Florida, MORNING TRIBUNE, 10 November 1951, page 7
Southwest Goggle-Eyed Over Twin 'Fireballs'
Nov. 9 - (AP) - While goggle-eyed Southwesterners compared
notes, scientific parties sought today to track down twin
fireballs near the Mexican border.
apparent meteors blazed through the sky shortly before noon
yesterday. Ground observers and fliers, some blinded momentarily,
viewed the phenomena from points as much as 350 miles apart.
One eyewitness report came from nearly 100 miles south of
the international boundary in Chihuahua, Mexico.
were widely conflicting estimates of where the objects crashed
to earth.
ranking authority on meteors said recent frequency of the
fireballs - the latest were Nos. 6 and 7 in an 11-day period
- is "without parallel in the whole of recorded history."
observation came from Dr. Lincoln La Paz, who makes a business
of digging up meteorites as head of the Institute of Meteoritics
at the University of New Mexico here. He said the normal
rate is one every three of four months.
a case of two meterorites falling together without noise
would be hard to duplicate in history," La Paz said.
just don't know what to make of it," he added. "I'm
almost inclined to ask those fellows out in Nevada (where
atom bomb tests have been held recently) what they are doing."
Washington a Defense Department spokesman said the department
knew nothing of any tests in the Southwest at the time the
flying objects were seen.
indicated one or both of yesterday's objects jolted to earth
with a roar near Cloverdale, N. M. This is a small ranch
community just north of the Mexican border and in the extreme
southwest corner of the state.
least two other witnesses estimated the brilliant objects
crashed near such widely separated points as Sierra Blanca,
Texas, and Guzman, Chihuahua.