Forces Station Falconbridge
the past 50 years, there have been several occurrences
during which UFOs were seen over specific areas for an
extended period of time. Ufologists refer to these pockets
of activity as "UFO flaps". One of the most
memorable waves of UFO sightings occurred during the months
of October and November 1975. Most UFO researchers, however,
are only familiar with the events which took place at
several American military bases in the states of Maine,
Michigan, North Dakota, and Montana, where unidentified
objects were reported over or near nuclear weapon storage
areas. But there's another part of the story that hasn't
been covered as meticulously as the aforementioned American
Forces Station Falconbridge - which is located near the
city of Sudbury, in the province of Ontario, Canada -
was also involved in the October-November flap of 1975.
And on a much larger scale than what has been written
about it in books and in the local newspaper. But as you
will see, October and November weren't the only months
during which people were reporting UFOs in the Sudbury
area. The following information, most of which was retrieved
from NRC (National Research Council) and CFS Falconbridge
documents found on microfilm reels purchased from the
National Archives, is being mentioned here for the first
time. Also included are accounts that were reported to
the Sudbury Star and to myself.
story begins in July 1975 with an incident that was witnessed
by members of the nursing staff at the Sudbury General
different people working on three different nights at
the Sudbury General Hospital reported seeing the same
inexplicable bright silver, oval-shaped light as it moved
across Lake Ramsey and disappeared behind the Hospital.
On July 28, 1975, at 11:35 p.m., Dee Lachance saw 'a great
big whitish light come over Lake Ramsey, turning around.'
At the same time, Kay Duffy saw a 'very large lightbulb-kind
of a thing, the size of a kitchen saucer traveling slow
enough to follow it with the eye with no difficulty.'
She said it was really bright and that she and another
nurse had seen the same light at the same place, four
nights before, at about 10:45 p.m. Later, on August 11,
Mrs. Lachance again saw the same light in the same place
at the same time. 'It wasn't a plane or anything similar,'
she said, 'because there were no green or red lights and
no sound.' Rich O'Connor and another nurse who did not
wish to be identified said they both saw it, the same
month of August began with a rash of sightings on Manitoulin
Island. One of the main witnesses was 13-year-old John
Dunlop of Sheguiandah, who, along with other people, had
seen several UFOs in the area. The following is a chronology
of those Manitoulin Island sightings, including others
reported by people within the Sudbury District:
August 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, 1975, John Dunlop, a 13-year-old
boy from Sheguiandah (near Little Current), Manitoulin
Island, and four other witnesses, reported seeing an oval
craft about the size of two cars, flashing red, orange
and yellow lights. It landed on the bay, hovered and then
moved away in the early morning. The boy had seen three
of them on a previous evening. The weather was clear.
On each day, the sighting lasted from approximately 10:00
p.m. until early, the next morning.
Saturday, August 9, from 11:15 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., a Mrs.
Kosiba, her husband and a friend reported seeing an 'object'
with no shape, but a very light red, bluish and bright
yellow. At first, one 'object' was seen, then later, they
saw about eight of them. The weather was very clear and
the sky was full of stars. The sighting took place near
Lake Nipawasa (32 miles south of Sudbury, off Highway
69 S.) and lasted approximately five hours.
Saturday, August 16, John Dunlop saw a strange flying
object for the tenth time, hovering in the skies above
Sheguiandah. As in previous times, it loomed in the distance
about 1,000 feet in the air, radiating alternating yellow
and red. It sped away after a little more than a minute.
Tuesday, August 19, at 3:30 p.m., Darlene and Ross Chadwick
from Sudbury were at the south side of Lake Nelson when
they witnessed an oval-shaped object, which was very bright
when compared to the moon, and it had whitish lights that
turned pink. It was seen flying in north to west, descending
in the hills west of Lake Nelson (approx. 36 miles north
of Sudbury). The sighting lasted from one and a half to
two minutes.
Wednesday, August 20, at 10:25 p.m., John Dunlop of Sheguiandah,
Manitoulin Island, reported seeing one main object, yellow
and oval-shaped, with smaller objects coming from it,
as it hovered overhead. It disappeared in the eastern
sky. It was intermittently bright, and extremely bright
when it disappeared. There were scattered clouds in the
sky. The sighting lasted forty-five minutes.
the same night, at 10:35 p.m., Tim Taylor and Marlene
Howard, also of Sheguiandah, reported seeing a sphere-shaped
object with a soft luminescence, red and white intermittently.
