April 1968
Location: Le Brusc, Var, France
April 1968, three fishermen from the French fishing-port
of Le Brusc were fairly far out at sea, "when suddenly,
in a break in the clouds, a sort of 'thing' appeared --
ovalish in shape -- which was just hanging there in the
sky. It looked like a mirror and it was shining, and it
did not move... The thing remained stationary over the
sea for two or three minutes and then vanished before
our eyes as though swallowed up by the waves."

Artist's rendition of the sighting. (credit:
Saucer Review)
Source: Saucer Review Case Histories #14
to original source]
the Sailor, Report No. 1
account is taken from Lumières dans la Nuit (Contact
Lecteurs), Series 3, No. 5 of January 1971
lady correspondent of Lumières Dans La Nuit recently
found out about these happenings when she had the opportunity
to spend some time at the Mediterranean French fishing-port
of Le Brusc, in the Dept. of Var (south-eastern France,
between Marseilles and Nice). She was able to interview
some of the men involved, having won their confidence,
but only on condition that their names be not revealed
account of the informant, a fisherman, is as follows:
years ago, in April 1968, three of us were fairly far
out at sea, in heavy weather, with cloud and strong wind.
Night had not yet quite fallen when suddenly, in a break
in the clouds, a sort of "thing" appeared --
ovalish in shape -- which was just hanging there in the
sky. It looked like a mirror and it was shining, and it
did not move. Then a cloud passed in front of it, hiding
it for a few minutes, but when the cloud had gone the
queer thing was still there."
seemed, however, to have changed colour a bit and to be
giving off pinkish flashes. Then, after about fifteen
minutes or so, it seemed to move very slowly from east
to west, dropping gradually as it did so. And as the thing
came down, it seemed to change shape so that, instead
of being vertical as it had been before, the oval was
now horizontal (see Fig. 1) and from pinkish the colour
had now turned to bluish."
thing remained stationary over the sea for two or three
minutes and then vanished before our eyes, as though swallowed
up by the waves, and we did not see it again."
sighting had lasted a total of 25 minutes. We heard no
sound; the thing was absolutely silent despite the fact
that it was not far from our boat. It gave out no trail,
no flame, no sparks, and was absolutely bare of all marks
or trappings, etc. We have no idea what it could have