M. Deschamps - Director
Physical Traces
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and UFOs
and Saucers
and UFOs
Who in
and Debunkers
of Terminology and Abbreviations
Majestic-12 Document
are some of the most interesting MJ-12 documents to have
come to light. To learn more about these documents and
the research behind them, please go to:
Dated Prior to 1948
on documents to enlarge
is the memo that links the UFO crashes with the Los Angeles
Air Raid of 1942, since it occurred only three days earlier.
It alludes to "atomic secrets learned from study
of celestial devices" and authorizes "Dr.
Bush to proceed with the project without further delay."
The reference to "this new wonder" is,
to our knowledge, a unique phrase for the time. The writing
of Source S-2 shows at the bottom of the page. Authenticity,
for a retyped memo like this, is nearly hopeless to prove
in court. Format details might be of some help if they
are consistent with the style of the time.
March 5, 1942, George
C. Marshall writes a top-secret memo to the
President, which states: "regarding the air raid
over Los Angeles, it was learned by Army G2 that Rear Admiral
Anderson 'recovered an unidentified airplane off the coast
of California' with no bearing on conventional explanation...
This Headquarters has come to the determination that the
mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according
to secret intelligence sources, they are in all probability
of interplanetary origin." Marshall goes on to
state: "As a consequence, I have issued orders to
Army G2 that a special intelligence unit be created to further
investigate the phenomenon and report any significant connection
between recent incidents and those collected by the director
the office of Coordinator of Information." The
memo bears correct Office of Chief of Staff (OCS) file numbers
and has "Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit" (IPU)
typed on it at a later time by a different typewriter. It
is logical to believe that this is the order that sets up
the IPU.

C. Marshall to Franklin D. Roosevelt, 5 March
February 22, 1944, Franklin D. Roosevelt writes a DOUBLE
TOP SECRET memo on White House stationary for "The
special committee on non-terrestrial science and technology."
Both the title and the content clearly allude to extraterrestrial
life, the former using the word "non-terrestrial"
and the latter talks about "coming to grips with the
reality that our planet is not the only one harboring intelligent
life in the universe." Remarkably, the last four words
are exactly the title of Sagan's book co-authored with the
Soviet scientist Shklovsky. Clearly the situation was that
we had recovered at least one craft by then, probably the
Cape Girardeau crash of 1941, and came to realize the wealth
of technology that lay there for the pickings. Apparently
the "Special Committee on Non-terrestrial Science and
Technology" had been working some time in order to
define a clear action. Dr. Bush had presumably presented
a proposal from the Committee for an aggressive separate
program to apply "non-terrestrial know-how" to
the war effort, but FDR thought that it would threaten the
atomic bomb program. Thus, he carefully avoids saying "no,"
but says that we will "take every advantage of such
wonders that have come to us" after we have won
the war. Very gracious letter. The classification "double
top secret" was a legitimate one. We are currently
(May 2000) requesting copies of similar correspondence from
the Roosevelt Library for format and typography comparison.
The signature, although not a strong discriminant, is consistent
with other authentic signatures.
D. Roosevelt Memo on Non-Terrestrial Science and Technology,
22 February 1944
six-page document titled, "Relationships with Inhabitants
of Celestial Bodies", is the first document to use
the phrase Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, or EBEs.
It says the presence of unidentified spacecraft is accepted
as de facto by the military - and this is dated June 1947.
It deals with the subjects that you would expect competent
scientists to deal with - i.e., where do they come from,
what does the law say about it, what should we do in the
event of colonization and/or integration of peoples, and
why are they here? The document suggests that in the event
that EBE's desire to settle here on earth there will be
"profound change in traditional concepts" of law
and the possible need for a new "Law Among Planetary
Peoples." There is also propositions concerning the
necessary creation of a "Cosmic International law"
that would protect the rights of all celestial states to
lay claim on otherwise unclaimed solar territories. Finally,
the document addresses the presence of celestial astroplanes
in our atmosphere as a result of actions of military experiments
with fission and fusion devices of warfare. The authors
of this document encourage consideration of our potential
future situation and safety due to our present and past
actions in space. How can we avoid a perilous fate?
Draft, June 1947
this one-page unclassified memo dated 30 June 1947, Eisenhower
orders Col. K. W. Ireland to take good care of Archbishop
Francis J. Spellman on his tour through New Mexico. What
seems unusual is President Truman's personal involvement
in this matter. The memo states: "By personal direction
of the President of the United States, Archbishop Francis
J. Spellman in his capacity as Military Vicar of the Armed
Forces of the Army, Army Air Forces and the Navy, is making
a tour of military bases in New Mexico, afterwards is making
a trip over the routes of the Air Transport Command."
It is strange that this is a classified trip, as evidenced
by the following statement: "General Webster has
assured me that the Archbishop will have complete security
at all times and that his presence at any air field will
not be disclosed as his flight schedule is considered classified
by order of AC/AS General Vandenberg."

Eisenhower Memo to Col. K. W. Ireland, 30
June 1947
one-page order directs the officer in charge (OIC) to take
a counter intelligence team to the UFO crash site and report
to the G2 (intelligence) at Condron Field, New Mexico, which,
of course, is Roswell. OIC is to take along a non-commissioned
OIC, an aeronautical engineer, a scientist, a security officer
and a medical doctor, and to provide a report by the 28th
of July.

Phenomenon Unit Field Order, 4 July 1947
July 5, 1947, possibly as a result of the New Mexico events,
Vannevar Bush writes a memo to Truman recapping the status
of the earlier investigations. As an apparent follow up
by FDR to Bush, FDR wrote another letter (which we don't
have) in April 1944 requesting recommendations on four specific
points. This letter is Bush's answer. It is presumed that
the Top Secret/Eyes Only Operation Majestic-12 classification
was added at a later date. The letter also shows an "OK"
and a Harry Truman signature. This letter is stamped with
the known authentic "original" stamp, and was
probably produced by a typewriter because of the uniformity
of letter spacing. We expect to show, of course, that this
format was commonly used by OSRD typewriters of the era.
Bush restates the FDR questions for Truman's benefit, mentions
the assistance of distinguished committees, alludes to the
"many meetings since the events of this summer,"
transmits the full reports as appendices, and proposes a
"single mechanism for implementing the recommendations
of the several committees." Could this be one hugely
classified program called "Majestic Twelve" at
the end of the summer? The date of the letter, 5 July, was,
of course, coincident with the recoveries going on in New
Mexico at that very time. Harry Truman's "OK"
may have been prophetic.
Bush Letter to President Truman, 5 July 1947
the 8th of July, Eisenhower got around to signing the authorization
for General Nathan Twining, the head of the Air Materiel
Command, to go to White Sands to "...make an appraisal
of the reported unidentified objects being kept there."
With a team of experts, technicians, scientists and assistants,
Twining was directed to not only appraise the unidentified
object, but also to deal with the military, political, and
psychological situation surrounding its existence in New

to General Twining by Eisenhower, 8 July
the 9th of July, Harry Truman signed a virtually identical
letter authorizing Twining to re-visit White Sands to make
another appraisal of the object being kept. It was desired
that he "proceed with detachment from any opinions
or feelings expressed by personnel involved which do not
conform to sound reasoning with regard to possible outcome."
Someone apparently thought it was so important that the
Commander-in-Chief put his name on the spot without "passing
the buck." Alternatively, Ike himself may have requested
a "back-up" memo.

