of sighting: December 12, 1978
Location of sighting: Skipton, North Yorkshire, England
incident occurred on the frosty winter morning of December
12, 1978, not far from Skipton in North Yorkshire. At
4:30 a.m., a lonely police patrol car was driving on a
remote country road along the Cononley Moor. In the car
were Sgt. Anthony Dodd and Constable Alan Dale, who operated
the radio. It was very dark and the road was lit only
by the headlights of the car, the silence broken only
by the noise of the motor and the occasional messages
over the radio. Dodd loved that kind of mysterious stillness
in the middle of a bare and unspoiled countryside, with
dark houses snuggling up against the low hills as if seeking
shelter from the cold winds, and the stone walls that
divided the meadows from time immemorial.
was the land of sagas and legends, of witches and elves,
spirits and wills-o'-the-wisp, which lured unfortunate
wanderers in the moor towards inescapable death. There
was a magic in the air which, even thousands of years
ago, the ancestors of the Celts must have been aware of,
as is shown oy the mighty sacrificial altar stones in
the middle of the moor.
a loud static noise, hissing and rustling, tore Sgt. Dodd
out of his reverie. They were just then driving into a
curve when, to the right, a bright white light seemed
to be diving towards them in a glide. They thought it
was a burning airplane so they drove to the side and stopped
the car to see what was happening and where it would land,
in case help was required. It was, however, no airplane
but a big shining disc which flew over their heads at
a speed of about 40 mph. At its closest, it was hardly
100 feet away from them, so that they could see a number
of details.
I interviewed Dodd in 1991 for my documentary film UFOs:
The Secret Evidence, he explained, "It had a dome
with ports all around it. The bottom was surrounded by
colored lights like neon lights in blue, red, green and
white which blinked in a sequence as if they were rotating,
and in the middle there were three spheres or hemispheres.
It was a huge thing, about 100 feet in diameter, and it
made no noise whatsoever. What fascinated me even more
was that the object was enveloped in a kind of halo which
made its entire metallic structure glow white. It flew
slowly over our heads and seemed to land at a place behind
a group of trees. But we couldn't see or check that out
because at that point it was too far away and in the middle
of the moor." "What on Earth was that?"
asked Constable Dale breaking the silence, brought back
to reality by the penetrating cold. Sgt. Dodd's answer
came minutes after that.
don't know, but it was wonderful."
that day onwards, Dodd started collecting all the information
about UFOs that he could get, including, of course, the
book "Flying Saucers Have Landed" by
Desmond Leslie and George Adamski. His personal encounter
with a saucer that resembled Adamski's saucer like a twin
had convinced Dodd that Adamski must indeed have had an
encounter with a UFO. Since retiring in 1988, Dodd had
dedicated himself fully to his "cosmic hobby"
as he called it, and was one of Britain's leading UFO
was the first person to have spoken about contact with
aliens who resembled human beings. After him, many others
reported such encounters. With Adamski, the age of the
contactees had begun.