October 2003
Location: Westerville, Ohio, United States
wife and I were sitting on the back porch and saw a rather
large bright object in the south-eastern sky. Looking
through 7x50 field glasses [binoculars], we could easily
make out an object that had 5 large retangular windows,
with a "man" standing inside. . My wife and
I could see him clearly through the windows. He was wearing
a white or light-colored, one-piece suit from the neck
on down.

Drawing by the witness of the UFO sighting.
wife and I were sitting on the back porch and saw a rather
large bright object in the south-eastern sky. Looking
through 7x50 field glasses, we could easily make out an
object that had 5 large retangular windows, with a "man"
standing inside."
Reported: 6/17/2006 10:43:41 a.m.
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Day/Night: Daytime
No. of Witnesses: two
Duration: 2 days/40 minutes the first night.
of Object(s)
was shaped like a rectangle, but with the top edges more
rounded. It seemed to be of a dark material except where
the sunshine reflected off it. It had five tall rectangular
windows. The edges of this object appeared to be "fuzzy"
not clear, perhaps because of the sunlight reflecting
off it."
of Object(s)
upon the size of the person inside, I would guess the
object to be around 50 to 60 feet in diameter. As to height,
I would guess it to be about 10 feet. Again, assuming
the person inside was 6 feet tall."
of Area/Surroundings
home was located in Westerville, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus.
There was a small creek behind out house as well as a
sizeable retaining pond. To the south, several miles away,
lies Port Columbus International Airport. A relatively
short distance to the east is the large Hoover Resevoir."
Description and Details
bright object that we saw was not an aircraft, Goodyear
blimp, helicopter, Canada geese, space satellite, or the
planet Venus. We looked at the object off and on for a
period of about 40 minutes. The object was still there
in about the same location, the next afternoon. The object
made no noise that we could detect. It reflected sunlight
in the late afternoon or early evening. As far as we could
tell, it remained stationary. There was some dark material
that surrounded this object, but not any large metallic
mass that would constitute the body of some aircraft."
was a "man" standing in the object. My wife
and I could see him clearly through the 5 rectangular
windows. He was wearing a white or light-colored, one-piece
suit from the neck on down. It covered "his"
two arms to his wrists. He didn't wear any eyeglasses,
hat, or gloves. He wasn't heavy set, but rather slender.
He wasn't wearing, as far as we could tell, any helmet.
At one time, he moved a short distance (1 or 2 steps?)
toward the left side of the object. It seemed to me that
"he" was communicating with someone on the left
side, but we could not see who or what it was because
the windows didn't reach that far. "He" put
his left arm up on an object that looked like some type
of cabinet. It was the only piece of equipment or furniture
that could be seen. There was a soft yellow light that
was coming from inside the object. I don't remember seeing
any facial features or hair on this person."
sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or
natural object?
first, I thought that perhaps it could have been one large
satellite, but when I looked through my field glasses,
I knew that it was not. It also wasn't birds, an airplane,
helicopter, a blimp, weather balloon, or swamp gas."
my wife and I are retired educators; we now have a small
on UFOs, before and after sighting
I first saw this object, I had no idea what it was. Then,
it dawned on me that perhaps it was one of those UFOs
that I had read about in the past. I am still not sure
what it was that I saw."
Sighting? Yes
Reported To: WBNS-TV station/ Much later, to NUFORC
Name: David Noll
Location: Westerville, Ohio, USA
following is the report that the witness submitted to
the National UFO Reporting Center (reported to NUFORC
on April, 23, 2005):
40 minutes.
wife and I were sitting on our screened-in porch at our
home in Westerville, Ohio, which faces east.
around 6:00 p.m. on an October evening, we saw a large
bright stationary object in the southeast sky. I tended
to ignore it for a while. I thought that perhaps it was
a communications satellite.
went into the house and got by 7 x 50 field glasses to
help identify the object. It was no helicopter, commerical
or military aircraft, and certainly not one of those blimps
that occasionally make its way down to the Ohio State
University to cover a football game. As far as I could
tell, it didn't move. There was no noise coming from it.
The object was perhaps 50 to 60 feet in diameter.
setting sun was reflecting off the object and made it
somewhat difficult to see. As far as I could tell, there
were no external lights. There were 5 large rectangular
windows that took up much of the space of this object.
There was a yellow glow in the interior.
saw a person dressed in a light-colored single piece suit
from the neck down. The person had a head, 2 arms, and
a body. He appeared to move only once and only slightly.
It stood next to what appeared to be a "file cabinet",
which stood as tall as his shoulder. There was some mass
around these windows but nothing that would constitute
the body of some aircraft.
next evening, my wife and I saw the same object. I called
a local television station to report what I had seen and
if anybody had any idea what it was. The lady gave me
some answer and that was the last that I heard of this
far as I know, nothing was reported on any television
news broadcast or printed in the Columbus Dispatch.
others in the area must have seen this object. I know
what I saw, but I have no idea what I saw."