Rock, Arkansas, GAZETTE, 18 June 1870, page
Statesman (republican) has the following items:
universal respect and good-will shown Gov. Clayton by all
classes of people, irrespective of party affiliations, during
his tour through this section of the state is a most positive
proof of a healthy condition of the body politic, and of
the peaceful and law-abiding disposition of our people.
It fully corroborates all we have claimed for the people
of the White river valley.
the thunder and rain storm on the night of the 4th in .,
quite a singular ohenomenon was observed by a large number
of our citizens; about 9 o'clock, a light of about the size
of a man's hat, was discovered in a northerly direction
from the city. It was situated about ten degrees above the
horizon, and was of the most dazzling brightness - so bright
that during a flash of lightning it appeared to sparkle
or scintillate. For an hour and a half it remained in the
same position, and retained its brilliancy; at half past
ten it gradually faded away and disappeared from sight.
Many speculations were indulged in relation to its nature
and origin. One thought it was a balloon, another that it
was a ku-klux taking a bird's eye view of our town; the
opinion was also ventured that it was a headlight of a locomotive
of the Cairo & Folton Railroad.
Rock, Arkansas, GAZETTE, 5 June 1909, page 1
Can Be Seen by the Aid of Field Glasses.
Angeles, Cal., June 4. - A special dispatch from El Centro
Imperial valley is excited over reports of a mysterious
airship which is making nightly flights over Salton sea."
first the ship appeared to be stationary at a point directly
over Salton sea near the intake of the Alamo and New rivers.
Then it began a rapid flight, passing directly across Salton
sea and disappearing in the shadows of San Jacinto mountains."
Brawley a party of 20 men is said to have observed the machine
through field glasses. Its appearance was that of a basket
fastened between two wide wings and when the turn was made
it is said the propellers could be plainly seen. The observers
were unable to distinguish any person in the basket."