop and converted them to bas
relief. On doing this, I was surprised to discover there
were more than two objects."

is another photo with a UFO similar to those I sent. This
one was taken on the Clearwater River in Alberta. It was
more of a dull aluminum colour as opposed to the dark ones
I saw in Ontario.
have no idea if these are seen frequently, but I've heard
two other accounts that meet the description.
daughter was lounging in her back yard in Cambridge, Ontario,
when a flight of hot air balloons passed over. She saw another
object following the balloons at a leisurely pace and her
description matched these. She said she tried to draw the
attention of balloon occupants to the object but they didn't
seem to understand.
instance was related by the wife of a friend in Prince Rupert,
BC. She is a post office employee and told me she and two
co-workers went to the rear loading dock of the post office
for a smoke break when they noticed an object of the same
description as those near Temagami hovering over Prince
Rupert harbour. It remained stationery during their break,
but was gone when she checked a half-hour later.
object in this picture is at the upper right of the frame."
August 8, 2014
Location: Dowling, Ontario
July 9, I received the following e-mail from a Sudbury resident:
to report this last year, with not much luck. Noticed you
in Northern Life. Anyways here it is...sitting in my back
yard in Dowling at about 10:45 pm aug. 8 2014. Seen a V-shaped
craft flying from east to west. It had five, mayby 7 dull
lights in a V shape. It was moving very fast with no sound.
Pointed it out to my wife. It was gone in about 5 seconds.
It was one craft but not knowing the size or height, hard
to say speed. I'd say it was big high and very fast."
April 22
Location: East of Hayward, California
June 12, I received the following message via my NOUFORS
Forum page from a California pilot:
there is any way I can send some screen shots of the video
I captured on April 22, 2015 flying a cargo run from Van
Nuys to Hayward Ca @ 0330am. I have tried to contact a few
people and I am not getting anything. This is not a hoax.
I was in contact with norcal ATC and on an IFR flght plan.
If Mr. Courant can accept an email from me, I will send
the pictures to him.
is probably the closest contact ever recorded. There will
be no one that can give any explanation other than not of
this planet. I had objects that appeared as green/red orbs
and there were 6-9 of them. I was paced for 10 minutes while
indicating 160kts and they hovered; paced me; did very,
very, very high speed passes within feet of me, and were
constanly in my view."
Van Horn
Redding Ca
Saturday, June 6
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
a full day of having breakfast with my friends, shopping
around at garage sales and getting my wash done, I went
out sky-watching with my pals at around 9:30 p.m. or so...until
about 11:40 p.m. In total, we spotted seven satellites.
But I also saw a couple of objects or light sources that
behaved differently. At eleven minutes to eleven, I saw
a moving light flare up to a dull bright glow as it passed
the Big Dipper, and then faded and disappeared as it headed
north. Then, at around 11:25 p.m., as I was looking in a
south-southwest direction, I noticed a single bright flash
of light in between a semi-circle of stars, low to the horizon.
I kept looking in case I'd see something else, but I didn't
see anything after that. My friends were busy looking at
other areas of the sky at the time. We headed home at around
11:40 p.m.
Sunday, May 17
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
Sunday, May 17, I received this following e-mail from a
Sudbury resident who reported between six to twelve UFOs:
name is Dylan. I live in Sudbury, ON. I was outside my house
tonight from about 11 pm May 16, 2015 to about 12 am May
17, and during that time, I saw six to twelve UFO's! I've
never reported any before, though I have seen them, five
in the last two years, to be exact. Then all of a sudden,
they're just everywhere tonight. I say six to twelve UFO's
because some of them could possibly have been the same ones
flying back over again. All of them except one were bright
lights high up in the sky (not flickering like a plane),
brighter than any of the surrounding stars, all of them
changing speed every now and then and a few were also changing
direction every now and then as well. At one point, there
was 5 at once going in all different directions. The one
that wasn't bright like the others (and which freaked me
out the most) was a dark triangle-shaped aircraft that flew
maybe 200-300 feet above my head, heading west at about
11:07 pm. I could hardly see it; it almost seemed transparent,
aside from the faint outline, as well as 5 very dim orange
lights along the edge of the craft. There was no jet engines
or exhaust fumes that I could see; also, it was completely
silent. As I said before, I've never reported any previous
UFOs that I've seen, but this seemed way too crazy to just
keep to myself. I hope you find this interesting."