The object was located in the north. The weather was clear.
The sighting lasted 30 minutes.
hour later, at 11:30 p.m., Mike Taylor, a cottager in
Sheguiandah, witnessed an oval-shaped, intermittent red
and white object as it moved from the eastern sky and
terminated in the western sky. The object was intermittently
bright. There were scattered clouds in the sky. This sighting
lasted 30 minutes.
one sighting was reported for the month of September.
Using the Falconbridge document, I was able to track down
the witness. When I phoned him, he told me that the objects
looked like two car headlights moving across the sky in
Sunday, September 28, at 12:40 a.m., Mr. Ray Preddiger
saw two clear white objects while driving near Rock Lake,
but could not tell the shape. It was 95 degrees magnetic
from Richard Lake, down Highway 69 South. Rock Lake is
located 25 miles south of Sudbury. The sky was clear.
The sighting lasted 30 minutes.
came October, and things began to pick up near the end
of the month. Again, using the Falconbridge documents,
I managed to get in touch with this next witness, who
provided me with additional information about his sighting
that was not mentioned in the report. His account, which
contains that additional information, is found in the
Tuesday, October 28, at 0515Z, Jim Bett observed one hat-shaped
object near the slag pit at Murray Mine, while driving
home from Levack on Highway 144. The object was very bright
(like looking at a 150-watt bulb a couple of feet away),
and low about 500 feet. There was a band of bright gold
around the object approximately 3/4 of the way up. There
was no noise at all. It hovered over the slag pit for
a minute, then departed at an extremely high speed (out
of sight) eastward towards Highway 17, then returned for
another minute and left again in the same direction. The
weather was clear. The sighting lasted approximately two
Thursday, October 30, between 8 and 11:40 p.m., an unexplained
bright white light which has been sighted several times
in the Lake Nipissing area during recent weeks, was again
reported by witnesses, including police officers. They
said they saw the bright white light hovering over Iron
Island, about 20 miles west of the North Bay government
dock. It remained stationary for about three hours, then
sightings spilled over into the month of November, with
police officers reporting UFO sightings near Sturgeon
Falls and North Bay. It wasn't long before UFO sightings
would spread to others towns and cities such as Haileybury,
Sudbury, Coniston, Chelmsford and Hanmer.
Sunday, November 2, at 3:30 a.m., police again sighted
a light hovering over Lake Nipissing, this time from a
point eight miles east of Sturgeon Falls, with the light
seen in the southwest. Const. J. J. Culkeen observed the
light, which seemed to be at a greater altitude than that
seen Thursday, for a period of about 15 minutes and called
the North Bay Provincial Police detachment. Intermittent
observation was maintained until the object disappeared
at about 4:30 a.m., an hour after it was first noticed
in the sky.
Tuesday, November 11, at 0800Z, six nurses from the nursing
staff at Pioneer Manor (nursing home) in Sudbury, reported
seeing an object that seemed to hover over the Sudbury
stadium (baseball park). It was very bright and very low
at first, and suddenly shot into the cloudy sky. The sighting
lasted 1 hour and 55 minutes. It was still visible when
Sudbury Regional Police arrived at 0955Z.
0955Z, Constables Chrapchynski and Dreighton of the Sudbury
Regional Police made this follow-up report from the call
made by the nurses at Pioneer Manor. From two separate
locations, they reported the following: 4 objects were
observed clearly in the sky. The brightest in the east
remained in a stationary position. One in the southwest
moved at times in a jerky motion. One in the northwest
remained stationary. The one in the northeast was the
dimest, also stationary. They were still plainly visible
after daybreak when all regular bright objects in the
sky had disappeared. The sighting lasted intermittently
for 1 hour.
