April 20, 1952
Location: Flint, Michigan, United States
naval aviation student, his wife, and several others were
at a drive-in movie, during which time they saw several
groups of objects fly over. There were from two to nine
objects in a group and there were about 20 groups. The
objects were shaped like conventional aircraft. The unaccountable
feature of the objects was that each had a red glow surrounding
it and was glowing itself, although it was a cloudless
U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book Special Report #14 (Battelle
Institute Study), 1955
naval aviation student, his wife, and several others were
at a drive-in movie from 2115 to 2240 hours on April 20,
1952, during which time they saw several groups of objects
fly over. There were from two to nine objects in a group
and there were about 20 groups. The groups of objects
flew in a straight line except for some changes in direction
accomplished in a manner like any standard aircraft turn.
objects were shaped like conventional aircraft. The unaccountable
feature of the objects was that each had a red glow surrounding
it and was glowing itself, although it was a cloudless
on this case from Brad Sparks' "Catalog of 1,500
Project Blue Book Unknowns":
20, 1952. [Flint, Mich.? 43.00° N, 83.70° W?]
9:15-9:40 p.m. (EST?) Naval aviation student [Kohut ?
Choot?], wife and several others at a drive-in movie saw
about 20 groups of 2-9 aircraft-shaped objects fly over
enveloped in a red glow, mostly on straight-line course,
except for occasional standard aircraft-like turns. (Battelle
Unknown No. 2; FUFOR
on this case in Richard Haines' "Project Delta: A
Study of Multiple UFOs" (1994):
About twenty separate groups of objects were seen by several
witnesses on the ground in clear weather. They appeared
in separate smaller groups of from two to nine objects,
each group remaining visible for about 6-10 seconds. All
objects appeared to have a constant intensity of cherry
red color with a halo around each one. Their shape was
described as that of a fuselage with extended, high aspect
wings. They changed position at an "amazing rate"
and their direction of flight changed in large radius
turns; each object appearing to go into high bank angle
turns. The objects were estimated to travel across the
sky at more than 1,200 mph in a generally straight path
at from 10,000 to 30,000 feet altitude. They seemed to
disappear in different directions (generally) to the North
of the witnesses.
This case involves a very large number of objects (up
to 180!) which are apparently not flocks of birds due
to the high rate of speed they were travelling. (UNICAT#180)