Dylan M.
Monday, May 4
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
Monday, May 11, I received the following e-mail, along with
an unusual photograph that was taken with the eyewitness'
cell phone:
took a suspicious picture last Monday... I do not know where
else to send this picture in order to acquire a sound opinion
of what is in this picture.
Brief description....
saw a weird cloud formation occur above my home... no rain
in the forecast or clouds.
was drawn to this interesting scene and decided to take
a pic. It was not until yesterday I decided to examine it...
what I see is a beam of light coming from the inner funnel
of the clouds... I sent the pic to my niece and she said
to look at the bottom of the beam of light... there in a
small child like shadow is the shape of a being of sorts.
you could please review this and get back to me asap, I
would greatly appreciate it. While I do not feel any negative
energies from this presence, I know it is something, just
not sure how to identify it.

If you look closely at the base of the vertical beam of
light, you will see what appears to be a humanoid form standing
in the middle of it. No one is positively sure, but it is
something to consider.
Location: Near Manitoulin Island, Ontario
May 5th, I received a text message from an eyewitness who
described having three separate sightings during the last
ten years:
3 sightings over the last 10 years of a bright light each
time coming east down the north channel towards and past
Little Current; no sound. I wrote it off as being close
to the States' drones? I don't believe in aliens but even
drones don't fit. I know a lot of other folks have seen
them also, and surprised to see how much and many people
out there have seen the same. Keep up the good work."
April 14
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
April 14, I received a very short e-mail from a resident
of .
saw a wierd black round object in the sky on sunday around
3:30 pm. It was rotating and twisting and turning like crazy
and it had a flashing blue light. I don't know what it is,
but I think it is a ufo."
Late 1960s
Location: Island of Paxos, Northeast of Greece
received the following e-mail either in March or April from
a person whose aunt had witnessed a flying saucer in 1968:
my aunt, nearly 80...told me a story she encountered when
she was younger. Actually, I was really curious why my beloved
aunt never talked about this before.
homeland is a small island ... remote from the mainland
and as you can understand, the population there are mostly
superstitious, and as most of the Greeks, deeply religious.
... She was walking in olive grove from her home to go to
meet my uncle...it was normal, because this happened around
1968...to walk a long distance until you reach your destination
in Paxos, small island NE of Greece.
she walked through the olive grove following a path. It
was late evening and it was dark when she felt something
above her. She raised her head up to the sky and saw a flying
pan (as she described it) ... with no sound and very bright
as the sun, without rays. She just stayed there, watching
it moving slowly ... yes, this is what we call "UFO"
today ... and this "pan" moved up the hill in
the olive grove ... silently, in a neighbourhood called
"Romanatika." Who could believe her?
day, the village's women, after their work, gathered to
gossip as usually happens in small societies, and they were
talking about a neighbourhood man who often is drunk and
mocked him, because the previous night, his family found
him passed out on the ground...
he got home, he was sick with fever and other symptoms I
dont remember while she was in some kind of delirium and
talking of a flying pan
He had a memory loss, actually
for a day.
the other women mocked him, my aunt said that he had witnessed
that and the man wasn't drunk as usual. The man finally
recovered, but until the end of his life, had serious health
problems because of this and never recovered completely.
As far as I know, he died from lung cancer.
Thanks for hearing me and sorry for my English. You can
correct any vocabulary or syntax error you find."
Stephanos |
March 22
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
March 22, I received the following e-mail, along with photos,
from a Sudbury resident who has seen and photographed UFOs
similar to those captured by my friend, Ken Klingbell:
UFOMAN, just thought I would send some more photo's of the
sighting I had. I was able to zoom in on the craft that
flew over my yard in August 2014. Please have a look. It's
quite similar to the one Ken Klingbell had photographed/filmed.
