M. Deschamps - Director
Physical Traces
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and Saucers
and UFOs
Who in
and Debunkers
of Terminology and Abbreviations
Sightings Worldwide
Ontario, DAILY PRESS, 30 June 1947, page 1
Missiles Are Sighted Zooming Through Western Skies
PORTLAND, Ore., June 30 - (AP) - Westerners were seeing
"flying saucers" almost everywhere today from
Canada to Texas and a redhot controversy raged about it
Kenneth Arnold, Boise, Idaho, flying businessman, started
it by reporting that he saw nine mystery objects zipping
over Western Washington last Tuesday at what he estimated
was 1,200-miles-an-hour speed.
Experts dismissed his report with statements that no known
aircraft could go that fast and that no guided missile tests
were being made in that part of the West.
Hardly were the words out of their mouths, when others began
reporting "flying saucers" and the controversy
was on.
There was a similarity in all reports - the objects were
round like a saucer, travelling south at a high rate of
speed with little or no noise, and of such brightness that
reflections from the sun were "almost blinding."
Three persons in El Paso, Texas, said they had seen them
in the last few days. Two persons in Vancouver, B.C., reported
some. The latest of a score of reports in the Pacific northwest
came from a Seaside, Ore., woman, who said she saw one before
sunset Saturday night.
There were two popular theories - that the objects were
experimental airplanes or guided missiles to which the armed
forces will not admit, or that they were guided missiles
from foreign soil.
Bay, Ontario, DAILY NUGGET, 5 July 1947, pages 1 & 28
Ore., July 5 - (AP) - The "flying saucer" mystery
reached fever pitch today, after "I saw them myself"
statements from a veteran United Air Lines crew, scores
of Portland residents, and 60 picnickers at a park in Idaho.
pilot, co-pilot and stewardess, who had scoffed consistently
at "flying saucer" tales, said they saw such objects
last night while flying a passenger plane from Boise, Idaho,
to Portland.
Canada, Too
statements followed a day during which the "saucers"
were reported seen in many parts of the United States and
also in Canada.
Portlanders, including police, experienced fliers and three
newspapermen, declared they saw silvery discs undulating
over Portland.
what they saw as flat, translucent plates 12 to 15 inches
in diameter, several Port Huron, Mich., residents reported
as having seen them.
Farmers in Prince Edward Island claimed to have seen more
of the mysterious discs and earlier this week, four Summerside
residents reported seeing one of them.
At Seattle, Frank Ryman, coast guard yeoman, said he took
a picture of what some residents north of Seattle thought
was a flying disc. The photograph showed a pinhead-size
luminous object against the dark evening sky.
Dr. M. K. Leisy, a junior interne at the Pennsylvania Hospital
for Mental Diseases, and other persons in the western section
of Philadelphia, reported seeing strange craft in the skies
last night.
It was something round with a luminous halo about it, Dr.
Leisy declared. It was not shiny itself, but dark in color
and seemed to be propelled by whirling winds.
Port Huron, Mich., July 5 - (AP) - Mysterious "flying
saucers" were sighted last night by several residents
southwest of Port Huron, who described them as flat and
translucent, 12 to 15 inches in diameter, criss-crossing
the sky and moving northward.
definitely were not fireworks," said one witness.
Mrs. John R. Warner declared "Some of them moved slowly
and others sailed out of the horizon, hesitated and then
whizzed on. Lights which shone from them occasionally blinked
This was the first time the "flying saucers" had
been reported over the Michigan area.
Port Huron is across the St. Clair River from Sarnia.
Boise, Idaho, July 5 - (AP) - The entire crew of a westbound
Boise-to-Seattle United Air Lines plane late last night
reported they had seen nine flying discs near the airline's
route over Emmett, Idaho.
(The incident was one of several reported last night from
various parts of the United States saying the flying objects
had been seen. In Seattle, a United States coast guardsman
said he photographed one of them and at Port Huron, Mich.,
several of the mysterious flying objects were reported seen.
Two policemen in Portland, Ore., also reported seeing the
discs and a New Orleans saleswoman said she saw one.)
Capt. E. J. Smith said his co-pilot, first officer Ralph
Stevens, blinked the transport's landing lights in the belief
the discs were other aircraft.
Smith said it was eight minutes after takeoff from Boise
that Stevens and himself saw discs, flying what appeared
to be a "loose formation."
They called Marty Morrow, stewardess, to the cockpit to
verify that they were actually seeing the discs, said Smith,
and she agreed they saw them.
Then they saw four more of the discs, three clustered together,
and a fourth flying "by itself, way off in the distance."
The plane was flying into the dim twilight sky when the
objects were first sighted.
Flying discs have been reported over the northwest for the
last two weeks.
discs were flat and roundish," they said. "They
definitely were not aircraft. But they were bigger than
Smith and Stevens said they had the objects under observation
for from "10 to 15 minutes" before they disappeared. |
Bay, Ontario, DAILY NUGGET, 7 July 1947, pages 1 & 24
Saucer" Mystery Grows As More Sighted
San Francisco, July 7 - (AP) - From one end of the continent
to the other, new reports of disc-like "flying saucers"
skimming through the skies today added to the mystery which
has baffled the United States and Canada since June 25.
There was no satisfactory explanation of the phenomenon.
Yesterday, they were reported to have been seen in more
than a dozen states, and in southwestern Ontario.
Most observers usually agreed that the objects were round
or oval. Guesses as to their size have ranged from that
of a five-room house or large airplane to one description
of "a silver ball, six inches in diameter."
The United States Army, the Navy and the Atomic Energy Commission
all disclaimed any connection with the mystery. An Army
Air Forces spokesman in Washington said the A.A.F. had been
checking the reports but added that "we still haven't
the slightest idea what they could be."
Some scientists suggested that reflections of light such
as from aircraft, might account for the bright objects which
have been reported. In some cases, the observers have insisted
that the "saucers" have been accompanied by sound.
Observers have given the objects various speeds and, in
at least one case, said they appeared to be suspended in
the air.
A Hagerstown, Md., woman said she saw five go eastward at
"terrific speed" and that they "roared with
a sound like a railway train."
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 8 July 1947, Page 1
"Flying Saucers" Fly in "V" Formation
JOHANNESBURG - (Reuters) - Two Johannesburg residents today
reported that they saw "flying saucers" over the
They said that the objects were about as big as gramophone
records and were revolving at a great speed in a "V"
formation. The objects disappeared in a cloud of smoke,
they added.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 11 July 1947, Page 5
Tour Of World By Flying Discs
LONDON - (Reuters) - "Flying saucers," which have
been puzzling citizens of 41 states and of Canada since
last month, now have made a complete tour of the world according
to messages received here.
These mysterious flying discs were reported today from Japan
and yesterday from Chile, Holland, Britain and northern
A police officer in southern Japan said today he saw some
brilliant objects last Wednesday flying over Kagoshima Bay
in a wave-like manner. An official of Kagoshima weather
bureau said that the "saucers" might have been
balloons released by the bureau.
A dispatch from Leyden, Holland, said that the Leyden naval
radio service saw, according to press reports, a "flying
saucer" moving at great speed and at great height.
An air mechanic of Santiago airport, Chile, also said he
saw "flying discs," which were flat and oval.
Following these reports, the scientific department of the
Del Salto observatory near Santiago announced that it had
recorded the presence of "strange objects" in
the sky May 19, which moved slowly producing at intervals
discharges of whitish smoke.
