M. Deschamps - Director
Physical Traces
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and Saucers
and UFOs
Who in
and Debunkers
of Terminology and Abbreviations
Globe and Mail
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 3 January 1945, page 13
Nazi Stunt Electrical Phenomena
York, Jan. 2 (AP) - The descriptions of the new German foo-fighters,
or balls of fire, fit into several well-known electrical
are induction, ball lightning and have some, though not
all the aspects of St. Elmo's fire. If they are electrical,
they are something created in the air close to the planes,
rather than anything shot like artillery shells or anything
floating in the air in wait for planes.
is suggested by the reports that the foo-fires keep up with
the planes, at fixed distances, regardless of plane speed,
changes in speed or changes in direction.
electrical induction of some sort would explain such marvelous
however, fails completely to describe what happens when
a fire-ball zooms upward leaving its plane.
common experience that resembles this trick is ball lightning.
How anybody could produce ball lightning is unknown. Exactly
what ball lightning may be is also unknown. But it is a
quite harmless thing.
Elmo's Fire is a brush discharge of static electricity,
which streams off some solid object with a brilliant intensity.
Aviators are familiar with brush discharges and would recognize
them, so that the foo-balls are probably not ordinary St.
Elmo's Fire.
reason for the foo-balls, based on experience, is interference,
with radar, radio or perhaps with a plane's ignition. Ignition
interference would stop a plane in the air. It was a real
project in Italy before this war, and how to do it was well-known
in theory here. All you needed then, to stop a plane five
or more miles away, was a power plant equal to Niagara Falls.
guess can be made that the foo-balls are evidence that German
scientists have found some way to get around part of the
power troubles in interference. The fact that they are using
them, and so disclosing their secrets to the Allies, would
indicate that they do not hope to attain to ignition interference
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 12 August 1946, page 15
in Target Area Of Mysterious Rockets From Coast of Germany
Aug. 11 (AP) - Ghost rockets - mysterious spool-shaped speeding
objects with fiery tails - have become a common sight in
Sweden, and military officials no longer doubt that the
country is in a target area for experimentation with remotely-controlled
July 1, newspapers have published reports of the flying
fireballs nearly every day.
the beginning many believed excited eye-witnesses had seen
nothing more ominous than meteors. However, between July
9 and July 12 military authorities received 300 reports
of the missiles and since that time added reports have poured
in daily. Fragments examined by scientists gave little in
the way of clues, except to indicate the presence of coke
and other common materials.
German Coast
promising a communique on the results of the investigation
within a few days, have cautioned Swedish newspapers not
to publish the names of places where the ghost rockets appear,
so that the senders would not be provided with important
data. Official quarters declined to speculate on the source
of the missiles, but it was believed elsewhere that the
rockets come from some place along the Baltic Coast of Germany.
Swedish public has taken the rockets with surprising calm.
Fears that a missile might do damage in a densely-populated
area have not been realized.
seems to think these rockets indicate any military preparations
against Sweden, but the people are puzzled at Sweden's being
in a target area when an unlimited amount of uninhabited
area must be available for experimentation.
Stockholm Tidingen labelled a recent editorial "Ghost
Rockets and Future War," and said the appearance of
the missiles pointed up a necessity for preparedness.
general, the ghost rocket is described as a small object
with a flaming tail which speeds at great height and vanishes
within a few seconds. Eye-witnesses say the rockets make
no appreciable sound.
Huge Curve
recently carried a picture of the rocket, obtained accidentally
by a cameraman who was photographing a landscape. It showed
a streak of light trailing from a small dark body, looking
much like a comet.
in a few cases is it known that the missiles actually landed
in Sweden. Military personnel have been busily dredging
a small lake in Lapland.
authorities said the missiles evidently passed over Sweden
in a huge curve. Some reports indicated the objects carried
a device for self-destruction, and military experts said
some apparently had exploded in the air. The longest flight
of any of the missiles, so far as military experts could
determine, was about 600 miles, as compared with the range
of 35 to 45 miles for the first German V-2 rocket bombs.
is no comparison, however, with the rocket bombs. The mystery
missiles are small, and at low altitudes seem almost square.
The bottom of the object appeared to have been painted red,
eye-witnesses said. Some observed these missiles flying
extremely low.
reports have been unsubstantiated by a Swedish officer,
a flier, who saw one of the rockets during a recent flight.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 5 July 1947, page 1
of 'Saucers' Spotted by Police
Ore., July 4 (AP) - Two police patrol cars reported today
they saw a large formation of "flying disks" manoeuvring
over a Portland residential area today.
radioed reports to headquarters followed the same general
pattern of reports of similar objects reported over the
west - that they were high, looked like huge saucers, glistened
in the sun, and flew with an undulating motion.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 7 July 1947, pages 1 & 2
Saucers Seen From Coast to Coast
U.S. Alerts Air Forces Over Discs
By The Canadian Press
discs apparently were all over North America Sunday night
as reports kept flooding in from persons who claimed they
had seen the strange, airborne "saucers."
of discs being sighted Sunday came from Wallaceburg, in
Southwestern Ontario; Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick
and Nova Scotia; Rochester, N.Y.; Long Island, Idaho, and
an Oregon National Guard officer said that aerial patrols,
Sunday, failed to sight any of the objects.
Spokane, Wash., woman said that 10 persons saw eight discs
land near St. Maries, Idaho, July 3.
Hagerstown, Md., woman said she saw five travelling eastward
in formation at "terrific speed." She said they
"roared with a sound like a faraway train."
United States Army air forces put jet and conventional fighters
on the alert in Pacific coast areas in the hope of catching
and identifying the mysterious objects, but nothing in an
official way had been reported Sunday night.
many persons were volunteering explanations of what the
discs were. In Britain, the whole story was laughed off
as "America's answer to the Loch Ness monster."
Syracuse, N.Y., Dr. Harry A. Steckel, psychiatric consultant,
discounted the element of "mass hysteria" in connection
with the reports. "They have been seen by too many
people in too many different places to be dismissed so lightly,"
he said in a radio broadcast.
Aurel Aezel, editor of a Hungarian language newspaper in
Philadelphia, suggested that the discs might be mirages.
Kirtley F. Mather, Harvard geologist, said in Boston that
the discs are "definitely a man-made phenomenon."
three Canadian Maritime provinces reported discs during
the week-end. Ewen McNeill of Village Green, P.E.I., said
his attention was attracted to a "very bright light
in the sky - it was brighter than the sun." He added
that the light seemed "to come from a black object
immediately ahead of the light." He also added that
the black object resembled a rocket or wingless plane.
the most numerous reports of flying discs came from the
Western United States.
Carl Spaatz, air forces commandant, was in the Pacific Northwest,
where the majority of the strange objects were reported
seen. The discs have been reported in Canada from on both
coasts, from Vancouver, B.C., some days ago and over Summerside,
P.E.I.; Saint John, N.B., and Ottawa last Friday.
of Wallaceburg, Ont., citizens also reported seeing disc
formations, Saturday night. Two of them are said to have
swung over a large arc in the sky, disproving a theory that
they were reflections of Selfridge Field searchlights.
on the Canadian bank of the St. Clair River also reported
seeing the discs over a period of more than an hour.
