man behind The Honeymooners became interested in UFOs
in the 1960s and also became close friends with
President Richard Nixon. Nixon, being good friends with
Jackie Gleason, knew about "The Great One's"
avid interest in the paranormal and ufology.
to Gleason's second wife Beverly, Nixon took Gleason on
a private tour of Homestead Air Force Base in Florida.
This tour consisted of a recovered alien spacecraft and
corpses of the extra-terrestrial crew - four embalmed
bodies with bald heads and large ears from
a flying saucer crash that took place in the American
and Nixon were in contact quite a bit and I'm not sure
how that was arranged, but it seems that their meetings
were set up by an associate of Nixon's. After he got back,
he was very pleased he had an opportunity to see the dead
little men in cases; he explained to me what they looked
like and he was still talking about it the next day."
Beverly Gleason McKittrick