approximately 1000Z, Constables Keables and Whiteside
of the Sudbury Regional Police, reported sighting a UFO
from two separate locations: 1st sighting - near Industrial
Road in Sudbury; 2nd sighting - near the southwest bypass,
just west of Highway 69. It was observed southwest from
this location. One object was seen. At times, it appeared
to be cylindrical with shafts of light, bright enough
to light up the clouds in the immediate area. It appeared,
at times, to travel in circles. At one point, it came
quite close. It was still visible to the naked eye after
the sun came up. The above observations were made with
the use of binoculars. The sighting lasted from 1000Z
intermittently until 1200Z.
approximately 1000Z, while on patrol on Highway 17E, Constable
Marsh of the Sudbury Regional Police observed a very bright,
star-like object moving in a jerky circular manner, southeast
of Coniston. When covered with clouds, it was still bright
enough to shine through, as well as light up an area around
it. While observing this object, he saw two other similar
objects, one in the south and one southwest of Coniston.
All seemed to be moving in a jerky circular manner. They
seemed to emit a pulsating type of light varying in colours,
easily distinguishable from the stars.
1030Z, MCPL Kreutz and CPL Lawrenson in the Operations
Building at CFS Falconbridge, saw an object which appeared
to be a very bright, stationary light at approximately
30,000 feet. It was first observed by Sudbury Police to
be overhead Falconbridge. The sighting lasted 30 seconds.
1030Z, while driving on Highway 144, 1 mile east of Chelmsford,
Constables Ryan and Laderoute of the Sudbury Regional
Police reported seeing one bright, white object. It appeared
to be over the north end of the city of Sudbury, moving
in a northwesterly direction, at a high rate of speed.
It was seen for 1 minute, until covered by a large cloud.
1115Z, Major Oliver, along with Captain Carson, MCPL Kreutz
and CPL Lawrenson, observed a circular object, brilliantly
lighted with two black spots in the centre, moving upwards
at high speed, from 42,000 feet to 72,000 feet (No horizontal
movement). The sighting lasted 14 minutes. This object
was sighted visually and by radar, bearing 210 degrees
magnetic, at 30 NM (Nautical Miles) from CFS Falconbridge.
Major Oliver took pictures, but is not sure if they will
turn out. A similar object was sighted by the same observers,
bearing 270 degrees magnetic, but at too great a distance
to provide any details. Many other reports were received
from Sudbury Ontario Provincial Police.
1115Z, Maj. Oliver, Capt. Garson and Cpl Lawrenson in
the Operations Building at CFS Falconbridge, saw an object
that was spherical-shaped and appeared to be rotating.
It appeared to have a surface area similar to the moon
and was ascending and descending. The sighting lasted
2 hours intermittently due to the cloud cover. It was
also observed on both height finder and search radars.
The first position was at 210 degrees, 30 miles; altitude:
42,000 feet at 1115Z. The second position was at 200 degrees,
30 miles; altitude: 50,000 feet at 1120Z. And the final
position was at 190 degrees, 25 miles; altitude: 72,000
feet at 1129Z.
Wednesday, November 12, at 0500Z, Samuel Harriman was
at his residence, looking out of an open bedroom window,
when he saw an unusual object. It first appeared as a
single blue-white light, and was subsequently joined by
four more lights. The altitude was approximately the same
as the clouds.
0515Z, Mr. Julian Prince of McRae Heights, Sudbury, and
Constables Garry Zadow and Barry Brett of the Sudbury
Regional Police, saw what looked like an artificial light
that would fade on and off, increasing in intensity until
very bright. Two objects with the same actions were also
sighted. These objects appeared to move with a jerky motion.
They were still visible until 0700Z.
0615 Local, Mrs. Smith, along with her 11-year-old son,
saw what she described as a bright white light over the
radar station, much brighter than a star. It was the only
light in the sky and looked like it was fading away and
coming back, then was covered by a cloud.
Friday, November 14, at 0830Z, Mr. Ted Majkot of Sudbury,
was 30 miles north of Parry Sound on Highway 69, when
he sighted an object opposite the star group Orion. It
was spherical, white and 30 degrees in the sky. It stayed
in the same general area. It appeared and disappeared
at 4-second intervals. The sighting lasted 2 hours. Photos
were taken with 1 second fastest speed, on auto setting,
8 second slowest speed. Photos sent through government
mail services.
