September 20, 1977
Location: Petrosavodsk, Russian Federation
risers in Petrosavodsk saw a bright light suddenly appearing
amid the clouds at about 4:05 a.m. The star-like light
came nearer and descended in a spiral trajectory, and
soon looked like a ball of fire. Soon, it looked like
an reddish-orange hemisphere surrounded by a bright zone.
During the next few seconds, hundreds of thin rays of
light, like thin arrows, were showered upon the earth.
The thing now looked like a big jellyfish with golden
tentacles, shining in beautiful colors.

Photograph of the UFOs of Petrosavodsk, above the Onega
Lake, in the early morning
hours of September 20, 1977. This photograph was also
published in the newspaper
Pravda. (credit: Hesemann)
Michael Hesemann, 1998
1978, the Soviet party paper Pravda paper announced, without
a suggestion of doubt "...An intensely radiant
'star' which looked like a shining jellyfish, stood above
Petrosavodsk. It moved slowly towards Petrosavodsk, throwing
rays of light on the city. There were thousands of beams
and it looked like heavy rain. A little later, the beaming
came to an end, the source of light changed its brightness
and moved towards Onezskoe lake. On the horizon were gray
clouds, and when the object went in to these, a number
of semicircles and circles of pink light appeared. The
manifestation lasted 10 to 12 minutes."
every speculation was avoided, and also the term "UFO"
was not used. In spite of that, the report gave a good,
though short impression of what had happened exactly one
year before in Petrosavodsk and what had been meanwhile
examined with painstaking thoroughness by a commission
of experts especially set up for that purpose.
had happened on September 20, 1977. Early risers in Petrosavodsk
(185,000 inhabitants), the capital of the Karelian Autonomous
Soviet Republic, saw a bright light suddenly appearing
amid the clouds at about 4:05 a.m. The star-like light
came nearer and descended in a spiral trajectory, and
soon looked like a ball of fire. It then reduced its speed
and finally hovered for about 6 minutes in one spot. If
anyone had not noticed it before, they noticed it now,
for it made a terrible noise like the howling of a siren.
The howling stopped and the object started moving silently
towards the town. Soon, it looked like an reddish-orange
hemisphere surrounded by a bright zone, in which there
were many points of light like stars that twinkled and
disappeared. The light began to pulsate. A beam of light
came out like a telescope from the bottom of the object,
vertically downwards, followed by a second, less bright
beam. After a time, both the beams disappeared.
the next few seconds, hundreds of thin rays of light,
like thin arrows, were showered upon the earth. People
who had, until then, watched the spectacle fascinated,
now broke into a panic. They ran around the streets, throwing
themselves to the ground. Some workers in the harbor thought
that it was an American nuclear attack and shouted "This
is the end!" "Tass" correspondent
Nikolai Milov, who interviewed hundreds of people soon
afterwards, said "People looked as if they had
suddenly become sick. They gave the impression of being
mentally disturbed. People who had been sleeping said
that at this moment they had been suddenly awakened and
had had an unpleasant feeling. Some suffered from nightmares
and depressions. Most of them said that they had felt
'electric currents' inside themselves."
thing now looked like a big jellyfish with golden tentacles,
shining in beautiful colors. The white glow around the
hemisphere had now shrunk to a shining ring. The beams
of light came down to earth in a slight curve. They drilled
thousands of holes in the asphalt and in window panes.
Some of the people estimated the diameter of the object
at about 300 feet. They said that it came down, closer
and closer, and finally hovered above the harbor. By now,
it was shining so brightly that it hurt the eyes to look
at it. Then, a smaller and brighter object in the shape
of an electric bulb detached itself from the jellyfish
and flew over the roofs and between the houses along the
street. Some of the people claimed to have seen this "bulb"
returning to its mother ship and disappearing into it.
A doctor said that while he was looking at the object
his car had broken down. The air was filled with the smell
pf ozone,
Gromov, director of the meteorological station of Petrosavodsk,
watched the phenomenon and said: "The body gradually
assumed the shape of an elliptical ring. It finally moved
towards the bank of clouds above Onezskoe Lake, burned
a red hole in the clouds and disappeared into it."