"flying saucers" made a second appearance over
Ottawa last week. One was reported to have been seen last
Friday by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Laviolette and V. A. Bond.
Bond described the object as "round, bluish-white and
blazing across the horizon at a terrific speed. It seemed
about the size of a dinner plate. As it rose higher into
the sky, we could see a long, white tail streaming out behind."
it broke completely in two. Both sections continued on side
by side for a split second then completely disintegrated.
The whole thing didn't take more than three seconds at the
air forces spokesman in Washington said Spaatz had not gone
to the Pacific coast to investigate, but merely to speak
at Seattle and inspect an airfield at Tacoma.
P-80 jet fighter at Muroc army airfield in California and
six fast regular fighters at Portland, Ore., stood ready
to take off on an instant's notice should any flying saucers
be sighted in those areas. Some of the planes carried photographic
F. Starr, commander-in-chief of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars, told reporters in Columbus, Ohio, Saturday he understood
Gen. Spaatz had a "group out right now" attempting
to identify the discs.
cautious attitude marked both official and scientific comments
but Capt. Tom Brown of the United States Air Forces public
relations staff in Washington, acknowledged that the air
forces had decided "there's something to this"
and had been checking up on it for 10 days.
we still haven't the slightest idea what they (the discs)
could be." he added.
flying saucers today were reported to have made a landing
on a mountainside near St. Maries, Idaho, in full view of
10 persons. Mrs. Walter Johnson of Dishman said the saucers
came down in timber there Thursday evening, but had not
been reported until she returned to her home in Dishman
saucers were seen to fall near Butler's Bay on the St. Joe
River, six miles west of St. Maries, where Mrs. Johnson
was visiting her parents. She said they came into view at
an extreme speed, travelling from the south to the north.
Suddenly they slowed, she said, and then "fluttered
like leaves to the ground."
mysterious part was that we couldn't see them after they
landed," said Mrs. Johnson. She said the objects were
saucer-shaped but thicker than she had expected, resembling
washtubs more than discs. She described them as "about
the size of a five-room house."
Johnson said she was going back to the area Tuesday and
hoped to hike into the timber and search for the objects.
sighted June 25 and greeted with scornful laughs, the objects
have been reported every day since by observers in 33 states.
Most of the objects were reported seen July 4. A few were
reported Saturday.
observers as such, airline pilots said they had seen the
totally unexplained discs, or saucers, larger than aircraft
and flying in "loose formation" at high speed.
Lilienthal, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, said
they had nothing to do with atomic experiments, and army
and navy officials also entered positive disclaimers.
Brown said the air forces were not making a formal investigation.
Official interest, however, was no longer casual.
don't believe anyone in this country, or outside this country,
has developed a guided missile that will go 1,200 miles
an hour as some reports have indicated," said the air
forces public relations man.
generally agreed that the flying objects were round or oval.
Estimates of their speed ranged from about 300 miles to
1,200 miles an hour. They were described as flying with
an undulating motion at heights of 10,000 feet and less.
Some described them as glowing, or luminous.
Ottawa a new theory was advanced by J. H. Parkin, National
Research Council official. He said fog or mist in the upper
spaces could reflect sunlight, possibly causing something
resembling a spot in the sky.
were inclined to scoff at the aerial phenomena. They hold
that though sober citizens over wide areas of North America
have seen the flying saucers, Europe won't believe in them
until somebody lassoes one and has it photographed by Frank
Sinatra, the British Ambassador in Washington and five supreme
court justices.
reply to the Loch Ness monster," chortled today's Sunday
Dispatch, referring to Britain's hoariest tall story - the
vast serpent that is "seen" romping in Scotland's
Loch Ness every time the tourist trade needs a shot in the
a less scoffing mood, Howard W. Blakeslee, science editor
for the Associated Press, casts cold water on the subject.
He puts it down to eyesight.
any distance," he says, "which is close to the
limit of how far a person can see, all objects appear round
or nearly so. This law of sight covers both small things
seen near by and large ones at great distances.
of shape, the object near the limit of sight looks round.
If the thing is sihouetted against a bright sky, as some
of the flying saucers have been reported, then it is more
likely to reveal its true shape.
the thing is seen by reflected light, as in most cases,
it is almost certain to be round, and if the reflections
are sunlight, then the sizes reported are those which would
be expected from distant light reflections.
one outstanding fact about virtually all the saucers in
that they had no structure - they seemed merely round and
flat. That description fits exactly with the tricks that
eyes play. This trickiness varies with differences in weather
and lighting.
writer has seen flying saucers over Long Island Sound, near
his home, not only this year but in previous years. They
were round, bright and moving fast. But they were no mystery,
because they were light reflected from the bodies of airplanes
that soon identified themselves by changing course and coming
near enough to be seen distinctly. Last week this writer
also saw one oval flying form which for a moment looked
exactly like the photograph of the oval object taken by
Yeoman Frank Ryman North of Seattle, Wash. The Long Island
oval turned into an airplane.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 9 July 1947, page 1
'Flying Saucer' Just Weather Balloon
game of "saucer, saucer, who's got the flying saucer,"
is still raging across most of the North American Continent,
but so far nobody has found one of them yet, though out
in Fort Worth, Tex., they thought one had been located.
It turned out to be a weather balloon.
States military authorities, trying to make some sort of
sense out of what is so far a lot of nonsense veined with
plain and fancy lying, are scouring the skies with fast
pursuit planes, but so far they haven't found any flying
saucers or discs.
was quite a stir when Gen. Roger Ramey said at Washington
yesterday that a strange object had been found at Roswell
Army Airfield, New Mexico. Lt. Warren (Walter) Haught, a
public relations officer at Roswell Army airfield, was more
optimistic than Gen. Ramey. Haught said the air force had
obtained possession of a flying disc. It had landed on a
ranch near Roswell some time last week. Then the disc business
was shattered into fragments. It was just a weather balloon.
Lt. Haught has issued no more statements.
Saturday Sherman Campbell, a Circleville, O., farmer, found
a strange object on his farm. It was in the form of a six-pointed
star, 50 inches high and 48 inches wide, covered with tinfoil.
It weighed about two pounds. Attached to the top were the
remains of a balloon with a neck five inches in circumference.
airfield weather station at Columbus, O., said the description
tallied with an object used by the army air forces to measure
wind velocity at high altitudes by the use of radar.
of the flying discs reported seen by hundreds of persons
in 41 states and in at least five Canadian provinces were
much larger and were said to be flying at terrific speed.
The objects were reported first sighted June 25.
have been many "explanations" of the flying saucers,
ranging from radio-controlled flying missiles sent aloft
by United States military scientists to light reflecting
from the wing tanks of jet-propelled planes. Some scientists
said it was merely a trick eyesight was playing on persons
who said they saw the discs.
Oelwein, Ia., Lloyd Bennett said Tuesday that a disc crashed
into his front yard Monday night. He claimed a reward. He
described it as a piece of metal, 6½ inches in diameter
and about ¼ of an inch thick. It was analyzed by
metalurgist Ed Kuhns who said the disc appeared to be a
type of die cast metal.
strange tales of the "flying saucers" spread to
Sydney, Australia and Johannesburg, South Africa where residents
said they, too, saw the strange objects.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 20 September 1947, page 5
Yellow Ball in Sky, 'Flying Saucer' Seen at Toronto
flying saucer swished across the sunlight sky over Toronto,
last Sunday, and the only ones who reported seeing the phenomenon
were two British immigrants, enjoying this first day out
on the bay. To prove that they saw it, they have a snapshot
showing a ball of light with a trail behind it.
