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Status Report II: New Sources, New Data
By Leonard H. Stringfield

Case A-1

During the summer of 1977, I was asked by a local business executive, a former Naval Intelligence Officer, to speak on the UFO at the September 1st meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the World Wings held in the Administration Building of Cincinnati's Lunken Airport. During the Question and Answer period, following my talk, one member of a group of 25 pilots arose and brought up the legendary subject of recovered alien UFOs and occupants. His comment, I thought, indicated that he was unusually well-informed on the matter, so I asked that he stand by for a chat later. When the crowd finally disassembled, he led me to the privacy of a back room which was dominated by a huge topographical map of the United States.

Staring at the map, he said bluntly, "I have seen the bodies." Still looking at the map and noting my protracted silence, he pointed vaguely to an area inside the State of Arizona. "There's approximately where the saucer crashed," he said. "It was in a desert area, but I don't know the exact location. I'm almost positive it happened in 1953."

The pilot was my first encounter with a firsthand witness. As he stood at the map with a straight-on glance, he impressed me as a person who is sincere and forthright, possessing a no-nonsense character. "I saw the bodies at Wright-Patterson," he said. "I was in the right place at the right time when the crates arrived at night by DC-7."

As we lingered at the map, he recalled that he had stood inside a hangar at a distance of about 12 feet, peering at five crates on a forklift. In his judgement, the crates appeared to be hastily constructed and were made of wood. In three of these, little humanoids appearing to be 4 feet tall, were lying unshrouded on a fabric, which he explained prevented freeze burn from the dry ice packed beneath. As a number of Air Police stood silent guard nearby the crates, he managed to get a reasonably good but brief glimpse of the humanoid features. He recalls that their heads were hairless and narrow, and by human standards were disproportionately large, with skin that looked brown under the hangar lights above. The eyes seemed to be open, the mouth small, and nose, if any, was indistinct. The arms were positioned down alongside their bodies, but the hands and feet, he said, were indistinct. When asked about their attire, he said they appeared to be wearing tight-fitting dark suits, and, because of the tight-fitting suit, there was one revealing feature - a surprising feature. One of the humanoids appeared to him to be female. He said, "Either one of the aliens had an exceedingly muscular chest or the bumps were a female's breasts." Later, he learned from one of the crew members, with whom he bunked at the barracks, that the body of one of the aliens was believed to be that of a female.

My informant also heard from the crew member that one of the entities was still alive aboard the craft when the U.S. military team arrived. Attempts were made to save its life with oxygen, but they were unsuccessful.

Another issue, an important one: How was the military able to track the crash? Said my informant: The crew member told him that the UFO was picked up by special tracking equipment at Mt. Palomar in California. My informant claimed that he had later heard a report that the retrieved craft, found intact, was also sent to Wright-Patterson. He had no more details as to when or by what means.



I have had a dozen or more private talks with my firsthand informant since our initial meeting as reported in Abstract #8 of my first paper. During this period, I knew him as a dedicated family man and by occupation, an engineer. He had also made several trips to Wright-Patterson for treatment of a medical disability. Without notice, in the Fall of 1978, he and his family moved away leaving no forwarding address. His military career was extensive, having served as Warrant Officer in the Army, during which time he was assigned Wright-Patterson in the early 1950's. In recent years, he was in the Reserves as a Flight Commander in the Air National Guard.

My informant seemed well-informed about the UFO but had never desired to participate in open research to share his knowledge. In my opinion, he seemed to be keenly aware and able to separate fact from rumor. Of the latter, he heard that a UFO (foo fighter) had been retrieved in England by the 8th Air Force, during World War II. Having a top security clearance, he claimed to have seen photos at Wright-Patterson of a retrieved UFO and a close-up showing strange glyphs on its body which he described as looking like Sanskrit. He was also aware of the consequences of talking too much about secret subjects, and often referred to reprisals such as confinement at a base in the U.S. which he dubbed the "Turkey Farm."

In August 1978, I requested an affidavit, or tape, describing his 1953 experience for my private records. He declined because of his oath of secrecy. I then asked for a posthumous statement. His response was that he would have to check with his Security Officer. Belatedly, he got the expected answer: "You have seen nothing, heard nothing, and you sure as s... can sign nothing."

That was the final word.

According to my informant, plus the testimony of two secondhand witnesses described in Abstract #6 and #7 of my first paper, 1953 was either an active year for several UFO crashes, or, all three were describing one event. All three describe the area of impact in a desert region and two named Arizona as the site.
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