to General Twining by President Truman, 9
July 1947
three-page bureaucratic report provides the first glimpses
of Lt. General Nathan F. Twinning's Air Accident Report
originally published in Leonard Stringfield's (now deceased)
Status Report VII, in 1994. Twining apparently describes
in first order detail the inside of a "flying disc",
everything from the typewriter-like keys that control the
propulsion system to a thirty-five foot doughnut shaped
one-inch tube inside the craft filled with a clear substance
and a coil of copper-like material. Twining, engineers from
Engineering Division T-3, scientific personnel from the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and other educated experts report
that the object was not manufactured by the US, Germany,
or Russia for a variety of reasons including; lack of any
known design resemblance, lack of external propulsion system
and power plant, and the lack of Identifying markings and/or
numbers. The experts theorized about how the craft is powered,
how it moves, and how and where it is controlled from, but
there is no real knowledge beyond the theories. The inability
for the experts to prove the object to be made in any of
the advanced technological societies on earth is intriguing
and thought provoking. The significance and consistency
of the technical content has not been evaluated, although
it is clear that the writing is consistent with 1947 state
of the art, not modern.
Accident Report by Twining to Headquarters,
16 July 1947
two-page memo from Lt. General Nathan Twining to Curtis
LeMay activates a new laboratory to conduct meteorological
research and development and upper air research with the
Electronics Subdivision of the Engineering Division of the
AMC. It states in part, "In view of the close relationship
and interdependence of research in meteorology and research
in electromagnetic compressional wave propagation, action
is being taken to reorganize the present Applied Propagation
Laboratory of Watson laboratories in the Atmospheric Laboratory,
and expand its functions to include research and development
in meteorology and related geophysical fields."
Later, the memo goes on to state that "funds requested
for F.Y. 1949 Project 680-11, Atmospheric Research and applied
scientific research of the upper atmosphere, a total sum
of $6,000,000 has been specified." What a huge
sum of money in 1949 to study the "upper atmosphere;"
a more logical interpretation is that we are analyzing flying
saucers, their technology, why they are here, and what are
we going to do about it.
list of metallurgical lab personnel as of July 17, 1947,
that may have been unwittingly involved in analyzing and
reverse engineering crashed wreckage.

Lab Personnel
seven-page document by the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit
begins by saying "...the extraordinary recovery
of fallen airborne objects in the State of New Mexico between
4 July and 6 July 1947." That's the subject, and
it goes on to state what the coordinates are, and other
fascinating details of the recovery operations and discoveries.
The most interesting being the discovery and basic detailed
appearance of several bodies that were taken to the hospital
at Roswell AAF and other near by hospitals (listed, but
not disclosed for security reasons). The conclusion arrived
at by the team of experts was unclear because of the limitations
of contemporary science and appropriate budgets for future
investigation, but leans to the possibility of a very well
orchestrated Hoax by US societal outsiders or that "our
country has played host to beings from another planet."
Intelligence Corps/Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Report,
22 July 1947
one-page memo discusses the control of Restricted Data,
which was used for both atomic activities and alien activities
stemming from the New Mexico events. Cantwheel, the alleged
source of much of these new documents, typed on the bottom
of the document: "SAC wanted to keep certain AAF
personnel from accessing the out-going messages from Roswell
AAF to SAC headquarters that would identify AAF personnel
responsible for the transport of classified material to
Wright Field, and the personnel who were responsible for
disposition of the wreckage and bodies found near Socorro
and Corona, New Mexico."

Marcrau Memo to Commanding General Army Air Forces,
12 August 1947
two-page Top Secret MAJIC Eyes Only report to General
C. P. Cabell and commanding General of the
Air Materiel Command from the Research and Development Laboratory
is dated 2 September 1947. It provides a credible glimpse
into the problems that faced the first analytical team to
examine real crashed extraterrestrial hardware. Here are
some quotes: "some nation has reached a stage of
flight development in which the present ideas are entirely
obsolete" and "the absence of riveting
and surface over-lapping indicates a 'simplistic' concept
that confronts our technology to match the 'careful and
well-considered compromises in respect to weight, aerodynamic
refinement and design.'" A general description
of the flying saucer craft is presented, including a host
of historically accurate AISI metallurgical tests. The research
team did have success in identifying some control surfaces
and exhaust ports and concluded the spherical reactor (hydrogen
isotope type) was connected to propulsion motors.
Saucer Analytical Report, 2 September 1947
title of this document is "Memorandum for the Military
Assessment of the Joint Intelligence Committee."
And for those of you paying special attention, you'll notice
that the acronym is MAJIC, which in fact turned out to be
the code word selected. The four paragraphs say we need
a classified intelligence project; we recovered one craft,
captured one. It says no coordinated scientific examination
is possible until we get a clear directive from the president.
It also says Wright Field has a new biological laboratory;
the Joint Research and Development Board and the FBI, MI5,
MI6 are helping.

Memo to Joint Intelligence Committee, 19
September 1947
one, without express permission from the President, may
disseminate the information contained in this report or
communicate it to any unauthorized person not possessing
is a 19-page document, dated 19 September 1947 and signed
by an appropriate cadre of military leaders on 24 September
1947. Several accounts of individual pilots were reported
in 1947 with varying details that make each encounter a
unique piece in a puzzle of phenomenon. In this particular
year, sightings were reported "not only in the United
States, but also in Sweden, Germany, Holland, Paraguay,
Scandinavia, Greece, and by ships at sea." Studied
by classified teams of experts, many interesting and provocative
details were recorded in this report of unidentifiable crash
remains. The document is broken down into various sections
that address concerns specifically: Preliminary Intelligence
Estimate, Technical Evaluation, Scientific Probabilities,
Political Considerations, and National Security Structure.
In the preliminary estimate, experts of the AMC and ONR
speculate that "the unidentified lenticular-shaped
aerodyne lacking conventional wing, fuselage, nacelle, control,
and fuel systems" is not only foreign to United
States technology, but is also unlikely to be of Russian
origin, or for that matter, unlikely to have been designed
to operate within the earth's atmosphere. Several bodies
were discovered along with the material of the crash, their
existence and death just as mysterious as the cause of the
crash itself. More interesting than these basic facts is
the evidence that suggests "a symbionic relationship
between operator and the functions of the aerodyne's operation."
This particular leaked governmental document has a plethora
of factual information linked to the retrieval and appraisal
of the evidence collected from the recovered exhibits that
SAG, and MIT, are deemed extraterrestrial in nature."
The White Hot report not only covers the factual evidence
of the retrieval, but also sheds light on a number of conceptual
concerns surrounding politics, National Security, nuclear
weaponry, and the reasons behind keeping knowledge of this
nature out of the public's grasp indefinitely. It concludes,
for the well being of the public, of course, and the protection
of national security, that "the US must be perceived
as being the top of the heap, and every effort must be made
to insure that there is, and never has been, a threat to
the country."

"White Hot" Report: Mission Assessment of Recovered
Lenticular Aerodyne Objects, 19 September
Gen. Malcolm C. Grow writes a two-page memo for General
Twining describing the preliminary results of the post-mortem
examination of the Air
Accident Report filed 17 July 1947 (see above).
Note the wide-ranging distribution list from people like
Dr. Detlev Bronk and Dr. Randolph Lovelace to the AAF Scientific
Advisory Group and Intelligence Departments. This perfunctory
preliminary report is clear in its references to a UFO:
"Collision in full flight with object other than
conventional aircraft," "Artifacts collected
and assembled indicate that the unidentified aircraft,"
"The functions of the instruments found in the cockpit
area are unknown at present; so there is no way to determine
if the craft was manned or remotely controlled."
Grow to Lt. Gen. Twining - Aero Medical Laboratory,
20 September 1947
bureaucratic memo with excellent checkable references discusses
an Analysis of Factors Contributing to "Pilot-Error"
Experiences in Operating Experimental Aircraft Controls
written by Lt. Col. Tucker. Tucker and his correct period
phone extension, memo format, and writing style have been
verified in the National Archives. Tucker was part of the
Aero Medical Laboratory, Psychological Branch. It discusses
two incidents on 25 March and 4 July 1947 about S-Aircraft
(PF) and interactions with symbolic instrumentation with
tactile manipulation of flight controls.