Johnson and Jim Harrison, who arrived in Canada only a month
ago, were spending a quiet day rowing on the bay, near Sunnyside,
when the yellowish object appeared from the northeast. "It
was high, over 30,000 feet," declared Mr. Harrison,
who first noticed the flying saucer. "It only took
about 15 seconds to pass out of sight."
was about to take a photograph of a sailing boat, when Jim
shouted to me to point the camera higher," declared
Raymond Johnson. "For a second, I didn't see what he
meant but when I did, I snapped the shutter."
appeared as a yellow ball, with a tail streaming out behind
it, like the vapor behind an aeroplane on a misty day,"
said Mr. Johnson. "I happened to be lucky to catch
saucers were in the news in the early part of July after
numerous people claimed to have seen mysterious discs flashing
across the sky in all parts of the North American continent.
No flying saucer has ever been reported in this district
British immigrants declared that they had never witnessed
a flying saucer before but had read about them in the papers.
"We were skeptical about them until we saw this one,"
said Mt. Harrison, "but now we have seen one and have
a photo of it."
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 18 October 1947, page 2
Green Sparks Startle Duck Hunters
Oct. 17 (CP) - No one has yet suggested the possibility
of jet-propelled canvas-backs or atomically-lit mallards
swooping through the northern Manitoba skies. . . .
one has even mentioned flying saucers. . . .
several members of Winnipeg's legal fraternity together
with a larger number of laymen, are prepared to swear that
there's something strange swishing through the skies over
the Dauphin marshlands, 160 miles northwest of here.
simplest thing would be to describe the fiery ball of greenish
flame, noted earlier this week, as an errant comet, but
observers, who are still talking about the strange missile
seen while they were looking for ducks, doubt that anything
so simple can be the answer.
recall that an apparition was noted in the sky near El Paso,
Texas, around the same time that the Dauphin flash illuminated
the sky in Manitoba.
could be more than mere coincidence, they insist.
further than that they decline to speculate.
person to report seeing the missile was Judge E. J. Heaney
of Winnipeg's Juvenile Court. He said that while squatting
in a swamp, his eyes searching the still-grey early morning
sky for ducks, he suddenly saw a fiery ball, green in color
and travelling at terrific speed, approach through the air
until it neared the size of a football.
it whizzed low to the east, exploded in a shower of green
sparks, and left the sky free for ducks.
incident also was reported by four Winnipeg lawyers, all
unaware that the judge had observed the phenomenon. Their
accounts coincided with the original report.
did the missile escape the eyes of other hunters. At least
10 persons, all separated and all unknown to the others,
said the early morning vigil had brought forth an explosion
which sprinkled the early dawn with green sparks.
mystery of the missile has proved enough to furrow the brows
of the hunters, but they have another worry as well.
there be a recurrence, they fear it may frighten ducks.
And the hunters don't want that to happen.
while the hunting season is on.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 23 October 1947, page 12
Saucers Back Again; Seen in Four Ontario Cities
flying saucers are in the news again.
of Hamilton, Brantford, Galt and Stratford are positive
they saw something strange in the air yesterday, and they
are equally positive that whatever it was they saw was NOT
an optical illusion.
K. Comba of Stratford said he saw a round, bright object
in the sky just before 7 a.m. It was too bright for a star,
according to Mr. Comba.
Brantford about 100 employees of Massey-Harris Co., strained
their necks gazing at a disc-like affair "like a burnished
star" which made its appearance about 7:15 a.m. and
disappeared at 7:45, travelling southward.
times it flew on its side and at others floated flat,"
one employee said. "It was about 100 miles away. We
watched it for about 20 minutes and in that time it must
have travelled between 500 and 600 miles. It just seemed
to be floating along."
if it might have been a flock of geese or other birds, another
employee shook his head. "Not a chance," he declared.
"This was an inanimate object and had no wings."
residents had a different description of whatever it was
they saw. They said it was a round, balloon-like affair,
silver-colored, and about a mile high.
men at Glenmorris, south of Galt, declared it had the appearance
of a big silver ball, and was directly south of Galt.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 9 January 1948, page 9
Guard Airman Killed While Chasing 'Flying Saucers'
Ky., Jan. 8 (AP) - Several areas of Kentucky and adjoining
states were excited today over reports of "flying saucers"
which led to the death of one National Guard flier and fruitless
chases by several other pilots.
National Guard headquarters at Louisville said Capt. Thomas
Mantell, 25, was killed late Wednesday while chasing what
was reported as a "flying saucer" near Franklin,
other members of the Kentucky National Guard, also assigned
to a flying investigation of reported "flying disks"
in the area near Fort Knox, returned to their Louisville
Hopkinsville pilots, James Garret and William Crenshaw,
said they chased a flying object which they believed to
be a balloon.
at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., reported they
saw some object in the sky Wednesday afternoon which they
believed to be a balloon, but the Nashville Weather Bureau
said it knew of no balloons in that vicinity.
Southern Ohio, meanwhile, observers reported seeing a flaming
red cone near the army air base at Wilmington. Army spokesmen
said they had no information on the object or its origin.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 26 July 1948, page 2
Saucers Outdone By Huge Wingless Aircraft
Ga., July 25 (AP). - A strange wingless aircraft shooting
red flame "like a Buck Rogers rocket ship" was
described Saturday by two Eastern Airline pilots. They called
it a double-decked speedster making 500 to 700 miles an
pilot, Capt. C. S. Chiles, and co-pilot J. B. Whitted, said
they were flying the Houston-Atlanta-Boston run when they
sighted the ship southwest of Montgomery, Ala.
was in line almost with our flight," Chiles said. "We
veered off to the left and this object turned to its left.
When it came near to us, its fuselage appeared to be about
100 feet in length and about four times the circumference
of a B-29 fuselage."
had two rows of windows. Out of the rear of the ship red
flames were shooting 25 to 50 feet. There was a blue glow
beneath the fuselage. The ship appeared to be doing between
500 to 700 miles an hour, heading toward New Orleans."
it got alongside of us, it pulled up with a tremendous burst
of flame out of the rear. Then the ship disappeared into
the broken clouds. The ship had no wings. It seemed to have
an upper deck and a lower deck and was fully lighted inside.
We saw no occupants."
Montgomery, Maxwell and Dannelly army fields said they knew
nothing about the report. The Civil Aeronautics Administration
also said it had no information about the ship. The air
force in Washington also could shed no light on the craft.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 16 April 1952, page 4
Personnel See Flying Discs Near North Bay
Bay, April 15. - In the wake of renewed interest in the
flying saucer mystery, RCAF officials here today released
two official statements from station personnel concerning
the will-o-the-wisp discs.
air force said that although the statements did not constitute
an official RCAF view, there was no reason to doubt their
validity, since the men concerned were veteran personnel,
long familiar with conventional aircraft.
