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Location: Alberta
Thursday, October 3, I received the following e-mail from
a Sudbury resident whose friend took the accompanying photos:
A friend of mine recently moved to Alberta and when he was
picking up his daughter from school, they saw this. I know
nothing of this type of thing but he's curious as to what
it is, so I thought you may know what it is?


Thursday August 22, 2019
Location: Near Blind River, Ontario
September 8, I received this following e-mail from a Canadian
resident who happened to be vacationing with his wife in
Iron Bridge, Ontario:
8, 2019
Mr. Deschamps,
To provide context to the following report, I would like
to share with you my background. I am 64 years of age and
am a registered clinical psychologist working in the field
of mental health. I have a B.Sc. (1977) with a major in
experimental psychology and a minor in astronomy and a Master's
degree (1980) specializing in perceptual and cognitive psychology.
During my graduate training, I focused on psychological
and physiological foundations of perceptual and cognitive
distortions. After graduate school, I further trained in
behavioural psychology and this is the primary modality
in my clinical work. As such, I have formal scientific training
and am well versed in understanding the challenges associated
with eye witness testimony and the veracity and bias inherent
in such observations. I view myself as an empiricist who
is highly skeptical in regards to extraordinary claims and
I subscribe to the notion that such extraordinary claims
require extraordinary evidence. I have viewed the field
of "Ufology" as the study of a "human phenomenon"
which may or may not reflect something outside of human
psychological/perceptual factors although the evidence thus
far is that these events are a human psychological experience.
However, a rational explanation for the sighting which I
will describe herein has, for the past two weeks, eluded
me and because of that, I decided to submit this report
"for the record", the details of which are based
on the contemporaneous notes I took at the time of the incident.
I am submitting this report in the hope others may have
observed the same event and can offer some insight.
I would further add that since I was a young child, I have
been interested in astronomy and cosmology with my eyes
frequently pointed up to the sky and I remain as current
as possible in developments in the field. I have spent many
hours observing the heavens with the naked eye and through
telescopes and am familiar with observing stars, planets,
comets and meteors. I was fortunate enough to have observed
the August 1972 'great daylight fireball' while living in
Southern Alberta. I have also observed many man-made objects
traversing the sky in my lifetime ranging from common fixed
and rotary winged aircraft, to B52 bombers and their fighter
escorts flying over Southern Alberta at extremely high altitude
out of Malmstrom Air Force Base Montana, to watching numerous
satellites pass overhead in the first hour after sunset,
including the International Space Station. In short, I believe
I have a good grasp on the normal behaviour of celestial
and of man-made objects one might observe in the sky.
wife also has a Master's degree and works in Health Care
The Incident
This past summer, my wife and I spent six (6) weeks at our
family cottage on the North Shore of Lake Huron located
near Blind River Ontario. We have spent most summers at
our cottage over the course of the last 25 years. The cottage
is located on the Lake Huron shoreline within 30 feet of
the water facing East and South with an unobscured view
over the lake which, of course, looks like an ocean. There
are only about 20 cottages along the shore and most are
seasonal, with only a few being year round residences. All
the cottage properties are surrounded by a Provincial Park
that is undeveloped and with no roads. It is a very quiet
area and isolated enough that it would likely qualify as
a dark sky area.
Date and Time: The following observation took place
on Thursday August 22, 2019 at 2140 hours Eastern Daylight
Weather Conditions: The sun had set some time earlier
and the sky was effectively black, especially looking towards
the East and South over Lake Huron. The sky was completely
cloud free and many stars could be seen but it was far too
early for the moonrise. There was not a breath of wind and
the lake was completely still and mirror like. None of the
nearby cottages had lights on and it seemed as if most were
unoccupied at the time; as such, it was incredibly quiet
and still. As the nearest town is 25 km distant (as the
crow flies), there was no light pollution of which to speak.
Sequence of Events: My wife and I had spent the day
closing up the cottage and packing the truck in preparation
of leaving the next morning. We were sitting inside the
cottage, having a late supper and watching TV when I noticed
through the main front windows (looking eastward) a large
and very bright oval-shaped orange light in the sky over
