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Triangular, double-V shaped object seen by 3 people in Almunécar, Spain

Date: August 1992
Location: Almunécar, Granada/Andalusia, Spain

Three people were on a beach at Almunécar, in South Spain, at around 2 a.m., when they saw a triangular flying object, with a kind of bright "V" (2 of them) in the direction on the flight - just like two boomerangs fliying one behind each other, with the peak fordwards. It flew over their heads, without a sound, and disappeared with a "shining". The sighting lasted for about 10 seconds.

Witness' drawing of the sighting.

Source: UFOEvidence.org

Summary: Three people could see by night a triangular flying object, with a kind of brighting "V" ( 2 of them) in the direction on the flight.

Date Reported: 6/7/2006 2:19:29 p.m.

Sighting Time: around 2 a.m.
Day/Night: Nighttime
No. of Witnesses: 3
Duration: 10 seconds??

Appearance/Description of Object(s):

"Imagine a boomerang or still better, imagine two boomerangs which glow in the darkness and fly just like one body, with the peak in flying direction. It was not so bright as, for instance the planet Venus, but it was bright enough to be realized by night. The colour, as far as I can remember, would be a kind of very light blue, but I am not really sure about that."

Size of Object(s):

"Relative size: 20 cm. Actual size: Not possible to calculate. That was an unknown object. If it was the size of a normal aircraft, then that thing was flying quite low; if it was huge, than it was flying higher..."

Description of Area/Surroundings:

"It was a rural area, with trees on both side of the road. At that time were surely not so many people around."

Full Description and Details:

"My girlfriend, a frenchman we met that night at the beach and myself were on the beach, by night, looking at the sea, talking as much as we could (the frechman spoke very broken english and, my girlfriend no english at all and I can not speak french) until 2 a.m. At that hour of the night, we decided to go back to our camping place, just 200 meters away from that beach. On the way back, I realized while looking at the sky that it was really a beautiful, clear and quiet night and asked the two other members of the group in spanish: "hey, have you noticed what for a gorgeus night we have today"? (Please notice that the frechman could not have understand what I said, but he looked as well at the sky!!!)."

"I was still finishing the sentence when I saw, coming from the right side, at an angle of aprox. 80 degrees a triangular object which seemed to say "now pay attention and look at me". First of all, I had to think about the very first scene of Star Wars, where a triangular ship chases a small one. I had the feeling I was looking at one of those ships! The thing flew just over our heads (without a sound at all!!!) so that I coud see that it was just like two boomerangs flying one behind each other, with the peak fordwards, so that I thouhgt they were two sea birds, flying by night, but that could not have been, because I could not look thru the space between the first and the second "sea bird", that means that it was just one solid body which was blocking my wiew. After just completing a bow over our heads (it didn't take more than 10 seconds) that thing dissapeared over our left side, but with a kind of "deaf lighting", a shining which surprised us still more than we were already surprised. After a few seconds, my girlfriend was the first one who beat the shock and said with a bright smile "have you seen that??" I could still not talk and all that the frenchman could say was "Oh la la, UFO, UFO!"

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

"I have though a lot about that sighting. I know that I saw that night can not be explain with some man-made objects or with any natural explanations. All the flying objects make any kind of sound, do not look like the thing I saw and do not say good bye with a lighting. The natural explanations (birds, clouds etc.) are still more incredible."

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting:

"I did not believe on UFOs at that time. When I was a child, then yes. It was my wish to see an UFO before I die, but when I grew up, I decided to be more rational and scientific. After that experience, I have read a lot about UFOs. I do not believe at everything (abductions, they are among us), but it is quite clear that UFOs do exist and they are here. I do not even know if they come from another planet, but they definitely exist and are not secret weapons from our planet."

Other Comments:

"Since then, I have not given up the hope that I will see them again, but I do think the sighting was kind of planned."

Reported Sighting? Yes
Reported To: J J Benítez (spanish ufolog)
Name: José Monedero
Location: Duesseldorf, Germany


Source: http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case930.htm
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