Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
in a clear sky overhead and to the south was a black object
in the oval shape of a rugby ball! It was not moving and
stayed exactly where it was as we approached. It seemed
to be about 2000 feet above the ground near our Central
Park and about the size of a 747. Many people pulled off
the highway to look at it, including 2 policemen. It did
not move at all and was not a balloon or kite.

(drawing of UFO superimposed on photo) by the witness.
"Please be clear about
the included picture; that I used Photoshop to duplicate
as close as I could to show what I saw."
Brian Vike, HBCC UFO Research ( (Credit: UFO*BC)
Witnesses Observed a Black Oval-Shaped Object
Summer 2002/2003? Time: 3:00 p.m.
Description of event/sighting:
were driving west in the afternoon into Vancouver on the
#1 freeway. And in a clear sky overhead and to the south
was a black object in the oval shape of a rugby ball!
It was not moving and stayed exactly where it was as we
approached. It seemed to be about 2000 feet above the
ground near our Central Park and about the size of a 747.
people pulled off the highway to look at it, including
2 policemen. It did not move at all and was not a balloon
or kite. In retrospect, the oval shape could have been
a circle shape as viewed from an angle. It seemed like
the opening of a round pipe.
rushed home expecting to hear breaking news but nothing
was said about it. I can see the area from my apartment
and looked with binoculars after getting home but saw
nothing and wondered if my angle of view now was parallel
with the shape so it would be a straight line if in fact
it was a flat opening of some kind like a disk? I would
love to hear what it could have been."
thanks for your reply. Please be clear about the included
picture; that I used Photoshop to duplicate as close as
I could to show what I saw. My wife saw it as well, and
it seemed like it was in the area west of Central Park,
south of Kingsway. And could have been about 1000 to 2000
feet up.
viewing angle was from the #1 freeway. We noticed it somewhere
east of Willingdon Ave. interchange. It never appeared
to be hovering, or moving at all or affected by wind or
anything. It was definitely NOT a balloon or kite. Just
solidly stationary in the sky. As if it was a flat plane
or black disk, not even an edge to it. Nor did there appear
to be any structure or shape to it other than the solid
black disk. No light reflected off anything.
we got just past the Willingdon exit, the traffic slowed
down and we pulled to the side of the road as others did.
There were even two RCMP officers stopped on a side road,
(on what I think might be called Clydesdale St. which
leads onto Grandview Hwy at Boundary Rd) they were out
of their police car looking up at it too. Other traffic
had slowed. I passed by and went home, listening to the
radio for reports, but there were none. I even expected
the 6 PM news to have video. When I got home, I live in
a high rise in Vancouver and could see in that direction
east, Central Park is directly in my eastern view, I got
out my binoculars but could see nothing. I accounted that
to the fact that I thought it was a flat object, and from
my new view, it would only be a line in the sky if it
was still there at all. The thought did come to mind that
it could have been a circular shape, if viewed directly
from below, however I never went closer to find that out.
I told some others about it, someone suggested it could
have been a "black hole". I DO know what a real
black hole is, but that was an apt description of what
it appeared like. As if a pipe was there for some reason,
and we could only see the hole in the pipe, but not the
pipe itself.
wonder if you'd get any interest from the RCMP office
near the Gaglardi Way? Caribou Rd exit? I just discovered
your website recently, so can't exactly recall the month
I saw it, and it could have even been 2002. Of course,
most people just smirk when you tell them and ask if I'm
a 'trekkie' too, but it was a phenomenal and unforgettable
sight. It would be most interesting to find others who
saw it too."