Lake Huron, which immediately struck me as very odd, moving
relatively slowly but steadily from north to south (my left
to right). I pointed it out to my wife and we immediately
went out on to the front deck for a better look. The light
was the size of a large kidney bean held at arm's length
and was not sharply defined but rather had a somewhat fuzzy
appearance. I cannot stress enough how orange the light
was and how bright and large it was. As comparison, it was
subjectively as bright as a half-moon would be. The light
appeared at about 35 degrees above the horizon and for a
period of about 60 seconds, moved in a straight line from
north to south. The light intensity was steady with no pulsing
or flashing or any other behaviour. No lights associated
with aircraft were visible nor did any details of a solid
object but rather, it appeared as a bright glowing light
with fuzzy edges moving steadily across the completely clear
night sky. There was absolutely no sound associated with
the light. As there was no point of reference in the dark
sky over the lake, there was no way to judge distance or
altitude of the light but subjectively, given its size,
it seemed to be within a few kilometers out over Lake Huron.
As the object never stopped moving, there was no way to
triangulate it so as to calculate a distance. After the
60 seconds of north to south movement in a linear manner,
the light suddenly began to diminish in perceived brightness
and appeared to slow in its motion but then, it was clearly
moving away at an angle heading southeast further over the
lake. The light became smaller in size and its brightness
continued to diminish as it moved at an angle away from
us and it appeared to be moving much farther away from our
location at much greater speed. Within 15 seconds, it became
a point of orange light the size of a star then vanished
from view while still relatively high above the horizon.
At this time, I shared with my wife that this could not
be a weather phenomenon given the perfect observation conditions
and the perfectly calm weather as previously described.
I also shared with her that I could not account for this
light in terms of astronomical objects due to its size,
brightness and motion, nor of aircraft given the apparent
lack of navigation or anti-collision strobe lights and the
complete lack of sound. I have observed many commercial
jets flying over Lake Huron, day and night and in these
conditions, one can hear their engines for a long time and
from great distances with the same applying to prop planes
and helicopters as sound carries so well over the lake when
it is calm. My wife suggested it might have been a drone,
but with no people around and the object heading way out
over the great lake at what appeared to be a considerable
distance, this seems highly unlikely. As we were debating
this for about a minute, my wife asked "what about
that orange coloured star?" There was a star-sized
light that was a slight orange in colour located higher
in the sky about one hand span at arm's length from where
the original light disappeared. I suggested it was just
a reddish star and my wife said "but it just appeared",
to which I responded that our eyes were getting more dark
adapted and we were starting to see more stars. She insisted
otherwise and to my great surprize, the "Orange star"
suddenly began to gain in brightness over a 5 to 10 second
period to a level much brighter than any full Venus. The
gain in brightness gave the appearance of an object getting
closer to our location but at great altitude and distance
but then, as quickly as it had brightened, it diminished
in brightness and then disappeared from view completely.
The object or objects did not appear again. The entire episode
described herein, from first noticing the light while inside
the cottage to the second light disappearing from view,
lasted about three (3) minutes. Given the apparent altitude
of the object in question and the duration of its presentation,
one must question whether there were any radar observations:
many commercial flights take place over Lake Huron and that
airspace would be well covered by air traffic control.
Other Information: Because we had been packing the
truck all day, I did not have access to my binoculars which
I greatly regret given how large and bright the object initially
appeared to the naked eye. Also, we had no proper camera
at our disposal and our cell phones were charging. My wife
tried to get a video but by the time she retrieved her cell
phone during the first part of the observation, the light
was diminished in brightness and the phone's camera could
not pick it up. I have never seen any such aerial phenomena
before in my life and this left a strong impression as I
cannot come to any rational explanation to explain this
light nor the behaviour it demonstrated. For the record,
neither I nor my wife were under the influence of alcohol
or recreational drugs.
is a view (video)
of the sky where the object was observed by the witness
and his wife.