1945 Local, Raymond Chayka of Coniston, was at home with
Tom Donneley, who was there on visit. They saw what looked
like a dot with blue, red and white. It was having a rotation
of colours, going away and back. The sighting lasted 1
hour and 15 minutes or more.
Saturday, November 15, at 0615Z, Oliver Kivioja of Riverside
Drive in Sudbury, was at home in the backyard, looking
south, when he saw a bright yellow object. It moved upward
and back, and when it was moving, it left a tail. The
object was very high and it did not seem to change its
position in the sky. The sighting lasted 15 minutes.
1130Z, Lyman Paquette was in the married students residence
at Laurentian University, when he was looking approximately
due east, 70 degrees elevation. His wife, brother and
sister-in-law (names not given) were at the same location.
Using binoculars, they saw one object, bright white, which
looked like a cup in a bowl. It had climbed quite high
since the first observation and could hardly be seen without
the aid of binoculars. The sighting lasted 20 minutes.
Sunday, November 23, at 1000Z, Joann McGraw of Chelmsford
was in an automobile with her parents, driving on Frood
Road in Sudbury, when they saw a huge oval-shaped object.
It was really bright, and was blinking on and off. The
observer stated that the very bright white light was lower
than the clouds. The observer also stated that the object
followed them until they arrived at home in Chelmsford.
The object was moving in an east to west direction. The
sighting lasted 20 minutes.
last reported sighting of a UFO occurred in the month
of December, on Christmas Eve:
Wednesday, December 24, at 0200Z, Mr. Reggie Pigeau of
Dill Lake Road, Highway 69 S., and his two sons, observed
a bright object with flashing blue and red lights. No
movement. Previous sighting lasted approximately 12 hours
on Sunday (December 21) and Tuesday (December 23) evenings.
of the interesting things about the whole incident are
the contradictions and denials that have arisen from this
case. The information found in the Falconbridge documents
contradicts the information that was given to the newspaper
by the public relations officer at the base -- information
which, in turn, was fed to the public. First, there was
the question of whether or not pictures had been taken
of the UFO(s) by base personnel:
Star, November 15, 1975:
were no photographs taken of the Sudbury UFO Tuesday morning,
a base spokesman at CFS Falconbridge now says."
Report, November 11, 1975:
Oliver took pictures, but is not sure if they will turn
there was the first "official explanation" given
by National Research Council UFO expert Ian Halliday:
Star, November 15, 1975:
police sources meanwhile disputed a contention by National
Research Council UFO expert Ian Halliday that what policemen
saw Tuesday morning were the planets Jupiter and Venus.
Police said the objects were too big and too bright to
be a star."
policeman apparently reported one object was bright enough
to hurt his eyes while another saw one object moving upward,
a motion that tallies with what was seen on the radar
screen at CFS Falconbridge."
a second "cover story" was given, replacing
the old Jupiter - Venus explanation. A Sudbury Star article
dated January 24, 1979 and entitled "Well thought-out
answer", reads:
Know what they were seeing all along? Crystallized ice
in the atmosphere, that's what. But that enlightening
tidbit is not part of the story as it unfolded back in
1975. That's the pronouncement of the National Research
Council. . .made public just this week."
become quite clear that the crystallized ice explanation
cannot account for what was seen visually and on radar
by so many credible witnesses. Makes you wonder why the
folks at the NRC go to such lengths to explain away UFO
sightings. And why it took four years for them to come
up with this second explanation!?
manner in which military personnel and government scientists
downplayed the incident caused little or no reaction amongst
the public. If people had been told the truth about the
alien intrusion, there would have been great alarm. For
those of us who know what really happened, the Falconbridge
Incident will go down in history as one of the biggest
UFO cases of all time. Between 1986 and 1987, CFS Falconbridge
was closed down because of military cuts. Today, it is
an eerie reminder of a mysterious event that will forever
remain unexplained.
the story doesn't end there. On the evening of October
9th, 1990, an unidentified flying object was seen hovering
near the abandoned installation. And in this particular
case, I was one of those who saw it:
was about 8:30 in the evening, and I had just finished
making photocopies at the car dealership where I worked.
