August 13, 1970
Location: Hadersley, Denmark
police officer Evald Maarup was driving through the countryside
near Hadersley, when he encountered a brilliantly lit
UFO. Suddenly there was a fierce light beaming down on
him, his car engine cut out, and the car lights and his
radio stopped working. Above him, Maarup could make out
a large circular object which he watched for about five
minutes, before it moved away rapidly. Three years later,
Maarup had another encounter with the same or a similar
object at exactly the same place.

Artist's impression of Maarup's experience. (Henrik Pedersen
/ UFO Nyt; credit Evans and Stacey)

Maarup's sketch of what he saw when looking out of his
car. (credit: FSR)

Another sketch of the close encounter.

Evald Maarup.
UFOs at Close Sight -
August 13, 1970, Danish senior police officer Evald Maarup
was driving back to his home in Knud, using the patrol
vehicle at about 10:30 P.M., on a country road connecting
Kabdrup and Flestrup, not far from the border enters Denmark
and Germany, when something out of the ordinary happened
to him.
about ten kilometers in the North of the town of Hadersley,
the car became bathed in a very powerful bluish light,
and the car engine stopped suddenly. The officer tried
to communicate with his police station by means of the
car's radio, but it did not function at all. It was if
if all the electricity had disappeared of the patrol car.
Maarup then realized that the temperature inside the vehicle
had increased, and that it continued to increase quickly.
In his report, he stated that he had the feeling that
one would have during a hot summer sun when it hits a
car's windshield.
short moment later, it was obvious to him that the bluish
light seemed to be withdrawing. Maarup realized that the
light actually surrounded a flying machine of elliptical
shape, metallic appearance, and of a diameter of approximately
10 meters, which was now rising in the sky.
noticed that actually, the rise of the craft was not the
only cause of the withdrawal of the light which surrounded
it. He realized that the extent of the light around the
craft decreased as if the craft was swallowing the light
into its body, from a defined point located at the center
of the bottom side of the craft, in which the light was
engulfed as if it had been sucked into there. This part
of the craft appeared clearly delimited to him, by a dark
part of a diameter he estimated at one meter. He also
saw some protrusion on the underside of the objects.
this time, he remembered that he had a Fujaxa camera at
disposal, as he is the rule, in the police car. He used
it, and managed to take three snapshots of the object.
Those, developed the following day, did not show much
more than a gleam of light, without revealing any details.
the series of events which Maarup estimated the duration
of about five minutes, the craft then flew away at high
speed in the sky. During all the events, the craft was
totally noiseless.
soon as the object flew away, the car's engine started
again spontaneously, the power went back, so that the
lights went back, and the radio functioned again.
then went out of the patrol car, to look for clues or
evidence of the event in the surroundings. He found none,
but when he touched the car, he noticed that it had become
remarkably, Maarup had a second sighting almost three
years to the day after this first encounter. On July 14,
1973, in the same area and at roughly the same time, he
saw a similar shaped UFO above the countryside as it passed
over the landscape. Once again, he was able to take pictures
of the object but once again, all the six pictures were
disappointing, showing only an indistinct spot of light.
He also saw several dome-like protrusions on the underside
of the object.