The announcement added that this strange meteor remained
a certain time and then crossed the horizon at a considerable
saucers with holes in the middle" were reported by
two girls to have been seen yesterday flying over Birmingham,
England, and two people near Rochester, in southern England,
also reported seeing the discs.
W. A. Nesbitt of Belfast disclosed yesterday that Tuesday
evening, he sighted a dozen rapidly moving round white objects
which trailed "a wispy grey cloud which hung in the
air for some time."
Ontario, DAILY PRESS, 14 July 1947, page 1
Saucers" In China Now
NEW YORK, July 14 - (AP) - Flying saucers, once a peculiarly
North American phenomenon, are getting about more these
The Chinese Central News Agency reported yesterday from
Mudken, Manchuria, that a man saw 80 of the discs in one
hour on the night of July 10. In quoted the man as saying
that the objects were about one foot in diameter, milk-colored,
tinted blue, and were flying in a southerly direction.
A resident of Le Man, French town 100 miles southwest of
Paris, reported that on Saturday morning, he had seen two
"strangely-shaped things" which he thought were
flying saucers, the newspaper Parisien Libere said.
Bay, Ontario, DAILY NUGGET, 19 February 1948, Page 30
of Fire" Startles U.S.
Kansas City, Feb. 19 - (AP) - Observers today sought an
explanation of a strange "ball of fire," possibly
a disintegrating meteor, seen in six states.
The brilliant explosion, thousands of feet in the air, was
observed in Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Nebraska
and Colorado yesterday.
Oscar Monnig, secretary of the National Meteorological Society,
said at Fort Worth, Tex., that he felt sure the fire ball
was a meteor disintegrating.
Officials of the Chamberlain observatory at the University
of Denver, however, could offer no explanation. Director
A. W. Recht said there was "no meteor shower and no
other known phenomena in the sky to explain it."
After the flash, civil aeronautics and police officials
received reports of flaming plane crashes from widely scattered
points. All reports proved groundless.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 21 May 1949, Page 6
of Fire" Over Finland
HELSINKI - (Reuters) - Finnish military authorities said
yesterday they received reports of "flying balls of
fire" moving in the direction of the Russian frontier.
The reports were received from inhabitants in different
parts of eastern Finland.
The inhabitants told authorities the balls had trails of
sparks and made a whining noise as they passed overhead
at about 500 feet.
Authorities said that during the last two years, various
types of flying bodies have been reported in northern Sweden
and Finland but scientific investigation proved them to
be natural phenomena.
Ontario, DAILY STAR, 30 December 1949, page 3
Hamlet, N.C., Dec. 30 (AP) - A mysterious object moving
south-westward through the sky had scores of Carolinians
agog today.
The object, on which descriptions varied, was first spotted
at Fayetteville, about 50 miles northeast of Hamlet at about
4:30 p.m.
It was sighted again over Hamlet at about 4:45 p.m. and
reports came from Greenwood, S.C., that the mysterious object
passed westward over that city shortly after 5 p.m.
(Greenwood is about 180 miles southwest of Hamlet.)
At Hamlet and Greenwood, it was chased for several minutes
by four pilots.
Hamlet observers said it resembled a balloon or blimp, and
appeared to be about 20 or 30 feet in diameter. At Fayetteville,
one observer said it looked more like a vertical neon lighting
At Greenwood, two pilots said it appeared to be a streak
of smoke about 15 or 20 feet long coming from an unseen
plane. But the object, the pilots said, retained its shape
during the 10 or 15 minutes that they followed it.
They were unable to gain on it in their light planes.
Lake, Ontario, NORTHERN DAILY NEWS, 11 March 1950, page 1
Discs Of Mexico, U.S. Back In Skies
MEXICO CITY - (AP) - The newspaper Excelsior Friday quoted
astronomer Luis Enrique Erro as saying one of his colleagues
recently photographed a strange and brilliant object in
the skies, possibly a big meteorite.
Erro is head of the Tonantzintla Observatory, near Puebla,
Mexico's leading observatory.
The photograph was taken just before dawn March 2, the astronomer
exceptional object flew through space and crossed the field
of our Schmidt telescope," he said. "Since that
day, we have been wondering what it was. We don't know."
At Juarez, just across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Tex.,
Mexican border officers reported Friday they saw a top-like
disc travelling high in the sky and heading for mountains
on the edge of El Paso.
Louis Herrera, Juarez travel agency owner, reported that
about two hours later, he watched a flying saucer over the
city for about 15 minutes. At El Paso, John E. Baird said
he got out of his car to watch a flying saucer as he passed
through Deming, N.M., today. "At times," he said,
"It looked globular, like a planet."
Erro gave Excelsior the photo taken by the observatory.
Erro said his guess is that the streak was caused by a meteorite
but added: "I make it with many reservations."
Asked if it could have been a flying saucer, Erro pointed
out that various countries are experimenting with automatic
defence against a sudden attack from the skies.
have no doubt that strange things are being shot into the
air and somehow made to fly," he said.
Bay, Ontario, DAILY NUGGET, 23 March 1950, Page 17
LONDON, March 23 - (Reuters) - Don't look up now, but there
are flying saucers in the news again.
Citizens of Berlin and Lisbon reported seeing the silvery
platters. And early next month, the people of southern Sweden
are going to be deluged with the things - at least so says
a report from Luebeck, Germany.
Meanwhile, the Paris newspaper, Le Matin, has come up with
an explanation of the saucers. Says the paper:
country is doubtless trying out an absolutely new type of
apparatus. It remains to be seen which, and what, its intentions
To catch up with this one country, Francois Martial is working
in Algeria on designs for a saucer to catch the other flying
saucers. Martial, a civil servant, said today he would soon
put on exhibition a model of his saucer. He said the prototype
is 210 feet in diameter, has five engines, floats and can
accommodate 35 passengers.
The Portuguese saucers, reported today, were said to be
luminous and came in over Lisbon from Entroncamento, about
70 miles north.
The Berlin version remained stationary over the city for
a long period Thursday, said the newspaper Telegraf. Then
the round silvery objects - seen over the American sector
of the city - "shot off northwards, leaving a trail
of flames."
The Luebeck report said the influx of flying saucers over
southern Sweden was to be the result of the world's first
V-weapon manoeuvre, to be conducted by Russia over the Baltic
Sea next month.
The aim of the manoeuvres is to co-ordinate Russia's now
almost-completed system of permanent bases for V-type weapons
with the Soviet radar station system, said the German report.
The "flying saucers" would emerge from the V-weapons,
the report concluded.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 29 March 1950, Page 2
Saucers Seen Over Africa
LONDON - (Reuters) - Flying saucers, variously described
as full moons, moons with wakes of fire, or strange bodies
emitting smoke trails, have been reported skittering in
all directions across the heavens above the Mediterranean.
In Haifa today, reports circulated that they had been seen
over northern Israel.
A Lebanese pilot said he had seen them over Acre - travelling
at a high speed in a westerly direction. Others described
them as "discs travelling northward at a great altitude
and emitting a smoke trail."
Italy reported that they had been sighted over various parts
of the country five times Tuesday.
