Location: Popayan, Colombia
was an inverted triangle of an aproximate size of two
meters in the base. It was hovering silently at one meter
or less of the top of the roof.
objet hovering over the roof of my granparents' house.
No more than nine metres from me and my cousin."
Posted: 5/24/2005 1:56:36 PM
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Day/Night: Daytime
Duration: 3,4 minutes
No. of Witnesses: 3
Urban or Rural: Urban
No. of Object(s): Single
Distance to Object(s): nine meters
Color of Object(s): like wood
Description & Details
was 1976 - 1978 (sorry for my english) I was ten or eleven
years at that time. I was born in 1967. We, my cousin
and I (he was five at that time, and of course he can't
remember anything) were playing in one (of three) yards
in our grandparents' house. It was a big colonial house.
Suddenly, my little cousin point his finger towards the
roof, he was the first to see the object. That object
was an inverted triangle of an aproximate size of two
meters in the base. It was hovering silently at one meter
or less of the top of the roof (the object couldn't be
more than eight or nine metres from us). My aunt (the
mother of my cousin) was ironing some clothes directly
underneath the roof and pay little attention at our callings,
thinking it was nothing important, just child games.
childs, we were not scared; just amazed. Then I decided
to go for my grand parent to show him "our discovery."
He was having a shaving and reluctantly follow me (while
I pulled his arm). I was at that time just a child. Now,
I am lawyer, but my grandfather was an astronomer, historian,
a very educated person indeed. Well, the thing that I
will never forget was his face expression when he saw
the object. His face went pale, like he was going to faint.
All what he can do was to call my aunt (of course, she
noted the urge of his father's voice and promtly came.
(She was just under the roof at four or five meters from
us). But all of a sudden, the object practicaly "disappears"
in the sky, such was the speed of his movement. The clouds
were very high; it was a sunny day. It was aproximatly
11:00 a.m.
was a closed subject in our house, (not for my granfather)
and I remember vividly telling to other members of our
family what we saw just to be ignored (just a child) or
giving all sort of stupid explanations at the phenomenon
(maybe it was helicopter, some say) even being a child,
I recall thinking if that was an helicopter, it was a
very little one; made no noise and move at such speed.
I've never heard of that things before. Being treated
like an imaginative child, in a lunch, I remember my grandfather
shut everybody (he was the most respected member of our
family, and he was absolutely lucid at that time) and
declared that it was true what I was saying; that what
we saw that morning, was a very unusual thing.
grandfather died in 1980, but he died knowing that our
word hides things that our "scientific" community
stiil don't know or at least doesn't want to know. I keep
in silence, of course, being this fact known by my family
and other closest ones. Still amaze me to know the kind
of treatment giving at the phenomena by the scientific
a lawyer work for a goverment agency, have specialized
studies (after my degree in law) in commercial law. Just
a normal person with an unusual experience."
Sighting? No
Name: Santiago Jordan
Location: Bogota, Colombia
Age: 37