E. H. Rossell, an aircraft maintenance superintendent, and
Flt. Sgt. Reg. McRae, said that last Saturday about 8:30
p.m. they were driving in a car from the married quarters
area of the North Bay Air Station to the city.
they spotted "a bright amber disk" flying over
the field. They reported that the disk seemed to stop in
mid-air, hovered for a brief time, and then zoomed away
at terrific speed from the direction in which it had come,
and at an angle of 30 degrees.
W. J. Yeo, a master telecommunications technician with 16
years' RCAF service, said that on the night of Jan. 1, he
and Sgt. D. V. Crandell, an instrument technician, saw a
reddish-orange ball move over the airfield at supersonic
speed, at a height they judged to be outside the earth's
watched the object constantly for a timed eight minutes
and 43 seconds, when it disappeared. They said that the
object travelled roughly parallel to the earth, "the
direction altering slightly at times, zig-zagging and climbing
and diving. There was no sound."
Yeo, who said that he was familiar with guided missiles,
besides all conventional aircraft, claimed the object was
definitely not an aircraft, a balloon or a meteor.
I don't know what it was, and for lack of better words,
we called it a flying saucer," he said.
reports have been sent to RCAF Intelligence.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 21 April 1952, page 1
Orange Lights Seen in Formation Flying Over City
A collection of 50 to 60 lights in V-formation moving rapidly
from southeast to northwest was observed at 10:30, last
night by a Wychwood Park resident. The lights were a dim
orange in color and judged to be at a great height. There
was no sound. He was able to observe an arc of approximately
30 degrees in the sky and the collection of lights appeared
and disappeared over that distance in approximately six
seconds. The observer admitted he was greatly shaken by
the experience.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 21 April 1952, page 1
1,000 MPH
Mystery Plane Streaks Across Ontario Skies
Ont., April 20 (CP) - An unidentified aircraft streaked
across the northern section of Western Ontario shortly before
noon today at a speed estimated by experts as "in excess
of 1,000 miles an hour." It left a vapor trail from
horizon to horizon and aroused the curiosity and speculation
of thousands of residents.
aircraft from No. 420 City of London Squadron which were
aloft at the time were directed to intercept the object
but the Mustang pilots reported they could not come anywhere
near, although they pushed their planes up to 450 miles
an hour.
height was estimated at 30,000 feet by several aviation
officials who saw the vapor trail. This height was borne
out by actual bearings taken from several points in London.
high speed jet aircraft of the RCAF or the U.S. Air Force
were reported in the vicinity. No known aircraft now in
service have speeds as high as this object appeared to have.
vapor trail, led by a "dark cylindrical object,"
first was seen by Department of Transport airport officials
in Toronto. By the time these observers had called London
City airport control tower phone connections, the trail
was seen streaking from east to west north of London.
local airport officials could make any report to Toronto,
the Detroit airport control tower messaged on the airways
communications system the trail was visible north of that
between the first Toronto report and the Detroit sighting
was estimated at 12 minutes. Department of Transport officials
at London airport said they had no report of any aircraft
which could clear up the mystery, nor had they any solution
to suggest.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 22 July 1952, page 1
Radar Spots Fleet of Saucers Near Washington
July 21 (AP). - The U.S. Air Force disclosed tonight it
has received reports of an eerie visitation by unidentified
aerial objects - perhaps a new type of flying saucer - over
the vicinity of Washington.
the first time, so far as known, the objects were picked
up by radar, indicating actual substance rather than mere
addition, they were described as travelling as slow as 100
to 130 miles an hour - instead of with the incredible swiftness
attributed to earlier saucers - although at times they shot
up and down. The objects were also described as hovering
in one position.
air force said no planes were sent out to intercept the
objects and no sightings were reported by Operation Skywatch,
the round-the-clock ground observer operation now under
way around the northern arc of the United States.
air traffic control centre at Washington National Airport
reported that its radar operators had picked up eight of
the slow-moving objects around midnight last Saturday.
centre said Capital Airlines Flight 807, southbound from
National Airport, reported seeing seven objects between
Washington and Martinsburg, W. Va., at 3:15 a.m., EDT, the
same night.
of Capital Airlines said the pilot, Capt. (Casey) Pierman
of Detroit, a veteran of 17 years' service with the company,
spotted the objects and descibed them as "falling
stars without tails."
Pierman, flying at nornal cruising speed of 180 to 200 m.p.h.,
reported that the objects were travelling with tremendous
vertical speed.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 28 July 1952, page 8
Jet Pilots Chase Objects Over Capitol
July 27 (AP) - The air force said today jet fighter planes
had made an effort to intercept unknown objects in the sky
over Washington Saturday night after they had been spotted
by radar, but no direct contact was made.
was the second time within a week that unidentified objects
had been radar-observed in the vicinity of Washington.
air force said that at 9:08 p.m. EDT Saturday night the
air route traffic control centre, operated by the Civil
Aeronautics Administration, picked up by radar "between
four and 12 unidentified objects over the Washington vicinity."
CAA notified the air force and two jet fighter interceptor
planes were ordered up to make a check. These planes came
from a base at Newcastle, Del., approximately 90 miles from
pilots appeared on the CAA radarscope and were guided in
on several of the unknown objects.
air force said in its statement:
of the jet pilots reported sighting four lights in front
approximately 10 miles and slightly above him but he reported
he had no apparent closing speed. They disappeared before
he could overtake them." Later the same pilot reported
a steady light that disappeared in about a minute.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 11 November 1953, page 19
North Bay Still Sees Strange Discs in Sky
Bay, Nov. 10 - Two years ago, when the first flying saucer
was reported in this Northern Ontario town, the folks were
there's hardly a person in the city who doesn't believe
that the glowing discs are regular visitors to North Bay.
week, U.S. Major Donald Keyhoe, gave the belief strong support.
His new book on "Flying Saucer" reports says it
was the sighting of strange objects in the North Bay area
in early 1952 that first convinced the RCAF and the Canadian
Government that the saucers were not just a hoax.
Bay's daily newspaper has a file of 16 persons who have
reported sightings of orange-colored discs. Half of the
accounts were not published because they were given by persons
asking their names be withheld. The Daily Nugget says all
the accounts check closely in size, color, speed and movement
of the flying objects.
North Bay citizen three weeks ago told of a dozen night
sightings of a "funny orange globe" which came
out of the north-eastern skies, wandered back and forth
along the horizon, and then vanished.
recently, two Sturgeon Falls residents chased a low-flying
glowing disc along Highway 17, a few miles west of the city.
the sightings have been backed by convincing details. In
the fall of 1951, three people reported a day-time sighting
over Lake Nipissing. Each saw it from a different shore
and did not know of the other reports. Yet their report
of the time of the sighting, the appearance of the "silver,
round-shaped star" and the strange manoeuvres it made,
checked and double-checked.
the most authoritative accounts are those on New Year's
Day or 1952 by personnel at RCAF Station, North Bay.
is how U.S. Major Keyhoe tells it. "On the night of
Jan. 1, 1952, an orange-red disc appeared over North Bay,
where the RCAF has a new jet base. For eight minutes, the
machine circled, dived and zig-zagged over the field. From
its estimated height in the stratosphere the object was
one of the largest ever sighted. Its movements were at supersonic
the report first was published, RCAF intelligence refused
to comment. Then a second saucer was reported, again over
North Bay. Approaching from the southwest, it stopped directly
over the air base. After hovering for a moment, it swiftly
reversed direction. Climbing at an angle of 30 degrees,
it disappeared at tremendous speed."
airmen with experience in judging height, speed and sizes
of flying objects made the sightings and filed intelligence
reports to Ottawa.
a result, a conference was held in Ottawa and the RCAF,
with the National Defense Research Board, began a serious
investigation. The project is on the top secret list.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 24 November 1953, page 1
Hampers Hunt for Jet
STE. MARIE, Mich. (AP) - Snow and low visibility today hampered
planes searching for a United States F89 air force jet fighter
missing over the bleak waters of Lake Superior since Monday
missing plane with two high-ranking air force officers aboard
mysteriously disappeared at 7.55 p.m. after taking off an
hour earlier from Kinross air force base south of here.
officials said the plane was equipped with two rubber rafts
and each officer aboard wore a Mae West life jacket. The
men were not identified.