Location: Pacific Ocean

sailing across the Pacific Ocean in a twenty-nine-foot sailboat
and being followed by UFOs throughtout the voyage. This
is exactly what happened to Neb Borkovich and his sailing
companion, Donald Begay, a full blooded Navajo Indian. Followed
is a narrative of the encounters with the unknown, as well
as their struggle to understand who might be behind this,
what their motives are, and what it means to Neb and Don
personally, and to humankind in general. Followed puts the
reader at the helm, allowing them to see what these men
saw and feel what they feel. This is a bona fide, well publicized
case, complete with documentation and supported by a thorough
research of the subject. Combined with their everyday sailing
exploits, it makes for a great read on many levels.
book consists of two, equally fascinating parts:
A description of the actual events as they happened during
their voyage from La Paz, Mexico to Hawaii, and then to
San Francisco in the Spring and Summer of 2000.
An analysis of the case, including video enhancements, drawings,
expert opinions and correlations to other similar experiences.
with any investigation of this kind, each answer only poses
more difficult questions. With each sucessive chapter, Followed
brings the author and reader alike closer to the door of
the ultimate and undeniable truth behind the appearances
of UFO vehicles in the skies of the planet. That which we
always took for granted may only be a fleeting illusion.
What we thought belonged to us may never have. This book
is not attempting to paint a rosy picture, nor does it seek
a validation of the author´s views, but presents you
with the hard facts of a reality that is far stranger than
Saturday, August 31, I interviewed Nebojsa Borkovich over
the phone as he described his encounters in detail:

August 26, 2019
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
Tuesday, August 27, I read the following message on the
Valley East Facebook page:
else see a perfectly round black shape cruising at incredible
speed across the sky. Going south to north, in the east
sky??weird. Happened at 8:00 tonight. Just curious to see
if anyone else seen it."
witness soon responded to my querries and wrote: "Date:
August 26, 8:00p.m. East sky (I live in New Sudbury off
Falconbridge Rd.) travelling south to North. Black sphere,
no sound. Going in a straight horizontal line across the
sky at incredible speed."
Valley East Facebook page member posted a photo that one
of his friends' security camera captured, a month or so
ago. Here is the photo:


July 10th, 2018
Location: Newmarket, Ontario
report just came in. MUFON is analyzing the video:
10, 2018 - In Newmarket, Ontario, Canada at 8:50pm EDT facing
the eastern sky (near the intersection of Yonge St. and
Mulock Ave), this craft was traveling in a south to north
direction. On closer examination, the body of this craft
appears to be rotating slowly as it moves though the sky.
The video was recoded on an iPhone 6 by Alison, who has
seen unidentified craft in the same area multiple times,
both day and night."
Courtesy Earth Mystery News website. Has anyone else seen
this craft?

