December 8, 1967
Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States
object was circular in shape, "about as big as a
car." She was able to see that it had a domed top.
In the dome, which was transparent, she could make out
the indistinct outlines of two figures. At its closest,
the object was no more than 100 yards away, and from 50
to 100 feet above the ground.

NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon)
more recent report that contains some striking similarities
to Mrs. Moreland's story of more than eight years before
was investigated by C. Reed Ricks, who sent NICAP the
details. On the night of December 8, 1967, Marilyn Wilding,
age 15, of Idaho Falls, went out on her front step to
look for a friend coming by to pick her up. It was about
7:40 p.m. The evening was dark and overcast, cold, with
snow on the ground. Miss Wilding's attention was attracted
to a light source reflecting on the snow and glancing
upward, she saw a large light above, partially obscured
by the roof of her house.
out into the yard, she saw a large, brightly lighted object
hovering not far above the end of her home. It was so
bright that she was unable to perceive any other color
than white. The object was circular in shape, "about
as big as a car."
told the NICAP investigator that it was close enough for
someone to have thrown a rock at it and hit it.
she stood looking, the object tipped and rotated partly
so that she was able to see that it had a domed top. In
the dome, which was transparent, she could make out the
indistinct outlines of two figures, but she was unable
to make out any details because of the glare. She ran
into her house and called for her younger sister to come
and look, but the youngster was barefoot and did not come
out. Miss Wilding then ran back outside in time to see
the object begin to rotate, in a clockwise direction as
seen from below. It maintained its tilted attitude while
rotating, and therefore gave the appearance of wobbling.
With this motion, it began moving away toward the north.
As it receded into the distance, the light dimmed and
turned orange in color.
UFO's departure was observed from inside the house by
Miss Wilding's younger brothers and sister, who had been
alerted by the witness. (Mr. and Mrs. Wilding were not
at home at the time that the incident occurred.) In her
written report, Miss Wilding also gave the names of the
Schuldt family, neighbors, as witnesses.
its closest, the object was no more than 100 yards away,
and from 50 to 100 feet above the ground. The incident
lasted for approximately three minutes. Besides containing
a number of details similar to those described by Mrs.
Moreland, Miss Wilding's sighting may also be compared
with another incident that occurred at Ririe, Idaho, a
little more than a month earlier.