Saucers were also observed Tuesday at Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian
capital; at Cantiago De Chile; over Nicosia Airport, Cyprus;
other Bogota Medellin and Cali, all in western Colombia;
and at the northern Caribbean port of Barranquilla.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 16 June 1950, Page 15

Paul Trent of McMinnville, Oregon, was called into the backyard
of his home by his excited wife on May 11, and made good
use of his camera as he quickly made photos of a flying
disc passing overhead. This photo, one of three, in which
the "flying saucer" appeared like an inverted
soup dish with a thin rim and a dome-like super-structure,
centred by a short straight upright. Trent estimated the
"thing" was about 20 to 30 feet in diameter and
it seemed "both dark and silver." Trent elaborated,
"There wasn't any flame and it was moving fairly slow.
Then I snapped the first picture. It moved a little to the
left and I moved to the right to take another picture. Then
it seemed to pick up speed suddenly and in no time at all
it vanished out of sight." Trent said he delayed talking
about the photos because he was "scared."
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 4 July 1950, Page 1
to Claim Flying Saucer Seen in Alaska
ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - (AP) - Eyewitnesses still held strongly
today to their belief that they had seen a "flying
saucer" despite appraisal by United States air force
intelligence officers of the strange flying object seen
near Fairbanks last Saturday as a meteorite.
Scores of civilians and soldiers said they spotted the strange
object in the skies around the big air force base near the
central Alaska city.
Nearly all the eyewitnesses agreed that the object was cone
or pear-shaped with an iridescent exhaust about the size
of a washtub.
At Washington, the air force withheld comment pending receipt
of information and reports assembled by the Alaskan air
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 6 July 1950, Page 20
Circular Object Seen in Sky Over Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES - (AP) - William Grant, 26, former aerial photographer,
today reported seeing a brilliantly lighted circular object
in the sky, last midnight.
He estimated the object was 30 feet in circumference, and
when first seen, was about 1,000 feet overhead. Its speed,
at first, was about 100 miles an hour, then increased to
about 500 miles an hour before disappearing, he said.
was in sight about 45 seconds," Grant said. "It
left no exhaust trail and made no sound."
His story was confirmed by a friend, Gilbert Magill, 35,
president of a firm conducting research with helicopters.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 28 July 1950, Page 15
LONDON - (Reuters) - A mysterious object was reported seen
yesterday at 15,000 to 20,000 feet over Cowes Airport, Isle
of Wight. George Wilks, chief engineer at the airport, and
Capt. J. Jessop, a former R.A.F. Transport Command pilot,
said the object was round, "emitted a hard, white light,"
and travelled at about 2,000 miles an hour.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 3 August 1950, Page 3
SAN RAPHAEL, Calif. - (AP) - Hundreds of persons Wednesday
observed a strange cloud which changed color in hues of
green, red, orange and blue as it moved seaward, against
prevailing winds. Authorities at nearby Hamilton Air Field
base planned an investigation.
Ontario, DAILY STAR, 1 September 1950, page 9
in Flight New Sky Mystery
FREDERICKSBURG, Va., Sept. 1 (AP) - Now it's flying dippers.
Two Fredericksburg women, Mrs. L. P. Hitt and Mrs. W. N.
Le Couteur, sisters, saw the dipper from the lawn of Mrs.
Le Couteur's home.
They described it as a "very bright light," not
very large, that moved not too fast.
They said they watched the dipper for about five minutes
as it moved northward. It looked like a quart-sized cup
to them.
Mrs. Le Couteur's husband vouched for the dipper. He said
he had seen a similar dipper about two weeks ago but had
said nothing about it.
Ontario, DAILY STAR, 10 November 1951, page 5
Unusual Flashing Meteors Have Southern Experts Puzzled
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - Unusual meteors flashing through
southwestern skies has the experts puzzled.
In the last 11 days, seven fireballs of exceptional size
- and with some other exceptional aspects - have zipped
over a seven-state area. The institute of meteoritics at
New Mexico University said that frequency has never been
equalled in history.
fact," said Dr. Lincoln La Paz, head of the institute,
"there has never been a rate of meteorite fall in history
that has been one-fifth as high as the present fall."
that rate should continue, I would suspect the phenomenon
is not natural."
The fireballs reported by observers in Arizona, New Mexico,
Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Utah and Nevada don't behave
like ordinary meteors, La Paz said.
They travel in straight lines when they should follow a
curved course. Frequently they are silent although meteors
of that size should make a definite noise. They have a greenish
color not previously reported outside the southwest.
At Washington, the Defence Department was asked if the objects
might be rockets or guided missiles fired from test areas
at White Sands, N.M., or elsewhere. A spokesman said the
department knew nothing of any tests in the southwest at
the time the flying objects were seen.
Ontario, DAILY STAR, 18 June 1952, page 2
Saucers' Reported in France
PARIS (Reuters) - A fresh wave of flying saucer reports
swept France today.
An employee of Le Bourget airport control tower claimed
he saw a "star, red like the setting sun" and
about four times the size of an ordinary star, moving southeast
of the airfield.
The pilot of a French transport plane also saw the "star,"
reported to the control tower, and made an extra circuit
to take a closer look. But as he circled, the star moved
into the wind and vanished.
Last Sunday, thirty persons in Cholet, western France, said
they saw a "flying saucer."
Bay, Ontario, DAILY NUGGET, 29 July 1952, Page 2
"Saucers" Over Indiana
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Police and military observers and hundreds
of civilians reported seeing three "flying saucer"
objects over south central Indiana between midnight and
dawn yesterday.
State police at Indianapolis, Seymour and Connersville posts,
and army and air force observers at Camp Atterbury said
they watched the objects for several hours.
Bay, Ontario, DAILY NUGGET, 31 July 1952, Page 19
"Flying Saucer" Almost Hit Highway
ENID, Okla. (AP) - A salesman told police he was almost
swept from the highway late Tuesday by a huge "flying
saucer" which swooped low at terrific speed.
Sid Eubanks, 50, told his tale to Sgt. Vern Benell, who
said the man was still trembling when he walked into the
police station.
Eubanks said the object, appearing as a "yellow-green,
then yellow-brown streak about 400 feet long," suddenly
swooped low over the highway, then reversed directions and
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 2 August 1952, Page 6
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Flotillas of mysterious bright, shiny
objects were reported flying high in the sky over south-central
New York yesterday. Hundreds of persons said they saw them.
But jet pilots from Griffiss Air Force base at Rome, N.Y.,
said they could find nothing.
Residents of Afton, in the upper Susquehanna River valley,
lined the streets of the village and many business places
were deserted. They said round objects sailed through the
skies in large numbers for about two hours. Scattered ones
were seen later, they said. All agreed they seemed to appear
near the sun and move away from it.
At Sidney, 19 miles north of Afton, Irving Parsons of Oneonta,
said he saw 60 to 75 objects shaped like "ping-pong
balls" moving very high.
Bay, Ontario, DAILY NUGGET, 6 August 1952, Page 1

photo released by the Coast Guard was snapped by one of
their photographers through a window screen when he sighted
four "unknown objects" (upper right) over the
Salem, Mass., Air Station. The round objects, which the
Coast Guard would not refer to as "flying saucers,"
appear in "V" formation, with extending bars of
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 23 July 1953, Page 3
WATERTOWN, N.Y. (AP) - A Civil Aeronautics Administration
operations specialist said he saw "flying saucers"
last night over eastern Lake Ontario.
Howard A. Scott said the objects were travelling fairly
low at about 100 to 150 miles an hour. He said they were
luminous and resembled stars. Scott is stationed at Watertown
municipal airport.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 24 July 1953, Page 2
Says He Snapped Saucer
CLERMONT-FERRAND, France (AP) - Andre Fregnale, geologist,
claimed today he had snapped four photographs of a flying
saucer over this south-central French city.