DC3s from Trenton and Centralia RCAF bases arrived today
to take part in the search. It was expected the weather
would clear considerably this afternoon so that the search
can get into top gear.
jet took off at 6:22 p.m. (EST) with about two hours of
fuel in the tanks, Kinross spokesmen said. It was last noted
by radio some 60 miles northeast of the Keweenau peninsula.
This would have put the plane somewhere off the forbidding
shores of the stormy lake.
coast guard cutter was hurriedly dispatched to the area
Monday night. Air-sea rescue units were alerted. And state
police were joined by conservation officers in the widespread
hunt along the shoreline.
coast guard station at Houghton and the St. Ignace state
police post reported early today that the fliers were still
plane was reported to be carrying floatation gear and officials
said it might be adrift in Lake Superior. They said they
have received two reports that a plane was down in the water.
from the Selfridge field near Detroit joined the search.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 6 November 1957, page 1
Strange Sights in the Sky
Brilliant Mystery Object Sighted as U.S.
Air Force Investigates Flurry of Reports
Nov. 5 (AP) - A brilliant mystery object was reported sighted
today in southern skies by a Coast Guard cutter, even as
the air force investigated a flurry of earlier reports.
Coast Guard cutter Sebago, cruising in the Gulf of Mexico
about 200 miles south of Louisiana, radioed that an object
resembling "a brilliant planet with a high rate of
speed" was seen for about three seconds at 5:21 a.m.,
Guard headquarters in New Orleans said the message did not
report exactly who on board the cutter had seen the object.
Sebago's message said the object was tracked on the vessel's
radar screen for 27 minutes and that, during that period,
the object flitted on and off the screen several times.
of strange objects have been reported from widely scattered
sections of the United States since Sunday, most of them
near secret military installations in the southwest.
air force said the radar network of the Air Defense Command
is keeping watch - so far with no results - and that specially
qualified investigators have been assigned to look into
the reports.
of the citizens, peace officers and servicemen who reported
sighting mystery objects in the southwest since the weekend
said the objects stalled auto engines and caused radios
to fade.
Stokes, an engineer at the air force missile development
centre at Alamogordo, N.M., reported 10 autos were stalled,
yesterday on a desert highway between Alamogordo and the
White Sands, N.M., proving grounds.
reported seeing a soundless, "brilliant colored egg-shaped
object" which flitted erratically across the countryside
and left a sort of heat wave, "like radiation from
a giant sun lamp," in its wake.
Nov. 5 (CP) - Duck hunters of nearby Lauzon today reported
having seen a red spherical object falling from the sky
said it appeared to have fallen into the St. Lawrence River
off Quebec Harbor.
sightings were similar to those of Jacques Hebert, physics
professor of Ottawa University, who reported seeing a rocket-shaped
object falling near Quebec during the weekend.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 10 December 1965, page 4
sighted over Ontario, U.S.
fireball, "shooting flames and rocking homes"
in its explosive wake was traced last night through Southwestern
Ontario and adjacent U.S. states.
official agencies on both sides of the border were unable
to trace either the origin of the glowing object or the
point of its apparent landfall.
observers pinpointed the object's appearance at about 4:45
reaction that it may have been a plane crashing or a rocket,
were quickly discounted by military and aviation spokesmen
in Canada and the United States.
sources suggested the object, which was seen from as far
north as Sarnia to northern West Virginia, west to Jackson,
Mich., and east to London, Ont., was a meteor burning up
in the earth's atmosphere. But military spokesmen said they
had not seen the object on their radar screens.
radio stations and police stations were deluged with calls.
Many callers reported they heard a series of explosions
as the fireball passed overhead and out of sight.
callers said they saw the fireball as an orange flash appearing
in the eastern sky. All reports said it travelled at a high
rate of speed.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 26 March 1966, page 11
Flying saucers won't be seen any more over Georgia
(AP) - Those flying saucers or unidentified flying objects
in the areas of Austell and Powder Springs, Ga., won't be
seen any more, Fire Marshall Bill Gore Jr., said yesterday.
the past two weeks, unidentified objects have been reported
in the communities northwest of Atlanta.
Gore said they have been identified as plastic dry-cleaning
bags carrying containers of blazing kerosene beneath. The
heat fills the plastic bags, which then float as high as
500 feet.
took us some time to track down these objects, but the young
fellows who have been sending them aloft have been sufficiently
warned," Mr. Gore said.
(AP) - A special U.S. Air Force investigator said yesterday
that numerous sightings of unidentified flying objects in
the southern Michigan skies were probably the result of
swamp gases and not visitors from space.
emphasize . . . that I cannot prove in a court of law that
this is the full explanation of these sightings," said
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a scientific consultant for the air
force who was brought to Michigan to investigate a series
of reports of mysterious celestial objects.
appears very likely, however, that the combination of the
conditions of this paticular winter - an unusually mild
one in this area - and the particular weather conditions
. . . were such as to have produced this unusual and puzzling
display," Dr. Hynek said.
said that photos released to the press Thursday showing
two lights in the sky over a series of street lights were
"without any question" trails made as a result
of a time exposure of the rising moon and the planet Venus.
Hynek said the photos were taken March 17 near Milan, Mich.,
about 25 miles southwest of Detroit, and have no reference
to the sightings at Hillsdale, to the north, March 21.
noted that most of the sightings over the period of a week
were near a swamp.
dismal swamp is a most unlikely place for a visit from outer
space," Dr. Hynek said. "It is not a place where
a helicopter would hover for several hours or where a soundless
secret device would likely be tested."
witnesses to the flying objects ddescribed them as having
glowing lights - red, green and yellow - and appearing to
move sideways over short distance.
Hynek admitted that such a sight was unusual.
have never seen it myself and I can easily understand the
dismay of the witnesses who saw it and who sincerely and
accurately described what they saw."
said it seems likely that present spring thaws released
trapped gases resulting from decomposition of organic materials.
would seem to me that the association of the sightings with
swamps in these particular cases is more than coincidence.
group of witnesses observed any craft coming to or going
away from the swamps. The glow was localized there."
Hynek said that he wants it clearly understood he is not
making a blanket statement to cover the entire UFO phenomenon
during the past 20 years in the United States and other
has recommended that competent scientists quietly study
such cases as occurred in New Hampshire last year and in
Mexico last fall.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 13 November 1975, page 51
sends two fighters on UFO hunt
(CP) - Two U.S. Air National Guard jet fighters sent to
this area to check for unidentified flying objects spotted
by radar operators did not find anything, a NORAD spokesman
in North Bay said yesterday.
spokesman said the two jet fighters were sent from the NORAD
base at Selfridge, Mich., Tuesday after radar sightings
by staff of the Canadian Forces base at nearby Falconbridge.