As I walked toward my car, I noticed an unusually bright
light in the southern sky. I took a few more steps, and
as I watched the light, I realized that it was gradually
coming down from the sky in a vertical drop. It seemed
to be getting brighter and brighter, indicating to me
that the object was coming down at an angle, in a northerly
direction. It got so bright, it looked about 3 to 4 times
the size of Venus. Keeping an eye on the light, I walked
back to the showroom and got one of the salesmen to take
a look. He looked at it, shrugged his shoulders and walked
away. I decided to leave in the hopes of getting a closer
look. As I drove down the road, I could see the object
up in the sky, between the houses and the trees. I noticed
that the brightness of the light had dimmed, revealing
the object as egg-shaped in appearance. I got home as
fast as I could, grabbed my binoculars and drove out to
a second location from which I could look at the object
some more (I wound up in a wooded area, which gave me
a limited view of the sky). Between the bare branches,
I could see the object as it moved slowly to the east.
I noticed some bright lights to the left of the object,
but these were part of a Ontario Hydro substation; there
was a noticeable difference between those lights and the
egg-shaped object. As I watched, the light moved slightly
from side to side about 3 times, then suddenly went out,
like someone had switched it off. I looked all over with
the binoculars, but I couldn't see it. Then, as quickly
as it had disappeared, the object re-appeared, but at
a lower elevation (Despite the darkness, I was able to
tell that it wasn't at the same place it had been a few
seconds before)."
the hairs at the back of my neck went straight up. I got
back into the car and drove toward a hilltop located to
the east of town. From there, I'd be able to see the object
more clearly against the dark sky and pinpoint its location.
On my way there, I looked to my right and scanned the
sky for the object but could no longer see it. Once I
crested the top of the hill, I parked the car on the side
of the road and began looking for the object. At first,
I looked to the south and I didn't see anything at all.
But then, I looked to the southeast in the direction of
the Radar base and I was shocked to see a big, pinkish-white
light hanging very low in the sky, and pulsating like
an emergency road flare. Because of its brilliance, I
was unable to determine its shape, but it looked more
oval than circular. It was at least 3 times brighter,
and the colour differed from the pink or red lights we
find on communication towers. Also noticeable were the
airport lights (further to the east) and lamp posts along
the highway; using those as reference points, I knew that
the object was exactly where the base was located. I watched
the UFO as it remained motionless, hovering above the
ground at an estimated altitude of 50 - 100 feet. When
I saw that the object wasn't moving at all, I thought
that perhaps I'd have time to go home and get other members
of my family as additional witnesses. I got in the car,
switched the headlights on and headed home as fast as
I could, with my hazard lights flashing. A few minutes
went by before I could convince someone to come with me.
I made a mistake because when we went back, the object
had gone; I never got to see how it left the area and
I've been kicking myself ever since."
all, the sighting lasted about 20 minutes. During all
that time, I had looked at the UFO with my binoculars
from two separate vantage points. Later, I purchased a
map of the area and was able to determine that when first
spotted, the object was approximately 6 or 7 miles away
from me. When I last saw it at the base, it was exactly
4 miles away from my eyes. I also checked with a local
amateur astronomer to find out where Venus and Jupiter
were located at the time of my sighting. I found out that
on October 9th, 1990, Venus had set with the Sun and Jupiter
did not rise until 12:00 a.m. Then, I wanted to know the
approximate size of the object, so I returned to the hilltop
during daylight and looked at the base with my binoculars.
One building on the western side of the installation is
shaped like a cube, which I estimated to be between 40
to 50 feet square. Through my binoculars, it looked as
wide as the UFO had been in my field of view. During the
next three years, I hiked up to the base on three separate
occasions. The first time I went up there, I brought with
me a reporter and the editor of a small local paper. With
their help, I measured the one section of the base in
front of which I placed the UFO at the time of the sighting;
It was EXACTLY 40> by 40'. From this, I determined
that the UFO had an approximate diameter of 40', give
or take a few inches.
following are the personal accounts of two eyewitnesses
who said they saw UFOs during the fall of 1975. They are
listed in chronological order:
of witness: Jim Bett
Date of incident: October 23, 1975
Interviewed on: Monday, December 8, 1997
My name is Jim Bett. I was transferred to Levack in 1958
from Sudbury. And as the years went by, in 1972, I transferred
to McReedy West Mine, near Levack. And I've been working
there for about 15 - 20 years on heavy machinery equipment.