He said he had seen the object at 5 p.m. one day last week,
and that it was flying at about 9,000 feet.
The object was like an oval saucer, he said, with brilliant
light in the centre which he guessed came from "some
kind of gyroscopic system, turning very rapidly which would
explain the reflection that is very clearly seen in my pictures."
Bay, Ontario, DAILY NUGGET, 7 November 1957, Page 20
but Sputnik Seen In Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Either there's been a profusion of illusions
or something mighty queer has been going on over the City
of Angels and its satellite communities.
No - nobody has spotted an angel yet, but that's one of
the few flying objects that hasn't been mentioned.
Some that have:
Six "saucer-shaped" thingniks.
A "ball of fire."
An "orange jack-o-lantern."
A "powerful, mysterious light."
A "great, green light."
And a lot of less colorfully described, ordinary, unidentified
flying objects.
The reports about the six saucers came from three air force
weather observers. They said they spotted the phenomena
moving at the base of a cloud bank about 7,000 feet over
Long Beach municipal airport Tuesday. Maj. Louis F. Baker,
head of the unit, gave this description:
were circular and shiny like spun aluminum, changing course
instantaneously without loss of speed like planes in a dogfight."
The "ball of fire" report came from people in
the Hollywood hills, and the orange jack-o-lantern turned
up in a report from Mrs. Charles Weitzel of Corona Del Mar.
She said she spotted it hovering over the ocean while she
was looking out a window of her seaside home. The object
vanished in a few seconds, she said.
The "great, green light" was reported seen by
residents of the San Fernando Valley.
Lake, Ontario, NORTHERN DAILY NEWS, 8 November 1957, page
Object In Sky May Be A Third Moon
Aussies Spot Movement Of Bright Pinkish
CANBERRA (AP) - A mystery object sighted from Mount Stromlo
Observatory near Canberra early today could be another Russian
satellite, astronomers at the observatory believe.
Dr. A. Przybylski and two colleagues sighted a "pinkish
object brighter than Venus" moving westward across
the northern sky low on the horizon.
Astronomers who have been observing the passage of Sputnik
II said the object is unlike anything they have ever seen.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 9 November 1957, Page 5
Objects Seen by Watchers
LONDON (Reuters) - Sputnik watchers in Norway, The Netherlands
and Australia reported seeing "mystery" objects
Unusual radio signals also were heard.
A bright object that looked bigger than a star zipped over
Oslo at great speed on a southwest course, Norwegian spotters
said. They declared it could not have been Sputnik II, not
due there for several hours.
The second Russian earth satellite was preceded by a mysterious
point of light when it passed over Sydney, Australia, early
today but one astronomer said he did not think it came from
the cylinder containing the Sputnik's dog.
Soviet scientists have mentioned the possibility of catapulting
the dog back to earth in the cylinder.
In the Netherlands, an observatory near The Hague also reported
having seen an "unidentified object."
The observatory added that when the second Sputnik was seen
this morning, it received clear radio signals "which
were different from the normal signals of the artificial
The observatory said that since it had analyzed all the
signals on the appropriate wave lengths and had "not
been able to trace them to any known transmitter, we can
only believe these are Sputnik signals."
Ontario, DAILY STAR, 8 February 1960, page 1
Flash In Western Sky Said Meteor
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - Most experts believe a light that
flashed across western skies early Sunday was a meteor.
Hundreds saw it, most of them in Utah, Idaho, Montana and
Amateur astronomer Floyd Rickores, Hollywood, Calif., said
he tracked a red ball in the sky for nearly five minutes
after a "bright flash lighted the room." He said
the ball was brighter than anything else in the sky and
guessed it was several thousand miles above the earth.
seemed to stay stationary between two stars for three or
four minutes," he said, "then took off with fantastic
speed and disappeared."
Richard Below, piloting a Western Airlines plane 11,000
feet over southwest Montana, said the light was "fantastically
bright . . . It lit up everything in the cockpit and the
cabin and the entire sky outside."
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 17 February 1960, Page 23
Strange Objects Flying Over Alaska
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) - A spokesman for the North
American Air Defence Command here confirmed Tuesday that
unidentified flying objects were observed in the skies over
Alaska early Monday morning.
The spokesman said two objects were seen moving in opposite
directions across Alaska.
One object produced a flash which was assumed to have been
an explosion. A search is being made.
Bay, Ontario, NUGGET, 1 September 1960, Page 5
Object Spotted in Sky
BETHPAGE, N.Y. (AP) - A mysterious reddish object circling
the earth has been photographed by a tracking camera of
the Grumman Aviation Engineering Corporation, it was disclosed
Grumman said the flying object appears to be about a tenth
the size of the Echo I balloon satellite and travelling
about twice as fast. Sightings from amateur astronomers
and others have been received from throughout the United
Ste. Marie, Ontario, STAR, 12 July 1965, Page 5
Objects Are Sighted Over Europe
LISBON (AP) - Strange objects moving through space were
reported sighted in two widely-separated areas of Portugal
during the weekend. The Azores weather bureau claimed interference
from one stopped its electromagnetic clocks.
Descriptions of the objects were strikingly similar to official
Argentine and Chilean military reports of sightings in the
Antarctic, last week.
The first reported mysterious flying object appeared in
Motoshinhos, near the northern city Oporto, where Manuel
Fernandes and his wife at first saw "some sort of luminous
flattened balloon."
Fernandes said "the strange object at first sight looked
like a flattened balloon, but then as we both watched, it
looked like a plate turned over."
thing was very luminous, and had orange coloring and was
nearly red at times," the couple said, "and at
times green rays shot out from a side."
saucer stopped at rather high altitude, near the coast,
for about three minutes. Then, with an incredible velocity,
it sped towards the north."
Fernandes said his radio was playing while the object circled
over a forest near the house, but that heavy interference
interrupted the music.
A similar type of interference stopped the electromagnetic
clocks of the Villa do Porto weather bureau in the Portuguese
Azores archipelago, a spokesman said.
He added a "cylindrical white object" circled
around in the sky.
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - New sightings of unidentified flying
objects were reported in South America, Saturday.
A police corporal was reported as saying he and his whole
family saw a flat, blue-colored object hovering over the
northeastern Argentine province of Chaco.
It was reported to have hung in the sky for several minutes
before shooting off to the southwest with a trail of flames.
In Montevideo, a local Uruguayan news agency reported some
100 persons saw a luminous flying object changing color,
above a beach in the River Plate area.
Bay, Ontario, NUGGET, 21 March 1966, Page 1
flying objects seen in U.S.
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) - Unidentified flying objects caused
a flurry of excitement here Sunday night when several residents
and police officers reported spotting mysterious aircraft.
It was the third report within a week in this southern Michigan
Patrolman Robert Huniwell, from nearby Dexter, told Washtenaw
County sheriff's officers one of the objects hovered about
10 feet above his patrol car.
He said it resembled an airplane, had a waffle-like exterior
and lights in the centre and on its edges. He told officers
the lights diffused toward the centre of the craft when
it accelerated.
Washtenaw Sheriff Douglas Harvey sent seven patrol cars
to the area, about 12 miles northwest of here. He said several
of his deputies reported sighting the objects from two different
Harvey said the deputies reported the objects flew up and
down and did zooming banks, emitting blue, light green and
red lights.