Col. Tucker Memo to Office of Air Surgeon,
22 September 1947
writes a memo to the President concerning the "Presentation
of Report to the President Re; ULAT" dated September
24, 1947 that expresses concern about the timing of the
internal release of this report. "It would be better
to discuss the report during the meeting (National Security
Council). This would give the members a better picture of
the situation rather than having it released piecemeal."
Marshall goes on to say, "I further suggest that
Twining present the findings of the Majestic-12 briefing
to be given be the Director of Central Intelligence with
a detailed showing of visual as well as written materials."
File references, format, and signatures suggest authenticity.

of State Marshall, Memo to The President,
24 September 1947
five days later, President Truman, in that busy week of
the 24th of September, 1947, decided that he would sign
this document, which says, "Hereafter this matter
shall be referred to only as Operation Majestic Twelve."
Unfortunately, researcher Stanton Friedman found another
memo, with a nearly identical signature in this same week
signed by Truman to Dr. Bush. How can that be? See the Authentication
section for a possible answer.

Truman to Secretary of Defense James Forrestal,
24 September 1947
one-page unclassified memo dated 25 September 1947 is directed
to General Spaatz. It voices concern about the quality of
the briefing given that day and wants the presentation package
improved for the National Security Council (NSC) meeting
the following day. Cantwheel's comments typed in capital
letters at the bottom sum up the sentiment, "The
Secretary of Defense was unhappy with briefing of the AMC
and R&D briefing officers and Symington wanted Bush
and Twining to meet with Truman before NSC meeting on the
26th so that a more concise and explainable report of the
discovery would be made."

to General Spaatz, 25 September 1947 (with
Cantwheel comments; retyped copy)
memo was signed top secret, MAJIC eyes only. It says "cryptographic
(misspelled in original) security does not apply,"
thereby revealing that this subject would normally be encrypted,
but to expedite it they did not. The memo says that no indication
of its contents is to be divulged to the public, referring
to Twinning's White Hot report discussed earlier. So this
is Marshall telling Humelsine, the secretary to President
Truman, to make sure that Truman realizes that he's not
going to let anything out to the public, and even suggests
a "cover story." The similarity of the handwriting
to that in other documents poses an authentication challenge.

of State Marshall to President Truman, 25
September 1947
Nathan Twining writes to the President on 26 September 1947
and respectfully submits his report on Flying Saucers. This
is "In accordance with your instructions, advisors
from State, Treasury, War, and Navy departments assisted
me in a two month exploratory mission concerning the reality
of other-world visitation." The memo is impressive
for its authentic looking pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff
and Combined Chiefs of Staff filing references along with
clear older sized paper markings.

Report to The President, Parts I-V, 26 September
27 September 1947, George C. Marshall writes to his Executive
secretary Carl Humelsine about the tragic consequences if
the present rumors about New Mexico events are disclosed
to the public. Humelsine is resistant to sign an agreement
to remain quiet concerning these events because he has already
heard about them through other sources. The memo states
in part, "(a) you are unwilling to commit yourself
to any agreement regarding not communicating its contents
to any other person in view of the fact that you felt you
already knew certain of the things probably referred to
in the memo, as suggested to you by seeing the security
reference 'MAJIC' and b) you could not feel that such a
letter as this could have been addressed to you without
the knowledge of the President." This ozalid (early
carbon duplication) printing process memo is authentic for
the era and would be difficult to fake.

of State George C. Marshall to Carl Humelsine,
27 September 1947
presidential briefing document is an intelligence estimate
dated September 30, 1947 titled "Unidentified Aircraft
Sighting Over the United States." Prepared by the Special
Studies and Evaluation State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee
and the Office of National Estimates Central Intelligence
Agency. It references both a TS Control No. 7300405, NSA authority
and a NSCID (National Security Council Intelligence Directive)
6 Authority, NIA Directive.
six page Top Secret Eyes Only covers essential elements
of information, however, no discussion of wreckage, alien
bodies etc., after all the briefing is about unidentified
aircraft sightings. Main headings are: estimates of Soviet
capabilities, domestic capabilities, estimate of the situation,
estimates of interplanetary capabilities, and conclusions.
The estimate of the situation and interplanetary capabilities
make for very interesting reading.
document is retyped and Source S-2 has handwritten at the
bottom this is the best version available. It is allegedly
annotated by Harry Truman "I want the Director of NSA
to have this for future reference. October 24, 1952"
Aircraft Sightings Over the United States,"
Top Secret Eyes Only Intelligence Estimate, 30 September
memo from Vandenberg to the Army Chief of Staff does not
clearly relate to UFOs. However, it is clear that the decision
process at White Sands and Alamogordo was in turmoil and
that clarification was needed. Possibly as a result of the
UFO wreckage being stored there and different access requests
and priorities. The addition of a senior Army Ordnance Officer
being permanently assigned to work with the joint committee
for range coordination was the resolution to improve local
decision making. What could be so important that would involve
top generals to clarify decision making? The leaked version
(page 1), is nearly identical to a document we found at
the National Archives, RG 341, Entry 174, Box 141 (page
2), showing the same language in Paragraph 1 but an additional
clarifying paragraph has been added which states: "This
agreement concerns only decisions on joint range problems
and does not extend into command and administration matters
at Alamogordo Air Base." It is possible that either
Vandenberg or the Army Chief of Staff upon seeing or reviewing
the first memo might say "we need to clarify this
so that no one misconstrues our intent and screws up the
basic functions of Alamogordo Air Base."
Vandenberg to Chief of Staff, 17 December
Dated 1948-1959
11 February 1948, Hillenkoetter (DCI) writes a Top Secret
Majic Eyes Only memorandum to the President Truman about
the Majic Black Book summaries. It states, "For
some time, the last two months in particular, I have had
our intelligence liaison organization concentrating on the
possible presentation on 'Majic' for my use as well as for
the other officials concerned, particularly yourself. A
highly specialized organization is now engaged in the very
necessary process of separating the wheat from the chaff
and correlating the items with past information in order
that I may be able to quickly and intelligently evaluate
the importance of the product." This memo
with 092447 classified executive order (EO) stamp and other
marginalia looks to be authentic, and our forensic linguistics
resources hopefully will confirm Hillenkoetter authorship.

to Truman: Majic Black Book Summaries, 11
February 1948
cover page defines the members of panel of experts responsible
for preparing the report on Majestic. They had a very impressive
panel - Bush, McDonald, Vandenberg - all these people you
would have expected. The odd one is Major Luther D. Miller,
Chief of Chaplains. Additionally, notice the Collection
Directive number A-1762.1-J1. This file number also appears
on other declassified documents that are related to UFOs.
The absence of a date and the reference to CIA SI 28-55
suggests the possibility of evidence of deliberate altering
for some purpose, such as psychological warfare.

Twelve Project, 1st Annual Report, Cover Page,
released by the CIA, but most likely released by National
Archives Records Administration (NARA) due to the "approved
for release" stamp and valid lower right hand corner
control number. The challenge is finding the memo at NARA
to prove the document is either real or fake. It mentions
CIA Top Secret MJ-12 as a File Distribution. The memo subject
is Project 63, which is a known program to import PAPERCLIP
(German) scientists into the U.S. via New York city.