Several area police also saw four objects they described
as bright white lights.
UFO sighting was reported last night by two Sudbury regional
policemen on patrol, but Falconbridge would not say whether
the objects had been tracked on radar.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 24 October 1978, page 15
probing pilot's report of UFO
(AP) - Australian authorities were trying to determine yesterday
whether an oil slick spotted in the sea south of here came
from a light plane that vanished after its young pilot radioed
that a large object hovering above him was not an aircraft.
Valentich, 20, was on a short solo flight from Melbourne
to King Island across the Bass Strait when he disappeared
Saturday evening.
Air traffic controllers on the mainland reported he radioed
at 7:06 p.m. that he could see four bright lights about
1,000 feet above him that appeared to be the landing lights
of a large aircraft. He asked whether any military aircraft
were in the area and was told there were not.
minutes later, at 7:08, he radioed: "It is approaching
from due east toward me. It seems to be playing some sort
of game. . . flying at a speed I cannot estimate."
7:09 he radioed: "It is not an aircraft. It's. . ."
and radio contact was lost briefly. He was asked to identify
the object.
is flying past. It is a long shape. I cannot identify more
than that. It's coming for me right now," he said.
At 7:10 he said: "It seems to be stationary. I'm orbiting
and the thing is orbiting on top of me also. It has a green
light and a sort of metallic light on the outside."
few minutes later he reported that his plane's engine was
idling roughly and coughing.
last words before radio contact was lost permanently were:
"It is not an aircraft."
traffic controllers reported they then heard a noise on
the radio.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 2 January 1979, page 3
Zealand on alert for UFOs
New Zealand (AP) - The Royal New Zealand Air Force ordered
an alert yesterday after a television crew team filmed what
they said was an unidentified flying object. Aviation authorities
reported the UFO apparently was tracked by radar as well.
air force put a Skyhawk jet fighter on special standby alert
to chase any newly sighted UFOs.
television station in Melbourne, Australia, said it had
film of a UFO taken Saturday night by a camera team flying
over the Kaikoura area in the eastern region of New Zealand's
South Island.
television team, led by reporter Quentin Fogarty, was investigating
a UFO report by a New Zealand Airline pilot at the time
the film was made.
the same time the TV crew reported seeing the UFO, an unidentified
radar blip showed up on screens operated by the civil aviation
staff in Wellington, New Zealand, aviation officials said.
Bill Startup, pilot of the plane carrying the TV crew, said
he spotted "a very bright white light" that moved
around his Argosy aircraft.
Startup, a pilot for 23 years, said that when he first noticed
the object it was about 20 miles in front of his plane.
appeared to stay still until we got within 10 miles, then
it turned with us as I changed course," he said. "It
then went above us and circled and came down beneath us.
It was making definite movements in relation to us."
air traffic controller in Wellington identified only as
A. Causer said: "We now have recorded sightings by
six pilots on three Argosy aircraft over 10 days and a host
of radar sightings. There is obviously some strange phenomenon
and it needs to be investigated."
film of the purported UFO has been bought by the British
Broadcasting Co. and the CBS television network for an undisclosed
amount. CBS said it would show the film on its nightly news
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 22 January 1988, page A10
chased, boat buzzed in Australian UFO reports
Associated Press
simultaneous encounters with an unidentified flying object
were reported by two groups of Australians, and police said
yesterday they are taking the reports seriously.
family of four said their car was chased Wednesday morning
by an eggcup-shaped object on a remote stretch of Outback
highway. The car was plucked from the ground and left covered
in ash, police said.
the crew of a tuna boat 50 kilometres away also said they
were buzzed by a UFO minutes later, and that their voices
became unintelligible as a result.
Knowles, a mother of three, told police that her speech
also and that of her sons changed during their encounter
on the highway.
were a little bit skeptical at first," Sergeant Jim
Furnell of Ceduna Police in the state of South Australia
said. "But after investigating, we are treating the
reports very seriously."
said forensic scientists will examine the black powdery
ash found inside and outside the Knowles' car.
Knowles said that while she was driving through the Nullabor
Plain from Perth in Western Australia, she saw a glowing
object in her rear window.
apparently picked the car up off the road, shook it quite
violently and forced the car back with such pressure that
one of the tires was blown," Sgt. Furnell said.
this was happening the family said their voices were distorted
and it was as if they were talking in slow motion."
said the crew of the tuna boat could not have known about
the Knowles' experience when they reported a UFO sighting
in the Great Australian Bight, a body of water off the Australian
Basterfield of UFO Research Inc., an international organization
that records such sightings, said that if the sighting was
confirmed "it will certainly be the most physical of
encounters ever recorded in Australia."
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 10 October 1989, pages A1 & A2
spot giant aliens, Tass reports
Reuter and Associated Press
have concluded that giant creatures with tiny heads which
recently emerged from an unidentified flying object and
went for a midnight stroll in the Soviet city of Voronezh
were aliens, Tass news agency said yesterday.
scientists were called in after frightened residents in
the central Russian city reported that on at least three
occasions they had seen a large, shining ball hover above
a park in the city after dark and then land.
hatch opened and one, two or three creatures similar to
humans and a small robot came out. The aliens were three
or even four metres high but they had very small heads,"
Tass quoted witnesses as saying after one such alleged visit.
walked near the ball and then disappeared inside. Onlookers
were overwhelmed with fear which lasted for several days,"
it added.
said the landings occurred recently but did not say precisely
news agency said scientists had identified the landing site
and found traces of aliens "who made a short promenade
about the park" and left minerals not usually found
on earth.
are especially fascinating for Russians and the state press
regularly carries reports of unusual sightings. Authorities
set up a Commission into Abnormal Penomena in February,
1984, after a "flying cigar" was seen near Gorky,
east of Moscow.
whether the latest report could possibly be a hoax, a Tass
spokesman said, "Tass never jokes. If we start joking,
we'll stop existing."
Silanov, head of the Voronezh Geophysical Laboratory, told
Tass that he had identified the landing site "by means
of biolocation" and had managed to trace the aliens'
books describe biolocation as an extra-sensory method used
to track objects or people whose trail is invisible to the
found two mysterious pieces of rock (which) mineralogical
analysis has shown . . . cannot be found on earth,"
Mr. Silanov said. He added that further tests are needed.
Tass duty officer, reached last night by telephone, refused
to identify the reporter who sent the dispatch from Voronezh,
but stood by the story. "It is not April Fool's today,"
he said.
report was similar to a story last summer in the daily newspaper
Socialist Industry, which told of a purported "close
encounter" between a milkmaid and an alien in Central
Russia's Perm region.
that report, Lyubov Medvedev was quoted as saying she encountered
an alien creature "resembling a man, but taller than
average with short legs." The creature, she said, had
"only a small knob instead of a head."