Deputy John Foster, who reported a similar sighting last
week, said he spent six years in the U.S. Strategic Air
Command and "never saw anything move so fast."
He estimated the objects flew at 10,000 feet.
Among the residents who reported spotting the objects was
an unidentified man who said the craft landed in his field
briefly and then took off. Neighbors searched the area where
the object was said to have landed but found nothing.
Radar operators at nearby Willow Run Airport said there
were no unexplained radar contacts during the night.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, STAR, 22 March 1966, Page 1
Object Spotted
HILLDALE (UPI) - A county civil defence director and 87
college coeds said today they watched an eerie, hovering
flying object settle in a swampy hollow near a school dormitory
Monday night.
William Van Horn, 41, Hillsdale County civil defence director
for 10 years, said he watched the unidentified object through
binoculars for three hours.
It was the second straight night a large number of witnesses
reported seeing weird unidentified flying objects in southern
Michigan. Sunday night, a dozen policemen and at least 40
other persons watched a similar object, guarded by four
similar objects, land in a swamp about 45 miles northeast
of here near Ann Arbor.
The Air Force announced it was calling in Dr. J. Allen Hynek,
chairman of the Dearborn Observatory at Northwestern University,
Evanston, Ill., and scientific consultant to the Air Force's
UFO study program, to investigate the rash of sightings.
Hynek will work from Selfridge Air Force Base near Mount
Clemens, the Air Force said.
Van Horn said he joined the 87 Hillsdale College co-eds
and their housemother to watch the object. He said it emitted
wavering orange, red and white lights and appeared to hover
just above the swamp some 1,000 to 1,500 yards from the
It was still there when he left about 1:30 a.m. today, he
was definitely some kind of vehicle," Van Horn said.
He said it changed from orange to red, perhaps with a rotating
light of some kind, and had a white light at one end.
all appearances, it did not seem to be sitting on the ground
as it moved back and forth across the ground," he said.
Van Horn said he could not establish the object's shape.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, STAR, 24 March 1966, Page 2
Machines Seen Near Here
By United Press International
Reports of unidentified flying objects continued to be called
in today to police in various parts of Michigan from Hillsdale
in the south-central portion of the state to Alpena.
Genesee County Sheriff's deputies were called early today
to investigate a report of such an object near Burton Township
east of Flint. They went to the swampy area where the sighting
was reported but failed to find anything.
Hilldale County Sheriff's deputies also were out searching
for reported UFOs Wednesday night but they too, found no
trace of any such objects.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Peck said Wednesday they saw what appeared
to be an unidentified flying object near their home north
of Alpena, Tuesday night.
They said the object, which appeared to be a bright light,
darted around in various directions with bursts of speed.
Other persons in Holland, Mich., said they saw what appeared
to be UFOs Wednesday night.
Frank Mannor, one of the first persons to spot the UFOs
told police Wednesday vandals have damaged his car and thrown
bottles at his home near Dexter.
Other reports of vandals and pranksters came in from Hillsdale
County where authorities said someone had set up flares
Wednesday night, apparently in the hope someone would mistake
them for the brightly-lit UFOs.
There was speculation today the sightings, which have set
people to thinking about the possibility of visitors from
outer space, might actually be a natural phenomenon called
ignis fatuus, commonly known as will-o'-the-wisp.
Ignis fatuus is a light that sometimes appears in the night
over marshy ground and is often attributable to the combustion
of gas from decomposed organic matter.
Most of the sightings of UFOs reported in Michigan have
been in marshy or swampy areas.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, STAR, 25 March 1966, Page 1
Spot More UFOs
By United Press International
Air Force scientists who spend their time investigating
reports of unidentified flying objects had their work cut
out for them today.
Scores of persons, police and civilians, reported seeing
the mysterious objects Thursday night in widely scattered
sections of the country.
A Bangor, Maine, man told authorities he fired his pistol
at a glowing object - and hit it.
could hear the elderberry bushes scraping as the thing came
toward me," said John King, 22. He said he fired four
times and the object, he said it was about 60 feet long,
zoomed skyward.
Police said King was visibly distraught when he related
the incident to them.
The reports began a week ago in the Midwest, and from there
have come the most numerous reports of sightings - more
than 200 persons say they saw mysterious objects since Sunday.
Four squad cars of deputies watched one for 45 minutes Thursday
night in the Ann Arbor, Mich. area.
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a Northwestern University astrophysicist
who is chief investigator for the Air Force's project Blue
Book, is investigating the Michigan sighting reports. He
said he expected to complete his investigation today, but
would give no information how soon his report would be ready.
The mysterious night-flyers were spotted Thursday near Trinidad,
Colo., not far from the buried $88 million North American
Air Defense Command post. Louis di Palo, a local postman,
said he watched three of the objects through binoculars.
As is usual in cases of unidentified flying object sightings,
the Air Force said it saw nothing on its sophisticated radar.
Lake, Ontario, NORTHERN DAILY NEWS, 26 March 1966, page 1
UFO Viewers Stick To Guns
DETROIT (AP) - A scientist's opinion that some of Michigan's
unidentified flying objects probably were swamp gases may
have convinced the U.S. Air Force but not the people who
saw them.
Dexter Police Chief Robert Taylor said: "I have no
idea what it was, but I don't think it was swamp gas."
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a Northwestern University astrophysicist
and scientific consultant for the air force, told a press
conference Friday that sightings made on two specific days
probably stemmed from swamp gases.
He said his study was confined to sightings made near Dexter
March 20 by a family and by police officers, and at Hillsdale
by 87 college co-eds and the county civil defence director.
Dexter, a small community, is about 50 miles southwest of
Detroit. Hillsdale is about 100 miles west.
Hynek said both the sightings he investigated were in swampy
areas - "most unlikely place for a visit from outer
space" - and said the UFOs probably resulted from spring
thaws releasing trapped gases resulting from decomposing
organic materials.
He added that in the Hillsdale case, the sighting might
have been assisted by youths playing "pranks with flares."
were no flares involved in this, said William Van Horn,
Hillsdale County civil defence director. He and the Hillsdale
college co-eds reported watching a white and red object
- about 20 feet across - for nearly three hours.
think I will disprove him (Hynek) in a few weeks,"
Van Horn said. "I also didn't care for the methods
of investigation."
At Dexter, Mrs. Frank Mannor said: "I saw it (the UFO)
with my own eyes. And my son and husband wouldn't lie. They
saw it too. I think there's something going on the people
don't know about. I'm scared. I want to pack up and move."
Said her husband: "There's nothing wrong with my eyes
and my son (Robert, 19) has 20-20 vision. We both can't
be wrong."
In Windsor, Ont., a radio station reported Friday night
it received seven reports from listeners who said they had
seen an object moving in an easterly direction over the
Provincial police said a cruiser was sent to the shore of
Lake St. Clair but officers reported no sightings.
BRAZIL, Ind. (AP) - Ronnie Thurston, 14, brought to the
Brazil Times office Friday a camera he had won in a newsboy's
contest and asked to have the film removed and developed.
He might, he told editor James L. Coudret, have a picture
of an unidentified blue-white object that he said hovered
over Brazil for 20 minutes Thursday night.
Coudret developed the film himself, more than doubling the
usual time because of the 9:30 p.m. EST exposure, and found
it showed an object like an upside-down, handless cup.
