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Status Report II: New Sources, New Data
By Leonard H. Stringfield

Case A-9

This case, with new supporting information, refers to independent sources who have witnessed the same secret movie at different bases, showing an alleged crashed disc in a desert region and their deceased alien bodies lying on tables, probably in a makeshift state at the same crash site. First, for the record, is edited copy from Abstract #5 which appeared in my previous paper.

Mr. TE, who holds a technical position in today's civilian life, was, at the age of 20, an Air Force radar specialist with Secret security clearance stationed in Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey. In the Spring of 1953, he and a small, select number of radar specialists were summoned to view a film at the base theatre. Without any briefing, the 16 mm movie projector was flicked on and the film began to roll on the screen. Without any titles or credits, that he could recall, the film showed a desert scene dominated by a silver disc-shaped object imbedded in the sand with a domed section at the top. At the bottom was a hatch or door that was open.

In the next scene, TE recalls seeing 10 to 15 military personnel dressed in fatigues and without identification patches, standing around what appeared to be a disabled craft. By judging their height against the UFO, TE determined that its width was approximately 15 to 20 feet in diameter and that an open hatch or door at the bottom was about 2½ feet wide and perhaps 3 feet high. At this point, TE had no idea of the movie's purpose. I asked about the activity of the personnel. "They were just looking at the object," he said.

Then the movie switched to what appeared to be the interior of the craft. A panel with a few simple levers was shown, and he remembers being impressed by the muted pastel colors and sudden glares of white - the sign of poor photography. Again there was a change of scenes. Now in view were two tables, probably taken inside a tent, on which, to his surprise, were dead bodies. Two were on one table; one on the other. TE said the bodies appeared little by human standards and most notable were the heads, all looking alike, and all being large compared to their body sizes. They looked Mongoloid, he thought, with small noses, mouths, and eyes that were shut. He didn't recall seeing ears or hair. The skin, he said, was ashen in color. Each wore a tight-fitting suit in a pastel color...yellow was mentioned.

The scene of the dead bodies was the end of the movie. When the lights came on in the theater, the officer in charge stood up and instructed the viewers to "think about the movie," and added firmly, "Don't relate its contents to anyone." TE said, in good faith, he didn't even tell his wife. To TE's surprise, two weeks later he was approached by an Intelligence Officer on the base and was told, "Forget the movie you saw; it was a hoax." Shortly after seeing the movie, he heard from a couple of top security officers on the base that a UFO had crashed in New Mexico and had been recovered with its occupants. The date of the crash was 1952.

Commented my informant, "The 5-minute long movie certainly was not a Walt Disney production. It was probably shot by an inexperienced cameraman because it was full of scratches, and had poor coloring and texture."

TE, when asked about his interest in UFOs, claimed that he was not - then or now - but he has always been curious about the purpose of the film in relation to his work in radar. Years later, he met an old army acquaintance who was also a radar specialist. To TE's surprise, he learned from this man that he, too, had seen the same film at another base under similar hush-hush conditions. My informant believes that the corpses and crashed craft shown in the movie film were bona fide, and we agreed that it would have been ridiculous for a professional studio to have made dummy bodies to look so real in an otherwise ill-prepared and shoddy film.

Following my talk in Dayton, copies of my paper were xeroxed and distributed to key researchers and, in turn, were again amply reproduced for an endless chain of people. As a result, word has come from far afield of others having knowledge of the secret movie film, but one of the more cooperative and well-informed researchers, Mrs. Joan Jeffers of Bradford, Pennsylvania (former RN and with degrees in Social Sciences) was quick to come to the challenge to help. When she read the TE report, she discussed it with a former high-ranking military officer, a friend of hers, and got acknowledgement that he, too, had seen the same film. Furthermore, she obliged by getting testimony from the officer for use in this paper, dated February 6, 1979, which follows:

"Dear Len...At last I am able to put this information in a letter to you. You have my permission to use it in publication of your work.

Last summer while I was relating some of the reported highlights of the MUFON symposium, I mentioned the movie of the crashed disc and alien beings. An acquaintance of mine offered a few additional details, but it took several more weeks to get more information from him.

This man is a retired Air Force Colonel, who enlisted in the early 1940's and retired about 1970. He entered the cadet program and the major portion of his military career was as a pilot, though he held several other jobs during the many years. He does not want his name released. Therefore, I must leave out some identifying details, but they are in my files: When stationed at a Maine AF radar facility (which is now strictly a Navy Air Station), this man was required to attend weekly "Commander's Call." One week (probably) in 1956, the men were shown a movie "filmed by the USAF" - no further credits. The movie showed a circular, metal, silvery disc on the ground. The inside was well lighted, of a light color and with smooth walls. The scene shifted to show at least three bodies lying on tables. The beings were short, all looked alike and did not have any ears (external) or hair. All appeared to be dead. When I asked the color of their skin, the reply was, "ashen or gray." I asked the number of digits on their hands and he held up four fingers with his thumb tucked out of sight. I asked if they did not have a thumb and his reply was affirmative. Next I questioned him about the clothing and he said it was "pale green and yellow." I asked several other general questions, but he refused to answer, or said he did not recall. I asked if the men were told anything about the movie before, during or after the showing. He said they were not. I asked the reaction of the men who had viewed the movie with him. He said, "We probably laughed about it and left." He does not recall ever discussing it with any of the others. All material presented at these meetings was considered military business and not to be discussed. Some weeks later, I again asked him why they had shown that particular group the movie and his response was that a UFO we were tracking had crashed, and that was all I could get out of him.

This event was 23 or more years ago, but this man has good recall of other events and incidents from that time. He has held responsible positions in local business, and is generally of good character. He is retired as disabled. Though he does not believe the government would arrest or fine him, he will not reveal anything more, though I do know from past conversations that he has a great deal of information about AF investigations of UFOs.

I have supplied you with the name and possible present location of the man who was commander of this base...Joan Jeffers (signed)"


With only the slightest variances, both the Colonel's and TE's reports, describing the film, agree. Showing of the film may have been to limited personnel on a "need to know" basis, but it seems that it appeared at a number of military bases. Note, too, that the Air Force Major (Case A-4) recalls having witnessed part of the film at an undisclosed base. Other former military personnel who may have seen the film have been named by Mrs. Jeffers, from her source for followup. One, a Lt. Colonel, was reached by researcher Stan Friedman, but he did not recall having seen the movie. However, he said, "If your source would get in touch with me, he might refresh my memory." I called the other officer in May of 1979, who, following his military career, still works at Wright-Patterson AFB. Evasively, he responded, "If I saw it, I can't remember it."

I cannot believe that the movie used make-believe cadavers and was a trick on a select group of personnel holding the highest degree of security clearance. Once again, the faces of the three humanoids in the movie were described as identical, a characteristic noted by the Air Police Sergeant in Case A-2, and the former C.I.A. official in Case A-6.

Of note, the C.I.A.-sponsored Robertson Panel met in January 1953, dictating that all military UFO reports be suppressed. UFO retrieval operations, and of course movies of such, got rigorous treatment, which it is reasonable to assume, still seal the lips of informants to this day.
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