March 1997 - Recorded on July 17, 2019
Location: Prescott, Arizona
following written account was written by a resident of Prescott,
Arizona who, in March 1997, witnessed an event which would
later be referred to as "The Phoenix Lights" UFO
event . She tried to report her sighting to MUFON, but no
one returned her call.
I could try and give you an idea of this one.. You know
the old woman's tea or coffee cups look like? Ok imagine
putting two open parts together and one more little smaller
cup on either end in the same direction and add half shape
u shape windows next to each other all around the smaller
cup and on the bottom of the other end was a triangle foundation
with lights at the three points.. I remember the inside
being all white from what I seen and moving lights pulsating
around that smaller cup from under the windows and seeing
a transparent half wall that pulsate as well and seeing
the dome look of the top inside and everything is white..
This thing made no noise and if anyone had a good pitching
arm could hit it that's how low it was and the length I
would say two maybe three football fields at our local ball
ball parks.
ship I'm telling you about before it came down lower I would
say about 1000 ft level it looked like it gave birth to
smaller ships then the smaller ships grouped off I would
say 4 or 5 in a group.. A group went towards the East and
a group went towards the North and a group went towards
the west then the ship I described to you lowered down and
I had a good look at it.. I say it hovered maybe about 10
or 15 minutes before heading East.. Now this happened around
dinner time just before dark.. As the ship got further away
I thought to myself how much they look like planes at a
distance and wonder how many planes out there we see might
be UFOS.. It was years ago but I still remember every detail
of it.. It was crazy..
have seen many others before and after but not as close
as that one was.
funny thing is when people post pictures of there sightings
it must of been there for awhile and when I seen this one
I was in OMG and WOW and observing it and didn't think to
grab the camera but I wished I did.. I just wanted to really
look this ship over while it's close before it was gone..
I noticed no seems around it to connect or be welded no
it was a smooth surface.. The material looked as if you
put metal on a vehicle before painting you know that scratchy
look before painting.. I remember how excited I was and
tried to get the neighbor across the street to looked above
his house but he wouldn't in fact I bet he thought I was
know this sounds strange but I tried waving my arms to it
getting its attention but then thought to myself wait what
if it's dangerous and shouldn't be doing that so I stopped..
The feeling I got was it was just observing us..
had just gotten home from the hospital from giving birth
to my youngest daughter so I pretty much remember when.
sure if you could draw a picture of my detail of the ship
as I'm not good at art.. I hope you got the idea what I
following recording is a conversation between myself and
this resident of Prescott, Arizona as we discuss the sightings
she and her family have had, including the ones that led
up to the Phoenix Lights event of March 13, 1997:
- Prescott, Arizona.mp3

Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Location: Garson, Ontario
around 2 a.m., a resident of Garson and three other people
were outside installing a hitch on a vehicle when they noticed
a strange object heading towards them. The female resident
described it as being a large, egg-shaped object, blue and
green in color, with specks of lights. It maneuvered above
them for a moment, then took off rapidly with a loud whooshing

Friday, June 14, 2019
Location: Near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario

Tuesday, May 25, 2019
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
Sunday, May 26, I received the following message from one
of my friends via Messenger regarding another UFO sighting
in our District:
past Saturday, May 25, approx. 12:30 am, my friend near
the Caruso Club in Sudbury witnessed an unknown craft in
the Eastern sky, of what appeared to be quite large in size,
dark grey in color, no lights or illumination on it whatsoever,
flying silently in a north-easterly direction. He described
this craft/object as looking like a "monolith".
No visible wings or method of propulsion. Plain, rectangular,
monolithic in shape.
said it was very "ominous" looking.
see if he wants to give more details."

Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
Wednesday, May 22, I received the following e-mail from
A sdubury resident who witnessed an unusual object in the
evening sky, the night before. She submitted a photo of
the area with a drawing of the object (included below) but
will provide additional information when we meet. This sighting
was also witnessed by a mother and her son who live near
Maley Drive, so they had a different perspective on the
object, and I will be collecting information from them as
saw the following shape in the sky at a distance of around
100 ft off the ground and approx. 300 m away as I was looking
out our large east lacing picture windows last night. If
you also have any suggestions as for what it would be I
would be happy and releived to hear from you. I'm not sure
what it could be but I have never seen anything like this
Sudbury ON, from home on Brebeuf Ave. Location of shape
was above what it looked like : Scare-coeur highschool or
Notre-Dame Ave.
Tuesday, May 21st 2019
approx 10:45 pm
of the sighting: 2 seconds
of the object(s): hovering in a horizontal direction from
left to right for the first second then "flew"
off very quickly to the left in the distance.
of the object(s): very light in colour - tint of purple/green
of the object(s): horizontal oval. It looked like the size
of a large drone.
sounds heard: N/A
conditions: clear skies, night sky.
how you lost sight of the object(s): Did not last long,
flew off to the sky as mentioned before and could no longer
see due to large poplar tree."
anyone else has seen this or any other sighting, please
contact me ASAP with all the details that you can remember.
Thank you!"

Saturday, February 16, 2019
Location: Blind River, Ontario
daytime video was sent to me via Facebook Messenger on February
17. It clearly shows a UFO as it moves past the moon and
continues on its way. It is similar to something I video-taped
back in May 1992.
No infringement intended. For educational purposes only.