Two other members of the boy's family said they also saw
the object, which appeared to be about 100 feet above the
ground and two blocks away. It vanished abruptly without
Ronnie said he made only one shot because he was uncertain
about how to advance the film.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, STAR, 28 March 1966, Page 1
More Flying Objects Spotted
DETROIT (AP) - Michigan's weird, blinking lights apparently
have extended their appearances into Ohio and Wisconsin.
The reports of sightings, limited for nearly two weeks to
southern Michigan, came from some 100 miles north in Michigan's
"thumb" district, across Lake Michigan at Green
Bay, Wis., and south near Toledo and Dayton, Ohio.
As before, there was no full explanation.
So far, the only authoritative analysis has been the swamp
gas theory advanced Friday by a Northwestern University
astrophysicist concerning two sightings in southern Michigan.
The scientist, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who also is a U.S. Air
Force special consultant, has received arguments from those
who reported seeing the mysterious flying objects.
Ohio Highway Patrolman R. D. Landversicht said Sunday he
saw a strange light approaching Wright Patterson Air Force
Base near Dayton. He was reported to have photographed the
lights and the air force was to develop the films today.
Wright-Patterson is the home of the U.S. national unidentified
aerial phenomena office, called Project Blue Book.
Maj. Hector Quintanilla, Blue Book project officer, said:
"It's not unusual after incidents such as those in
Michigan last week to get a lot of 'sighting' reports. It's
a normal aftermath pattern."
In the Toledo area Sunday night, a member of the Sylvania
Fire Department furnished a local radio station with a detailed
account of his observations.
Equipped with binoculars, the observer described four objects
he said changed color from red to green to white - "they
kind of look like a star when you first see them, but they
blink on and off."
Hynek said at his Evanston, Ill., home Sunday that his conclusion
that two Michigan sightings probably were swamp gas applied
only to the sightings reported in the Hillsdale and Dexter
The lights over Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio were described
as "glowing green," "red and white,"
"bright, reddish-orange," and travelling at a
high rate of speed.
In Washington, Representative Gerald R. Ford (Rep. Mich.)
called for a U.S. congressional investigation of the situation,
stating many Michigan residents feel the incidents are "sufficient
to justify some action by our government."
out these witnesses from the air force and the National
Aeronautics and Space Agency, have them interrogated by
members of the House or Senate committee, let them put their
records on the line. Let the people who have allegedly seen
these objects come and testify."
Lake, Ontario, NORTHERN DAILY NEWS, 29 March 1966, page 1
More Mysterious Lights
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) - New reports of strange lights in
the skies over the United States and Canada added today
to the mystery of unidentified flying objects.
In Washington, the National Investigations Committee of
Aerial Phenomena called on the U.S. government to release
all information it has on unidentified flying objects.
Maj. Donald Keyhoe, retired from the U.S. Marine Corps,
told a press conference:
is substantial evidence we are being observed by some sort
of device which is far more advanced than anything we have
and is controlled by a superior civilization."
Keyhoe urged the air force to "end the secrecy on sightings
and stop ridiculing the competent witnesses" who have
seen them.
Some 30 persons - including an off-duty deputy - phoned
the Washtenaw County sheriff's office Monday night to report
seeing objects overhead in the Ann Arbor area with flashing
red, white and green lights.
At about the same time, police agencies in Bad Axe, some
150 miles north, were swamped with calls from residents
who said they saw similar flying objects. Other reports
came in from the Flint, Mich., area.
The latest in a series of unidentified flying objects over
western Ontario was sighted Monday night.
Several people in Sarnia described it as a shimmering white
object travelling north at high speed. It was reported to
have altered course two or three times in the seven minutes
it was visible.
A spokesman at Selfridge Air Force Base in Michigan said
the object was tracked briefly on radar.
More than 100 persons reported seeing flying objects Sunday
night over Toronto, Barrie, Hamilton, Sarnia, Kitchener
and Windsor areas.
Most of some 30 reported sightings in the Ann Arbor area
described the objects as flying less than 500 feet overhead.
Previous reports last week placed them at 1,000 feet or
Jack Bingham Jr., a 14-year-old high school student, said
he first spotted the objects through a telescopic rifle
sight when they were about 10 miles away.
Bingham, whose story was backed by his mother, said the
objects moved with fantastic speed, zigzagged and moved
up and down.
Near Flint, Police Chief Ford Wallace of Linden told of
spotting blue, white and red lights several thousand feet
overhead which he said hovered for a time and then rapidly
moved away to the north.
On the West Coast, in the San Gabriel Valley near Los Angeles,
more than 200 persons called police to report the sighting
of baton-shaped, flame red lights that revolved clockwise
as they silently ascended into the night sky.
About 150 students on the Cal-Tech campus at Pasadena said
they witnessed the sight.
Strange flying objects also were reported Monday night in
the Las Vegas, Nev., area. A commercial pilot, Ralph Salvory,
said he observed four white objects at high altitude, flying
in an easterly direction.
A man from Milwaukee, Wis., Clarence LeDuc, said he sighted
a yellow object shaped like a boomerang that flashed over
downtown Las Vegas and vanished in less than a minute.
Lake, Ontario, NORTHERN DAILY NEWS, 12 April 1966, page 3
Study Light In Sky
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Police are studying a motorist's claim
that a mysterious "magnetic" column of light in
the sky may have led a driver to his death.
Ronald Sullivan, 38, a steel constructor, claimed he was
driving one night when his headlights suddenly swerved right,
as though drawn by a magnet.
braked as hard as I could and glanced over to the right,"
he said.
in the middle of the field was a column of colored light
about 25 feet high and shaped like an ice cream cone."
The column rose from the ground without a sound but at tremendous
speed and the car's headlights returned to normal, focusing
back on the road, he said.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, STAR, 14 April 1966, Page 22
Hit By Sighting In Michigan
KALAMAZOO (UPI) - An unidentified flying object visited
a college campus again, this time at Western Michigan University
here early Wednesday.
Several students and a policeman watched the object in the
sky for more than 20 minutes after 1 a.m. and described
it as star-like. They said it moved in angles around two
stationary stars.
Matt Kurz, a freshman from Chicago, watched the object through
binoculars and said it looked like an elongated football
with an orange tip, like on a cigarette. Other viewers described
the colors as red, green and white.
They said it kept moving around the two stars and then suddenly
shot straight up and disappeared.
A bizarre UFO sighting was also reported at Iron River in
Northern Michigan near the Wisconsin border.
A farm couple who refused to be identified told a local
radio station (WIKB) they saw a "huge, orange, oval-shaped
UFO" squatted on a country road as they drove home
from churches services last week.
They said the object blocked the road but shot to the tops
of nearby trees when their car approached. They said they
went back later to check and the object was still hovering
over the tree tops. They said they did not report the sighting
until this week because they were afraid of publicity.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, STAR, 18 April 1966, Page 22
UFO Seeks Motel In Michigan
BENTON HARBOR (UPI) - Three rubbish collectors, several
policemen and a newsman all had a good look at an unidentified
flying object here Sunday.
The UFO, with one light so bright "you couldn't look
straight at it" was spotted near the downtown section
by the three rubbish collectors who observed it moving across
the Benton Harbor High School area, then hovering briefly
over a motel along the St. Joseph River.
Joseph Franklin, head of the crew, said it was about 15
stories in the air, had a steel-like shell and looked "something
like a hot dog shape." He said it had a brilliant light
at one end, so bright he couldn't look directly at it.
Franklin and his crew went to a police station and reported
the object. Police viewed the object, which by that time
had risen higher, and patrolman David Hanner notified the
Air Defense Command at Fort Custer, near Battle Creek.