The whole show had lasted for about 12 minutes. Whatever
it was, at least the meteorologist Gromov ruled out the
possibility of its being a ball of lightning or an aerial
reflection. And at that time, there were no aircraft or
helicopters in the air space above Petrosavodsk. Gromov
said: "In my opinion, it was either a UFO, the
messenger of a higher intelligence with crew and passengers,
or a field of energy that came from a UFO."
the next couple of weeks, over 1,500 letters were sent
to the authorities and to the "Tass"
agency, expressing worry and concern: "How safe
is it to stay in Petrosavodsk?" or "Is
a journey to the Karelian capital dangerous?"
or "How high is the radioactivity?" All
these letters, as well as the eyewitness reports in the
archives of "Tass," were confiscated by government
officials. All further references to this topic were forbidden,
and scientists investigated the case in secret. Vasil
Sakharchenko, the publisher of the magazine Technique
and Youth, who had good connections with government sources,
said, "The Commission of Academy of Sciences has
found that the holes in the stones and window-panes give
the impression that the glass had been meltedThe
holes are the size of a coin." The window of
a factory in Petrosavodsk, perforated in such a way, were
sent to Moscow for analysis. The results of the analysis
were given out only towards the end of 1981, by Dr. V.
G. Azhazha during a lecture.
many of the windows of the houses in the town of Petrosavodsk,
there appeared holes the size of 2 to 3 inches in diameter,
whose borders showed signs of melting. Circular pieces
of glass of the panes of inner windows were missing or
lay on the ground or the window sill. The analysis was
interesting. Under the electron microscope, they discovered
a crystalline structure on the surface of the non-crystalline
glass. They said it was normally impossible, but it was
there. It remained a mystery. The only possibility was
that mysterious objects had been active."
later, samples of these glass pieces were also shown to
experts in the West. In 1978, the astronomer Dr. Dale
Cruikshank and the sociologist David W. Swift of the University
of Hawaii were allowed to see the glass pieces at the
Academy of Sciences in Moscow. They confirmed the existence
of a crystalline structure at the edges of the holes,
as did the chemist Prof. Manfred Kage of the Institute
for Scientific Photography at Schloss Weissenstein near
Stuttgart, who later examined one pane with a number of
sensation caused by the Petrosavodsk incident compelled
the scientific establishment to take action. The president
of the Academy of Sciences formed a special commission
to be led by the academy member, W. Migulin. The commission
took up the job of investigating the case, albeit with
little enthusiasm. After a superficial study, they came
to the conclusion that the holes were the result of a
"Still unknown natural atmospheric phenomenon,
possibly in connection with human technology, for instance
a rocket launch." As a matter of fact, during
the time in question, at exactly 4:03 a.m., a rocket had
been launched carrying the spy satellite Cosmos 955 at
Plesetsk, about 200 miles east of Petrosavodsk. But it
is obvious that this rocket could not have been the cause
of the phenomenon: the shining jellyfish was sighted at
first, west of Petrosavodsk, and it moved underneath the
clouds, long after the rocket had passed through the stratosphere.
Of course, no rocket leaves behind thousands of holes
in glass and asphalt. And as to what kind of atmospheric
phenomena it could have been, nothing was said. All that
had been established was that it was not an extraterrestrial
object because it should not have been one.
Migulin confessed his own personal dissatisfaction about
the matter in an interview with the Soviet journal The
Week: "I confess that the insufficient investigation
of this case is our fault. Many serious scientists try
their best to circumvent speculative problems. The story
of science shows that little or no knowledge exists regarding
such problems, simply because their investigation carries
with it the danger of losing a lot of time, and even more
than that, one's reputation. Neither I nor my colleagues
were, therefore, particularly enamoured with the task
of examining this case when ordered to do so by the President
of the Academy."
investigation was conducted by researchers of the Leningrad
Arctic and Antarctic Institute, the Geophysical Institute
of Obrinsk, and a number of geologists, meteorologists
and experts from the Air Force and Navy. Irrespective
of what it was, they were at least able to trace the route
of the mysterious object almost without a gap. Between
3:06 and 3:10 a.m., police officers in the Finnish capital
Helsinki had reported sighting "a bright ball
of fire," which hovered over the airport for
4 minutes, and then moved eastwards. This was also confirmed
by the radar at the control tower of the Helsinki airport.
A little later, the author Limik at Namoyevo, 20 miles
northwest of Petrosavodsk, saw it through his telescope.
He described the UFO as a lens-shaped object shining violet
and surrounded by a shining ring. It had bright pulsating
rays of light coming out of it "like the tentacles
of a Medusa" (jellyfish). At 3:30 a.m., fishermen
on Onezskoe Lake near Primosk saw a bright light in the
sky which was surrounded by a kind of haze. At 4:00 a.m.,
employees at the observatory at Pulkovo saw the ball of
fire in the north, as did a pilot in a passenger plane
flying from Kiev to Leningrad. After its appearance over
Petrosavodsk, they sighted the disc above Yandevar, south
of the Karelian capital. At Polovina, 15 miles east of
Petrosavodsk, people saw a cloud changing in color at
4:40 a.m. as if it had been lit up by a source of light
inside it.