July 13, 1959
Location: Blenheim, New Zealand
Moreland saw a sharply-outlined saucer-shaped object with
two extremely bright sources of green light on the underside.
The object was approximately 20 to 30 feet wide and hovered
at roof-top level, about 15 feet above the ground. Inside
a transparent dome, she said, there were two men, "dressed
in fairly close-fitting suits of shiny material."

Image by Mark Cashman based on witness account and sketch.
(credit: Mark Cashman,

Another image by Mark Cashman. (credit: Mark Cashman,

Side-view drawing based on the sketches by the witness,
courtesy of SATCU (Scientific
Approach to Cosmic Understanding). (credit: Mark Cashman,
NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon)
Frederick Moreland, of Blenheim, New Zealand, a busy housewife
with five children, was helping her husband tend their
small nine-acre farm as well as working part-time as a
nurse's aid at Lister Hospital, in Blenheim, at the time
her sighting occurred.
July 13, 1959, at 5:50 a.m., it was dark with a low cloud
cover when Mrs. Moreland went to the barn to do the morning
milking. She noticed a green glow in the overcast and
was half-way across the paddock when she saw two large
green lights emerge from the clouds and descend rapidly
toward the ground, in her direction.
noticed that I was bathed in a green light and that all
the paddock was green, too," she later reported.
In her written statement to the local police, she said
that it was so bright she could not see her own "torchlight"
in the green glare.
was a horrid sort of color. My first thought was, `I shouldn't
be here, 'and I made a dive for the trees on the other
side of the paddock."
the protection of the trees, Mrs. Moreland saw a sharply-outlined
saucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources
of green light on the underside. The light from these
sources beamed out over an area of 50 yards. Two rows
of jets around the center of the object "shot out
orange-colored flame" and appeared to revolve in
opposite directions. The object was approximately 20 to
30 feet wide and hovered at roof-top level, about 15 feet
above the ground. It was no more than 50 yards away from
jets stopped," Mrs. Moreland said, "and a light
was switched on in what appeared to be a perspex or glass
roof or dome, which glowed." (Compare with the Ririe
and Idaho Falls, Idaho, cases of late 1967 below.) She
said the bottom appeared to be of a grayish, metallic
was a faint hum as the object hovered "and the air
became very warm." Inside the transparent dome, she
said, there were two men, "dressed in fairly close-fitting
suits of shiny material." She compared the material
to aluminum foil. She said the occupants wore "opaque
helmets" that rose straight from their shoulders.
They seemed to be of normal size. She noted that one of
the occupants never moved.
could not see their faces," she said. "One of
the men stood up and put two hands out in front of him,
as if leaning over to look downwards. He then sat down
and, after a minute or two, the jets started off again
and, tilting slightly at first, the thing shot up vertically
at great speed and disappeared into the clouds. When it
did this, it made a soft but high-pitched sound."
She reported that a peculiar smell, somewhat similar to
pepper, lingered in the air as the object departed.
Moreland stood in the trees for several minutes, not knowing
exactly what to do. She finally went on with her milking
but was so disturbed by what she had seen that, at 7:00
a.m., she went back into the house and told her husband
what had happened. Mr. Moreland, employed by the Royal
New Zealand Air Force, suggested that she call the police,
which she did.
official enquiry began which included an investigation
by the RNZAF. Mrs. Moreland's report was given wide coverage
in the press and some time later it was learned that about
an hour before Mrs. Moreland's sighting a Blenheim man
named Holdaway had seen a white-orange object through
his window.
people subsequently interviewed the witness, who impressed
them with her straightforward account of what she had
seen. NICAP has a copy of the witness' first-hand, signed
report of the incident. Dr. James E. McDonald, during
a trip to Australia and New Zealand in 1967, had the opportunity
to interview the witness and he told NICAP that he had
been quite favorably impressed.