Dennis Charles, news director of radio station WSJM in Benton
Harbor, also saw the object.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, STAR, 12 January 1967, Page 7
Air Force Checking Michigan's Newest UFO
MOUNT CLEMENS (UPI) - Air Force officials today were checking
some "pretty interesting pictures" of an unidentified
flying object taken by two suburban Harrison Township teenagers.
The boys, Dan Jaroslaw, 17 and his brother Grant, 15, took
the pictures Monday with a Polaroid camera from their backyard.
Maj. Raymond Nyls, base operations officer at Selfridge
Air Force Base, about one mile from where the boys photographed
the circular object, said the pictures "look pretty
authentic . . . about the best I've seen."
Nyls was unable to persuade the boys to give him the original
photographs, however. He said he would gather information
on weather conditions at the time and make a report to the
Air Force's Foreign Technology Division at Wright-Patterson
Air Base in Ohio.
Maj. Hector Quintanilla of the Foreign Technology Division
said with the original photographs, he would be able to
determine the size and shape of the object "within
a few inches." This would be difficult, he said, with
The brothers were photographing snow scenes when they looked
up to see the grey object which they described as having
no markings.
Grant said the object circled the area for about 10 minutes
at about 50 feet high. He said the object made no noise,
was faster than an airplane and seemed about the size of
a helicopter.
There was a helicopter in the area which appeared on the
boys' photographs between pictures of the UFO. This is borne
out by the numbers on the backs of the photographs. The
boys state, however, that they photographed the helicopter
after the unidentified flying object had left.
According to Nyls, this discrepancy can be attributed to
the boys' excitement. "The type of person and the type
of camera used would lead me to believe this is not a hoax,"
he said.
Nyls said he also interviewed the pilot of the helicopter,
who reported seeing nothing unusual.
The brothers took four photographs which showed a dome-shaped
object with a small antenna in the rear.
seen a lot of strange aircraft from the base in the 14 years
we've lived here," the older boy said. "But never
anything like this."
DETROIT (UPI) - More unidentified flying objects, these
photographed in color by a suburban Madison Heights man,
were reported Wednesday.
Mark Osterman, 31, a dealer-sales representative for a service
station co., said he saw two shiny egg-shaped objects while
taking photographs of a service station on Detroit's west
side Jan. 3.
According to Osterman, the objects hovered for about two
minutes then took off at "unbelievable speed."
Osterman said the objects had shiny surfaces. "They
were in perfect formation," he said. "I've never
seen anything move so fast. I don't think anything built
in this country could go as fast as these objects went."
Osterman, a flight engineer and gunner for the Air Force
during the Korean War, said he could not estimate the altitude
of the objects. They were out of sight before he could get
a second picture, he said.
The first report of a UFO sighting was made Tuesday by two
teen-aged brothers, Grant and Dan Jaroslaw in suburban Mount
Clemens. A spokesman for the Air Force's Foreign Technology
Division at Wright-Patterson Air Base in Ohio, said the
division is requesting more information on the boys' sighting.
Osterman said he saw the UFOs at about 2:20 p.m., about
the same time of day Grant and Dan sighted and photographed
a saucer-shaped object hovering over Lake St. Clair near
their home.
VANCOUVER (CP) - Five members of a Canadian Pacific Airlines
DC-8 crew never believed before, but they believe in flying
saucers now.
The crew reported Tuesday they saw one on a recent flight
from Lima, Peru, to Mexico City, and couldn't explain it
tried to discredit the thing from beginning to end, but
it couldn't be anything we could think of," said Capt.
Robert Millbank of suburban Burnaby.
He said he saw two beams of light during the Dec. 29 flight.
Second officer John Dennis Dahl of White Rock, B.C., navigator
Mike Mole of Mexico City, purser Joseph Lugs of Vancouver
and pilot trainee Wolfgang Poepperl of Richmond gathered
to watch the object.
was getting bigger all the time, and at one point shot out
a trail of sparks like a rocket," Capt. Millbank said.
it seemed to be getting closer and we could see a string
of lights between two white lights."
then levelled off at our left wing-tip and, in the full
moon, we could see a shape between the two lights which
appeared thicker in the middle."
He said the object remained a couple of minutes then disappeared
behind the big passenger plane. He said he filed a report
in Mexico City after the flight.
The passengers did not see the object. The crew did not
wake them.
Said Mr. Dahl:
never believed in flying saucers before. But I've got to
believe in them now."
Ste. Marie, Ontario, STAR, 27 June 1967, Page 26
Teams Examining Brazil Area
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) - Visitors from outer
space took a good look at South America during the weekend,
judging by the local newspapers.
Flying saucer watchers in Argentina, southern Brazil and
Paraguay reported entire squadrons of mysterious objects
zoomed through the skies.
Argentinian watchers reported a squadron of unidentified
flying objects sighted in six provinces Saturday night.
Flying at speeds up to 3,700 miles an hour, they were sighted
by residents, pilots and airport control towers.
In Paraguay, at about the same time, six objects flying
noiselessly in formation were sighted over the capital,
Asuncion, for about 10 minutes. The airport said communications
were completely disrupted while the UFOs were overhead.
Ontario, STAR, 19 July 1967, page 8
Sighting in France
PARIS (Reuters) - Mysterious fireballs sped through the
skies of Western Europe early today, spurring reports of
"flying saucer" sightings from England to Italy.
Airline pilots, coast guard stations and nightworkers reported
unidentified flying objects moving across the night sky
in groups and singly, glowing orange and red.
A spokesman for the Greenwich Observatory in England said
"the most likely explanation is that it was a satellite
re-entering the atmosphere."
The coast guard station at Deal in England reported a fireball,
with pieces breaking off, moving west to east toward France.
was travelling too fast for an aircraft and too slow for
a meteorite," a coast guard spokesman said.
The crew of a French ferry off Dieppe reported spotting
several UFOs, including a group of five that glowed orange.
Airline pilots landing at Paris and early-morning strollers
across France spotted the objects.
From Switzerland came reports of shining objects leaving
orange and yellow trails behind them.
From Italy's northern Alpine valleys, objects like "flaming
footballs" were visible moving toward Switzerland,
their red light reflected in the snow of mountain peaks.
A train crew at Bologna saw a reddish object explode into
three or four parts, sending out a brilliant fireworks cascade.
Bay, Ontario, NUGGET, 28 November 1967, Page 3
IVANGRAD (AP) - Yugoslavs reporting they had seen several
unidentified flying objects have provoked panic in some
villages around Ivangrad in the last week. Villagers think
the flying objects have caused six forest fires, but officials
say the cause of the fires has not been established.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, STAR, 30 July 1968, Page 4
UFO's Will Travel Far
BUENOS AIRES (UPI) - If there really are flying saucers,
they don't restrict themselves to the Northern Hemisphere.
From Mexico to the freezing Antarctic, "objectos volantes
no identicados" (OVNI) - unidentified flying objects
- have been reported, along with eyewitness accounts of
strange beings.
Reports of flying saucers and saucer-related events have
touched off investigations of all kinds in Bolivia, Peru,
Venezuela, Mexico, Chile and Argentina - where a mass saucer
epidemic has been under way since June.
So many sightings have been reported that Argentine Admiral
Benigno Varela recently said the navy would undertake a
"statistical study of serious sightings." The
navy has not been immune from the strange visions. Varela
said that detachments manning Argentine, English and Chilean
Antarctic bases have seen "five lights in the sky moving
in the same direction."
