August 25, 1952
Location: Pittsburg, Kansas, United States
those cases declared Unidentified by the Air Force which
are reported to involve alleged occupants is a sighting
by William Squyres. He described the object as resembling
two turtle shells placed edge to edge. Along the rim where
the two halves joined, he noticed a series of small propellers
six to twelve inches in diameter, projecting outward all
the way around the object.

NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon)
those cases declared Unidentified by the Air Force which
are reported to involve alleged occupants is a sighting
by William Squyres who, at the time, was a musician and
staff member of Radio Station KOAM, in Pittsburg, Kansas.
Certain features are strikingly similar to Mrs. Suzanne
E. Knight's sighting in Maryland, at about the same time
(see following case). The witness' report follows:
5:30 a.m., August 25, 1952, while Squyres was driving
to work from his home in Frontenac, Kansas, he saw a low-hovering
object with clearly-defined windows in a heavily wooded
area about seven miles northeast of Pittsburg.
hair rose straight up on the back of my head,"
he said when reporting the incident later. He described
the object as resembling two turtle shells, or two oval
meat platters, placed edge to edge. Along the rim where
the two halves joined, he noticed a series of small propellers
six to twelve inches in diameter, projecting outward at
close intervals all the way around the object. These propellers
were revolving at high speed.
said the object was about 75 feet long, 45 feet wide and
25 feet high, and was rocking slightly back and forth
as it hovered over a field near the highway. The body
was of a dull aluminum color and across the top and extending
down to the rim of the object were several rectangular
windows, through which Squyres could see a bluish light
fluctuating from dark to light.
observed considerable activity behind these windows but
it was obscured "like a window shade pulled down.
I could see figures behind it." Forward of these
windows was another rectangular window which was clear
and through it, the witness could plainly see the head
and shoulders of a single man, sitting motionless, and
facing the forward edge of the object.
definitely saw a human being through the window,"
the witness asserted. He turned off the motor of his car
and got out. He could hear a steady throbbing sound and
as he approached on foot to within a hundred feet, the
object suddenly rose straight up into the air and out
of sight, making a sound like a "covey of a hundred
quail taking off." The vegetation beneath the
object was blown about as the object rose up.
was convinced that the object was "piloted by
humans, and not some men from Mars." The witness
returned to the scene later with officials from the radio
station, who verified the fact that the vegetation appeared
disturbed, "like the backwash of where the thing
took off." A later investigation by Air Force
officials confirmed these findings, and the reliability
of the witness was termed "good" in the official
report (see Project
Blue Book Special Report #14).