If you zoom in with windows photo viewer, you can see it
is a big sphere/pancake with strange lights that move and
change colors. Anyway, I have the originals and other ones.
Perhaps if you ever know someone who is good at editing
ipad2 footage or even uploaded youtube footage, and is interested
in UFOs, let me know. I haven't found a good enough program
other than this one that helped me zoom to see the black
ball (barely). Anyway, just wanted you to have these, Thank
You! Sincerely."

March 22
Location: Near Trenton, Ontario
March 22, I received the following e-mail from a resident
of who reported the following UFO sighting:
found your site because I was searching for somewhere to
report what I witnessed early this morning. While watching
tv in my chair beside the picture window of our home, a
bright light caught the corner of my eye. For a brief split
second, I assumed it was a falling star. Then I realized
it didn't fade but was getting larger and brighter. That
made me spring from my chair for a closer look. What I saw
was saucer-shaped with coloured lights - yellowish, reddish,
blueish. I got a pretty decent look at it, I'd say for half
a second or so before it accelerated away faster than anything
I've ever seen. This may sound cliche but I immediately
had a feeling I knew what it was that I saw, but I don't
want to go charging to any conclusions. Could that be a
drone of some sort? There is a military base in Trenton
which is about a two hour drive from here.
seemed to appear from a high altitude from a west north-west
direction and when I saw it closer, it looked as though
it was only 1000 feet or less from the ground. It disappeared
in a straight line toward the south. We live on a quiet
road and it was a dark night last night. The whole thing
lasted about 4-5 seconds at around 2:45 am. Almost immediately
after it disappeared, a car came by our house (not frequent
at that time of night); from his perspective, he should
have definitely saw what I saw.
for reading. This is no hoax or false report. I'm a little
freaked out by this and hoping for a possible explanation."
from my iPhone
January 1
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
January 2, I was told about a UFO sighting that took place
in the Moonlight Beach area during the previous evening,
at around 9:30 p.m. The witness said that he had gone outside
on his deck to take a smoke when he noticed a peculiar formation
of orange lights. He called out his two sons and his wife
so that they could confirm what he was seeing. All four
witnesses stood and watched as the lights from the main
"V-shaped" formation suddenly blinked out. A fourth
orange light moved from right to left, heading in the same
direction where the other lights had been stationary just
a few seconds before. Below are drawings based on the original
sketch made by the main witness.
it turns out, the witness was Christopher Johnston, a co-worker
who recently passed away on Friday, May 15, 2015 due to
Cancer at the age of 50. He will be greatly missed.

V formation of orange lights with a fourth one to the right.

formation of lights disappeared as the remaining light moved
to the left.
August or September 2014
Location: Near Ottawa, Ontario
Tuesday, January 6, I received the following e-mail from
an Ottawa resident:
writing to you with an inquiry regarding something I witnessed
a few months back that has been puzzling me ever since.
I recently came across the NOUFORS site while attempting,
yet again, to find any explanation for what I saw or, at
the very least, just a closely related sighting. I have
yet to find anything, but this site was the first I came
across that mentioned anything remotely similar.
was during the summertime, and I was hanging outside with
a friend. She was talking, and I was observing the night
sky as I often do. But this particular night I saw something
unlike anything I've ever seen. It was a clear night, and
nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be going on. Then,
seemingly out of nowhere, this vibrant blue object shot
a short distance through the sky and then vanished just
as quickly. The object was mostly oval in shape, except
what I assumed to be the bottom of it was flat instead of
round. It appeared to glow blue - and when I say "blue",
I mean it was an electric blue, not the regular blue you
see on airplane lights. But the light only seemed to be
the outline of the object, as well was two stripes through
the middle of it. There were no contrails behind it at all,
and when it vanished it almost seemed to be "diving"
beneath the black of the sky. Also, from where I was it
appeared to be outside the Earth's atmosphere as opposed
to inside.
haven't witnessed anything like this since it happened,
but it's left me with a peculiar feeling and it seems ingrained
on my memory as if it just happened the other day instead
of months ago. I'm hoping that you might have seen something
similar, or heard stories, or even just straight-up have
an answer for what it was.