In Niterol, Brazil, across the bay from Rio de Janeiro,
an official police report this month attributed the mysterious
deaths of two television repairmen to "persons or beings
from the unknown."
One of the two repairmen, Miguel Viana, was reported to
have shot down a flying saucer two years ago. The repairmen
died three months later. A dozen witnesses said they saw
a saucer 90 feet above the ground shortly before the repairmen's
In Argentina, the mysterious intruders at least are friendly.
always very amiable," said Catolicio Fernandez, a farmer
who resides in Mar del Plata.
He claimed that his home was visited briefly last month
by two strange-looking, thin fellows in tight-fitting green
suits that had a weird glow.
one of them raised his arm, I became dizzy," Fernandez
said, describing the strangers. "But when they lowered
their arms, I felt all right again."
The Bolivian army, troubled enough by encounters with guerrillas,
once had to take time out to check out a peasant's story
that an intruding space ship and a "strange creature
resembling a man" had blinded his sheep while grazing
in a high Andean pasture. Soldiers soon found that hunting
guerrillas was a lot easier than smoking out extraterrestrial
Ontario, STAR, 9 December 1970, page 2
by Saucer
MEEKATHARRA, Australia (Reuters) - Mineworkers at this desert
town in the heart of Australia's mineral prospecting areas
said Tuesday that a flying saucer has been watching them
at work. They said an orange-and-white object hovered and
hissed for two hours Monday in the sky east of the town,
500 miles northeast of Perth.
Bay, Ontario, NUGGET, 14 September 1972, Page 6
'shimmering spot' in sky over Australia
SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) - More than 300 hopeful flying
saucer spotters - many of them in pyjamas and dressing gowns
- turned out at dawn today to watch a mysterious shimmering
spot in the sky.
The spot appears precisely at 7:10 each morning. It has
turned the small town of Taree, about 200 miles northwest
of Sydney, into one of Australia's top tourist attractions.
Eyewitness reports describe the object as red on the bottom
and white on the top. In the absence of any official explanation,
it is being called an unidentified flying object. Observers
with binoculars say it has a distinct cigar shape.
The spot reappeared on schedule today as a tiny shimmering
dot. Bank accountant David Slade who stood with his wife
and children among the crowd of sky watchers said: "I
think it's a spacecraft."
The UFO has been appearing and hovering over Taree every
morning for the last three weeks.
An air force spokesman has ruled out the possibility that
it is a weather balloon or an earth satellite.
Dr. Harvey Wood, a government astronomer, said he can't
explain the mystery.
the object keeps appearing and no explanation for it is
forthcoming, I will investigate it fully," he said.
Ontario, STAR, 4 July 1973, page 3
LOURENCO MARQUES, Mozambique (AP) - There was a rash of
reports of unidentified flying object sightings in this
Indian Ocean port, mostly from the night club district.
Ontario, STAR, 21 April 1979, page 8
see UFO
COPENHAGEN (AP) - Thousands of persons in northern Europe
saw a large, shining object race across the sky early Thursday
and specialists are trying to determine whether the phenomenon
was a meteorite or a satellite burning up in the atmosphere.
Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 13 March 1980, Page 17
it possible?
UFO visits Ottawa, U.P.
Could it be. No it's not possible - or is it?
Two reported sightings of UFOs, one by a newscaster at CJOH-TV
in Ottawa and the other by Gladwin, Mich., police officers,
were described in exactly the same way.
Newsman Max Keeping interrupted his Wednesday evening newscast
to watch and describe to his listeners an oval object "with
flashing green, blue, red and white lights.
He added that it hovered within sight for several hours
sometimes falling, sometimes rising and occasionally moving
across the horizon before moving off to an unknown destination.
Meanwhile, after receiving calls, about 1 a.m. today from
the Gladwin police officers, Delta County sheriff's deputies
David Huckstep and Max Streichert joined the two, David
Martin and Mark Hager, and the four "observed it travelling
north at an extremely fast speed making sharp turns ascending
and descending."
That object was also described as oval with "red, green
and blue oscillating lights and an extremely bright white
Keeping, who said until last night he "never paid any
attention" to flying saucer stories, was convinced
the brightly sparkling object he and several others saw
in the sky could not be explained away.
Skeptical air traffic controllers at Ottawa International
Airport said the mysterious object may have been a weather
balloon or a communication satellite - anything but a flying
In Escanaba, Mich., two police officers there also saw the
light and while one thought it was a UFO, the other thought
it might be a Michigan department of natural resources (DNR)
our helicopter has been in the hanger for over 30 days,"
said a DNR spokesman.
Checks with K. I. Sawyer Air Force Base, the U.S. Coast
Guard air station at Traverse City, and air force radar
facilities at Empire, Mich., as well as the aircraft tracking
station in Minneapolis, Minn., failed to turn up strange
blips on radar screens or indications of helicopters in
the Gladstone area.
A Federal Aviation Administrator spokesman at Grand Rapids
suggested it might have been a private helicopter not in
contact with the control tower.
Gladwin is in Michigan's Upper Peninsula near Escanaba.
Ontario, STAR, 14 April 1980, page 3
MANCHESTER (AP) - A strange light was seen throughout the
north of England early Thursday, police said. In Manchester,
40 people told police they saw the flash in the night sky.
Air traffic controllers at Manchester Airport said the sky
lit up brilliantly for a few seconds. An airport spokesman
said the most likely explanation was an unusually large
piece of space debris entering the atmosphere, causing the
sky to flare up.
Ontario, STAR, 12 January 1984, page 2
over Russia
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A mysterious bright object flew at great
speed across the Ukraine and southern Russia last month
and Soviet scientists are divided about what it was, the
Moscow newspaper Trud said today.
It said more than 40 witnesses filed reports on the object,
a bright sphere followed by seven smaller lights, which
crossed the night sky Dec. 2.
Most said they saw it changing altitude and direction and
some claimed they saw a "construction like a space
ship, flying less than a kilometre above the ground,"
Trud said.
The daily cited different experts as saying it may have
been a meteorite, ball lightning, or parts of a satellite
burning up in the atmosphere.
Grigory Pisarenko, head of the Ukrainian Commission for
Cosmic Research, said the object was flying too slowly and
too near the ground to have been a meteorite. Its speed
has been calculated at about 6,000 kilometres an hour.
Ontario, STAR, 22 January 1991, page A2
sees high-speed UFO
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary's Defence Ministry has investigated
the sighting of a high-speed Unidentified Flying Object
over a military airport, newspapers reported Monday.
Officers at the Kecskemet base south of Budapest said the
object flew silently above the runway last Friday at a height
of about 180 metres trailing a 70-metre exhaust flame.
Defence Ministry spokesman Gyorgy Keleti told the official
MTI news agency that the object was undetected by radar.
do not believe in UFOs but I have no reason to doubt what
my fellow officers say," he added after visiting the
Lieut. Gabor Toth said he saw the object, about 23 metres
long, from the base's control tower and was certain that
it was not an aircraft.
It was sighted two minutes later at Bekescsaba, 110 kilometres
west of Kecskemet, which would mean it was travelling at
3,380 kilometres an hour.
clippings courtesy of The Sault Star, The Timmins Daily
Press, The Kirkland Lake Northern Daily News, The North
Bay Nugget and The Sudbury Star. Photos copyright of holders.
No infringement intended. For educational purposes only.