JOIA Memo, 12 April 1949
Top Secret Intelligence Report that is suggestive of a pre-flight
(PF) aircraft of "Unidentified" U.S. design. Prepared
for signature for both Watson and McCoy, it correctly follows
the format of other intelligence reports.

Shot Memo, October 1949
three-page memo CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence titled
"Analysis of the Corona and Oscura Peak, New Mexico
Wreckage of Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyne Technology"
covers flight dynamics, power plant and propulsion, construction,
avionics and navigation. Conclusions are startling for 1950:
"construction methods are unknown at this time",
"analysis of the fusion reactor...", and
"travels through space by utilizing the ionizing
plasma and the planets magnetic lines of force..."
Office of Scientific Intelligence, 30 October
the first time, we see the use of "Not For Public Inspection,"
"Restricted," and "For Official Use Only"
on a formerly Top Secret Majic document. The table of contents
appears to be the standard content covered during the 1st-5th
annual reports because it perfectly aligns with the remaining

Twelve Project, Purpose and Table of Contents,
Summer 1952?
draft is not dated, but from dates mentioned in the document
(latest is May 1951) we believe that it was written in the
summer of 1952, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of
the July '47 crashes. It contains the nature of the investigation,
the panel's contribution to the TOP SECRET MAJESTIC DOCUMENTS,
a review of the Military Assessment, and various problems
in relation to technology, Nuclear Weapons development,
Biological Warfare Programs, Genetic and Pharmaceutical
Development Programs, New Material Development, Planned
Future Rocket Development, Nuclear Propulsion Development,
Intelligence Gathering and Analysis, Foreign Policy and
National Security, Domestic and Constitutional Issues, social,
religious, and Scientific Reaction, Cold War development,
and Government Policy of Control and Denial. Lots of sensational
information is contained in the seventeen pages of single-spaced,
specific, checkable details. It will take several man-years
to validate every phrase and claim. The initial checks we
have performed provide no clear indication of fakery at
all. See the authentication
sections for a discussion of subtle issues
Twelve Project, Annual Report, Summer 1952
eight-page memo by President Truman to the Secretary of
State and Defense is about "Communications Intelligence
Activities." In short, it establishes the NSA (National
Security Administration). What is interesting is that
the same Top Secret Control Number of 7300405 is used
on another questioned document of the same era, the Truman
Presidential Briefing, discussing unidentified aircraft
sightings over the United States. Dated October 24, 1952.
document appears to be part of one of the annual reports
of MAJESTIC although the numbering does not correspond to
the annual report which can be downloaded in its entire
draft form. Particularly noteworthy is the handwritten references
to "put in Angelton's 'Yellow' files - J1" and
"Project White Hot." The text contains some fascinating
details such as "The untimely death of Secretary
Forrestal was deemed necessary and regrettable."
From a historical view, the document says that because of
Twining's report (White Hot), President Truman was compelled
to sign the National Security Act of 1947.

C Fragment
"TOP SECRET". After identifying the 12 Majestic
members, it states that the Kenneth Arnold sighting had
caused near hysteria; noted that there was a secret recovery
operation starting on 07 July, 1947; four dead bodies; wreckage
moved to several locations. It showed Harry Truman's top-secret
memo as Appendix A on page 008 setting up the program. Stan
Friedman is a notable expert on this document. Some statements
agree and some do not agree with statements in other documents.
This does not necessarily imply fakery, because of heavy
compartmentalization of the facts. "Implications
for the National Security are of continuing importance in
that the motives and ultimate intentions of these visitors
remain completely unknown."
Briefing Document, 18 November 1952
two-page Secret memorandum from President Dwight D. Eisenhower
to the Director of Central Intelligence is dated 4 November
1953. The document deals with Eisenhower's comments on an
"MJTWELVE Operations Plan of June 16, 1953 on the
subject of instructions for the expenditures of the National
UFO Intelligence Program, and more specifically, the Special
Operations instructions to be issued to Unified and Specific
Major Commands and Commanders." Eisenhower (a)
expresses concern about inflaming the UFO situation with
the Soviets; (b) reiterates that both the CIA and the NSA
had leading roles to play in the UFO program; and (c) confirms
that both Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein (described
as the director of Project JEHOVAH) were involved in research
relating to UFO physics.
Eisenhower to the Director of Central Intelligence,
4 November 1953 - original followed by replica
one-page document with "1955" handwritten on it
is a fragment of a larger document. Two-thirds of the contents
refer to the "Nature of Survey" which begins with:
"An analysis has been made of the first one-hundred
publications in the AFSA Unidentified Flying Object Intelligence
Reports, prepared by the U.S. Army Security Service, the
U.S. Naval Security Group, and the U.S. Air Force Security
Service. Additional reports were reviewed which originated
from respective branches intelligence departments. These
reports were produced in order to establish what material
of UFO intelligence is of value in relation to the New Mexico
incidents and the ongoing MAJESTIC PROGRAM."

of Survey" Fragment, 1955
Dated 1960-1969
terse memo to the DCI asks for an update on the psychological
warfare plans related to MJ-12. The Kennedy signature looks
genuine, but he often used an autopen so that is not an
important authentication point. There seems to be no reason
to doubt that this is a valid memo. If valid, it clearly
indicates that there was an MJ-12 continuing as of 1962,
the CIA knew about it, and it was involved in psychological

F. Kennedy to Director, CIA, June 1961
one-page top-secret operations review concerning the MJ-12
project is written by Allen W. Dulles. Dated 5 November
1961 and referencing Presidential National Security Memorandum
of June 28, 1961, the document describes the situation as:
"the overall effectiveness about the actual Soviet
response and alert status is not documented to the point
where U.S. intelligence can provide a true picture of how
Soviet air defenses perceive unidentified flying objects."
It goes on to state: "80% of the sighting reports
investigated by the Air Force's project Blue Book were explainable
and posed no immediate threat to national security. The
remaining cases have been classified for security reasons
and are under review. While the possibility remains true
U.F.O. cases are of non-terrestrial origin, U.S. Intelligence
is of the opinion that they do not constitute a physical
threat to national defense. For reasons of security, I cannot
divulge pertinent data on some of the more sensitive aspects
of MJ-12 activities, which have been deemed properly classified
under the 1954 Atomic Energy Act."

Review: The MJ-12 Project, by Allen W. Dulles,
5 November 1961
memo, written in early 1962 and allegedly signed by President
Kennedy, was received from Source S-1 on 21 July 2000; it
clarifies the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence
(DCI) regarding the collection of UFO intelligence. It states
in part: "as the Government's principal intelligence
officer, you will assure the proper coordination, correlation,
and evaluation of intelligence from all sources and its
prompt dissemination to me and to other recipients as appropriate."
It is clear that the DCI is responsible for coordinating
with all U.S. agencies engaged in foreign intelligence activities,
and this would include UFOs and their related government
investigation organizations. Hence, the DCI would have been
intimately involved with Majestic and its related projects.
of Director of Central Intelligence Clarified
authenticity of this document has been studied by several
others including Milo Speriglio and Tim Cooper. In this
rare version that includes the signature of James J. Angleton
(CIA counter intelligence chief) it references 54-12/MJ-12.
In light of the large FOIA FBI file on Monroe, a suspicious
death, known associations with the JFK and discussion of
secret diaries that Monroe kept and yet disappeared, this
document could be absolutely authentic.

