August 6, 1977
Location: Pelham, Georgia, United States
automobile salesman Tom Dawson, 63, was walking with his
two dogs from his trailer home to a nearby farm when a
"circular shaped space ship" with a dome and
portholes, 40-50 ft in diameter and 12-14 ft high, set
down in a field in front of him. He found he was unable
to move a muscle. A hatch in the object opened, a ramp
was extended, and 7 strange looking humans 5 ft tall emerged,
five men and two women.

Drawing by Billy Norris as described by the witness. (credit:
Billy Rachels/Ronald Story (2001)
6, 1977, near Pelham, Georgia (20 miles north of Thomasville),
in Mitchell County. At 10:30 a.m., retired automobile
salesman Tom Dawson (sixty-three years old, at the time)
took a walk down to his favorite pond to see how it looked
for fishing later that day.
as he got inside the fence surrounding the pond, a circular
space ship zipped right in between the trees and hovered
just a few feet above the ground. At the same time, he
found himself, his two dogs and twenty head of cattle,
frozen in place by an unseen force.
said the craft was about 15 feet high and 50 feet in diameter.
It had portholes all around and a dome on top. It made
no sound and changed colors rapidly from one to another.
Suddenly, a ramp came down and out came seven hairless,
snow-white beings, about 5 feet tall, with pointed ears
and noses.
had on tight-fitting, one-piece suits while others wore
nothing. They talked in a 'high-pitched' gibberish he
could not understand.
conducted what he thought to be a medical exam of some
kind. They placed a skullcap-like device on his head and
a large hula hoop-shaped thing (connected to a box) around
his midsection. After they had collected "some
leaves and stuff," they got back on the ship
and were gone in the blink of an eye.
free, Mr. Dawson ran uphill (about 300 yards) to his trailer.
He was having trouble breathing and talking, so he was
taken to the Mitchell County Hospital, where the doctor
said he had been shaken both mentally and physically from
his encounter with the UFO and its occupants. He was treated
for hysteria (given something to calm him down) and later
released. Dawson said he believed that if he had been
a younger man, the extraterrestrials would have taken
him away.
Billy J. Rachels
summary of this case from Albert Rosales' Humanoid Catalog.
This summary describes an interesting and bizarre aspect
of this case which is not included in the above account.]
Pelham (Mitchell) Georgia
Date: August 6 1977
Time: 1030A
Dawson, 63 and retired, was walking with his two dogs
from his trailer home to a nearby farm when a "circular-shaped
space ship" with a dome and portholes, 40-50
ft in diameter and 12-14 ft high, set down in a field
in front of him, hovering several feet off the ground.
He found he was unable to move a muscle, and his dogs,
as well as the cattle in the field, seemed likewise to
be immobilized. A hatch in the object opened, a ramp was
extended, and 7 strange-looking humans 5 ft tall emerged,
five men and two women. The first to leave stepped down
cautiously, as if to test the solidity of the ground;
then the rest followed, with two taking up sentry positions
at the hatch. They were all hairless, with skin "as
white as a flour sack," their noses were sharp
and turned up, their ears were pointed, and they had no
necks. One of the men and one of the women were completely
nude. The clothing of the rest - males and females alike
- was very beautiful with silk like shoes with pointed,
turned up toes. The humanoids cautiously approached Dawson,
and gave him a kind of physical examination, placing on
his head a skullcap with cords connecting it to a hoop
bearing dials. They dropped his trousers and lifted his
shirt for the examination, passing the hoop over his body.
While the examination was in progress, a loud voice came
from the object, shouting three times " I am Jimmy
Hoffa" (!) a fourth repetition was cut off, and the
voice was not heard again. After completing the examination,
all returned to the craft except two men, who walked about
10 feet away and "went into a conference."
They had very shrill voices, and although Dawson was unable
to comprehend what it was they said, he thought he heard
the word "Jupiter." He had the impression
they were debating whether or not to take him onboard;
at any rate, they did not, and the leader passed his palm
across his chest as though to signal good-bye. They reentered
the ship, closed the hatch, and took off. He saw the object
rise to 75 feet, and then in a wink it was out of sight.
Dawson was then freed of his paralysis; he ran directly
to his next-door neighbor, but was so excited he could
say nothing more than "space ship!" He
was taken to a hospital and treated for hysteria.
Source: Billy Rachels, UFO Bureau of Georgia
Type: B