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 11 October 1989, pages A1 & A2
on aliens, Soviet says
Associated Press
three-eyed alien with a robot sidekick landed by UFO and
made a boy vanish by zapping him with a pistol, a Soviet
newspaper reported yesterday, the second day of strange
tales in state-run news media.
as the saga of the space invasion of the city of Voronezh
unfolded, a scientist whose words were used to buttress
the first published report voiced doubts, and said he was
in part misquoted.
believe all you hear from Tass," Genrikh Silanov, head
of the Voronezh Geophysical Laboratory, cautioned in a telephone
interview from Voronezh. "We never gave them part of
what they published."
Monday, the usually staid official Soviet news agency told
the world that scientists had confirmed an alien spaceship
carrying giant people with tiny heads had touched down in
Voronezh, a city of more than 800,000 people about 500 kilometres
southeast of Moscow.
many as three aliens four metres tall left the spacecraft,
described as a large shining ball, and promenaded in the
park with a small robot, Tass reported. A Tass duty officer
stood by the story.
purported close encounter in Voronezh was only the latest
weird tale to appear in Soviet news media.
a Communist Party paper whose stated mission is to write
about culture was the only major national daily to print
anything yesterday about the UFO, indicating that more authoritative
newspapers such as Pravda thought the topic too hot to handle.
Kultura said its coverage was motivated by "the golden
rule of journalism: the reader must know everything. Of
course, it's hard to believe in what happened in the town.
It's even more difficult to explain.
daily quoted witnesses as saying the UFO flew into Voronezh
on Sept 27. At 6:30 p.m., it said, boys playing soccer saw
a pink glow in the sky, then saw a deep red ball about three
metres in diameter. The ball circled, vanished, then reappeared
minutes later and hovered, it said.
crowd rushed to the site, Sovietskaya Kultura said, and
through an open hatch saw a "three-eyed alien"
about three metres tall, clad in silvery overalls and bronze-colored
boots, and wearing a disk on his chest.
newspaper, quoting witnesses, gave this account:
UFO landed. Two creatures, one apparently a robot, exited.
A boy screamed with fear, but when the alien gazed at him,
with eyes shining, he fell silent, unable to move. Onlookers
screamed, and the UFO and the creatures disappeared.
five minutes later, they reappeared. The alien had a "pistol"
- a tube about 50 centimetres long, which it pointed at
an unidentified 16-year-old youth, making him disappear.
The alien went inside the sphere, which took off. At the
same time, the youth reappeared.
and eyewitnesses of the abnormal phenomenon have been questioned
by police workers and journalists," wrote Sovietskaya
Kultura's Voronezh correspondent, E. Efremov. "There
are no discrepancies in the description of the sphere itself,
or the actions of the 'aliens.' Moreover, all the children
who became witnesses to this event are still afraid, even
Belgrade, the Yogoslav news agency Tanjug said at least
four UFOs had been unofficially reported from the Soviet
Union in recent days.
the Soviet press and Tass news agency are to be trusted,
aliens have carried out a real invasion in the Soviet Union
over the past few days," Tanjug remarked skeptically.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 12 October 1989, page A4
star can't solve UFO riddle
Canadian Press
Soviet Union's top television star said yesterday he can
cure incurable diseases, stop people from feeling intense
pain, make bushy hair grow again on the shiny pates of the
bald and even ease the suffering of AIDS patients.
alas, admitted Anatoly Kashpirovsky, there's not much even
he can do about the three-eyed alien who reportedly landed
in the southern city of Voronezh and made a boy disappear
after zapping him with some kind of tube-gun.
Kashpirovsky is a healer who practices his art on people
via state-controlled television. It is said he is watched
weekly by 200 million people and that he is better known
in this vast country than anyone else except President Mikhail
before the changes brought about by glasnost, or
openness, there has been periodic excitement in Russia over
psychic phenomena or UFOs to leaven the normal dedication
to a dour kind of scientific socialism.
heads were shaking in disbelief yesterday at the latest
instalment in a "Soviet silly season" that began
Monday with reports of the arrival of mischievous aliens.
two hours, in the comfort of an ultra-modern hall at the
Foreign Affairs Ministry, Mr. Kashpirovsky entertained a
crowd of journalists and assorted hangers-on by claiming
a wide range of successes for what he alternately called
his art, method or science.
was a curious affair. A video of his exploits would not
work most of the time. The television star denounced his
cameraman and asked if anyone in the room could help him
find a Western sponsor. An overhead light blew out in the
middle of a lengthy diatribe with a sound like a gunshot.
it all, Mr. Kashpirovsky kept a stern expression on his
face as he lectured disbelievers and soaked up rounds of
applause from supporters who packed the hall.
Kashpirovsky, wearing a black leather jacket and an open-necked
shirt, described himself as a psycho-therapist.
term "faith healer" was summarily rejected.
repeated questions, he was vague about his training and
his methods.
one thing he wasn't vague about was what he claims to be
able to do.
Kashpirovsky said he had successfully cured people of diabetes,
blindness, skin diseases and heart problems. He also claimed
to have cured women of sterility, helped the bald grow hair,
and eliminated scars after surgery or wounds.
were only a few things the 50-year-old father of two said
he couldn't deal with.
of them was the story this week about the three-eyed alien
landing in the Soviet Union with a robot sidekick.
are said to have alighted from a spacecraft that looked
like a large shining ball or disc, and taken a stroll in
a park before playing some practical jokes on startled onlookers.
Kashpirovsky was slightly annoyed when he was asked to comment
on the reports.
not my piece of bread, as we say in Russian," he sniffed.
Soviet television viewers got something of a glimpse yesterday
of the aliens that created a cosmic sensation with their
reported landing - but the peek at the extra-terrestrials
was provided only by a child's scribbled drawing.
picture, by a child who claimed to have witnessed the landing,
showed a glowing two-legged sphere with a smiling stick
figure inside.
made a worldwide splash Monday with its straight-faced report
on towering, pin-headed aliens.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 30 October 1989, page A15
team fails to find evidence of UFO landing
Agence France-Presse
Soviet scientific commission has concluded that there is
no verifiable proof of a landing by aliens last month in
the town of Voronezh in southern Russia, the commission
chief said Saturday.
radiometric analyses, 19 checks of the ground, nine tests
of micro-organisms and 20 spectro-chemical measurements
failed to uncover "any anomaly either in the earth
or surrounding vegetation" that might indicate the
landing of an unidentified flying object, the commission
Sarotsev, vice-rector of the University of Voronezh and
chairman of the commission, said the presence of a larger
than normal quantity of the radioactive isotope cesium in
the area of the alleged sighting did not constitute proof.
Chernobyl, this kind of phenomenon has been found in many
areas," Mr. Sarotsev told Sovietskaya Kultura newspaper
on Saturday, referring to the 1986 accident at the Chernobyl
nuclear plant in Ukraine.
said a banana-shaped saucer came down late last month in
a park in Voronezh, near a housing block. Only children
were on hand for the landing, according to Soviet press
boys said they saw two or three aliens three to four metres
tall, with tiny heads, descend from their saucer with a
incident, first disclosed this month, sparked a UFO craze
and heralded a spate of other sightings across the country.
most spectacular one was on Oct. 17 in Omsk, western Siberia,
where several hundred people said they had spotted a luminous
balloon-shaped object. An army officer, Major Vladimir Loginov,
said the UFO seemed one and a half times larger than the
Omsk airport said the object failed to appear on radar screens
there, but other officers, according to Major Loginov, reported
seeing the balloon a few minutes later about 600 kilometres
to the east.
official commission report was bad news for Stalker, a new
private, co-operative business, which opened after the Voronezh
company has set up tours of Voronezh, which it calls the
"land of the aliens."
the fledgling enterprise warns clients: "We cannot
guarantee a meeting with aliens, for that is a matter of
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 4 March 1993, page A15
/ List of suspects ranges from aliens in UFOs to satanists
or government agents swooping down in helicopters for the
of the mutilated cows raises questions, udder chaos
Cox News Service
MOUNTAIN, Ala. - Who's killing the cows of Sand Mountain?
