Robert Sarchacher (1907-1986) was a preeminent scientist.
A Harvard graduate, he was Dean of the Graduate School
of Georgia Institute of Technology, Director of Research
at Wedd Laboratories, an accomplished inventor, a Scientific
Consultant to the U.S. Marines and government agencies,
and connected to the Joint Research and Development Board
(JRDB) of the US DOD. One of his research specialities
was remote controlled rockets. He would later go on to
create the Washington Institute of Technology.
the 1980s, Sarbacher confirmed to researchers William
Steinman, Stan Freidman, Jerry Clark and William Moore
several truths about UFOs and ET. He indicated that in
the early 1950s, he was officially made aware of a crash
of a non-terrestrial craft in the Southwest- a crash that
occured at that time or likely some time prior, and may
well have been the Roswell UFO crash. He had confirmed
to them (as well as to scientist Wilbert Smith of Canada
three decades prior) that the subject was classified higher
that the development of the Atom Bomb. He said that the
debris was very light and very tough. He understood that
the aliens were lightweight and constructed somewhat like
insects. He said that a small group of people were likely
involved in the crash debris analysis and included Von
Braun, Vannevar Bush, Oppenheimer, and Eric Walker, among
others. They were attempting to reverse-engineer the technology,
but to no avail.
a letter dated November 29, 1983, Dr. Sarbacher confirmed
that he had indeed made such statement. In the actual
letter below, Dr. Sarbacher goes into detail about the
material and alien bodies recovered.

respected researcher D.M. Duncan located Sarbachers
son, Robert Sarbacher, Jr., living in Texas. Duncan had
a revealing dialog with Sarbacher. It was learned that
the younger Sarbacher had once questioned his father about
the UFO phenomena. His Dad spoke sparingly about the saucer
Jr. said of his father: "He knew that they were real
for the obvious reason that they would be going 600 mph
and then make a direct 90 degree turn in mid-air without
slowing down...separated from all inertia and gravity.
Dad said that the reason he was called in was to build
the right kind of missile to track these things since
they were way too fast for any of our planes to catch.
They wanted the missile to not destroy any of the UFOs,
but to be able to track them. So Dad had cameras installed
(like on the V-2 rockets) so when the UFO comes into our
air space we would shoot missiles at them with cameras
on them, since only a missile could keep up with the speed
at the revelation, Duncan wanted to clarify this, and
Sarbachers son replied, "Yes, exactly to track
UFOs, or rather to photograph and watch them...When he
first told me about the missiles...the first thing I thought
was, what? You were trying to destroy them? He (Sarbacher
Sr.) said very normally and matter of factly, "No,
we put cameras on the end of them."
Sarbacher Confirms UFO Crash Rumors
remarkable interview occurred in Washington, D.C., on
September 15, 1950, but the content did not leak out until
the early 1980s, when Canadian ufologist Arthur Bray found
a memo by one of the participants, radio engineer Wilbert
B. Smith of Canada's Department of Transport. The memo
described a conversation with physicist Robert I. Sarbacher,
a consultant with the U.S. Department of Defense Research
and Development Board (RDB), at one of the regular meetings
Sarbacher and other government scientists conducted with
their Canadian counterparts.
about the crash rumors, Sarbacher said they were "substantially
correct." He said UFOs "exist. . . . We have
not been able to duplicate their performance. . . . All
we know is, we didn't make them, and it's pretty certain
they didn't originate on the Earth." The issue was
so sensitive that "it is classified two points higher
even than the H-bomb. In fact it is the most highly classified
subject in the U.S. government at the present time."
Sarbacher refused to say more.
who died in 1961, mounted a small, short-lived UFO investigation,
Project Magnet, for his government. Through official channels
he tried unsuccessfully to learn more than Sarbacher's
cryptic remarks had revealed. After the memo surfaced,
ufologists found a listing for Sarbacher in Who's Who
in America, citing his impressive scientific, business,
and educational credentials.
interviewed, Sarbacher said he had not personally participated
in the UFO project, though he knew those who had, including
RDB head Vannevar Bush, John von Neumann, and J. Robert
Oppenheimer -- three of America's top scientists in the
1940s and 1950s. He had read documents related to the
project and on occasion had been invited to participate
in Air Force briefings.
were reports that instruments or people operating these
machines were also of very light weight, sufficient to
withstand the tremendous deceleration and acceleration
associated with their machinery," Sarbacher told
an inquirer in 1983. "I remember in talking with
some of the people at the office that I got the impression
these 'aliens' were constructed like certain insects we
have observed on Earth, wherein because of the low mass
the inertial forces involved in operating of these instruments
would be quite low. I still do not know why the high order
of classification has been given and why the denial of
the existence of these devices." Sarbacher could
not recall where the crashes had taken place, but he did
remember hearing of "extremely light and very tough"
materials recovered from them.
story never varied, and he resisted the temptation to
elaborate or speculate. All who interviewed him were impressed.
Still, his story could not be verified, since the persons
he named were all dead. Sarbacher himself died in the
summer of 1986.