can't remember the exact date of the sighting (glimpse,
anyway). I do remember that it was sometime during the end
of August or beginning of September, and it was around 10
or 11 at night. I have no issues with you entering my report
or using it in any manner; just let me know if you have
any further questions about it.
was definitely a colour I've never seen used by any of the
aircraft we have. I know what a plane or helicopter light
looks like, and it was definitely not either of those (those
are the only form of aircraft I've seen around here in the
5 years I've lived here).
was also an odd shape that differed greatly from any commonly
used aircraft, or any that I'm aware of either. And its
behaviour (appearing and disappearing quickly) seems a little
too sci-fi/futuristic to be a modern-day Earth machine to
also live in Ontario (outside of Ottawa), so I might take
you up on the phone call. Are there any times, or days,
that are better to call than others?
I really don't mind if you use my name, to be honest. Whichever
you prefer to use is fine.
you, and warm wishes to you as well!
care and thank you for your time,
Location: Near Toronto, Ontario
Wednesday, January 14, I received the following e-mail from
a Greater Toronto Area resident:
had my own experience about 35 years ago (circa 1980?).
You can read about it here - GoogleUFONews.com.
It was reported in one of our local newspapers.
been trying to track down this article ever since to no
avail. Perhaps someone in your organization can be of assistance.
don't recall which newspaper, Toronto Star, Toronto Sun
or The Mississauga News. It read and I quote, "Dozens
of Mississauga residents report a UFO as big as a football
a photo literally identical to what we saw.

a look at my drawings I made many years before 1988
Official UAP Report
the winter of the late 70s or early 80s, January perhaps,
I just got off work at 9:30 P.M. from the auto dealership.
I was a car salesman at the time. I started driving towards
the city of Toronto, Canada, on the QEW (Queen Elizabeth
Way) eastbound to meet some friends at a bar on the Esplanad
(a street lined with nightclubs). I was not under the influence
of any drug or alcohol.
I was driving, I noticed a string of lights slowly rotating
counter-clockwise over the city of Toronto, at about the
ten oclock position from my point of view. This caught
my eye because these formation of lights were very unusual.
The lights were evidently in a circular pattern with about
two-thirds visible as the other third rotated out of view.
Imagine a pie plate with about 25 lights around the circumference
of it. As this pie plate would revolve, a third
of these lights would be hidden from view as if they were
obstructed by a solid body. It was at night so all I could
see was these rotating string of lights, but they were definitely
on a fixed platform as the lights were revolving
in unison.
Ive heard of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon and was
curious, at that time in my life, I didnt really give
that much thought about them. Ive always been interested
in nature and especially about the universe. Ive seen
all kinds of aircraft and advertising blimps at night before.
I drove taxis off and on for fifteen years on the
night shift and have seen countless meteors, lightening,
satellites, etc. On two occasions Ive even seen extremely
bright, slow falling, green fireball meteors lighting up
the ground, for a couple of seconds, as if it was daylight.
Ive read, in later years, were other witnesses reported
green fireballs as Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. I chuckled
to myself thinking how easily UFO believers
can be fooled by natural phenomenon.
these circle of lights were slowly descending and approaching
towards me (westbound), while I was driving about 115 kilometers
per hour on the highway (eastbound). These lights were getting
closer and closer as we approached each other.
I recall thinking to myself that this must be some kind
of advertising balloon and those lights were letters. As
I kept driving, I was paying more and more attention to
this object because the closer it was getting, the more
unusual it looked. I kept glancing at it, while driving,
waiting until it was close enough to read what these letters
were saying, still thinking it was some kind of advertising
blimp. The closer it got, the more I looked at it. Now at
my nine oclock position, the string of rotating lights
appeared to bank left like an airplane would turning
right. Actually, it wasnt banking at all. It
was dipping forward pointing towards the ground. At this
point, I realized that these lights were not letters at
all. They were different shaped and sized, yellowish white
lights. I surmised the reason these lights were different
in shape was because they appeared to be imbedded,
recessed into some solid body. I assumed thats
the reason they appeared to be different shapes and sizes.