One night, October 23, 1975, at approximately about 12:20,
I was working 4 to 12 shift on that week. And that particular
night, I was driving home, close to Sudbury, at Murray
Mine on the old Levack highway. And there was a railroad
track just before you get to the underpass, at that time.
While I was driving past the railroad track, on my left-hand
side, I seen something quite bright, which I thought was
the moon. And then I got thinking there for a few seconds.
I was still driving on the highway, slowing down. And
I looked on my right-hand side and I could see the moon
there. That night was very clear. I drove slowly underneath
the old underpass close to Copper Cliff. And when I passed
that, I could still see the moon on my right-hand side.
And I was slowly driving down again, towards the old slag
dump. And there was a conveyer belt that was going across
the highway, at that time. And there was kind of a little
stretch there, pretty straight down, I would say. And
then, I lost that light, there, where I had seen it just
a few minutes before. It was kind of standing still...it
was right above an aerial. I think it must have been a
radio lantern or something? (Television tower -- MMD).
It was quite high, anyway. And I could see that object
there, roughly fifteen-hundred feet above it and it was
still. I had my window down and I couldn't hear any noise.
And as I was driving, going towards it for a little ways,
I had a feeling it was kind of draining my mind or something.
And I got even closer, and then, there was a right-hand
turn on that road, at that time going by the old Belton
Hotel. And as I was getting closer to the Belton Hotel,
this object just took off within seconds...with a flash.
It seemed to me that it disappeared on its way down above
Elm Street. In other words, it went from the Mine Mill
Hall, going down to the old YMCA there, on Elm Street.
So I stopped at the corner there, close to the Mine Mill
Hall, just to see if I could see anything else. Then,
all of a sudden, it came right back...just like a flash.
And it came right above my car, there, maybe two thousand
feet high. And it stopped again, just a couple of blocks
past the Mine Mill Hall. I stayed there for another couple
of minutes to watch it which, at that time, it was on
my left-hand side. It could have been there maybe 15 -
20 seconds. And then, it disappeared again, the same way
as it did, the first time...coming down Elm Street. It
disappeared just like a flash. I stayed there for a couple
more minutes to see it again, and no, I didn't see anything
else. It didn't come back."
just coming back there for...on my track here just for
a couple of seconds here. When I was seeing this, as I
was approaching it, it was draining my mind. It looked
something like a big birthday cake with three stages.
The bottom part was kind of bigger, and the middle was
a little smaller and the top was a little smaller yet.
And it had something like gold colour, and some white
colour, and some light blue. As I was coming down Elm
Street, I noticed a police car by the court house. I was
kind of driving slowly >cause I was feeling kind of
drained. And I was debating if I was gonna let those officers
know what I just saw, a few minutes ago. So anyway, I
approached the car by the court house on Elm Street, and
I decide to stop. So I go ahead of the car, then I came
back and I was talking to the two police officers in the
car. And I mentioned that to them. They told me they didn't
see anything because they were writing some kind of a
report and their light in the car was on, so they were
not looking outside at the time. I just told them what
I just saw. And I got the feeling they were kind of...maybe
laughing or grinning a little bit, but I was expecting
that. So anyway, I told them what I saw. And I said: well,
if you believe me, fine. If you don't, I don't care, I
said. I'm going right now to the bowling alley, which
was on Notre Dame (Avenue). I said I'm going down there
to have a bite to eat, then I'll be going home. The police
officer asked me where I lived, so I told him I lived
in the Flour Mill area. And I said I work in Levack and
this is the 4 to 12 shift, and I mentioned to the officers
I have not been drinking and I'm not on dope. I'm perfectly
healthy. I work in heavy equipment machinery in which
you've got to be on your toes."
I gave my report to them and then I drove to the bowling
alley on Notre Dame and I had a hamburger and a coffee.
