November 2, 1967
Location: Ririe, Idaho, United States
Tossie and Will Begay, two Indian youths, were driving
south on Highway 26 just outside Ririe on November 2,
1967, when, about 9:30 p.m., there was a sudden blinding
flash of light in front of their car, followed by the
abrupt appearance of a small, domed UFO. The dome was
transparent and in it were seen two small, strange-looking

NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon)
Tossie and Will Begay, two Indian youths, were driving
south on Highway 26 just outside Ririe on November 2,
1967, when, about 9:30 p.m., there was a sudden blinding
flash of light in front of their car, followed by the
abrupt appearance of a small, domed UFO. The dome was
transparent and in it were seen two small, strange-looking
car was brought to a stop - Begay, driving, did not have
to apply the brakes - and the object hovered about five
feet above the highway immediately ahead of them. It was
about eight feet wide, and flashed green and orange lights
around the rim. The area was bathed in a vivid green light.
(Compare this with Mrs. Moreland's report, above)
dome opened as if hinged and one creature emerged, apparently
floating to the ground. It was about three and a half
feet tall, and on its back was a kind of pack that protruded
above and behind its head. Its face was oval and heavily
pitted and creased. Two small, round eyes and a straight,
slit-like mouth completed the facial features. Large ears
stood high on the hairless head.
the driver's side of the car, the alleged being opened
the door and slid behind the wheel. Horrified, the two
witnesses pushed over to the right. The car began to move
- whether driven by the being or "towed" by
the UFO was uncertain. It was taken well out into a field
of stubble wheat, and the UFO kept a fixed position a
few feet in front of it.
the car stopped, Tossie, sitting next to the door, suddenly
opened it and bolted, running for the nearby farmhouse
of Willard Hammon about a quarter of a mile away. He later
reported being followed by a bright light - presumably
carried by the second occupant.
in the car, Begay cowered in the front seat in a state
of near-shock while the first creature jabbered unintelligibly
at him, making sounds that were high and rapid, "like
a bird." The second being, who had apparently
given up chasing Tossie, returned to the car. The first
then got out, and the two beings "rose up and
into the UFO," which then ascended in a zigzag
at the home of Willard Hammon, Tossie could scarcely make
himself understood by the astounded farmer and his family.
After having calmed the Indian down, they accompanied
him back to the field, where they found the car. Begay
was sitting nearly speechless with fright, his eyes tightly
engine was running and the lights were still on - about
15 minutes had elapsed from the moment the young men had
seen the flash. Hammon listened to their story and then
followed the frightened youths home in his car. Perplexed,
he later stopped in a local bar and grill to see if he
could learn anything more. While there, a county deputy
sheriff stopped in and Hammon told him the story. Later,
both witnesses also came by and voluntarily told the deputy
sheriff, in their own words, what had happened. State
Police were summoned and an investigation was begun. It
was discovered that a number of local farmers had reported
that their cattle had bolted during the evening for unknown
reasons. Others claimed to have seen lights in the area.
report was investigated for NICAP by C.R. Ricks, of Idaho
Falls. During his investigation, he learned of a man who
claimed that, on the same night, he had a similar encounter.
Ricks eventually tracked this man down and confirmed the
report, although the witness was emphatic about not revealing
his name, and was reluctant about discussing the details
of his encounter.