Official Disclosure of an Extraterrestrial Presence Be
Imminent? Lobbyist Stephen Bassett Says It Is
nearly two decades lobbying for the US government to officially
disclose that there is an Extraterrestrial presence engaging
with humanity, Stephen Bassett explains to Ann Gelsheimer
on Conscious Evolution Radio why he believes this is one
of the most important issues in our world at this time
and why he believes official disclosure may happen soon.

AZ -- (ReleaseWire) -- 01/22/2015 -- Given that the Vatican,
NASA, and the Library of Congress have hosted conferences
to prepare scientists for the discovery of life beyond
the Earth, the UN is considering drafting protocols for
contact with ETs, and more than 20 countries have initiated
either full or partial disclosure of their UFO files,
maybe Stephen Basset is correct that the time for full
official disclosure of contact with intelligent extraterrestrial
beings is close at hand. Indeed, how could we reasonably
continue to assume we are the only intelligent life present
in a galaxy with more than 100 million habitable planets
as estimated by data received from the Kepler space observatory?
his interview with Ann Gelsheimer, Mr. Bassett explained
that the government sponsored truth embargo officially
began the day that the crash of an extraterrestrial craft
in Roswell, New Mexico was denied by the Air Force in
1947. Since that time, well-credentialed witnesses such
as Capt. Robert Salas, Sgt. Jim Penniston, Lt. Col. Phillip
Corso, and astronaut Col. Gordon Cooper have come forward
to provide their first-hand knowledge regarding contact
with Extraterrestrial craft. And yet, the official White
House response continues to be that there is "no
evidence any life exists outside our planet, or that an
extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any
member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible
information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden
from the public's eye."
a political activist and a leading advocate for ending
the 67-year government imposed truth embargo regarding
an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race,
Mr. Bassett believes that official White House disclosure
of contact with Extraterrestrials could happen as soon
as the spring of 2015. To persuade the government that
it is time to tell the truth on this issue, Mr. Bassett's
organization, The Paradigm Research Group (PRG), has provided
all members of the US Congress and Senate with DVDs containing
over 30 hours of testimony from 40 witnesses representing
10 countries. Their expert testimony relates to events
and evidence of an Extraterrestrial presence engaging
the human race. In addition, PRG has posted a petition
on the White House website calling on the Obama administration
to support congressional hearings for government/agency/political
witnesses to ET related events and evidence. These would
be the first congressional hearings on ET related information
since 1968.

Gelsheimer, Host of Conscious Evolution Radio, has interviewed
prominent researchers, authors, and contact group organizers
regarding their knowledge of extraterrestrial contact.
She described Stephen Bassett as a respected and tireless
crusader for truth in his effort to bring an end to the
outdated and unhelpful government-enforced cover-up regarding
the many ET races visiting Earth. She added, "While
there may have been a time when the government believed
they had good reasons to hide evidence of contact with
ETs, people are now ready to hear the truth. I have met
people from all walks of life and many different countries
who have personally witnessed ET craft, some who have
had direct contact with ET beings, and many more who would
like to make peaceful contact with extraterrestrials.
As a species, we are ready to evolve into the awareness
of ourselves as one of many intelligent forms of life
in the universe."
Gelsheimer's interview with Stephen Bassett can be heard