Some suspect aliens in UFOs. Some say satanists. Or else
it's government agents swooping down in helicopters for
the kill. Or exposure to high-power lines. Or it's cow murderers,
impure and simple.
it's udder chaos up here. As Ted Oliphant said: "There's
strange things afoot."
too. Since October, 26 animals - nearly all cows - have
been mutilated in several small, rural communities on this
mountain in northeastern Alabama. Nearly all have been killed
in the same manner, with precise, bloodless, almost high-tech
surgical incisions that removed various animal parts: tongues,
teeth, eyes, ears, hearts and excretory and sexual organs.
when the animals are found in pastures, there are no footprints.
No tire tracks. No trails. No blood, either.
mystery is enhanced by two factors: helicopters and UFOs.
According to Mr. Oliphant, 95 per cent of the cases have
involved reports of helicopter sightings, often with red,
green and white lights or blue and white ones. Last month,
Jean Cole, the wife of Albertville Chief Detective Tommy
Cole, saw a copter in their back yard. She saw four men
in business suits sitting in it. When she spied them, the
copter flew off. The next day, Det. Cole found a Black Angus
mutilated, its sexual organs and rectum removed.
seen many animals killed by predators, and there's always
blood around," he said. "I've never seen anything
like it. I don't know what it was. I've been in the livestock
business 35 years. I've had many, many dead cows and bulls,
but none like that."
Fyffe is the "UFO Capital of Alabama," as proclaimed
by the Alabama state Senate in 1989 after several UFO sightings
that year. Mr. Oliphant, 33, once a filmmaker who made a
documentary on UFOs, moved here 2½ years ago to study
the phenomenon. A year later, he became a policeman to better
understand the populace and the effects of life in the UFO
Capital of Alabama.
calf belonging to Margaret Pope was mutilated earlier this
month. At first she suspected coyotes. But not with the
calf's udders removed. "Like somebody had sliced it
off - a straight cut, not like an animal," Mrs. Pope
said. There was an incision on the left shoulder and a circular
cut on the left side of the jaw. The teeth were gone."
was no sign of a struggle," Mrs. Pope said. "No
blood, nothing. Just laying there, with its parts cut out.
I think it's UFOs, because of lots of lights in the sky,
no disturbance on the ground. And the cuts were too precise.
But you just watch who you say [aliens] to. I don't want
to be made fun of. We're not weird. And this isn't fun."
responsible? Is it merely bovine intervention? Another theory:
Government agents, flying in low-level helicopters at night,
are killing animals and removing their organs to study the
effects (testing for cancer and other diseases) on livestock
living near high-power lines.
don't do this," Mr. Oliphant said. "And if it
was a satanic cult they'd use knives and there'd be blood.
They'd do it in secrecy and not with high technology. Everybody
wants me to tell 'em it's a satanic cult, because this is
the heart of the Bible Belt and they want an easy explanation
so they can be done with it. They don't want to look at
the scientific facts. The evidence doesn't lead to that.
We've got more than one group doing this. We've got the
unexplained events, with high technology, cauterization
of wounds. And we've got something I can't release right
the folks on Sand Mountain wait and watch. Watch carefully
for close encounters of the herd kind.
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 24 March 1994, page A28
A spate of UFO reports in Holland, Mich., has been attributed
by some of the 25,000 residents to warfare between angels
or the end of the world, reports The Detroit News. "One
reason [the phenomenon] captures the imagination here is
that it's a heavily churched area," says Dale Kompik,
station program manager at contemporary Christian rock station
Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 3 February 1996, pages A1 & A14
encounter of the weird kind baffles British aviation authority
Year-long inquiry finds no explanation of
UFO that buzzed airliner
Special to The Globe and Mail
- After a year-long formal inquiry, British aviation experts
admit they are baffled by a close encounter between a passenger
jet and an unidentified flying object on an approach to
Manchester Airport.
Civil Aviation Authority said yesterday it can find no logical
explanation for the UFO, which apparently buzzed the British
Airways Boeing 737 with 60 people on board last January
at the 4,000-foot level of its descent on a flight from
Roger Wills, 35, said a wedge-shaped UFO, emblazoned with
small white lights, came so close to his jet that co-pilot
Mark Stuart ducked.
object also was spotted from the ground, yet never appeared
on radar screens. It made no attempt to deviate and passed
very quickly down the right side of the aircraft. It made
no sound and created no wind turbulence.
incident happened at 6:48 p.m. on Jan. 6, 1995, with the
aircraft just above the clouds and visibility at least 16
traffic controllers had the following conversation with
Flight 5061:
"We just had something go down the right-hand side,
just above us, very fast."
ATC: "Well there's nothing seen on radar. Was it an
"Well it had lights, it went down the starboard side
very quick."
the captain and co-pilot were convinced the object was not
a balloon, model aircraft, kite or even a stealth aircraft.
Captain Wills said he had seen a stealth before and thought
he would have recognized it.
that the object might have been a reflection from a cloud
or even a secret U.S. spy craft also have been discounted.
CAA's Joint Airmiss Working Group said in its report, published
yesterday, that it cannot explain the incident, confirming
there was nothing else on the radar screens apart from the
jet in that position at that time. It concluded that it
was "not possible to suggest either the cause or the
risk" of the incident. "The reported object remains
report praised the crew for telling their story in the face
of possible derision from colleagues.
all a bit of a mystery," a Civil Aviation Authority
spokesman said. "There was a similar case about three
years ago involving Alitalia and it was not possible to
explain that one, either."
the ground, Mark Lloyd was near the airport and says he
saw the object, too.
was like a glint in the sky and, as I looked, I could see
this triangular-shaped object hovering quite high up and
it had depth to it," he said. "It was rounded
off at the back end and appeared to have something like
back burners." He described a black line down the side
and a triangular-shaped window.
Mr. Lloyd told his girlfriend what he had seen, she said
he was "talking a load of codswallop."
he telephoned the airport and was put through to the control
Lloyd said yesterday he was relieved that the official report
backed his version with the words of the air crew.
the incident has baffled aviation experts, it has delighted
UFO enthusiasts. The word of pilots, they said, might give
some credibility to their favourite subject.
that the CAA have actually come out with a statement saying
it was unidentified, we shall go straight back to them and
try and get them to say more," said Eric Morrison,
one of Britain's leading exponents of UFOs and extraterrestrials.
of the best authenticated UFO sightings was made by the
crew of one of the Apollo space missions, when an object
tracked the spacecraft for some minutes before moving off
at high speed. The astronauts told Houston they were being
tailed, adding: We'll assume it's friendly."
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