And then, I got home at one-thirty (a.m.). When I got
home, I sat at the table, reading my Star and then, I
got a phone call from the radar station. And I was kind
of surprised >cause I figured, well heck, maybe they
(the police) wouldn't even bother reporting to them. The
radar station asked me some questions. So I told them
exactly what I had just mentioned in my story. The radar
station, they answered me back that what I had seen was
below the radar line. This is what they had mentioned
to me and they told me that they did not see anything
on their radar. I said: I don't care if you seen something
on the radar or not, but I'm just telling you what I saw."
the phone call from the radar station, I did not tell
my wife or family anything, at that time. I took a sleeping
pill and I went to bed. The next day, I went back to work.
The following night, I was still kind of pale-looking
from what my family had told me. And I had to take another
pill for that night, as well. On the third night, I did
not take any pill. But I was feeling kind of drained or
something like that. And the family knew all about it."
Mr. Bett said that the draining feeling was like someone
had placed a vacuum cleaner to his face and was sucking
the energy right out of him.)
Name of witness: Ed Davies
Date of incident: November 11, 1975
Interviewed on: Sunday, March 9, 1997
name is Ed Davies. I worked for INCO for thirty years.
Back in November 11th, 1975, my wife and I were on our
way back from Sundridge, at 10 or 11 o'clock at night.
On this side of Wannapitae, we seen what looked like just
a pencil of light. And I figured, well, maybe a DC9 with,
you know, just the cabin lights on. I got up over a hill
and around a corner, and started down toward the village
of Wannapitae, and it turned on its side. It took a swoop
down across the river so fast, I couldn't believe it.
And then, it swung and went parallel to the highway and
I chased it...I chased it up the highway...80 miles an
hour...all the way to the Garson-Coniston road. No flashing
lights... there was no flashing lights whatsoever. Just,
for all the world, a full moon. And it was so quick, coming
down, when it took that run down and swooped over the
river, if there was a dome on top, it was too quick for
you to see. When I followed it up the highway, it never
changed one way or another. It was just like a full moon
coming along with you, and that was it. No exhaust trail.
No noise, either. And then it swung...it took a turn to
the right and it went over them big rocky hills there
alongside the Garson-Coniston road, and that's the last
I seen of it. I've never seen one since."
guy in front, boy, he flew around the blinders, I'll tell
ya. I don't know how he didn't upset her (his car -- MMD).
Swerved off to the side of the road, and I just went by
him 'cause he wasn't in my way. But it sure scared the
hell out of him, I'll tell ya. It had to, the way he stopped."
you see, I can understand a lot of people if they don't
want to say anything. They THINK they might have seen
something. But I have no goddamn doubts whatsoever. To
this day, I mean, we didn't think we seen something...I
chased the son of a bitch up the road all that distance.
Now, what the hell it was, it wasn't from around here
anyway. There is no way...there's no way in hell could
it be human occupants in that thing. 'Cause when it took
the swoop down across the river, it's...nobody, nobody
could withstand the G force. I mean, what the hell's the
record...eight, nine Gs or something like that before
blackout? But this was just, you know, it was instant!"
only regret now that they didn't have camcorders back
then. Because it would have been so easy, hey...you had
the window down...it would have been so easy just to track
that thing all the way up, you know. Because it couldn't
have been...oh I guess, it'd be...I'd say maybe a hundred
and fifty feet...or maybe less...off to the side of the
road. And it could've been more than a hundred and fifty,
two hundred feet high. Because before you go up that long
hill, hey, this side of Wannapitae, the hills behind are
pretty high. And we could see the top of the hills above
the top of that (the object), hey. So, you know, not too
high. I have a pretty good idea of judgment of distance
because I hunted for years, you know, when I was a kid
and everything...I know the difference between a hundred
feet and a hundred yards. And the speed, I remember that...it
just maintained a steady eighty miles an hour. I'd like
to see one like that again."
I asked Ed about the size and color of the object and
he replied: "forty to fifty feet, anyway. And
just as bright...just a bright yellow, just like a moon...just
like looking at the moon. But it sure as hell wasn't the
moon, to chase up the goddamn highway! No, there was no
lights on it. It was all the one colour."
I mentioned at the beginning of this article, this incident
is only one of several such cases concerning UFO intrusions
over or near military installations. It would be interesting
to find out if anyone else has ever reported seeing UFOs
near military bases long after they've been abandoned.
In any case, I think these incidents are not exclusive
to the past. Who knows what the future will bring?