the time when this Strange Flying Object started to bank
left, or I thought from my point of view, I was struggling
with myself trying to understand whether this was a plane,
blimp, or a balloon. It was flying too slow for a plane,
yet, too fast for a blimp. Also, it didnt appear to
be flying or floating. The best way I can describe its motion
is that it looked like it was sailing in the
sky, as if it was in its own, separate environment, outside
our sphere of perception.
interesting here is that the human brain tries to associate
what the eyes are seeing, to something already seen or experienced
before. Thats why I was at war with myself trying
to decide whether this object was a plane, blimp or a balloon.
Every time I resigned myself to what I must be witnessing,
I jumped to another conclusion. This jumping from one conclusion
to another occurred during the whole experience.
was imagining all kinds of things. For example, if it was
a plane, the only way these lights could have been positioned
was in a circle because this plane must have had some kind
of supporting structure in a circle from wing tip to wing
tip. This didnt make any sense at all. Ive seen
advertising planes before. This was nothing like this. Not
even close. Then I was trying to imagine a Goodyear
blimp with these letters going across its side. This
was nothing like it either. So here I was, trying to drive
and watch this object at the same time.
I was driving, I started to slow down because I kept looking
at this circle of lights more than the road ahead of me.
In retrospect, I dont even know how I kept my car
on the road because I was so awed by this display in the
sky. As the object kept dipping forward more and more, it
eventually ended up totally perpendicular to the ground!
The first thing that came to mind was a big Ferris wheel
rotating in the sky. I couldnt believe what I was
this point I slowed down to about 50 KPH (30 miles an hour
in a 60 MPH highway for my American friends) and put my
four-way, flashing hazard lights on my car fearing that
another car would crash into the back of me for going so
slow on a 100 KPH highway.
I was mesmerized by this strange Unidentifiable Aerial Object,
a surge of adrenaline hit me like a ton of bricks. I didnt
realize how BIG this thing was. At first I thought it was
the size of an airplane fairly close. IT WAS GIGANTIC! Absolutely
ENORMOUS in size. At least twice the size of a football
field, bigger than an aircraft carrier! It must have been
miles away.
dont know what gave away its size. Maybe the reflections
of light on the ground. The best way I can relate this sudden
realization is like one of those illusions most of us have
seen. You know, when you look at a pixel drawing with an
image you cant see until you stare at it for a while?
After a period of time, you make out the face of a woman
or something like that? Thats kind of the transformation
I experienced. At first I thought the object was the size
of a large plane, than suddenly I REALLY saw it. IT WAS
HUGE!!! I yelled out loud to myself, Holey F**k, ITS
HUGE!!!. I dont F***ing believe it, its
F***ing HUGE!!!. I thought it was fairly close at first,
then bang!, it was farther away and larger than my brain
first comprehended it.
about this surge of adrenaline. Have you ever had a really
close call having a car accident? When your heart rate skyrockets
to about 180 beats per minute? Thats what I felt when
I realized how Gargantuan this object was! I could actually
feel my heart pounding like crazy. To be frank, thats
when it literally scared the hell out of me, when I realized
how big it was. At this point, I rolled down my window and
pointed to this giant Ferris wheel in the sky
to the other motorists, but it appeared no one seemed to
notice as they screamed by me at regular highway speeds.
I remember how cold it was when I rolled down my window.
It was something like minus 30 Celsius below zero.
I dont know how long, probably only a few seconds
of rotating in this perpendicular position, this Unidentified
Aerial Object started to climb and right itself and sail
back to the direction it originally came from. I rolled
up my window, turned off my hazard lights, and started to
speed up to chase it. Still, it seemed other motorists didnt
notice this object. That still irks me to this day why nobody
seemed to notice.
I was approaching the city limits, this object was in its
flat position again climbing over the city. Then, all of
a sudden, the rotating lights turned off except for a red
aircraft like blinking light (which I never
noticed before). After a few seconds, the rotating lights
turned on again. It was like in the movie Close Encounters
Of The Third Kind. The lights just blasted on. Then
after a few seconds they turned off again as it seemed to
be over the city. Strange behavior.