Monroe Document, 3 August 1962
letter from former CIA Director Hillenkoetter to Donald
Menzel is marked "CIA Copy" in original ink and
handwritten "Top Secret" across the document.
Of note is the comment from Hillenkoetter about his experience
in the NICAP organization, which he was once chairman of,
"_I resigned from NICAP about 20 months ago feeling
that it had degenerated from an organization honestly trying
to find out something about unknowns, into a bickering body
about personalities." It is worth noting that Hillenkoetter
was congratulating Menzel on the completion of the new book
and states "I would say that you have effectively put
to rest all surmises about flying saucers being from 'outer
space.' You have done a thorough and praiseworthy job."
Both are participants to MJ-12, with Hillenkoetter congratulating
Menzel on what a great job he did with the disinformation,
psychological warfare, and obfuscation of the UFO reality.

Director R. Hillenkoetter to Donald Menzel,
19 September 1963
memo, when read and re-read, gives the impression that JFK
was urging a downgrading of the genuine extraterrestrials
(read Unknowns) so that NASA could be better informed to
handle their "defensive responsibilities." Even
in this top-secret memo, it is fairly unclear what all the
subtleties were. However, the handwriting at the bottom,
"Angleton has MJ directive" is confirmation that
as late as three days before his assassination, there was
an MJ program on the books. Whether this is strongly, weakly,
or not at all related to his death is impossible to say
from the data here.

F. Kennedy to CIA, November 1963
is apparently a modern retyped NSA intercept of JFK's "hot
line" talking to the Premiere about the UFO problem
and its collective national security importance to each
country. Statements made about NASA dovetail with other
known authentic National Security Action Memorandums (NSAMs)
and other earlier leaked documents about partnering with
the Soviets on joint space exploration. This document is
virtually impossible to verify even if the nomenclature
is proper for the era.
Intercept, 12 November 1963 - TOP SECRET
the burned memo was a one-page cover letter to Tim Cooper
regarding the history of these eight new directives concerning
the MJ-12 program. Startling revelations in the Source S-1
letter include: "…sensitive files
that would connect MJ-12 to JFK's murder. This document
did not exist officially and has never been disclosed within
the agency... We in CI have monitored civilian UFO research
for a long time and have played a major role in keeping
the UFO community busy... Nixon's special classified executive
order (SCEO) ordered all MJ-12 documentation purged and
destroyed. This one was not. This carbon copy is the only
link to MJ-12 and don't expect any more in the future. Everything
is now on computers and there is no existing paper trail
to my knowledge..." The redactions were done by the
Majestic Documents team to protect the identity of the author.

S-1 to Cooper: "Burned Memo" Cover Letter
nine-page "burned" memo, stamped TOP SECRET/MJ-12,
is named because it was snatched from a fire before being
destroyed, which is why it is discolored and disintegrating.
Unlike many of the Majestic documents, this one is an original
carbon with an Eagle watermark characteristic of government
work, but so far forensic laboratories have been unable to
trace it. The memo is from the Director of Central Intelligence
(MJ-1) to MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-7, in reference to Project MAJESTIC
and JEHOVAH, Project EVIRO, Project PARASITE, and Project
PARHELION. Although no dated is given, its content directly
suggests the month of September. The year is estimated to
be in the early 1960s and is still under investigation.
purpose is to have the team review a new set of directives
and recommend changes that can be agreed on. Of note is
the statement "As you must know LANCER [code word for
JFK] has made some inquiries regarding our activities which
we cannot allow." The eight tabs of directives are
fascinating: (A) President's EYES ONLY, (B) "NEED-TO-KNOW",
(C) DoD 5200.1, (D) Project BLUE BOOK, (E) Freedom of Information,
(F) PSYOP, (G) BW (biological weapons) and (H) Project ENVIRONMENT.
Particularly chilling is the Biological Weapons directive,
which states: "Designated MJ projects should be held
in readiness to perform SPIKE and HOUSE CLEANING operations
in major population centers in the event conventional methods
are not satisfactory. Specialists from MK-ULTRA and ARTICHOKE
are hereby activated to conduct DOMESTIC." Logically,
this paragraph refers to UFO retrieval operations. The authenticity
of these directives seems beyond question: original onionskin
papers, proper forensically verified red ink of the time
period, and rare "CI" (counter intelligence) stamps.
Memo, pages 1-9, 1963
MJ-12 directive to kill JFK
most dramatic directive, likely drafted by Dulles (MJ-1),
Director of CIA under JFK and apparently approved by six
other MJ-12 members was a cryptic assassination directive.
In full, this states:
- Directive Regarding Project Environment - When conditions
become non-conducive for growth in our environment and Washington
cannot be influenced any further, the weather is lacking
any precipitation
it should be wet.
term it should be wet is a coded command to
kill someone.
15-page (five pages downloadable) Top Secret Majic report
on Isotope Thermal Thrusters and Applications by John S.
Martinez is clearly over stamped at a later time with security
warnings and a period style vertical number scheme of 28710.
The contents are normal physics, yet use nuclear power in
thermonic reactions to generate significant power for a
variety of applications for spacecraft and nuclear rockets.
Well referenced with much of the information more publicly
understood now in this eclectic field of nuclear propulsion.
This area has a rich history of close linkage to UFOs, since
it was widely understood even in 1947 that UFOs don't run
on kerosene, they must be nuclear. Nuclear Energy for the
Propulsion of Aircraft (NEPA) and Advanced Nuclear Power
(ANP) were huge military efforts to test the feasibility
of nuclear propulsion in airplanes, although the modern
day success of these programs is unknown the earlier programs
were canceled and not considered successful.
Thermal Thrusters and Applications - ASTIA 28710
12-page document is a chronological summary of National
Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP) cases
allegedly pulled from the Project Blue Book files. We have
determined there is identical handwriting found on the IPU
Intelligence Assessment and the first page of the NICAP
Cases. See image below, which states: "N.M. Cases were
pulled from Project Sign files and classified (TS)1) Corona,
NM 2) Socorro, NM. 3) WSPG, NM"
of National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomenon
(NICAP) Cases, 12 pages
Dated 1970 to Present
to be written by the Office of Scientific Intelligence in
1976, this seven page photocopied onionskin document is
titled UFO Sovereignty Over Air Space: A Defense Intelligence
Problem. The document is signed by LCR, the initials of
an astronomer attached to the CIA's Office of Scientific
Intelligence in the 1970's. LCR talks about the way in which
UFOs have violated U.S. airspace on numerous occasions;
the way in which Top Secret UFO data has been withheld from
elected leaders by the CIA; the recovery of a crashed UFO
in New Mexico in 1947 by the Armed Forces Special Weapons
Project; the fear of a nuclear confrontation with the Soviets
being prompted by UFO radar tracks; President John F. Kennedy's
involvement in the UFO controversy; UFOs and the Cuban missile
crisis of 1962; and LCR's initiative to begin reintroducing
presidential briefings on the UFO subject. The discussion
of organizational slowdowns, denied information and management
dilemmas are typical of bureaucracies, irrespective of topic.
Such references in the discussion are consistent with a
pragmatic working document, not for sensationalism or public
Sovereignty Over Air Space: A Defense Intelligence Problem,
~1976 (replica followed by original)
paper is an Executive Briefing for the Director of Central
Intelligence titled: Unidentified Flying Object Implication
for Nation Security and Human Survival. LCR reveals that
between 1946 and 1955 he was tasked with preparing information
on UFOs and the U.S. Intelligence community that was published
in a 1956 book written by him, published by the CIA and
titled Central Intelligence, UFOs, and National Security.
It reveals the surprising fact that many secret documents
concerning UFO encounters at Los Alamos and the White Sands
Missile Range in the period 1944-1949 were destroyed and
also reveals how this caused problems in trying to evaluate
the true picture from a historical perspective. The paper
also touches upon the CIA's role in espionage and UFO investigations,
and LCR's examination of the CIA's historical UFO studies.
Flying Object Implication for Nation Security and Human
Survival, December 1976 (replica followed
by original)
this five-page double-spaced memo written for President
Reagan's approval, Dr. Edward Teller clearly shows his familiarity
with the UFO subject and its threat to National Security.
It opens with a gripping sentence, "I wish to bring
to your attention a very real and dangerous situation that
threatens not only us, the world, but our very existence
as a race." It goes on to state, "No longer can
the United States be in the position which it found itself
in 1947. This was realized in January 1950 when President
Truman made a decision to go ahead with a defense program
exceeding in scope and cost of the Manhattan Project."
What could this have been? The only logical conclusion is
that it was a massive effort to exploit the celestial gifts
as FDR recommended in his 24 February 1944 Double Top Secret
Memo to the Special Committee on Non-Terrestrial Science
and Technology.
Teller's Pitch to President Reagan for SDI,
fascinating paper, titled UFO Technology and the Imbalance
of Power, is attributed to Edward Teller and is a five-page
photocopy of onionskin paper. It goes into great detail
about the nature of official secrecy and the benefits and
the hazards of secrecy both in the Cold War and in the present
day. Teller proposes that official secrecy surrounding UFOs
should be lessened for three prime reasons: (a) to stimulate
research in the field of military applications of UFO technology;
(b) to promote cooperation between the USA and its allies
around the world on the UFO issue; and (c) to inform the
U.S. public of "the true state of UFO reality."
Teller also proposes that the majority of classified UFO
documents should be declassified. In addition, Teller discusses
the use of UFO technology integrated into the U.S. military's
remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) program and maintaining an
adequate defense against "UFO nuclear weapons."
Technology and the Imbalance of Power by Edward Teller,
~1980s (replica followed by original)
is believed that this is a retyped Air Force Office of Special
Investigations (AFOSI) document that Bill Moore received.
Although the focus of the controversy is around the Aquarius
project, Paul Bennewitz, and the film that is discussed
in the document, the comment about MJ - TWELVE is secondary
and off hand to the whole teletype. There is an excellent
8 page write up from International UFO Reporter (IUR) about
the authenticity of this document which can be downloaded
from the Authentication

