March 13, 1982
Location: Messel, Germany
15 - 17-year-olds were at a discotheque in the town of
Messel, when they saw outside a steel blue luminous disk
with a dome on top which appeared over the woods about
600 meters from where they where standing. It slowly approached
the witnesses at very low altitude, a distance of about
100 meters. Its diameter was about 10 meters wide. After
a few seconds, the disc started to move in spiral curves
down to the ground; it stopped for a moment before it
flew away at a steep upward angle.

Illustration of the object. (credit: MUFON-CES)
Illobrand von Ludwiger/MUFON-CES, (1998)
Object With Dome on Top Over Messel Near Frankfurt
March 13, 1982, several 15 - 17-year-olds were on their
way to a discotheque in the town of Messel, 20 km south
of the city of Frankfurt. At approximately 9:10 p.m.,
they observed three groups of lights consisting of four
round lights flashing in different colors. Each group
formed a square of 1.5° diameter at an altitude of
about 30°. The first formation moved slowly and then
stopped to hover in the air. The second formation displayed
a slow movement as well, but the third group flew very
fast over these formations and disappeared. After a few
seconds, the other formations moved away too. At that
time, the teenagers went into the discotheque.
about 9:30 p.m., they were called out by friends to see
something strange in the sky. A few minutes later, all
of them observed a bright blue flash coming from the sky,
like a spotlight. Soon after that, a steel blue luminous
disk with a dome on top appeared over the woods about
600 meters from where they where standing. It slowly approached
the witnesses at very low altitude, a distance of about
100 meters. Its diameter was about 10 meters wide. The
dome was divided into several multi-colored segments.
Inside the dome, something rotated like a "beacon".
On the edge of the dome, the colors yellow, green and
red appeared, one after the other. Near the edge of the
disc were four square white lights arranged at equal distance
from each other. On the bottom of the disc, a bluish-white
light radiated in non-regular intervals, creating a cone-like
shape. After a few seconds, the disc started to move in
spiral curves down to the ground; it stopped for a moment
before it flew away at a steep upward angle. The excited
teenagers immediately called the police. When the police
officers arrived, the disk could no longer be seen, but
several unusual lights over the woods were observed by
the police officers, too. (MUFON-CES Report No.9, 1983)
of the many reliable witnesses the reliability index for
the case is p = 99.99 %.