I was exiting off of the highway onto Spadina Rd. I lost
track of these lights because of the tall buildings. When
I was on the street where I was going, I saw a cop parked
on the other side of the road writing a parking ticket.
I stopped in the middle of the road and ran over to him.
He was quite taken aback by my seemingly aggressive approach.
I asked him, how long have you been here? I
forgot what he said, but I asked, did you see that
big circle of lights flying in the sky? He said no.
After parking my car, I met my friends at the bar, Baileys,
(Dave B. and Craig C.) and told them what happened, but
they didnt take me seriously as theyve already
had a few drinks and were more interested in the ladies
then listening to my astonishing, wild experience.
sitting at the bar by myself for an hour or so I went home.
I was living at my parents house at the time, temporarily,
so when I got home around 11 P.M., I called the police.
I didnt know who else to phone at the time. They didnt
take me seriously of course so, after that, I phoned the
Toronto International Airport and managed to get through
to Air Traffic Control and asked them if they had anyone
call in with a UFO report. Nothing. So I called the police
again and convinced them to take me seriously as I wanted
to make a report. They told me they can send a couple of
officers to my house. As it was late and my parents were
asleep, I told them Id rather come to the station
the next day to report. Next morning, when I contemplated
going in I decided not to, fearing they would think Im
some kind of wacko UFO fanatic.
the days went by, scanning the newspapers looking for a
UFO sighting to no avail, I started doubting
myself. I was trying to convince myself that perhaps I was
somehow mistaken. Maybe it was something not out of the
ordinary at all. Maybe it was a balloon or airplane of some
kind. Maybe like thousands of others, I witnessed something
that I misinterpreted for something else.
a week or so later, on or about the tenth page of the Toronto
Star or Toronto Sun, buried in the bottom right hand corner,
there it was! A short article. Dozens of Mississauga
residents reported a UFO as big as a football field.
I dont recall the whole article. Finally
I said to myself. I knew it was real, I
knew I didnt imagine this. Ill never,
ever, doubt myself again, no matter how much ridicule Ill
be subjected to.
have some regrets however. One is It didnt occur to
me at the time to contact the media instead of the police
and the airport. My second regret is I wish I had others
with me to have this one in a million experience. And most
importantly, I wish I knew what I was witnessing right from
the beginning so that I would have found a way to park my
car and really pay attention to this strange, enormous craft
in the cold night sky."
January 28
Location: Near Coniston, Ontario
morning (Thursday, January 29) at 11:30 a.m., I received
the following report from a young lady's iphone:
January 28th at 10:00 p.m. I was driving home from work,
right after the 70km zone in Wahnapitae. I seen a circular
object in the sky going over the kmhighway. It was flashing
green on the bottom and above it you seen a dark circular
figure. I nearly drove into the ditch looking at it. After
about 6 seconds, it was gone, I couldn't see it anymore.
from my iPhone"
April 22
Location: Near Coniston, Ontario
April 23, I received the following e-mail from a resident
of Six Nations, near Hamilton:
Wed. April 22, 2015 I was traveling South on Chiefswood
road into Ohsweken. I saw an orange light in the south.
Initially I thought it was a tower light then I then I realized
it was a bit high for a tower light and I noticed it was
moving towards me. I was driving so I could not get a good
look. About 5 min later I looked and there were 2 more following
the first. I was still driving. As soon as I could I pulled
than a minute later, I rolled down my window to check if
I could hear anything. I looked to see if there were any
other colour lights with the orange . It was 3 orange lights
and they seemed to be equal distance from the one ahead.
No sound. It was snowing so again I thought low flying helicopter-no
noise nor
any spot lights and they were not in any hurry. I turned
down a street and picked up my son about 10 min. On our
way out we spotted one more light coming from the same direction
and it appeared to be floating, not traveling in a straight
line and not in a hurry. We watched it disappear in the
snow heading east. About 5 min."
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