Teletype, 17 November 1990
January 30, 1996, Thomas Cantwheel wrote a two-page memo,
which included a drawing of an unidentified aerodyne found
July 5, 1947 south of Socorro, New Mexico by military and
civilian members of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project
(AFSWP). The memo begins: "The 'loaned' aircraft was
acquired in 1945 from the Air Technical Services Command
(ATSC, now AEDS, Air Force Systems Command). The 'S' aircraft
was designed from an aerodyne recovered in 1941 that crashed
in southeastern Missouri and the one captured in 1942 in
Louisiana. Reconstruction commenced in 1945 with the assistance
of German scientists at Wright Field. Propulsion programs
tried to duplicate the atomic power plant found in the aerodyne
captured in Louisiana and integrated the magnetic drive
system developed by Tesla. Efforts to conceal the true nature
of flight operations were successful in that the AF devised
a cover intelligence project called Blue Book. In 1958,
Project UFO and Moon Dust were activated when the USA Interplanetary
Phenomenon Unit operations ceased and CIC responsibility
for UFO security was transferred to USAFOSI."
Drawing and Memo by Thomas Cantwheel, 30
January 1996
this is the most recent document to cite the words TOP SECRET
MAJESTIC. With hand written references to "Weird Desk
and A51" this document provides a glimpse into the
modern world of asset code names, and instant assignations
for unauthorized disclosure. The document is rich with key
phrases such as Project 'KOHTPOA,' MOD and KGB officials,
Dreamland, Area 54 & 17, leaks by Teller, Sagan, China
problems, and contacting '33' investors. Many of the details
are checkable.

S-1 writes a memo entitled Unidentified Flying Objects, the
CIA, and Congress. It opens with an interesting story of an
interview with President Truman by the FBI and states: "he
was asked the embarrassing question, did you authorize Operation
Majestic 12? To which he replied "I never gave any thought
about it after leaving office." He added, "it was
not my intention when I set up the CIA would be injected into
strange activities of that sort." He was upset when the
subject was brought up and it was sensed that Mr. Truman was
being coy and evasive."
paper goes on to discuss congressional surveillance concerning
the UFO issue, which came to a head in the Senate in early
1956. "The specific point at issue was whether Congress
was to establish a standing Joint Committee on the CIA,
similar to the joint Committee on Atomic Energy, to provide
a fuller and continuing look at the United States UFO intelligence
programs. The CIA's UFO intelligence budget is concealed
within the budgets of various government departments, mainly
that of the Defense Department. The average member of Congress
has no more knowledge than the average citizen of annual
expenditures or of the size and scope CIA UFO operations..."
since CIA was established, the director has been authorized,
and in fact, directed to make complete disclosure of CIA
UFO activities to special committees in both the Senate
and House. The CIA is, at times, completely responsive to
their questions, no matter how sensitive. For example, during
the first 12 weeks as DCI, Admiral William F. Raborn was
called to 17 meetings with these congressional committees.
The legislative log for the year 1965 shows that the DCI
or his senior (sic) aides met a total of 34 times with four
special subcommittees." Additionally, there are
three tabs attached to the paper that discuss arguments
in favor of a joint UFO committee and arguments against
Flying Objects, The CIA, and Congress, Essay
by Source S-1
seven-page IMPORTANT letter starts "Please read everything
I am about to tell you as the truth. I am not a prankster
or a wacko. My reason for typing this letter is to give
you the facts as I know them. I am what is called in the
spy jargon a 'walk in.'" The memo is rich in detail,
mentioning a whole slew of code words, TRINE, UMBRA, SACRED,
The memo is hard to summarize because of its varied content,
but it discusses the CIA role, UFO/EBE working groups, and
historical events like the JFK assassination.

Memo from Source S-1, 7 July 1999
of Information Act Documents
the thousands of pages of official documentation that have
surfaced on the subject of UFOs under the terms of the U.S.
Governments Freedom of Information Act, references to
the Roswell and New Mexico UFO crashes of 1947 are few and
far between. But they do exist. One such example is an FBI
Teletype of 8 July 1947.
10 July 1947, Brigadier General George F. Schulgen (Chief
of the Requirements Intelligence Branch of Army Air Corps
Intelligence) met with Special Agent S. W. Reynolds of the
FBI with a view to determining if the Army Air Force could
solicit the assistance of the Bureau on a regular basis
in its investigation of the UFO mystery.
FBI memoranda shows that the Bureau had been monitoring
the UFO subject on an ad hoc basis in the wake of the Kenneth
Arnold sighting of 1947. It was this meeting between Schulgen
and Reynolds that cemented the way for a short-lived liaison
between the FBI and the military in the investigation of
UFO reports.
forty-eight hours before this now-historic meeting took
place, however, the FBI was briefly implicated in what is
certainly the most-talked about UFO incident in history
8 July 1947, the FBI office at Dallas forwarded a 1-page
teletype message to FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, concerning
the events at Roswell. It is evident, however, that the
FBI was in possession of only half the story. That "half"
having been supplied sometime previously by Major Edwin
M. Kirton (name deleted on the FBI record originally released
in 1976) of Army Air Force Intelligence at Fort Worth, Texas.
to the documentation released by the FBI, on the day in
question Kirton contacted the FBI at Dallas and informed
them that, yes, something "purporting to be a flying
disc" had indeed been recovered at Roswell. The disc,
said Kirton, was hexagonal in shape and was suspended from
a 20-foot diameter balloon by a cable. Kirton further advised
the FBI that the object resembled a high-altitude weather
balloon with a radar reflector. A telephone conversation
between Kirtons office and Wright Field had not borne
out this belief, however. Kirton informed the FBI that the
material was being transported to Wright Field for examination
and that he was passing the information on to the FBI because
of "national interest" in the case and
the fact that the Press was "attempting to break
[the] story of [the] location of [the] disc today."
concluded his conversation by assuring the Bureau that the
results of the study of the Roswell material would be forwarded
to the FBI Field Office at Cincinnati. Interestingly and
perhaps not surprisingly, no further documentation on this
aspect of the Roswell affair has surfaced. If either FBI
Headquarters or the Cincinnati Office were informed of the
results of the examination of the Roswell debris, those
papers have failed to surface via the FOIA. It is also of
interest to note that, according to the INTERPLANETARY PHENOMENON
UNIT SUMMARY of 9 July 1947: "
FBI interest
was curtailed and access to stored craft at Los Alamos was
denied upon request of Deputy COS Lt. General Collins."
accords well with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoovers hand-written
notes that appear at the foot of a 10 July 1947 FBI document
pertaining to UFOs, in which Hoover writes: "
must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance
in the La [Los Alamos?] case the Army grabbed it and would
not let us have it for cursory examination."
the relative lack of official FBI documentation in the public
domain on the Roswell events, there are indications of deeper
FBI knowledge on this matter:
On 5 December 1950, the FBI was informed by Army Intelligence
at Richmond, that the military had "been put on
immediate high alert for any data whatsoever concerning
flying saucers." This was one day before, according
to the MJ-12-Eisenhower Briefing Document, a UFO crashed
at El Indio-Guerroro area of the Texas-Mexican border.
30 November 1988, an arranged meeting took place between
representatives of the FBI and the Air Force Office of Special
Investigations in Washington, D.C., to discuss the MJ-12
papers that were in the public domain at that time. The
Air Force informed the Bureau that the papers were bogus.
This is borne out by the fact that any requests to the FBI
for information pertaining to MJ-12 will result in copies
of the MJ-12 papers being dispatched to the requester with
the word BOGUS written across them in heavy ink. The AFOSI
has stated in response to FOIA requests that nothing was
committed to paper on their part with respect to this meeting
and they concede further that they undertook no investigation
into the authenticity or otherwise of the MJ-12 papers,
which begs an important question. How was the Air Force
able to inform the FBI with confidence that the MJ-12 papers
were bogus if they had conducted no investigation
into their contents?
of the premier investigators of the Roswell crash
Stanton Friedman and William Moore (who co-wrote the book,
The Roswell Incident, with Charles Berlitz) have been the
subject of FBI investigations. In the case of Moore, by
1993 the FBI file on him was running at 61 pages, of which
Moore was able to gain access to only six.
all of the above information shows, the Roswell Incident
and the FBI have at various times between intimately connected.
How much more information pertaining to Roswell, MJ-12 and
the many and varied investigators that have researched the
case and that remains unseen outside of official circles
is unknown at this time.

Teletype, 8 July 1947
the most important document ever released in Canada is the
Top Secret memo of November 21, 1951 from Wilbert B. Smith,
senior radio engineer with the Canadian Department of Transportation.
Smith was a highly respected employee, with a Masters degree
in Electrical Engineering and several patents to his credit.
The memo was sent to the Controller of Telecommunications
and recommended that a research project be set up. "We
believe that we are on the track of something which may well
prove to be the introduction of a new technology,"
Smith wrote.
existence of a different technology is borne out by the
investigations which are being carried on at the present
time in relation to flying saucers." Smith goes
on to state that:
a. The matter is the most highly classified subject in the
United States government, rating higher than the H-bomb,
b. Flying saucers exist,
c. Their modus operandi is unknown but a concentrated effort
is being made by a small group headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush,
d. The entire matter is considered by the United States
authorities to be of tremendous significance.
is an unarguable link between Vannevar Bush and UFO reverse-engineering
which the Majestic documents describe.
B. Smith Memo, 21 November 1950 (original
and replica)

Smith's original draft
30-page FOIA release of a formerly Top Secret "Project
Silver Bug," developed at Wright-Patterson AFB, was made
to Tim Cooper in October '97. All the "release information"
is printed on the cover page for the reader to see. This "saucer"
designed aircraft uses "gas turbine engines," a
conventional power source. The report is a preliminary design
document that includes sectional drawings, performance characteristics,
weight breakdowns, control systems, and problem areas.
1955 report does, however, fit into another story relating
to U.S. Air Force interest in testing saucer designs. According
to a now retired AF Lt. Col., in 1954, while a 2nd Lt.,
he and a few other 2nd Lt.'s came across a table full of
"wind tunnel test model saucers" while in a wind
tunnel test building of Area "C," Wright-Patterson
AFB. It is illogical to assume that USAF, as well as foreign
militaries, do not have modern versions of this type of
have argued that reported UFOs are U.S. government or even
Nazi experimental craft. However, those arguments can't
account for the extreme maneuverability and accelerations
seen in UFO reports. The right angle turns, the over-the-horizon
disappearances in seconds; no conventional power source
could provide the performance characteristics described.
Silver Bug, 15 February 1955
These files are very similar to Canada's Project
1794, dated 2 April-30 May 1956
Kennedy signed this declassified memo dated 12 November
1963. It is a National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM)
No. 271 directed to the administrator of National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA), James Webb. The subject
matter is surprising, namely "Cooperation with U.S.S.R.
on Outer Space Matters." It opens with, "I
would like you to assume personally the initiative and central
responsibility with the Government for the development of
a program of substantive cooperation with the Soviet Union
in the field of outer space, including the development of
specific technical proposals. I assume that you will work
closely with the Department of State and other Agencies
as appropriate." It goes on to mention: "
cooperation between the United States and the U.S.S.R. in
outer space, including cooperation in lunar landing programs.
In this connection the channel of contact developed
by Dr. Dryden between NASA and the Soviet Academy of Sciences
has been quite effective, and I believe we should continue
This memo cross checks with a Top Secret memo of the same
date that is part of the leaked Majestic documents cache
(John F. Kennedy to CIA, November 1963) which states that
with the joint cooperation efforts, make sure to explain
in a credible way the impact of knowns (terrestrial aircraft),
and unknowns (UFOs).
Kennedy: National Security Action Memorandum No. 271,
12 November 1963
NASA document written in 1964 is titled "Concepts
for Detection of Extraterrestrial Life" (NASA SP-56).
This copy was released from the U.K. via Nick Redfern. Note
the stamps on the cover that mention the University of Warwick
and A. V. Roe & Co. Ltd. Weapons Research Div. Woodford,

for Detection of ET Life, NASA, 1964
FOIA response to Richard Hall dates 25, September 1980 clearly
confirms the existence of the Interplanetary Phenomenon
Unit part of the Scientific and Technical Branch of the
Counterintelligence Directorate was disestablished during
the late 1950s and allegedly never reactivated. Their
files were surrendered to the Air Force Office of Special
Investigations (AFOSI).

William Guild FOIA Response to Richard Hall Re: IPU,
25 September 1980
Top Secret UMBRA document, specifically Civil Action lawsuit
No. 80-1562 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) versus the
National Security Agency (NSA) clearly confirms deep and
widespread government involvement with UFOs. This document
was released and declassified as a result of a FOIA process
and shows numerous blackout areas related to COMINT (communications
intelligence) and SIGINT (signals intelligence). This in
camera affidavit for Judge Eugene F. Yeates is simply a
justification by the NSA to withhold the information that
CAUS was seeking. Furthermore, the key agency or organization
that performed the analysis and search is blacked out.
Against UFO Secrecy vs. The National Security Agency
In Camera Affidavit, 9 October 1980
two-page memo is a response to William Steinmans original
memo of 18 May 1983 in which Steinman names nine scientists
that took part in the 1948 UFO crash retrieval 12 miles
Northeast of Aztec, New Mexico. Dr. Sarbacher, of the Washington
Institute of Technology, confirms that John Von Neuman,
Vannevar Bush, and Robert Oppenheimer were definitely involved.
The letter goes on to state: "
certain materials
reported to have come from flying saucer crashes were extremely
light and very tough. I am sure our laboratories analyzed
them very carefully
I remember in talking with some
of the people at the office (Pentagon) that I got the impression
these aliens were constructed like certain insects
we have observed on earth
" The reality of
the Aztex crash is not well established.

Robert Sarbacher to William Steinman Memo,
29 November 1983 (original & replica)
letter dated May 16, 1984 from Lt. Col. Lance R. Cornie
to William S. Steinman provides more official evidence that
the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) did exist and that
their records were transferred to the Air Force. The memo
is suspicious in its categorical denials and claims based
only on "institutional memory." For example, it
states that "It was never a 'unit' in the military
sense, nor was it ever formally organized or reportable,
it had no investigative function, mission or authority and
may not have had any formal records at all." Yet
the unit "was formed as in-house project purely
as an interest item of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
Intelligence." Note that from 1941 to the late
50's when it was allegedly disestablished, there have been
many Assistant COS-G2, most of which have been directly
linked to the MJ-12 program, such as Stephen J. Chamberlain
or George C. McDonald.

Letter Re: IPU, 16 May 1984
Moondust Files
MOON DUST was an operation to recover objects and debris
from space vehicles that had survived re-entry from
space to earth. However, there have been many rumors
about the project which connected it to the UFO phenomenon.
The following list of documents seem to confirm those
3-page document, titled Somaliland President Egal Speaks
on Mysterious Bomb Blast, dates from January 1996 and concerns
a series of "mysterious explosions" that had occurred
in the same month and year in the eastern part of Somaliland.
The report (that originated with the CIA and that was forwarded
to the State Department, Defense Intelligence Agency and
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base among others) states that
in some quarters, the explosions had been attributed to
UFOs. Interestingly, the document also states that the physical
and mental health of both animals and people in the region
had been adversely affected by whatever it was that had
exploded. Symptoms included dementia, skin rashes, boils
on the skin, aching stomachs, and skin shedding. The document
states that the object that crashed or exploded was moving
at supersonic speed, but due to the size and remoteness
of the area, a search for debris had been unsuccessful.
The reference to people having physical reactions is not
unlike the references in the Majestic-12 1st Annual Report
and the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit document about individuals
having adverse (and fatal) reactions to an alien virus at
the scene of a UFO crash site in 1947.
Moondust: Somali Explosion, 25 January, 1996
one-page Department of Defense document dated 18 January
1967 discusses a UFO incident at Agadir, Morocco, and again
makes a clear and undeniable link between UFO studies and
Project Moondust investigations. It states in part: "
sighting demonstrates a high level of local interest in
the subject of UFOs and presages future reporting which
could be valuable in pursuit of Project MOON DUST."

Moondust: Agadir, Morocco, 18 January 1967
one-page Department of Defense document dated 6 April 1967
and titled UFO Sighting at Kasba Tadla, Morocco makes a
clear link between UFOs and Project Moondust. In part, the
document states that: "
it indicates continued
local interest in UFOs" and directly references
Project Moondust as being relevant to the investigation.

Moondust: UFO Sighting at Kasba Tadla, Morocco,
6 April 1967
documentation demonstrating a link between UFOs and Project
Moondust comes via a package of 42 pages of documentation
that were all released as a result of a Freedom of Information
Act request to the State Department for files on Moondust.
The first entry is titled Project Moondust and dates from
November 1973 and concerns the recovery of what may have
been Soviet satellite debris. However, also included in
this 42-page package are: (a) documents on a 1978 discussion
concerning the potential of having the United Nations undertake
UFO investigations; (b) UFO sightings in Afghanistan; (c)
a UFO encounter in Kuwait in 1980 that "shut down"
the pumping system of a local oil pumping device; (d) the
recovery of a spherical object in Buenos Aries in 1984;
and (e) a 1984 report titled Unidentified Objects Observed
on Radar Screen at Grantley Adams International Airport.
Moondust: 42-Page Package, 18 November 1973
2 pages of documentation were forwarded to the State Department
by the CIA and detail the crash of "an unidentified
object" in Bolivian territory in May 1978. The object
was reportedly 4 meters in diameter and Bolivian authorities
had sealed off an area of 200 km around the crash site.
Moondust: Santa Cruz, Bolivia Object Recovery,
May 1978
April of 2007, Air Intelligence Agency, part of the US Air
Force through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) confirmed
that in August 1979 a pair of weird spheres crashed near
Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The documents not only verify what
S. Wood has already revealed in his
book Majic
Eyes Only, but also provides additional intriguing
details and references to "MOON DUST,"
the prominent governmental space debris and UFO retrieval
program designed to locate, recover, and deliver descended
foreign space vehicles back to Wright Patterson Foreign
Technology Division headquarters for analysis and exploitation.
According to several eye-witnesses, two "balls of
fire" fell from the sky and softly landed in the
cities of Santa Cruz and Cotoca on August 8th, 1979. The
story behind these fallen objects is continuously growing
with intensity and credibility. The spheres almost
identical in nature were about "80 centimeters
in diameter and ~2 meters in circumference with a hole in
one side and a metal skin covering approximately one-half
inch thickness
The spheres weighed about six kilograms
with half-inch thick skin and the outside metal was similar
to copper with dark and light spots
the plants near
the objects were burned." First-hand witnesses
mentioned in the official documentation of this incident
include Colonel Ariel Coca, Campesino Gonzalo Menacho Viveras,
and Nathaniel Mendez Hurtado. Most of the mystery associated
with these incidents is in the practically impossible landing
of these objects. The two objects were reported to be on
fire, made a loud whistling sound and then exploded. However,
"in the area where theyve been found, there
were no signs of the impact and it looks as though the spheres
landed smoothly." How did the spheres negotiate
a smooth landing? Certainly they are not terrestrial space
debris. More mysterious yet, is the presence of a silent
aircraft with three lights that appeared later the
same evening, hovering above the explosion area. What was
the craft doing? Who contracted it to be there and why?
Was it an extraterrestrial craft or man-made? The incidents
association with project MOON DUST intensifies these questions;
what was the level of involvement of MOON DUST personnel
and what did they hope to gain or hide in Bolivia? Where
are the spheres today?
Moondust: Santa Cruz, Bolivia, August 1979
Documents and Buyer's Guide for Home Elevators:
Home Elevators - Home
Elevators for an Aging Population
U Conference - Elevator
Design, Construction, and Maintenance
Elevator - Buyer's
Guide for Choosing the Best Home Elevator
No infringement intended. For educational
purposes only.